Chapter 15

Living A Double Life
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"Party time!" Himchan did a little happy dance and you laughed at him being so silly. They were wearing casual clothes and so were you. You had let your hair down and you had your usual makeup on when with B.A.P but this time you did not have your mask on since you guys were going clubbing anyway. You wore a long sleeved white shirt which hugged onto your curves and a pair of jeans shorts. "Man, I wish my darling would wear a ier outfit." Himchan pouted and you lightly hit him on the head.

"Who cares about the dress code? It's not like Yongnam would mind what we wear anyway and this is his club." You said and went to the door. The queue was pretty long and there was a bouncer. The bouncer recognized Yongguk and immediately let you guys in. Loud music greeted B.A.P as the 7 of you walked down the stairs. Many people cheered and greeted the guys whereas no one said anything to you because they have no idea who you are. "Yongnam!" You waved when you saw Yongguk's older twin brother sitting in one of the booths with his friends.

The music was loud but somehow Yongnam heard you. He happily waved back and said something to his friends before heading over. "Hyori!" He hugged you and you laughed. It has been a long time since you saw him. Yongguk and Yongnam have almost the same personality. The only difference is that Yongnam does not like to fight even though he knows how to. While Yongguk went under SilverFalcon as a fighter, Yongnam is in SilverFalcon as an intel. He saw B.A.P and hugged them too.

Yongnam lead B.A.P to one of the private booth and they chatted like old times. When you first met Yongnam, you thought it was Yongguk and you had a headache when they stood side by side because they looked exactly the same. They love to disturb you too because you would get so frustrated when you could not guess who is who. One moment Yongguk would pretend to be Yongnam and the next he says he is Yongguk, confusing you. But now, you know how to differentiate them when they smile because Yongnam has dimples while Yongguk does not. Even if they do not smile, you know who is who mainly by intuition.

"Zelo, let's go." Yongguk nodded towards the stage and Zelo grinned. The both of them headed towards there and the rest followed except for Yongnam and you. "Let's go in front?" You asked and went to one of the tables that were not too near yet not too far from the stage. You sat on one of the high stools while Yongnam went to get a drink for you.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have 2 very special guests today and they are Bang Yongguk and Zelo from B.A.P!" The DJ said and everyone cheered. B.A.P is very famous here as they frequent often. Yongguk and Zelo got up on the stage and the cheers became louder. You saw the rest of B.A.P in front of the stage, cheering like fan boys and you laughed at that side.

"Here you go." Yongnam passed you a glass coke and you thanked him. He sat on the stool next to yours and turned his attention to the stage as well. Yongguk took the microphone and greeted the audience.

"How are you guys tonight? Enjoying yourselves?" He asked and the audience screamed with a 'yes'.

"Guk oppa should go and be a MC instead. See how much fun he is having?" You chuckled seeing Yongguk grinned when the audience replied him when he asked another question.

"People won't believe he's the leader of B.A.P when they see this side of him. He looks like a 5 year old kid having fun." Yongnam agreed. Zelo started beatboxing and the audience cheered.

"This is to my wonderful members of B.A.P!" Yongguk shouted into the microphone before rapping.


What’s your B? I will confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa

What’s Your A? The starting point of a new revolution

Stop me if you can

What’s your P? An evil DNA, virus

We have lost all of our warriors

Once again, what’s the name of the game? B.A.P

Everyone stand up


He rapped and everyone cheered. You clapped and cheered loudly too and Yongnam laughed. "You go bro!" Yongnam shouted and Yongguk grinned when he somehow heard that. Yongguk then started beatboxing and Zelo grinned.

"This is for my most favourite noona in the world!" Zelo said before rapping and you laughed.


Yeah A punch that I throw for you,

Who are thirsty from the long fight

Everyone’s different, everyone takes sides

And those words are just words of ignorant people

Since the words that echoes in my heart is different from yours

I’m mad so listen to my 4 measure nagging (Rest In Peace)

This prayer for truths

Even if the hidden system, the black shadow cover it up

This holy badge that won’t yield

What’s the name of the game? B.A.P


"Woohoo!" You cheered when Zelo finished rapping. He gave you a peace sign and everyone laughed. A maknae will forever be a maknae.

"Nam oppa! You should go and sing too!" You nodded towards the stage.

"Mwoh? I can't sing." He lied.

"Yea right. Guk oppa told me you can." You stuck out your tongue.

"Aish that traitor. I swear I'll get him later." Yongnam pretended to be angry and you chuckled. Yeap, silliness runs in the family.

"Excuse me," Someone tapped your shoulder and Yongnam and you turned around to see who was it. "Hi Saemi." He smiled and your eyes widened. How you wished you were in your hoodie and having your mask on right now.


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Any chance that this story will continue or idk to rewrite it? Because it is damn good and it would be a shame for it not to continue... :(
Chapter 1: guessing this is discontinued?
ChrisChen #3
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE :)
matoki-fan #4
Chapter 43: Please continue writing this story or I'll die !!!!!
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE!!! I really love this.
Chapter 43: I would like it if you update bcs THIS STORY IS AWESOMEEEEEEEE \>o</ I just read it Today and.. Finish it today also ㅋㅋㅋ that's how awesome it is^^
firzanaaina #7
Chapter 43: Yay, nxt update pls❤️❤️