Chapter 4

Follow Your Heart


The giant of a man laughed loudly. "Bom is his secretary and my wife. He is always telling her she should dump me. We grew up together, so I never take him seriously. Here, you can wear my coat. It may be a bit big, but you will be warmer. I will have one of the guys bring it back after my shift ends." Youngbae helped her to shrug into his coat and opened the door for her.

"Thank you again" She said as she began walking toward the house. It was a beautifully styled house with a large front porch and columns along the front. There was a porch swing hanging from the roof and some rocking chairs set along the wall. It seemed to welcome visitors, even with the fence an the guard at the door. Suddenly, the double doors opened and she could see the silhouette of a tall well built man standing in the doorway. He was not as large as Youngbae, but he was still no scrawny person either. His long dark hair fell over his shoulder, and he stood in the shadows so she could not see his face. Dara decided this had to be another security guard. She walked up to the front door and was shocked to see a face she knew. There was no way she had actually made her way to the house of rock star Kwon Jiyong.



"Dara, I presume." He said as she walked up the steps an across the porch.

"Yes, thank you for opening your home to me. Am I right in assuming you are Kwon Jiyong?" Dara asked as she extended her hand.

"So you have heard of me?" He laughed.

"Is there anyone on the planet who hasn't?" Dara said.

"I think at the last check there was one old man in the Himalayas with no electricity who only came out of the mountains once a year an couldn't read that didn't know who I was. If I am not mistaken, you have had a little bit of celebrity yourself lately. Don't get all defensive, I don't believe half of what I read. According to those rags, I have slept with more women than there are in the world. Come in here and we can get you some warm dry clothes and see what we can arrange for the night. It looks like you may be stuck here. We are going to have an ice storm, and none of the garages want to take the chance on coming out." Jiyong helped her out of the coat and took her arm to show her where she could change.

"Thank you, maybe if I could use your phone I could get my family to get someone out here. I need to at least let them know I am safe. " Dara told him.



"Yes, but first, I have some clothes in here for you, so please feel free to change then I will hand the phone over to you. There is also a hair dryer in there, so if you would like you can dry your hair. I also have some fresh coffee waiting, so don't be to long." Jiyong closed the door on the large bathroom.


Dara saw the clothes lying on a stool along with the hair drier. How many times do you get to be in the home of one of the most famous rockers in the world. Dara thought as she changed clothes and then dried her hair. She hadn't brought her makeup with her from her car, so she just washed what remained off her face and used a rubber band to tie up her hair. She looked at herself in the full length mirror.


She was a good looking woman, she did carry a little extra weight, but she was not fat. Her body was filled out, with a large chest and a full backside. Dara had decided years ago to let her friends worry about who could lose the most weight and have the smallest size pants. She was going to be happy with being comfortable with herself. She had had some problems with being called fat, but she had decided that she didn't have to look like everyone else to be happy. As her mother loved to point out, Marilyn Monroe was a size 14, and there wasn't anyone calling her fat. She had long dark hair that was always styled perfectly when she was going out into the public eye where she could be photographed, but when she was spending an evening at home, she normally kept it in a ponytail or just brushed out. She liked to be at home where she could walk around with no make-up and just an old pair of jeans with a t-shirt, instead of having to be dressed just right. She missed the days of not having to worry about all that just because her parents had money.




She grabbed her wet clothes and left the bathroom to find her host sitting on a bench in the hallway with a pair of socks in his hands. "I forgot to give you these. I figured your shoes would be soaked too, and you feet might get cold. Does everything fit okay?"

"Yes, and it is very comfortable, too. I believed you promised me some coffee. Where can I dry my clothes at. I didn't want to just leave them laying on the floor." She said.

"Here, hand them to me, I'll wash and dry them for you. I doubt if you are going to be rescued anytime soon. I just got reports that the roads are being shut down due to icing. We have the generators ready just in case, and I happen to have one of the best fireplaces in the state right this way. Sit down and warm up while I take care of this. Coffee is on the cart, along with sugar and cream. Please help yourself." Jiyong was very helpful, not at all like the articles she had read about his partying and drinking. He seemed so at ease here.


Dara made her way over to the cart with the coffee and poured herself a drink. She noticed there were also some sandwiches on the cart and realized she had not eaten since breakfast. She grabbed a sandwich that appeared to be ham and cheese and sat down on the couch facing the fireplace. There was a nice fire in the fireplace and the furniture in the room seemed to lean more toward comfort rather than style. The couch seemed to invite the sitter to curl up in the cushions and relax, so that was what Dara did. Jiyong found her that way ten minutes later, the sandwich on a plate with the coffee beside it on the stand while Dara lay there sleeping. He grabbed a throw and draped it across her.

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xe2d2205 #1
Chapter 28: iI wanna say thank you for this sweet story!
I like it...It was a very fast ending!
but “a happy ending! I'm fine with this...
phEnxx #2
Chapter 28: love it:-)
Chapter 3: Ohh, I can tell I'm going to like this story a lot. Perfect reading for a cozy afternoon off with nothing to do but laundry and a daragon fanfic to keep me company, hehe!
heiress #4
Chapter 28: Sequeeeeeeeel please author-nim! :D
allfordara #5
Chapter 28: I wish to have a sequel...
Almost complete...^^
Chapter 28: Yehey... its complete... thank you so much... looking forward on your other stories...^^
daramaegon #8
Chapter 28: finally it's completed already,,thanks authornim for a happy ending:)
Chapter 27: Authornim why did you state that it is completed when you said that there is another chap to go... please update soon....j hope you would really complete it...
heiress #10
Chapter 27: Can't wait for the next chapter. Wedding bells are ringing! :)