First Lesson

Love At First Shot

From Myungsoo:

Hey Eunjae! I got a good break to teach you some guitar so you want to come over to our rehearsal room? We've got some guitars over here so I thought it would be easy for us.

Eunjae ran over to her phone to read the text. She was surprised that he remembered or that he even brought it up first.


She quickly replied.

To Myungsoo:

Really! That would be so awesome~ Be right there!

Myungsoo smiled at her text. Sungyeol looked over to see Myungsoo strangely smiling at his phone.

"Hey Myungsoo~ What are you getting all giggly about?"he asked.

Myungsoo immediately stopped smiling, "Who said anyone one was getting giggly?"

Sungyeol became more suspicious. "Hmmm.... looks like someone's trying to hide something~" He then quickly grabbed Myungsoo's phone and looked at the texts.

"Yah! Give it back!" Myungsoo yelled. Sungyeol stuck his arm out so he couldn't grab his phone back.

"Texting Eunjae huh?"

"So what?" Myungsoo said. Sungyeol looked at him even more stranger.  Myungsoo took his phone back and walked out of the room.

Sungyeol said to himself, "What's up with him?"


 Eunjae arrived to the rehearsal room and knocked on the door. She heard someone tell her. "Come in, " and she slowly opened the door.

"Eunjae!" Myungsoo said.

"Hi.. Myungsoo oppa." Eunjae nervously said as she smiled.

"Ready to learn?"he asked and Eunjae nodded happily.

"So there are a few simple chords in 'Lay Back' " He played the first few measures and Eunjae just stared at him in awe. "Not much to it!"

He then got up and laid the guitar onto Eunjae's lap. He grabbed her hand and formed a chord.

Eunjae's heart thumped heavily and she got nervous with the contact of his hands. "Press your fingers down on these strings.  And then strum." She slowly pulled the pick through the strings.

She smiled at the sound of her first chord and not just mindless strumming like she had done before.

Eunjae  was so happy sitting next to Myungsoo and finally learning how to play the guitar. She couldn't stop smiling the entire time.


Eunjae continuously practice playing the few chords. She tried to switch off between each chord quickly but her hands wouldn't allow her to do so.

Myungsoo smiled and laughed at her effort to keep on trying. She looked so pretty to him as she played the guitar.  


 "Hey Where did Myungsoo go?" Dongwoo asked.

"Hmmm... Follow me. I think I know." Sungyeol said. The rest of the boys quietly followed him through the hallway .

Sungyeol peeked through the door with Dongwoo, Hoya, Woohyun, and Sungjong piling on top of him trying to see. Sunggyu just watched from behind them.

"And all you have to do is keep on practicing! You're quite the natural Eunjae." Myungsoo smiled. Eunjae couldn't help but feel butterflies inside her every time he smiled at her.

Sunggyu kicked Woohyun in the causing all of them to fly through the door.

At first Eunjae was shocked, but she ended laughing her head off after seeing all of them piled on the ground. Sunggyu couldn't help but laughing at them either.

She tried to say while still laughing, "What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing..." Woohyun replied. "The question is what are you two doing?"

"Myungsoo oppa was teaching me the guitar!" She smiled. "You guys are hilarious."


 "Hey guess what?" Eunjae told Myungsoo.


"It's as if my Dad magically knew I needed a guitar so he sent me one as an early birthday present. So now I can practice even more."

"Then I'll be expecting you to have mastered it by the next time I see you." He joked.

"I'm not that much of a genius, but I'll try." She giggled.

"What is up with these two?" Sungjong whispered to Woohyun. "They're all sunshine and rainbows..."

"Who knows...." Woohyun gave up and walked away.



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Chapter 23: Helloo? Anyone home?
Chapter 18: yes im still interested!!!!
Chapter 16: Loving this story so far!!! Please update!!!!
kpoplover11401 #6
Chapter 8: I love your story alot.
I Will be looking forward for the next chap
Chapter 2: Errr I'd like it more if you only write in one pov ^^