Water Madness

Stranded ♥


Leah P.O.V.
“Waaaaah, let’s go on that waterslide!” I tugged on Yoseob’s arm, pointing at the tallest, most swirly looking waterslide in the park.
“Oh, you sure you’re not scared?” He dropped to my height, cooing into my face teasingly.
I gave him a light shove. “Of course not! I love waterslides AND rollercoasters!” I placed my hands on my hips with authority.
“Okay. You need a pair to go down it, so let’s go.”
We started to make our way towards the watery death trap when the other members protested.
“HEY, we wanna go on it too!” Gikwang accused, making an adorable pouty-face.
“Then go on it?” Yoseob suggested.
“You have to go as a pair. And I am not sitting in front of or behind any of the guys with my arms wrapped around them.” Junhyung shuddered at the thought. All eyes were then drawn to me.
“What?” I asked.
“You see the dilemma here, right?” Hyunseung asked.
“You want to ride it, but not paired with each other?”
“Well, not paired with another guy.” Dujun corrected.
“Ahh, I see. So sorry about that.” I my heel, thinking nothing of it.
“YAH, Leaaah!” Junhyung called.
“Whaaat?” I whined, itching to get on that fantastic slide.
“Uh, that means we’ll have to go with you if we wanna go!” Hyunseung explained.
“Why can’t you just find some other girl? Walk out onto the street, I’m sure there’s plenty of fans waiting for you.”
“This is a private event.” Dujun said.
“Not that we don’t love our B2TIES, but we need a break you know?” Hyungseung said quite reasonably.
“Ohh, I understand.” I said thoughtfully. “Plus, I’m sure if any of you held onto them, they’d combust or something.” I meant it as a joke, but everyone was silent. I think they all agreed. It was all I could do not to combust around them, but I’d gotten quite used to them already. “Okay. Yoseob and I will go first and then…well, you can decide amongst yourselves.” I instructed. “Let’s go Yoseob!” I took off running.
After full-on sprinting half way there, I got out of breath and huffed and puffed the rest of the way. Yoseob jerkily jogged backwards in front of me, yelling words of ‘encouragement’. I was too tired to even argue.
We got there, picked out a raft and made the long hike up to the top of the slide. The smaller rider gets in first, so I did, sitting comfortable inside the circular tube. Then Yoseob sat behind me, and that’s when things got…Crazy.
Crazy as in my heart was close to bursting from beating so intensely. The area we had to sit in was quite small when you thought about stuffing two people into it. His legs encased my hips, my whole backside pressed into his whole torso. His chest pressing against my back made my skin burn and tingle all at the same time. 
He wrapped his arms around me. It stung wherever our skin met. “Ready?” He asked.
I gulped. “I think so.”
“What? Thinking of backing out?”
I placed my hands on his arms, bracing myself. “Never! Let’s do this!”
I thought that I was pretty brave, but I screamed this embarrassing, high pitched girly scream all the way down. Yoseob screamed too, but it was more of a laughing-scream, though by the time we splashed into the bottom pool, I was shaking and wrought with laughter. 
“Are you okay Leah?” Yoseob chuckled at my shaking. 
“YES! Let’s do it again!!”
We made our way over to the meeting spot when Yoseob turned to me. “You can stay here you know. I’ll go get whoever’s next and send them over.”
“Oh…No…It’s okay. I like walking. It’d be boring to just sit here anyways.” I came up with a quick excuse, because I didn’t want to leave his side just yet.
We met back with the boys and it had somehow been decided that Junhyung was next. This time it wasn’t so weird when he sat behind me. He actually managed to keep at least some sort of distance. Weird…but Yoseob was so close to me…
This time, I laugh-screamed all the way down too. Junhyung actually yelled quite a bit.
Next was Hyunseung. Again, there was at least a little bit of distance between us. He leaned forward and rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt so small, like one of those dolls that fits inside another. His shoulders were so broad.
“Ready Leah-sshi?” 
I nodded. “Let’s do this!” I think when I pushed off and let us fall, he was the one who wasn’t ready and was caught off guard. He threw his arms around me, squeezing tight as if holding onto me would keep him from falling off. But it didn’t. We fell off. The tube slipped out from under us and I rolled over onto my stomach, falling backwards down the slide. Hyunseung somehow rotated so he was going down head-first.
“Hyunseunnngg!” I shouted, reaching my hand towards him. He extended his as well and I caught it. The twists in the slide were the worst going down that way, I thought my top was going to fly off, but luckily it didn’t. We tumbled into the drop-off pool and emerged from the water, laughing hysterically.
“I thought we were gonna die!” I said.
“Haha, I’m sure it wouldn’t have been THAT serious.”
“You have to admit it was scary. The falling-off-the-tube part.”
“But thrilling.” He pointed out. 
I let out a hearty laugh. “Ahhh! And I get to go do it again!” I said mockingly and began wading over to the edge of the pool to climb out. I was almost there when I felt myself being drawn away from the water. “Eh?” I turned to look back. “Hyunseung?!”
“Yes?” he asked innocently.
“Umm, what are you doing?!” I waved my arms around.
“Yoseob said after you went down the first time, you were so shaky you could barely stand.” He smiled sweetly. 
“That’s! That was…I…but…!” I sputtered, all my explanations tripping over themselves on the way out of my mouth. I flushed, humiliated for a number of reasons.. “Yoseob told you this did he now?”
“Don’t be embarrassed.”
I cupped my hands and buried my face in them. “Aiiiii.” I whined.
“There we go.” He said as he hoisted me onto the cement. 
“Thanks, I—“ I said as I started to stand up, but Hyunseung was magically already out of the pool and lifting me up into his arms again. “Hyunseung!”
“What?” He seemed genuinely confused.
“I can take it from here!”
“Don’t be shy Leah. It’s no trouble, really.”
“But…I…Aren’t I heavy?” I murmured.
“No, not at all.” He smiled. I rolled my eyes, but he was strong, and I only weighed one hundred and ten pounds…but to him wouldn’t that seem like a lot? But he was buffed. I tried to ignore the bare skin of my side against his abs. 
By the time we reached the boys, I had surrendered and accepted that Hyunseung was going to carry me no matter what. We arrived, him looking triumphant with me in his arms: a true gentlemen. The Beast boys stared in awe at him carrying me bridal style…or princess style, whatever.
“Hyunseung?!” Yoseob said in shock. “What are you—“
“I was just doing the right thing and carried Leah back after she got shaky from the waterslide.” Hyunseung said gloatingly. “Unlike SOMEONE else here.”
A pout formed on Yoseob’s lips. “I didn’t—“
“My lady.” Hyunseung said as he delicately set me on my feet. 
“Ah, thank you…” I murmured as I blushed, not accustomed to such chivalry.
“Hey, you’re not the only one man! Let’s go Leah!” Gikwang scooped me up in his arms so quickly I wasn’t entirely sure what was going on.
“Bwa?!” I made some sort of weird, surprised noise. “Ehhhhh?!”
“WE’RE OFF!!” He declared, and began running down the path, me bouncing around in his arms.
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whiteshirt #1
omg! im so excited for the next chapter@
post more soon :)
new subscriber here! Update soon!
Sci-Fi_Girl #4
YAAAYYY!! I love it so much!!! its perfect!!!
ShiHanILuvB2ST #5
Please update soon! It's getting very interesting~ ^_^
i love this story please update soon!!!
sesangeun #7
so, the story will end soon? huhu *cry<br />
asdfghjklSEOB- #8
Ohh no!!!!!! update soon!!~