Chapter 6

Follow Your Heart


"I do apologize for being so inconsiderate as to break down near your retreat. I will be sure if it happens again, I will just sit in my car and freeze to death, then I won't make the mistake of putting you out. Is that more acceptable?" Dara asked.


"Now there you go, see would it have been so hard to show a little consideration like that? But no, come to think of it, that wouldn't have worked either. Your car would have been found too close to my house. The police would have to investigate and I would have to give a statement, thereby my name would be linked to this property and I wouldn't be able to hide out here anymore. I guess it was a good thing you got here okay. I would hate to have screaming fans and the press finding out where I live." Jiyong said, seeming to think it over.


"Well, I would hate to inconvenience you with my death. Who cooked this meal? It tastes great." Dara had slowed down and was tasting the food now that she wasn't thoroughly embarrassed.


"I told you I cooked it, didn't I? I am not just a pretty face you know. I cook, I clean, I can even iron clothes." Jiyong was in a playful mood.


"Wow, you are going to make a wonderful homemaker if this little singing thing doesn't work out. I think Mom told me the other day that our neighbor needed a new maid. I can put a word in for you." Dara decided she could tease as well.



"Oh, I will keep that in mind. So, what do you do, besides going to parties and living off your parents money?" Jiyong asked.


"Oh you know, the usual. I go to charity events, try to see how much money I can spend, and I also have started my own company. I own it under a corporation name, so it can't be traced directly back to me easily. I make enough money from my own company and my investments that I no longer rely on my parents for any financial needs. But please keep that quiet, I am sure you understand how important it is to have a little privacy in your life." Dara told him.


"That is really great. I am pleasantly surprised. I had pegged you for just one more heiress that loved her parties and drinking, you just didn't get caught like some of the others in your group." Jiyong said.

"I am used to people assuming that. I really am not into the party scene. I go out at times, but for me I would rather be at home dressed like this, relaxing with a book. I have gotten into charity work, especially SIDS research. There has been some progress made, but we still are not sure what the cause is." She loved to talk about her work to help families affected by the tragedy of SIDS.



"I have heard a bit about that, but I confess I am not an expert on it. What got you interested in this?" Jiyong seemed to be interested.


"It is going to sound cheesy, but the woman we had working for us was pregnant when she started. I sort of became attached to her, and when she had the baby, I fell in love with him. Then when he was seven months old, he died in his sleep. The doctors could find nothing wrong with him, and so it was listed as SIDS. I couldn't believe the little boy I had held earlier that day had just died for no reason, so I started to do research. I was appealed at the number of children who died each year of this. Otherwise healthy infants just stop breathing in their sleep. I felt this was unacceptable and decided if I had any pull in this life, I was going to do whatever I could to help with the research." Dara said

"I am really impressed. Not many people would care about an employee's child, much less to the point you have gone to. I couldn't imagine having a child and losing them in such a way." Jiyong said.


"I think the worst part is not really having a definitive answer as to the cause. I found out that some families have lost multiple children due to this. What about you? When you are not on tour or out drinking or romancing some young woman, what do you do?" Dara asked.



"I like to come out here where I can relax and be left alone. I don't drink anymore. I haven't drank in three months. I had that one time where I got a little intoxicated and suddenly I am an alcoholic. Honestly though, I only drink about once every six or seven months, and I usually do it at home, but I let some of the band talk me into drinking a few with them at a bar, and I got out of hand. As for all the women I had been linked with, most of them were just friends, but I admit that I do enjoy the company of women, but most of the stories are exaggerated. As far as anything else, besides touring and writing music, I like to just hang out around here." Jiyong said.


"I love your cooking. I hate to bother you about it, but may I use your phone to call my parents? They worry, and I want to make sure they don't think I fell off the side off the mountain." Dara asked.


"Of course, I have the cordless right here. Please don't mention me when you call them. Like I said, the fewer people who know about this place, the quieter it is." He handed her the phone and left her alone to make her calls.

Jiyong watched her as she talked to her parents. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but he was fascinated by this creature that had found her way to him. He found her to be a y, beautiful woman. He was attracted to not only her body, but also her mind. It really touch him that she had put not only her money, but also her time into a charity because of a situation that had happened to her household help. He wondered if what the papers said was true. Was she really an Ice Queen, or was it just the fact that no man had been able to stir her passions as well as her heart. He might enjoy having her stuck with him for a few days.

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xe2d2205 #1
Chapter 28: iI wanna say thank you for this sweet story!
I like it...It was a very fast ending!
but “a happy ending! I'm fine with this...
phEnxx #2
Chapter 28: love it:-)
Chapter 3: Ohh, I can tell I'm going to like this story a lot. Perfect reading for a cozy afternoon off with nothing to do but laundry and a daragon fanfic to keep me company, hehe!
heiress #4
Chapter 28: Sequeeeeeeeel please author-nim! :D
allfordara #5
Chapter 28: I wish to have a sequel...
Almost complete...^^
Chapter 28: Yehey... its complete... thank you so much... looking forward on your other stories...^^
daramaegon #8
Chapter 28: finally it's completed already,,thanks authornim for a happy ending:)
Chapter 27: Authornim why did you state that it is completed when you said that there is another chap to go... please update soon....j hope you would really complete it...
heiress #10
Chapter 27: Can't wait for the next chapter. Wedding bells are ringing! :)