Chapter 20

Knowing The Truth Hurts

Chapter 20

Yaerin’s POV



OK! OK! I will go tomorrow. So go ahead and get your beauty sleep cuz we are going there early morning. Now you dnt wanna look like a zombie infront of Youngjae huh?

From: Yaerin


You sighed as you selected the send button. So much for not going out.

You just couldn’t say no to your dongsangs with their powerful aeygo and nagging. You were quiet stubborn as well to not got to the sightseeing because you knew that you would definitely run into Yongguk there as he would also be going with you guys. You thought Mi Na would understand but when you told Mi Na why you didn’t want to go Mi Na just said the wisest thing she ever had said. You were even surprised.


“Eonni!Are you really gonna stay in like that for the rest of your life? You just can’t runaway and hide from your fears. You need to face it get over it. You yourself would know that you are bound to meet him sooner or later. You just can’t keep ignoring him forever. Who knows  maybe if you let him talk to you, you might get to know a lot of things you don’t know.” You mouth was hanging open when she said that. You guessed she realized what she was saying and then Mi Na quickly said. “or not. Wow I am saying really good things now. And then she started doing her aeygo. “pleaasseee Eonni come with us huh Buing buinggggggg”


 And that’s how you ended up agreeing to go to the sightseeing with them. Now that you are no longer sick you might as well get some fresh air right? I can just ignore that Yongguk and pretend he is not there. I can’t just skip on everything with the fear of running into him.

Honestly deep down inside of you, you were curious.You were really curious to know what that jerk was up to. You were curious to know why he came to your house. Also on the other hand you really did not want to give into him easily. You didn’t want to give in without a fight. You just couldn’t forget how much he hurt you with those words that easily.

*beep beep* you phone lit up as you recived a text from Ayemee.

To Yaerin:

Finally you agreed! Yay! Okay good night. Although I bet Jae wouldn’t mind whatever way I looked as long as I am myself. Sweet dreamssss XD

From Ayemee




Sure sure. You guys are soo in luuuvvv :P good night to you too

From Yaerin


 With that you snuggled in to your pillow and drifted away into your dreamland. After all tomorrow is going to be a big day.



It is now Sunday morning 7am and you, Mi Na, Eunchae were waiting for the boys and Hana to arrive at the subway statition. Even though you all had your own means of private transportation since all of you guys were going you guys decided to take the subway instead of going in separate cars. Ayemee and Youngjae arrived together while the rest of BAP and Hana came a little while later.


When the guys arrived you immediately stayed away from them, well not them but just Yongguk and luckily Mi Na was with you while Eunchae left to Himchan’s side. Even though they are not official yet in everyones’ eyes they are a couple. You completely ignored the presence of Yongguk and just payed all your attention on Hana while Hana told where we will be visiting through out the day.


 “Okay now first we will be going to the famous Namson tower and have our breakfast after that. Then we will be going to Myun dong and…… have lunch. After that we will go to Lotte World and then we will finsh our day by visiting Han River. Anyone have a problem?...... yes Yongguk, what is it?”

Hana asked as Yongguk lifted his hand. “ uhm I think I will skip going to lotte world. I will just meet you guys at Han River.”


“Oh right. Silly me, of course I should have known. No worries just meet with us at Han River then” Hana eyes became sad as she told that. Oh, were you the only one who noticed that. The others were way too busy talking and you couldn’t help but wonder why Yongguk wanted skip going to lotte world. *Okay that’s it .why the hell are you still thinking about that person. He is just probably skipping on us being the mannerless jerk*  You told yourself.


The train arrived and all of you got on it you sat on a seat next to Mi Na and just to your bad luck the person who you were trying ignore came and sat infront of you. Eunchae and Himchan sat next Yongguk. You quickly turned your attention to Eunchae and Himchan but they seem to be talking about something that you couldn’t get and even Mi Na and Zelo was talking something about  school that you didn’t know.


*Aahh aish what to do? I can still sense that he is looking at me aaah I don’t want to talk to him. why is everyone leaving me out with him.*


“Hey what d…..’ Yongguk started to make a conversation with you but you quickly you’re your headphones from your bag and wore it. you turned the music volume to maximum and closed your eyes.  *Just endure it Yaerin, for the sake of Ayemee she would be sad if you didn’t come along with her to show her around*


At Namsan tower the couples locked their locks. Ayemee and Youngjae , and surprisingly Himchan and Eunchae. (AN/;Well actually not that surprisingly at all XP)Himchan and Eunchae were the highlights as Himchan asked Eunchae to be his girlfriend at the top with a bundle of roses. You couldn’t help but think it was really romantic. Eunchae gladly said yes jumping up and down.From that moment on wards the couple were stick together like magnets through out the journey.


 After that you guys had breakfast and went to the mall. Then you went to myung dong and had lunch there. Yongguk tried talking with you multiple of times but you just kept ignoring him and slipped out of the way while Yongguk even pulled you out of the way in myoung dong as a couple was splashing water at each other with water guns.


The kind actions of Yongguk through out the day made you feel a little guilty but you just couldn’t help but be stubborn. It made you really confused. Everything felt like it was messed up and the things he did, apparently didn’t make any sense to you at all.


At 3pm you guys boarded in to the bus and you took your seat on the second last row as Yongguk took a seat at the last row. You grabbed Mi Na with you so she was forced to take a seat next to you. Mi Na was quiet taken a back and you could sense that she was not happy about your behavior. Infact she looked pissed off as she started talking in a low but annoyed tone so that the others wouldn’t hear. “seriously Eonnie. How long are you goona be like this.Aahh Maybe you should have just stayed home since you are not ready to face him at all”


“Please Mi Na. don’t give me that you know me better than myself so you should know how I feel about like that. Even though I am quiet confused with this myself right now”


“Sorry Eonnie but I think you should give him a chance to let him say what he wants to you. He have been trying so hard to talk to you all day and I feel bad about it. I am not taking any sides here but can’t you give him a chance.”Mi Na said with pleading eyes.


“Okay. I will consider it. In the mean time let me listen to some of the songs of your exo oppas to take my mind off some things” you said winking at her.  


“Assa! Okay but you better not go back on your word!” Mi Na cheered and warned you teasingly with a fake glaring.


In about 15 minutes we reached to our stop and the bus was quiet crowded as we tried to get out. Mi Na was right infront of me and just as she got off she turned back to me panicked. “ I left my shopping bag near my seat.Ahh hothakajo?” she asked me worried at the brink of crying.


“Wait here I will go and get it for you” you turned around and pushed your way back inside the bus to where you were sitting. You found Mi Na’s bag and grabbed it. Just as you were about to turn around to and walk your way back to the door. The doors of the bus closed and it started moving. The sudden movement caught you in surprise as you lost your balance and you closed your eyes waiting for your face to collide on the floor of the bus.

Hey there lovely readers. 

Really sorry for the late update. 

 But now our tests are finally over. :D so we are going to update more frequently. 

hope you like this chapter! 


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really sorry to keep u guys waiting bt i will update this story very frequently after 19 nov when the tests are over. pls understand as this is our final exam.


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Chapter 26: Omg *^*
I love it~ they are getting really close :3
Thanks for this chapter :)

but thank you author-nim for making byg like this ; u ;
Baekna #3
Chapter 26: “Good night babe” if he say that to me i'm gonna die
update soon author-nim
Chapter 25: Oh yeah~ Youngjae is a Hero *^*
Hehe she already has a crush on Gukkie :3
Chapter 24: OMG IS IT YOUNGJAE?!
Baekna #6
Chapter 23: Update soon author-nim!
your story jjang!
Chapter 23: Hahhaha that's nice~
Chapter 23: I love it
Update soon please ₩!!!!
Chapter 22: Well that was fast.... haha update soon!
Chapter 22: Haha so cool~~ Finally friends again x3
Maybe a little flirting? ;D