Chapter 05

"His Guardian Angel"

I'm back hehe 3rd day

time for update, here we goooo ^_^


Chapter 5


Shin Hara had ready for half hour ago. It’s 7am in the morning. She asked Yuna to pick her to the resto coz she doesn’t want to take a risk of traffic jam and be late in the test.

“hey, are you ready?”

“yeah, lets go.”

They are driving to the famous resto in the busy apgujeong street.


“hyung, are you ready?”

“why do I need to go to the resto? I wanna play games.”

“later hyung. This is important, after lunch I’ll send you home and buy you ice cream after that you can play games as much as you want.”

“okay, you promise me.”

“I never break my words on you, hyung.”

The Kim brothers heading to the resto with the luxurious car. Jaejoong only rides 1 car, his fave among others. The Lamborghini murchielago, his birthday present from his dad for his 21st birthday as well as the H and R resto hyunjoong gift for him.


It’s 8.45 am when Hara arrived in the resto. She walk directly to the kitchen and prepared herself. She gathers the ingredients needed. Watanabe entered the kitchen to gives her some encouraging words then left her alone.


It’s 9.10 am the Kims park the car. They walk to Hyunjoong’s office to meet Watanabe and Shim Changmin.

“hey, you guys finally come.” Watanabe greet them.

“Watanabe-kun. Long time no see.” Jaejoong gave him a warm hug. Not surprise by his English ability. Jaejoong is intelligent though he couldn’t grow mature. His father invite some great teacher to teach him at home. We can say that Jaejoong’s grade is same level with college student.

“Changminieeee, hug hug hug....” changmin giggled as Jaejoong happily hugged him.

“hyung, you look so good as usual.”

“keundae, I’m mad at you. Why you don’t visit me??? I miss you a lot, it has been long time since we played games together.”

“I’m sorry hyung. I’m so busy with work recently.”

“you’re just same with my daddy. Take care of yourself, changminnie or you’ll grow old faster like dad.”

All of them laugh at Jaejoong innocence. He always cares of people that he loves.

“is she here?” hyunjoong asked.

“yes, she’s starting about 15 minutes already.” Watanabe answered.

“well, I’ve seen the profile. She’s pretty hehehe...” changmin added.

“changminie naughty. he always teasing pretty girl, hyunjoong ah.”

“you need to find a pretty girl also, hyung. You want me to introduce you some?”

“see??? He’s naughty.” jaejoong pouted.

“ya shim changmin ! you wanna die???” hyunjoong jokingly raised his fist.

Changmin just laugh as he continue to tease Jaejoong.

About 2 hours long waiting finally the dishes are ready. Some waiters bring the food to the judging room while Hara nervously sit in the kitchen. Some waiters accompany her.

“I heard Hero ssi is coming” a waiter talked to her friends.

“yeah, but I never see him.”

“coz you’re new here and he rarely comes here.”

“ohhh... then have you met him?”

“just once.”

“how is he?”

“as you see Raphael ssi, this Hero ssi is extremely more good looking than him. I cant help myself not to drool at him.


“I swear of my life. And Raphael ssi really loves his brother. this resto is actually his present for his brother’s birthday.”

“so the actual owner is Hero ssi?”

“yeah, but he wants Raphael ssi to take care of it.”

Hara just listened the conversation. Her curiousity grows, what is this Hero ssi look like? Mr Kim looks really admires and loves his brother.


Meanwhile, in judging room there are 3 dishes on the table. Shrimp fra diavolo, Pasta primavera and famous Lasagna.

“wow, these are look good.” Watanabe commented, gained a nod from Jaejoong.

“let’s dig it” Changmin shouted happily.

It takes almost 45 minutes till Hyunjoong called Hara to his office.

“I got the result. Watanabe-kun like your cooking style, you have own taste of lasagna. Shim Changmin ssi loves all your dishes, now wonder he’s food monster. Well for my brother, he personally loves that Shrimp fra diovolo. He wonder if you can make it spicier for him. My brother loves spicy food so much.”

“it can be as spicy as he wants. So may I know the final result from you?”

“well, since my brother really wanna taste more spicier dish you make, lets said you are hired.”


“yeah Ms Shin, you are our new junior chef here. Welcome to H and R.”

“thank you so much Mr Kim.”

“don’t be so formal to me, just call my name will be okay. Kim Hyunjoong imnida or people know me as Raphael Kim here.”

“thank you, Hyunjoong ssi. I really wanna thanks to your brother as well.”

“I’m sorry that you couldn’t meet him today. he’s busy with his game and changmin, we cant bother them.” He smiled.

“oh, okay. Maybe later. Thank you.”

“see you on Monday Belle.”

Hara walk out from the office and she passed a nother room that she can hear people yelled at each other, she stopped for a while.

“changminie, that’s cheating !!!!”

“nan aniya, hyung.”

“ugh!!! Naughty, minnie !!!”

“aigoo, don’t get mad hyung. Lets play again.”

“shiro. I wanna play with Hyunjoongie. Gheu odiya?”

“he’s in the office now.”

“arasso, I’ll call him.”

“hyung... hyung !!!”

Just like that, the door opened and Hara turned her back. She heard someone’s stepping on from the room and close the door. She turned her body and saw the back of tall man figure. His broad shoulder, black shiny hair, wow. Is that Hero? She shrugged her shoulder and continue walking.


“congratulations !!!!” Yuna shouted as she tossed their soju bomb.

“thank you.” Hara finished her oneshot.

“wow you’re so lucky, work for The Famous Kim brothers.”

“yeah I’m so bless. I met that Hero today, I guess.”

“kidding me!!!”

“well, I’m not really sure it’s him since I only saw his back. Now I’m seriously curious about this Hero.”

“I heard he’s a bit mysterious. Not many people ever see him. Hyunjoong is the responsible one in society. But everyone know how much he admires and loves his brother. some said something is not normal with his brother’s health condition.”

“owh, maybe that’s why he’s protective to his brother.”

“I guess. And, this morning I saw someone just moved beside your apartement.”

“yeah, an older woman. She is very kind and warm. I think she lives alone. I offered her my help but she said she has little things so she can take care of it alone.”

“ohhh. Lets continue drink yooowww...”


Yowww otte??? hehehe

I feel better today and my mood really great

are you curious will Hara meet that Hero??? kkk~

next update will be next week guys

see yaaa ~~~

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ilabya7 #1
ariena84 #2
Chapter 19: Wow..i just love this story.reading from chapter 1-19.
Subscribing n upvotes..keep updating authornim. >_<
denci68 #3
Chapter 18: Welcome back:) I was afraid you won't going to continue the story. I like the new chapters too. Please update soon!
denci68 #4
Chapter 9: I like your story more and more. It's cute and heartwarming.I1m waiting for the updates ^^
Chapter 7: Awww... wants to give you lots of hugggs
Chapter 6: Oh gosh. Jaejae wae shoooo cuuuteeee
SweetHara #7
Hi, i'm Kamilia and i love KARA and SS501. I know that HJ and Jae r close friend, now in this story they r brother :)

Shin Hara, i image her like our cutie Hara, i like your story, update usaly. Hwaiting!!!
Sorry my bad english
Chapter 1: mmmmmmmmmmm. Hj is really protective as always. He will take a good care of his brother, im sure. good beginning. continue author