Chapter 12

Follow Your Heart


They spent the car ride back talking about a cover story to tell people how they met and where. The only people who knew where Dara has gone were her parents, so she could count on them to cover for her.


They all agreed that Dara's parents would know the truth, but everyone else could be fed a version of their making.


After laughs about saying they had met at a religious retreat, "Yeah, anyone is going to believe Jiyong went to a religious retreat and didn't get kicked out" to stating that they had met in Brazil at a nudist beach, "No one is going to believe that Dara, the ice queen, got in front of a crowd." they finally decided on a very simple story.


Dara had decided she needed the time away after the mess made by the jerk she was going to marry and decided to have a nice quiet vacation in the Japan.


Jiyong had been there partying, and they had met by chance one night at a restaurant.Jiyong had recognized her and decided to see if she would melt for him, she had recognized him and thought it would be fun to cause a small scandal if anyone saw them together and they began to talk.


They shared a meal and decided they liked each other enough to start dating. Now they just wanted to be left alone to see if their romance could work.



This little story was being sent to Jiyong's PR firm, and Dara was going to tell her parents so if anyone asked, all the stories matched. It was a little exciting for Dara, she knew everyone was going to think she had gone wild, and decided to rebel against the goody two-shoes image she had always been given. She mention this to the other passengers.


They all laughed. "Maybe I should get a tattoo, and be seen drunk in a bar, then everyone would be talking about how you have corrupted me." She told Jiyong.


"Well, you could do that, or I can start staying home or just going out with you, never be seen drinking and partying, and then everyone would say that you have made me settle down and change my ways."


"Let's not get to crazy, either one of you. Dara, stay the same as you always have been. You are such a sweetheart. You know the paparazzi are going to be watching every move you make now, trying to find a way to make you look bad. I hope you are ready for this. It does get intense at times, with the fans and the critics.


You are going to be the first serious relationship Jiyong has had since he became famous. I know you have had to live the last few years with your life being on display, but now it will be under a microscope. The press is going to report Jiyong cheating on you every other week, so I want you to prepare yourself." Bom told her.



"I am ready for it. I trust Jiyong. I hope the people you know don't give you too hard of a time about me though. I mean, you have been linked with some of the most beautiful women, and now you are with me. Won't people say you are lowering your standards a bit?" Dara said. It was something that had been worrying her.


She wasn't ugly, but she knew she couldn't compete with some of the models and actresses he had dated before.


"Actually, I happen to think you are gorgeous, you also are intelligent and caring, so I don't want you to put yourself down anymore. They can't compete with you."Jiyong reached over to her and took her lips in a passionate kiss that made Dara's heart beat in double time.


"I am worried that you are going to see the error of your ways and dump me. I am just a foster kid that got lucky. Are you sure I am what you want?"


"Yes, I am very sure. You have been able to make me feel so special the last few days. I am so glad my car broke down. I think it is the best thing to ever happen to me." Dara kissed him again.


"Hey, we are in the car, too. If clothes start flying off, I will hose you two down." Younbae told them.

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xe2d2205 #1
Chapter 28: iI wanna say thank you for this sweet story!
I like it...It was a very fast ending!
but “a happy ending! I'm fine with this...
phEnxx #2
Chapter 28: love it:-)
Chapter 3: Ohh, I can tell I'm going to like this story a lot. Perfect reading for a cozy afternoon off with nothing to do but laundry and a daragon fanfic to keep me company, hehe!
heiress #4
Chapter 28: Sequeeeeeeeel please author-nim! :D
allfordara #5
Chapter 28: I wish to have a sequel...
Almost complete...^^
Chapter 28: Yehey... its complete... thank you so much... looking forward on your other stories...^^
daramaegon #8
Chapter 28: finally it's completed already,,thanks authornim for a happy ending:)
Chapter 27: Authornim why did you state that it is completed when you said that there is another chap to go... please update soon....j hope you would really complete it...
heiress #10
Chapter 27: Can't wait for the next chapter. Wedding bells are ringing! :)