He's Alone

Some Day

“Don’t worry, I hate cockroaches too.” Kevin said, the both of you were standing next to each other.

The door that was opened ajar was then opened the whole way by Eli. Eli took a few steps into the room looking shocked.

“K..K....Kev..in what are you..... doing..” Eli looked shocked but tried to stay calm.

You and Kevin turned your heads to see Eli standing there staring at the both of you. Of course, Eli thought something was going on between the two of you.

“Hyung...  this is not what is looks like!” Kevin walked towards Eli but Eli stepped back.

“Ya.. why are you doing this”, Eli was much more angry than expected but the reason so was not evident.  

“And you, why would you do this to Soohyun!?” Eli pointed to you and was now shouting.

“Ya hyung why won’t you let me explain!? It’s not her fault!” There was now a serious tone in Kevin’s voice as he looked Eli in the eyes.

“Fine, tell me”, Eli looked as if there was no other explanation than what he thought.

“Ok, I walked into Soohyun’s room thinking it was mine but then I heard Soo Jung scream and it was because of a cockroach on the bed. I came in with no shirt on because I was simply going to sleep!” Kevin quickly told the whole story but Eli didn’t look too satisfied.

Eli glanced at you then back at Kevin. He turned around and started to walk out but Kevin stopped him but wrapping his arms around Eli’s stomach and giving him a hug. Kevin pulled some aegyo and asked for forgiveness. Eli’s face started heat up and you could tell he was quite nervous. As they were about to walk out of the door, Soohyun came back from his mum’s house. He looked confused at the sight but Eli and Kevin managed to push past him back to their rooms.

“What’s happening?” Soohyun turned around to see where they’d gone.

“Huh? Oh a cockroach was on the bed and Kevin was coming to kill it for me”, You said in panic of what Soohyun thought might had happened.

“Kevin, of all people, would kill a cockroach? He can’t even go near them.. are you lying?”, Soohyun started walking towards you. You swallowed your saliva realising you definitely shouldn’t have said that.

“Eh? He heard me scream and he came but it looked like he didn’t want to go near it”, you tried to say it calmly but the nervous expression on your face wasn’t too convincing.

“Ahh.. okay..”, Soohyun didn’t look convinced at all but instead he went to get the cockroach out.

“Oh, how is your mum? Is she okay?” you asked looking at Soohyun’s bravery while he got the cockroach out.

“Yeah its okay now. The police found the robber so it’s a relief my mum can go to sleep now”, Soohyun said shooing out the cockroach.

“So, let’s sleep now?” Soohyun said after you demanded him to get you a sheet to put on top of where the cockroach was. He kindly got you a sheet and the both of you finally slept.



A week later one day, the atmosphere had changed around UKISS. It was Kevin’s absence of the group that day that had changed a lot.

“Where is Kevin?”, Soohyun said as both you and him reached the group.  

“He’s not at school, he broke up with his girlfriend.”, Dongho said and continued to eat his sandwich.

The news overwhelmed you, in a good way. You were relieved to hear that annoying girl was finally away from Kevin. The thought popped in your mind about how a girl like her could be with the sweet and innocent Kevin. It confused you. But then again, you weren’t with Kevin either..

Soohyun and you sat down as the group seemed a little quieter than usual. They just stared at their lunch as they ate it, every now and then saying something random. You didn’t want to say anything to make things awkward so you kept your mouth shut. The curiosity struck you of wanting to know how they broke up. You knew Soohyun didn’t know but you didn’t want to ask the rest of UKISS. Being the busy body you are, of course, you blurted out the question.

“So.. do you know how they broke up?”, you said looking up from your food.

The group was silent for a little moment until Eli spoke up. “Kevin broke up with her.”

“But it’s strange, why would Kevin break up with her?” Kiseop added.



Kevin returned to school the next day and didn’t show any signs of sadness. He was happy as always, laughing and talking to his friends. It was really amazing for you to see how he could show his happy face even though possibly he wasn’t feeling so up.



Thursday had arrived, it was a special day. Soohyun had planned a special date for the two of you.

Feeling excited for the date, you set of from school straight away when it ended so you could get ready. You hadn’t even picked out what to wear because Soohyun had only told you today.

“Eomma, I’m home!” you walked into your house and removed your shoes.

“Hello! How was school?” your mum walked up to you and took your school bag off your back.

“It was good! Uh, eomma, can I go to a friend’s house tonight? We’re finishing a project!” And there you were, lying once again.

“Tonight? For how long?” Your mum asked.

You weren’t exactly sure for how long you would be on your date. “I’ll be done at 10 but my friend is dropping me off! Not to worry!”

“Are you sure...?”  She asked, not looking too happy about you going out to a friend’s house at night.

“Of course! Stop worrying!” You reassured her and she gave back your bag. You walked to your room when the thought struck you.

How am I supposed to leave if I’m wearing dressy clothes and makeup! Oh no.

You panicked and tried to think of a solution.

Maybe if I jump out of the window.. no.. my mum already knows I’m going somewhere.

You had no ideas at all, you really started to panic and thought about whether you should really tell your mum where you were going.

Wait she might not let me go then.

Stepping into the shower, you tried to think of something. The time was now 4pm and your date started at 5:30.  



At the UKISS dorm, Soohyun was having trouble finding what to wear.

“Eli hyung, let me borrow your car today”, Soohyun suddenly turned to Eli.

“WHAT? My car!? No way.” Eli was firm about what he said. No way was he lending his car to anyone.

“Please Eli, I’ll do something for you, anything!” Soohyun begged Eli.

“Anything? Buy me a car.” Eli abided by the term ‘anything’.

“Hyung let’s be realistic here..” Soohyun said nervously wondering if he’d get the car.


“Please?” Soohyun was about to get on his knees.

Eli took a moment.

“Ok fine. But you know what, ANY damage at all and you’re responsible. Promise me that.” Eli wasn’t so sure about lending Soohyun the car.

“YES I promise! Anything that happens, I’ll be responsible. You have my word hyung.” Soohyun was over the moon at what he’d heard. If he didn’t get the car, his only option would to take you by public transport but he didn’t want that.

“But hyung, where is your car?” Eli suddenly realised he should’ve asked a little earlier.



After eating a snack, you went back to your bedroom and stared at your wardrobe. You had only a few dresses, some of which were too formal and some too casual. One dress stood out though, it was probably the only suitable one you could wear today. It was a black dress that flowed out from the waist down. Gazing over at your box of jewellery, you reached out and picked out a necklace with gems on it.

You let out your natural wavy hair and put in a clip. You applied a small amount of makeup and then put on your dress and the necklace you picked out earlier. Glancing over the clock, it showed 5pm. You took out a large hoodie and propped it over your dress. You got a pair of three quarter pants and put them on, folding up your dress so it stayed under your jumper. In your bag, you placed in your thick red coat and heels that weren’t too high. Time had seemed to fly quickly and so after putting on your sneakers, you grabbed your cell phone and wallet and stuffed it in your bag.

Before making your way out of your room, you put on your hood and made sure it covered most of your face. You walked to the door without your mum noticing.

“Eomma! I’m leaving now! I’ll be back soon! Bye!” You pretended to put on lace up your shoes as you took a quick glance behind you but you noticed your mum standing behind you. Pretending you didn’t see her, you quickly stood up and opened the door.

Before you could take a step out, she grabbed your arm and turned you around. “Omo, why are you wearing makeup!?”

“Ah.. I was testing some because my friends wanted to see what I looked like with makeup!” You frantically said wearing a fake smile.

“Well I have to go now! I’m late!” You swiftly moved your arm away and walked out closing the door behind you. Your mum’s good bye was muffled when the door shut.

Walking out calmly, you walked around to the side of the house. You were extremely scared your mum would see you but this was your only option. You took off your hoodie and pants and slid on your heels. An approaching car suddenly stopped at in front of the neighbours house and you assumed it was Soohyun. Stuffing everything in your bag, you zipped it up and began walking to the car. You peered in to make sure it was Soohyun and luckily it was and so you stepped in and took a seat.

“That was so scary...” you said hiding your face as the car drove past your house.

“You look beautiful.” Soohyun said as you slowly dropped your hands down.

“Ah thankyou. You look good too Soohyun.” You smiled at him. He liked it when you said his name.

Sometime later, you had reached an amazing restaurant located near the Han river. The sunset was out and Soohyun and you stood and admired it over the river. You quickly pulled out your phone and switched the camera to self camera.

“Soohyun smile!!!” You turned around and put the camera infront of you. Soohyun smiled and the photo was taken. It was beautiful, the two of you, the sunset and the river. You quickly made it your wallpaper.



After eating an amazing three course dinner, it was 9:00pm. You still had an hour to spend out. The two of you walked back out to the Han River to admire the lights. It was spectacular how the lights glistened over the water and you took a moment to take it in. A cold chill of air brushed past you sending a shiver down your spine and your breath hitched.

Soohyun suddenly grabbed your hands and turned to you. He stared at you in the eye and smiled.

“What is it?” you didn’t know why he was just standing there.

“Thank you Soo Jung”, Soohyun still smiling at you.

“What, I should be saying thank you! Thankyou Soohyun, for everything and tonight. It was amazing!” You said letting out a little laugh.

“No seriously, thank you for letting me be with you. For all this time, I’ve been so lucky to be with the person I like. Thank you." Soohyun said gratefully. You could tell how grateful he was, the sincerity in his voice and the look in his eyes.

I wish I could say the same thing and mean it. Sorry Soohyun.



Kevin wondered along the Han River, lost in his thoughts. He took a seat on the steps and stared out at the river. The cold air hit him, but he felt more than just cold air. Looking up at the sky, he questioned his lingering thoughts. Feeling a sense of loneliness, he didn’t know why this had happened to him. It was not like it was his fault anyway but it still left him was confused. Kevin didn’t know whether to believe his heart or his mind. At that moment, he wanted to escape his feelings and thoughts. He needed his own space for a while to think things through and that’s why he was at the Han River. The Han River was somewhere he rarely visited but he found it peaceful and regarded it as a special place, only somewhere to come when the time was right.



“Ah, Soo Jung, can you wait here for a moment! I have a surprise!” Soohyun let go of your hands and ran off somewhere.

“Ya! You better not be leaving me!” You turned around and looked out at the Han River again. It was so pretty you felt like you could look at it for days.

Soohyun came back quicker than expected with some items in his hands. He gave you the packet and you read it out. “Sparklers!”

“Open the packet and I’ll light the match!” Soohyun took out the match stick and got ready to light it up.

You held out two sparkers and Soohyun lit them up. You twirled yours around looking at the contrast between the sparkler and the night sky. Soohyun wrote your name and his name with love hearts and you added to it. The enjoyment lasted a while as the two of kept lighting sparkler after sparkler up and having a blast.

A pair of eyes had been watching you two the whole time. Those eyes belonged to someone who’s heart beat increased as he stared feeling hopeless, watching the two of you laughing in high spirits. Those eyes were Kevin’s.





Ok! Finally updated! Hope you guys are enjoying this even though it’s not that good but whatever! Also, happy happy birthday to DONGHO the maknae of UKISS! I was hoping to finish this before 12am so that my happy birthday would make sense but time unfortunately raced ahead of me! Well if it’s still Dongho’s birthday in your country then it should make some sense haha :) Anyways, please stay tuned and wait for my next update!! Wooo! Love you all!

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bemuwh #1
Chapter 10: i love kevin..and soohyun too,but am feeling soooo bad for soohyun:(..
fArhonEy #2
Chapter 22: it's a nice plot. i really hope you could do a sequelnto this. 😉
Frozenxiumin #3
Nice story^^
Chapter 15: .-. You need to update soon! I just read all the chapters in one go. You have me hooked ^^
Kevin_Related #5
Chapter 14: The fact that Soo Jung could just disregard Soohyun while having fun with Kevin makes me feel that she's a little..... But nice fanfic! Update soon!
Chapter 14: I love this fanfic of yours. Please update it soon ^^ Can't wait!
Yuki2591 #7
Chapter 13: Nice fanfic ♥ I love to see kevin and her together, but at the same time i feel sorry for Soohyun. Please update soon
roderick #8
Chapter 11: I want her to go with Kevin because hes my favorite but i feel bad for Soohyun.
fArhonEy #9
Chapter 9: N i had watched the mv. And i was fangirling as usual... at kevin....
fArhonEy #10
Chapter 9: So the trainee is a year older than me? explains... -_-