Chapter 23

Follow Your Heart


"Okay, we'll give it a shot, but don't go running off my customers. What would you like to eat?"


Dara and Jiyong placed their orders, then Yunjo walked over to the karaoke stage and the lights. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a singer with us today, he wants to see what you, our patrons think, so listen up for Kwon Jiyong." The diners turned around at the sound of  Jiyong's name, interested to see the rock star with a free concert.


"I don't have the music for this song, but it is a song I just finished this morning. I am dedicating it to my beautiful Dara." Jiyong said into the microphone. His voice rang out through the dining room. It was the same haunting melody that he had been singing in the shower their first night together.


"I never knew what I was missing, till you walked through my door. A cold, wet lost little lamb, needing me more, the look of your face, dripping with rain, I think I fell for you in that first minute." The song went on, and Dara could not believe he had written the song for her. It was so beautiful, people were coming in off the streets to hear. Others had their phones out, taking video of Jiyong pouring his heart out on the small stage. All Dara could feel the tears running down her face as he told her how much he loved her in song. When the concert ended, there was tremendous applause from everyone. Jiyong opened his eyes and seemed shocked at first by how many people were listening. "Thank you." He said as he left the stage.



Dara heard the couple sitting next to them as the woman said, "Now that is true love, why don't you ever write me a song?" and the man trying to explain he wasn't a writer.


Yunjo came back over to the table with their food. "I guess you can sing a little. I like you, you treat her well, and bring her back here every so often. I am glad you two found each other.


" Yunjo walked away quickly, but Dara heard the tears in her voice.


"You know that was the song I wrote just for you, right?" Jiyong asked her quietly.


"Yes." Dara answered.


"I love you, Dara. I know you are the safe type, and don't leap into anything, but I do. I knew I had found the other part of my heart when you walked into my life. I want you to be my friend, my partner, my lover, the mother of my children, and my wife. I am not saying you have to give me an answer right now, but will you please think about it?" Jiyong said, holding her hand and wiping the tears from her face.


"Yes" Dara said, crying even harder.


"I am glad you will think about it. We have forever for you to decide..." Jiyong started to say before Dara interrupted him.



"I mean yes, I will marry you. I have loved you from the first whipped cream fight. I am going to let my heart rule this time." Dara said throwing herself into his arms.



The diner seemed to explode with applause as everyone in the now over filled diner witnessed Jiyong and Dara's exchange.


"Kiss her" some one called out.


"My fans have spoken, my love, and I have to keep my fans happy." Jiyong said as he grabbed her up for the most passionate kiss Dara had ever received.


The patrons came over to congratulate the pair, seeming to feel a part of the magic moment in the lives of these two people. The owner of the restaurant, Hongki, came out, congratulating them and telling Jiyong how much the song had touched him. "If you sing that song on tour, I would suggest you do it acopella, just like you did today. Music would just ruin the feeling. You are a lucky man." Hongki told him.


"I know you." Jiyong said. "You used to sing doo-wop. You were in "The Magics" right?"


Hongki seemed to swell. "That is right. I am surprised you know."



"Of course, I love your music. I have all the original records and the CD's that were remastered. I always wanted to sing like you did with that low voice. I used to pretend to be a part of the band and try to sing along when I was a kid. It was bands like yours that got me into music." Dara thought it was interesting to see Jiyong acting like a star struck fan. After so many years of being the one who people fawned over, it was his turn to be the fan.

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xe2d2205 #1
Chapter 28: iI wanna say thank you for this sweet story!
I like it...It was a very fast ending!
but “a happy ending! I'm fine with this...
phEnxx #2
Chapter 28: love it:-)
Chapter 3: Ohh, I can tell I'm going to like this story a lot. Perfect reading for a cozy afternoon off with nothing to do but laundry and a daragon fanfic to keep me company, hehe!
heiress #4
Chapter 28: Sequeeeeeeeel please author-nim! :D
allfordara #5
Chapter 28: I wish to have a sequel...
Almost complete...^^
Chapter 28: Yehey... its complete... thank you so much... looking forward on your other stories...^^
daramaegon #8
Chapter 28: finally it's completed already,,thanks authornim for a happy ending:)
Chapter 27: Authornim why did you state that it is completed when you said that there is another chap to go... please update soon....j hope you would really complete it...
heiress #10
Chapter 27: Can't wait for the next chapter. Wedding bells are ringing! :)