Chapter 24

Knowing The Truth Hurts

Chapter 24

Youngjae’s POV

Here I was driving Zelo to buy another skateboard to him. Yes another one again. Well what can I do? I can’t help myself when he attacks me with that powerful adorable Aeygo. Seriously I have tried. I have been avoiding him for two days but he caught me today so I had to cancel my plans to pick up my girlfriend and go buy him this new model of the skateboard. Thankfully Ayemee didn’t mind and said that she will go home with her cousins so no worries.



After I bought him the skate board and drove back to drop Zelo to home, Zelo received a text from Mi Na asking him if they can continue with the project that time. Mi Na said that she has just finished her club activities at school just then.


I quickly offered to drop Zelo at school knowing that Ayemee would still be at school too because Mi Na had just finished her club activities. They were supposed to comeback home together. After all I would be able to kill two birds with one stone. We arrived at the school within three minutes and we went inside the school. Well I was the one walking, Zelo was skating.


“Waaah! This daebak! I love this. See Hyung, I can even do this!” Zelo said excitedly. He was like a cute kid sometimes. If only he wasn’t that tall. He is even taller than me and still he is growing.

“I am the best right? I even bought you that, so I am much better than others right?” I asked him. I even bought him thousand dollar worth skateboard. I should be the best. Actually money wouldn’t be a problem to me or any of us because it would just be cut out from the bank account which god knows how many billions of dollars I have.

“Yup. You are the best. Thanks hyung. I love you.” He said forming a heart above his head while skating.

“Yaa be careful! You might fall from that. Plus don’t shout out that even if you are maybe into men, cux  I am not.” I . Ofcourse he wouldn’t like being called gay. No straight man would. Zelo pouted and stopped skating.

“Hey I am not in to men hyung! I like girls.Lot of girls like Mi..” he was interrupted by a loud crashing sound followed by a girl’s cry which was too familiar to me. I would recognize that voice anywhere.

“hey it sounds like Ayemee noona.?.” Zelo asked me. I nodded and ran straight ahead to where the sound came. I saw Mi Na and Hyunjin (Ayemee’s closest friend in korea) were also running towards the classroom where the sound came across from the hallway. They must have been on the way to the classroom to meet with them after they had been done with the club activities. Mi Na and Hyunjin entered the classroom first where all kinds of scream and cries can be heard. We reached their a few seconds later.


I was both horrified and shocked with what I saw. Wow. Girl fights were much more destructive than I thought. The classroom was a mess with the chairs and tables thrown around, papers scattered everywhere. Eunchae and Yaerin were busy judoing two to three girls each while Mi Na had one girl locked who was growling down towards Ayemee, who was crying and struggling to set her leg free from the table that was crushing. Hyunjin was on her knees beside Ayemee trying to get the tables of her.


I felt my blood boil by seeing Ayemee at that state. I quickly ran to Ayemee and threw away all those tables on her leg. I cupped her cheeks in my hands as I scanned her face and her body or any injuries. Her face was wet from the tears her eyes were watery. I looked in to her eyes. “Ayemeeyah Are you hurt anywhere else?’ I asked in a shaky voice.


“No but le..legss”Ayemee sobbed as more tears oozed from her beautiful eyes. That did it. I couldn’t bear to watch her hurt. I quickly pulled her into a hug her hair.

“Shush shush baby.. don’t cry. It’s okay..its okay now. I am here now. I will protect you” I whispered sweet nothings to her ears as I caress her back. She calmed down in awhile and when she finally stopped crying I got up and faced the girls who fought with her.


They were standing there in a line while Zelo glared at them. “Oh op oppa we ca can exx explain. It was them who staa started th..”the girl with pink highlights and heavy make up started.

“Don’t you dare lie to me you . I know very well they didn’t start the fight. What do you think, that I an idiot like you with such a shallow mind? And what? Oppa? Don’t call me Oppa with that disgusting mouth of yours!!” I shouted at her and grabbed the collar of her shirt. “Tell me WHO DID this to her? Huh? Can’t you hear Me? TELL MEEEE?!!!!” I screamed at her. The pink hair shivered from fear and pointed to the girl who was next to her with brown highlights. I threw the girl in my hands to who knows where and turned to the girl who broke my girlfriend’s leg.

I glared at her. “So it was you huh.” I slapped her with full force with whatever strength I had. I grabbed her. “Don’t you dare Lay a finger on any of these girls. Do you HEAR ME?!” I shouted at her.

Zelo grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from those girls.”Hyung calm down”

 I struggled to break away from him as I kept screaming at the es in front of me. “ YAA ANSWER ME YOU ES.DONT YOU DARE EVER LAY YOUR HAANDSS ON-”


“Youngjae,, That’s enough.” Ayemee said out a little louder. I calmed down hearing her voice. She was still on the floor while Hyunjin and Yaerin was with her examining her broken leg and bruises. I couldn’t help but get angry at myself for not thinking straight. Seriously, what the hell was I doing when I should be taking care of her. I quickly went to her and scooped her into my arms. “We need to get you to a hospital. Hyunjin can you please come with us; I think we would need a female to help her around. Yaerin and Mi Na and Zelo make sure you take these people to the principle, my uncle and make sure he kicks these es from the school. Can one of you please call Ayemee’s parents and tell her I am taking her to the hospital down the street.”


I hurridly ran out of the room and headed towards my car and Hyunjin followed behind me.

End of Youngjae’s POV


Yaerin’s POV

Your right arm and left legs knee stung because of the bruises but it was not that bad and bearable. Mi Na and Eunchae was the same, a few bruises here and there but it was better than you. Eunchae though had a little bruise on her lips. You were quite surprised to hear that Youngjae’s uncle was the principle but then now that you saw him you could see the resemblance. As soon as you guys explained what happened he told you, Mi Na and Eunchae to go to the nurse’s office and treat the bruises and told Zelo to wait in the office and call Ayemee’s parents. He immediately expelled the girls without a second thought. After all fighting was never tolerated in your school. Especially when the victim was the principle’s Nephew’s girlfriend and her cousins.


Just when you guys finished treating your bruises the door opened and came in a worried sick Himchan followed by Yongguk and Jongup. Himchan pulled Eunchae into a hug and examined her injuries and threw a complete fit when he saw her bruised lips. “Aish wait till I see those es/ I will make sure to give them ten times more of the bruises you got.” Himchan said.

“Yaa seriously its fine. No need to make a big deal out of it. You won’t see them anymore. They got expelled. ” Eunchae said with reassuring smile.

Zelo and Jongup went to Mi Na and Yongguk came to your side. “What about you? How badly were you hurt?” He asked concerned.

You smiled at him like it was the most normal thing to do. He was just so adorable when he is worried. *I don’t know what I am thinking now. Maybe they hit my head a little too hard*  

“As you can see I am totally fine. At least my face has no bruises.”

“You call this fine?” He asked mockingly as he grabbed your hand examined your bruised elbow.

“It will heal in a day or two. It’s totally fine. Really no need to worry. I made sure the conditions of the  girls who fought me are much more worse” You reassured to him.

“Oh right I forgot you are the karate girl. The thought of them worse than you guys is a little comforting I guess.” He chuckled a little.

“By the way, why are you here? Thought you had breakup date?” You asked him curiously. You don’t know why but whenever you think about that you get this strange unpleasant feeling in your gut. It’s just that the thought of him being with those sultry girls bothered you deep inside but you didn’t show it.

“Oh that. I was with her when Zelo called. So I quickly told her that we are over. We are done so don’t bother me or call me anymore.” Yongguk answered a  blank face.

“You just walked out on her like that? Isn’t that a little too cruel?” you asked amused.

“Hmm.. And nope. Zelo said you and the girls were in a fight. I was worried so I came over as fast I can. You were in a fight and you are more important than those play girls so of course I would choose you over them. Now let’s go to the hospital. I called Youngjae and he said Ayemee was in surgery. They are fixing her leg.” He put his arm around your neck and walked out of the room while the others followed. You couldn’t help but feel happy to know that you were important him and he cared about. It comforted you that Yongguk was being such a good friend to you.


You and Jongup took Yongguk’s car to the hospital and Zelo and Eunchae took Himchan’s car. You asked Jongup where Daehyun was and he told you that he was with Younjae in the hospital. On your way you got to know Jongup a little bit more. He was quite in to dancing and was a good fighter. He told you some of his tricks and you were quite amazed. Yongguk even told you some of his tricks too. These guys happened to have learned self defense since they were children considering that they were from quite wealthy family. It happened to be that Himchan’s father owned the company which the hospital belonged too.


When you guys went inside Youngjae, Your parents and Ayemee’s parents, Hyunjin and Dae Hyun was waiting till the operation was over. After about two hours the doctor came out told that the surgery was successful and Ayemee should be able to walk after about two to three months since the injury wasn’t that major.

Ayemee was taken to a VIP room because Himchan insisted on it saying that he would take care of the hospital matters since Ayemee was really a close friend to him. Our parents and Ayemee parents left the hospital since we told them Youngjae, Hyunjin, Daehyun, Zelo, Mi Na, Yongguk and You were going to stay till eight in the night. Youngjae, Daehyun and Hyunjin sat by the bed while Mi Na and Zelo worked on their project that they were assigned on one side of the table.


Yongguk and you sat on the other side of the table and he tutored you for the English test. Yongguk started with the basic stuff and was really keen and serious on teaching on you. He was very gentle and explained to you very gently despise the fact he had to repeat some things several times because you couldn’t fully understand. He was very patient and you couldn’t help but admire this gentle side of him. you didn’t expect him to be the angelic patient teachers who wouldn’t get angry at the fact that they had to repeat themselves till their students understood them.


Time passed by real quick while you were tutored and around 7:30pm Ayemee’s parents came in with Ayemee’s toiletries and other stuff. “Why don’t you kids go home now? It’s getting late now and you would still have to go to school tomorrow. Thank you for staying here but we will take over now.” Aunt said with a kind smile.

“Arasso Aunty. We will be going now.” Mi Na replied.

“Mi Na and Yaerin can come with me. I can drop you guys on my way. It’s not safe to take the bus at this late. Youngjae can drop off Jong Up and Hyunjin. Is that okay with you?” Yongguk asked Youngjae.

“Can I stay a little bit till eight? I want to be here when she wakes up.” He asked your Aunt. “Okay but till eight. You also have a school to attend young man.” You Aunt said.

“Don’t worry. I can drop Jongup and Hyunjin off.” Daehyun offered.

SO Mi Na and you went in Yongguk’s car while Daehyun dropped off Hyunjin and Zelo to their homes.


Mi Na and Yongguk seemed to get along since they both teamed up to help Yongguk apologize to you during the era you guys didn’t get along that well. You guys chatted normally on the ride.


Yongguk asked us when we learned judo during the ride. Mi Na stiffened by the question and gave you a nervous look. You guys never really talked about your past with other people except your family and Eunchae and Hyemin.


“We learned it after I was adopted by Mi Na’s parents when I was seven. You must have noticed that our surnames are different. Well it’s a long story. Maybe I will tell you some other time when the time is right.” You said a little uncomfortable talking about your past. You really never like to tell people your sad story. It only brought back unpleasant memories.


“Oh I am sorry. I didn’t know you were adopted. Don’t worry you don’t have to tell me now. I can understand that you wouldn’t want to talk about it with me yet.”He told you with a kind smile. You were thankful to him for not asking more about it. *Maybe someday I would be able to tell him about my past comfortably.*Yongguk probably felt the tension in the car because he quickly changed the topic and you guys chatted normally as he drove you and Mi Na home.



Hi~ Everyone~

Here is a new chappie. We have Good News..

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really sorry to keep u guys waiting bt i will update this story very frequently after 19 nov when the tests are over. pls understand as this is our final exam.


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Chapter 26: Omg *^*
I love it~ they are getting really close :3
Thanks for this chapter :)

but thank you author-nim for making byg like this ; u ;
Baekna #3
Chapter 26: “Good night babe” if he say that to me i'm gonna die
update soon author-nim
Chapter 25: Oh yeah~ Youngjae is a Hero *^*
Hehe she already has a crush on Gukkie :3
Chapter 24: OMG IS IT YOUNGJAE?!
Baekna #6
Chapter 23: Update soon author-nim!
your story jjang!
Chapter 23: Hahhaha that's nice~
Chapter 23: I love it
Update soon please ₩!!!!
Chapter 22: Well that was fast.... haha update soon!
Chapter 22: Haha so cool~~ Finally friends again x3
Maybe a little flirting? ;D