9th Memory

Memories of You


I keep falling back even though I try to catch myself. So I just close my eyes really hard and wait for the fall... Wait, why doesn't anything happen? Shouldn't I be on the ground by now? 
I open my eyes to see Junhyung's face right in front of mine, closer than when he had tried to kiss me. I think he grabbed me by the hip before he could fall. The room stays in silence for a while until a little kid blurts out. 
"Noona! You should kiss hyung!" 
And with those few words the kid spoke the whole crowd starts chanting:
"Kiss! Kiss!" 
I get up from Junhyung's arm and can feel my face getting red as the people are cheering. I don't know what to do except for heading for the door. As I walk out I hear a bunch of people sounding disappointed because I didn't kiss him. Junhyung follows me out of the arcade and we start silently walking towards the bus stop. 
"Well that was fun!" Junhyung says trying to uplift the mood.
"Until I got all embarrassed." 
"That was the funniest part!" He says nudging me. 
"Ya! That was not funny! That was so bad!" I say getting red again.
"It was funny! You wanna know what was bad? You never thanked me!" 
"Aish, that's true. Gomawo." 
So we walk in silence again, this happens to us a lot, awkward silences. As I'm waking I realized the tang top was a bad idea, it's so cold right now. I start to shiver, so I try to rub my hands together to get warm. As I'm rubbing my hands together I start felling warm, but not from my hands. I look to my right and see Junhyung standing really close to me. I guess he saw I was cold or something. It feels nice having him close by though. We walk a little more, and I suddenly feel something grab my hand. At first I get scared cause I start to think its some sort of monster or something, but I look down at my hand to see that a familiar hand is holding mine. I look at our hands a little more then look up at Junhyung's face. 
"Oh, sorry. I forgot you don't feel comfortable with me doing that sort of stuff." He says letting go of my hand. 
"Ani, it's fine actually. It feels kinda nice." I say reaching for his hand again. 
So we keep walking in silence again, but this time the silence feels calmer, and nicer. We keep walking until Junhyung stops at the random house that I said I lived in. I just tug his hand to keep following me, he looks confused at first but then he chuckles and starts walking again. I'm glad I didn't have to explain anything. We finally make it to my house and before I go in we give each other a quick hug and say our good byes. 
I go inside the house and its really quiet. I know my aunt and uncle are at work but what about Hanie? I look around the house to see where she is, but I find a note on the kitchen table.
Went out with a friend for a while. I might come back late! 
- Love, Yoon Hanie 
Aww poop. I wanted to talk to her about my day today! Oh well, in tired so I guess I should get ready for bed. So I go upstairs and put on my pajamas and all that tiger stuff we all do to get ready for bed. I go into my room and crawl into bed. And I start to rethink what happened today. And I get all hyper and crazy and kick my feet into the air and fall to sleep with a smile on my face.
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Chapter 23: Awww... love the last sentence.. bht Junhyungie why?!?!!
ㅠㅠ why must Junhyung be the bad guy.... But at least it's a good ending^^
happybuddy #3
Chapter 23: I'm so sad the story's over... but I loved the ending! :) thank u so much for the wonderful story, author-nim
happybuddy #4
Chapter 22: Eek what's going to happen next?!?!?
claudiamacy #5
Chapter 22: junhyung is being really bad to u jiji
claudiamacy #6
Chapter 21: ahhhh. junhyung go away
claudiamacy #7
Chapter 18: no. you are going to choose Yoseob arraso?
razansoubra #8
Chapter 18: Ohh what a tough dicission she has to make !! Can't wait to see who will she choose :) please update soon :D