Chapter 12

Knowing The Truth Hurts


Yongguk POV

We were driving in silence. Yaerin did not speak one word and I was also doing the same. I couldn’t help feeling uneasy about what happened back in the living room. I couldn’t help but to think about if my words offended her. It made me uncomfortable because I could not tell whether if she was angry with me. Maybe I am just feeling guilty because I have been always teasing and making fun of her. but what can I do? I just can’t help but and test her temper. Maybe I should apologize?

I stopped the car in front of Yaerin’s house. She took the jacket off and gave it to me. “Thank you for driving me home and for the jacket.” She said not meeting with my eyes.

She reached her hand to open the car’s door when I found my hand grab her hand stopping her action to open the door. I did not know what I was doing because I never planned to do this.

“I am sorry for earlier today. I am sorry if I offended you” I didnt plan to do this but I ended up hearing myself apologize. I came back to my senses and quickly released her and looked forward ahead, troubled to make any eye contact with her.

I mentally started scolding myself. What did I just do?! Yongguk, this is so not you!

It must be because I am too sleepy and my hormones are too active and I don’t know what I am doing. That must be it. I came to a conclusion blaming the sleepiness and hormones for the unexpected behavior from me.

I was too busy scolding myself that I did not notice that Yaerin has already left the car and I am just staying there lost in my world. I started the car and drove back to the party.


Yaerin (your) POV

You were climbing the stairs after walking Mi Na to her class on the first floor.    Mi Na being Mi Na was talking about Zelo and how they have become friends and how nice and cute Zelo was. From the way she talked it seems that those two are pretty close.

You started yawning. You couldn’t sleep these two nights. One reason was because you were studying and the other reason was Yongguk’s strange behavior. Once he would be the rude and mean Yongguk that you can’t stand him. The he would be teasing and making fun of you which gets so annoyed and irritated. The he will be this sorry and apologetic person that makes you get all confused and guilty for thinking bad of him. you shook your head trying throw away this thought. *Aish! Molla! Why am I thinking of him again!”

“Yaa Yaerin! What did you do last night? You have got dark circles under your eye!” Eunchae said catching up with you from behind. She was practically skipping and jumping and anyone could tell that she was in a good mood.

“I just couldn’t get enough sleep last night. so what did I miss that had made you skip and jumping so early in the morning?” you asked curious to know what had put her in such a great mood.

“Yaerin! I myself can’t believe this! Guess what?! Himchan oppa asked me out!!!?! He is going to take me to watch a movie today after school! I can’t wait until school ends. This is going to be the best date ever!! Himchan oppa is so handsome and manly! I am sooo in love!! Eunchae said squealing and her eyes sparkling while talking about Himchan.

“Oh my gawd! oh my god! He actually asked you out! I am so happy for you!!You better stick with him until the end Eunchae. No more playing with the boys. Since you two are so much alike you both will be a perfect couple!”you said feeling happy for Eunchae.

You and Eunchae entered your English class and took your regular seats. Himchan and Yongguk were already seated jn front of your seats. Himchan turned around started talking and flirting with Eunchae as soon as you guys took your seats.

Mr.Kim entered the class started teaching. “We are going to continue our lesson from last class about Romeo and Juliet. I hope you all have memorized the monologues. However, I know that some of you haven’t memorized it so I will give twenty minutes for you to learn. Your time starts now!”

You have already memorized it last night but you read it again. You have to admit that English literature monologues are not the easiest thing to understand and memorize.

”okay! Everyone the times up! So the first couple who will perform the dinner party scene is Himchan and Eunchae!” Mr. Kim announced.

Himchan and Eunchae went to perform infront of the class.

The dancing being done, Romeo watched the place where the lady stood. Himchan took Eunchae’s hand kissed her her hand gently.

“Good pilgrim, your devotion shows by far too mannerly and courtly. Saints have hands which pilgrims may touch but kiss not” Euncahe said blushing deeply obviously from Himchan’s kiss.

Himchan: “Have not saint lips but pilgrams too?”

Eunchae: “Aye, lips which they must use in prayer”

Himchan: “oh then my dearest saint hear my prayer and grant it and least despair”

the class clapped loudly and some whistled.

“Alright the next will be performed by Yongguk and Yaerin” Mr. kim announced.

You and your luck sometimes.*why must it be me and him*

You and Yongguk went to stand  in front of the class.

You started reciting. “O Romeo, O Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name for my sake ; or if thou will not be but my sworn love, and I no longer will be a Capulet.” You recited with perfect tone and expression.

Yongguk continued facing you. He started reciting with his deep voice. “Alack! There is more peril in your eyes than in twenty of their swords. Do you but look kind upon me lady, and I am proof against their enmity. Better my life should be ended by their hate than that hated life should be prolonged to live without your love.”

You were awed by Yongguk’s perfect acting. You noticed that everyone was waiting for you to continue. So you quickly cleared your throat and started reciting.   

You:“How came you into this place and by whose direction?”    

Yongguk: “Love directed me and iam no pilot, yet ‘wert thou as far apart from me as vast shore which is washed with the farthest sea, I should venture for such merchandise.”

Himchan whistled and you were already blushing. Luckily the bell rang. You were so relieved that finally it was over. *Saved by the bell*



Hey everyone,

I am sorry for the late update so here’s a long chapter to make it up for you.

Oh and about the Romeo and Juliet part, I am not a literature student so I just took some dialogues from here and there might be some mistakes in that so I hope that you don’t mind it. XD

We will be updating at least once a week. Although we would love to do daily updates we can’t do it with our school works and all that:(


Thanks for all the subscribers and people who commented! You guys motivate me a lot to write this fic so please continue giving us your support! :D thanks for the lovely person who upvoted this story XD

B.A.P is coming baaackkk!!!*fangirling*

Love you all <3

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really sorry to keep u guys waiting bt i will update this story very frequently after 19 nov when the tests are over. pls understand as this is our final exam.


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Chapter 26: Omg *^*
I love it~ they are getting really close :3
Thanks for this chapter :)

but thank you author-nim for making byg like this ; u ;
Baekna #3
Chapter 26: “Good night babe” if he say that to me i'm gonna die
update soon author-nim
Chapter 25: Oh yeah~ Youngjae is a Hero *^*
Hehe she already has a crush on Gukkie :3
Chapter 24: OMG IS IT YOUNGJAE?!
Baekna #6
Chapter 23: Update soon author-nim!
your story jjang!
Chapter 23: Hahhaha that's nice~
Chapter 23: I love it
Update soon please ₩!!!!
Chapter 22: Well that was fast.... haha update soon!
Chapter 22: Haha so cool~~ Finally friends again x3
Maybe a little flirting? ;D