Chapter 15: Hope

Worried for my Playboy.

Top's POV

What should I do with this mess that my brother made. 

I dialled my mother's number, while Jiyong laid in the backseat.

'Hello mom? Do you know a good rehab?' I asked.

'Rehab? What are you talking about?' his mother replied.

'I'll explain after I drop someone off at rehab,' I answered.

'You better come here later, well I heard _____ is a good place, its near ___' she said.

'Arasso, thank you mum,' I said.

I drove on, circling the area. Until finally I found the place. I supported Jiyong's body, as I walked inside.

'Hello sir, may I help you?' the lady asked.

'My brother over here has a serious problem. I would like to check him in,' I said sternly.

'Are you sure sir?' she asked.

'Yah!! I don't wanna go to rehab!' Jiyong complained, waking up.

'Yes I'm sure...he did some unforgiveable stuff,' I said in a serious tone.

'For what reasons sir?' the lady asked me again.

'I'm getting out of here!' Jiyong said, wobbling his way to the door.

'Steve and Ricky, stop him!' the lady shouted, as two big men got ahold of Jiyong's arm.

'Drinking...' I said. Giving her all the details of Jiyong, name..etc.

'I hope you get healed brother...' I said making my way to the exit.

'You better hope for the best, for putting me in this sh*thole,' Jiyong shouted.

I shaked my head, getting back in the car. Heading back to the hospital to pick Bom and Chaerin up, before going back home.

'Love, are you okay?' I asked, as I found her and CL waiting outside. 'Look what Jiyong did to you.'

Bom lifted her hand showing her cast, 'Oh this? It's fine as long as Chaerin didn't get hurt,' she smiled.

'You are too kind,' I smiled leaning in or a peck.

'Excuse me, even though I really don't wanna be a third wheel, can you two please not act all lovey dovey in front of me right now?' CL said bitterly.

'Arasso, but we have to stop by mums they want an explanation of what happened, come on,' I said, unlocking the car.

The whole drive was silent, as both girls just looked out the window. Being the man I am, I opened the door for Bom, as mum was standing outside waiting for us.

'OMO! My dear what happened to you?' my mum said alarmed.

Bom's POV

I really don't wanna talk about how crazy Jiyong was infront of their mother...but since Top drove us here we don't have a choice I guess.

'U-umm...Ji,' was all I said looking at Top.

We quickly got inside, as CL followed behind us.

' Tell us everything,' top's mother said.

I took in a deep breath, thinking about what happened a few hours again.

'It all started when I woke up to find Jiyong bugging Chaerin. Ji was obviously drunk and was wasted. He started saying all this stuff, he blamed me for always butting in CL and Jiyong's business. He even slapped me...' as tears started rolling down my cheeks, I couldn't speak properly as I choked with my words.

'Jiyong even stranggled her for awhile...' Chaerin said.

' What?!?!?' both Top and his mother chorused.

'Not to mention, he even threatened to her, luckily he stopped after he pulled her sleeve down,' CL continued.

'Please stop!' I yelled, thinking about what Jiyong did really made me crazy.

Top grabbed my hand, giving me comfort, 'but that's when I got the courage to finally break up with him,' CL finished crying.

'Aigoo, Chaerin~' I said letting go of Top and hugging her.

'Aish this girl,' Top snickered.

'That's how girls are son, and your children are sleeping so don't worry,' Eunkyung said.

*for those who don't know, Top and Jiyong's mother is Eunkyung*


As Bom comforted me while I cried, what really wandered in my head was what was Jiyong doing?


Sorry if this chapter was crappy. will update later.

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blackwonderer #1
where can i read 'Love is fun...or is it?'? i couldn't find it, n was it about skydragon too?? i read that first if u still have it
Chapter 36: I loved this story. But I was wondering where the topbom beginning part was. I looked through your stories and I couldn't find it. Although I did enjoy your other stories ^^!
Chapter 25: I think Tabi's better looking than Daniel. xD
i'm also looking for the prequel of this one.. hope u post it
Yay! I read chaerin unnie break off wit daniel! I'm damn happy! :p (i'm nt done reading yet still at chpt 27... Manage to finish tis awesome story slthough i'm sick n i didnt go to sch.... Thx for the story...<3<3
"you gave me aids and then you got ke pregnant!" best line that I've read so far. Surge eye. I really couldn't stop chuckling
If this is a spinoff I'd really like to read the first part first, but where is it? x_x<br />
I really like your stories but I'm afraid I won't get it if I don't read the first part!
awwww that was so cute! XD love sky dragon!!
so errr where's "Love is fun...or is it"? if this is a spinoff, i kinda want to read the first storyy. lol please tell me!