When's The Wedding?

Stranded ♥


Leah P.O.V.
"Leah and I are dating."
All the boys heads turned simultaneously to face us. 
"Whut." Junhyung said.
"I KNEW IT!" Dujun proclaimed triumphantly.
"Congrats!" Gikwang clapped for us. 
"No waayyyy." Hyungseung said.
"It's true! I saw them kissing." Dongwoon whispered 'kissing'. Which made as both blush.
"What will the B2TYS think?" Hyunseung questioned.
"Hmm, she could go undercover as our personal assistant. Who just happens to be around a lot. Do you mind that?" Yoseob looked down at me. "You can be an exchange assistant!"
"Not at all. Plus, I don't want to be torn apart." The thought of other girls finding out scared me. I mean, I knew I would be jealous.
But now I was with a guy who was famous. A guy who I might barely get to see. Did I care? Not really...If it was Yoseob, it was worth it.
Yoseob P.O.V.
Now that Leah and I were dating, we both slept out on the couch, her laying in front of me with my arms wrapped around her. I think she called it 'spooning'. It's not like we planned to sleep that way, it's just that I refused to leave her and we eventually fell asleep.
"I think you're falling asleep." She whispered.
"No I'm not." I slurred.
"Go to bed now." She twisted around and kissed me on the cheek.
"Nuuuu~" I whined. "I wanna stay with Leeaaahhh." 
"Nope, nope, don't you want your warm comfy bed?"
"You're more warm and comfy." I squeezed her a little closer, but she started to get up.
"Come on." She encouraged, but I just held her tighter.
"Yoseob, quit being a baby!" She teased.
"Never!" I whisper-shouted. 
"Yoseob, come on, I'm tired."
"Can't I just sleep with you?" I gave her my cutest, most aegyo puppy-face. It was sure to work. 
"I--buh--wha--" It was like she was malfunctioning. 
"Pwetty pwease?" I cooed, pouting my lower lip.
"Fine." She sighed, giving in. WINNER. "But only until I fall alseep, then you have to go to bed okay?"
Little did she know that I had never planned on leaving her. It felt too right being next to her. When we woke up that morning she didn't seem surprised to see me still there, behind her. She just kissed my on my nose and said "Good morning." 
Leah P.O.V
"Good morning." He returned. 
"Could you guys, like, maybe not do that?" We heard a voice from above us. It was Junhyung.
"Do what?" Yoseob asked innocently. "This?" And he kissed me deeply. 
"Mph!" I was stunned. I wasn't prepared so I ran out of breath and started flailing around for air.
"Oh yeah, it sure seems like she likes that." Junhyung scoffed and then walked away.
Finally, Yoseob pulled away. I gasped for breath.
"Oh Leah, I'm sorry, did I do it wrong?" He asked soooo so cutely.
"I just didn't have any breath." I said, still catching it. "You surprised me." I laughed a bit. "Just make sure I'm ready next time."
He arched a brow at me. "Are you ready now?" 
I smiled shyly. "Yes." He hauled me onto his lap and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he rested his hands on my waist. 
"Once you guys are done FACE," We heard another voice. Yoseob pushed me off his lap conspicuously. "you can join us for breakfast, which LEAH was supposed to make." It was Dujun, what with all his authority. 
"Oh man! I forgot! I'm so sorry!" I fretted. 
"Don't worry about it. Dongwoon is a pretty good cook." Dujun smiled. Poor Dongwoon. Of course he gets stuck with my work if I don't do it. I frowned to myself.
"Come on, it'll get cold." Dujun invited us over to the table.
"Food!" Yoseob yelled and sprang up. What a silly boy.
A few more weeks passed...Things were mostly the same, except that I spent most of my time with Yoseob and he spent most of his spare time with me. And we kissed a lot. (Which was good.) But I noticed a little emptiness in my heart that I just couldn't explain. 
As we sat at the table for dinner, I started thinking about my family and how much I missed them. Missed their smiling faces, their jokes, their hugs. 
"Leah, what's wrong?" Dongwoon asked, concern saturating his voice.
"Eh? Oh. Nothing."
"Don't give us that missy, what's wrong?" Gikwang put his fists on his hips.
"I just miss my family a lot is all. I don't usually get homesick, but..."
"Awwww." Hyunseung said, cocking his head at me. "Poor thing."
Suddenly, they were all crowded around my spot, arms around me. 
"We're youre family too now Leah." Dujun said. 
I felt tears well up in my eyes. "You guys..."
"Yeah, especially since you and Yoseob are getting married." Junhyung chimed in.
"WHAT?!" Yoseob and I both shouted. 
"Yay! When's the wedding?" Dongwoon cheered. 
"YOU GUYS!" I shrieked. This was beyong embarrassing. 
"Come on Leah, let's go to our wedding bed." Yoseob winked at me.
"Huh? Yoseob--" Before I could protest any further, Yoseob was standing in front of me, bending over and picking me up. I had to wrap my legs around his waist to keep myself from falling. "Yoseob! I! Where are we going?"
"Bye guys!" Yoseob waved. "Don't distrub!" The boy's mouths all formed 'o's. 
He carried me to his room, me clinging onto him for dear life. Finally, after what seemed like an enternity, he dropped me on his bed. 
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whiteshirt #1
omg! im so excited for the next chapter@
post more soon :)
new subscriber here! Update soon!
Sci-Fi_Girl #4
YAAAYYY!! I love it so much!!! its perfect!!!
ShiHanILuvB2ST #5
Please update soon! It's getting very interesting~ ^_^
i love this story please update soon!!!
sesangeun #7
so, the story will end soon? huhu *cry<br />
asdfghjklSEOB- #8
Ohh no!!!!!! update soon!!~