Chapter 19

Follow Your Heart


"I saw his little comment about how I don't know how to turn a woman on. It's not my fault you are so cold. That nice little kiss you two shared was a joke. I know you couldn't respond like that to a man. You are a cold fish, you were obviously coached on how to look like you were into it, but you will never be able to please a real man. That jerk is just trying to get publicity for his new tour. Does he know you won't even let a guy touch you?" Donghae ranted.



It was hard for Dara to hear all this from the man who professed to love her. " Donghae right? This is Jiyong, I stand by my statement. She is hardly a cold fish, I find she warms up very quickly, if the right man touches her just right. In fact, I happen to think she gets extremely hot. You will lose this phone number and leave my woman alone. She has a real man now and no longer needs some drunk who doesn't know what they have until it is to late." Jiyong told him.



"Shut up, you has been. This is between Dara and me. Look, baby, I know I screwed up, but I promise to do better. Just come back to me. I will stop drinking. That woman came on to me, and a man can only hold out for so long. If you will just take me back, it will not happen again. Now that the rock moron has had you, you can give me some, then I won't be able to be tempted by other women. Say you'll come back, we can start planning the wedding again." Donghae was trying to turn the tables and make her feel like she was at fault.




"You know something Donghae, I don't even care about you cheating, I am glad I found out about it before we got married. I do owe you though. If you hadn't opened my eyes, I would never have realized how much I was missing with you. I happen to love being with my rock hunk, and you better not ever call me again." Da told him.




"You, , I stayed with you for two years, I want some money, or I am going to the papers and sell my story of how you really are. Do you think your little boyfriend will stay with you when his record company tells him to dump you or they will dump him? I want $20,000 by the end of the week, or I go to press with my story. We'll see who looks good then, you ." Donghae was down to threats now, Dara thought.



"Donghae, you can take your little threats and shove them. You know you have nothing. Have a nice life. If you try to call me again, I will file harassment charges." Dara told him. She turned off the phone. She was a bit shaken from the threats, but she knew he had nothing on her.



"Are you okay, love? Look, don't let that idiot get to you. He can't say anything that will make me turn away from you, I am here for the long haul. He is just trying to start crap because we insulted him. Come on, let me take you on a tour of my house." Jiyong pulled her up.



Sounds good to me. Where should we start?" Dara asked, putting her arms around his neck.


"I think that is our cue to leave" Bom said, pulling Youngbae with her. "Any problems, just give us a call." She told them.


"No problem. I'll see you guys in the morning." Jiyong said, waving them away.


"So, where do you want to go first. We have the kitchen, the hot tub, my bed room..." Jiyong asked her.


"You just seem to have a one track mind. It may sound boring to someone like you, but how about the bedroom? Do you have a big bed?" Dara asked, suddenly feeling shy.



"It is a king size. If you are having second thoughts, just say so. I can wait. I don't want to rush you. We can just lay in there and I will hold you close, maybe we can touch a little. I want your first time to be memorable. All the romantic little things that a couple does, a candlelight dinner, maybe a movie, Then we can come back here, where I will have rose petals spread across the bed. Does that sound good to you?" Jiyong said, turning her in his arms.



"Do you still want me? Are you just trying to put me off because you realized you think I am going to want some sort of solid commitment from you? I'm a grown woman, if I decide I want to sleep with you, then that is my decision, I will not ask you for a proposal as soon as you roll off me." Dara told him.

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xe2d2205 #1
Chapter 28: iI wanna say thank you for this sweet story!
I like it...It was a very fast ending!
but “a happy ending! I'm fine with this...
phEnxx #2
Chapter 28: love it:-)
Chapter 3: Ohh, I can tell I'm going to like this story a lot. Perfect reading for a cozy afternoon off with nothing to do but laundry and a daragon fanfic to keep me company, hehe!
heiress #4
Chapter 28: Sequeeeeeeeel please author-nim! :D
allfordara #5
Chapter 28: I wish to have a sequel...
Almost complete...^^
Chapter 28: Yehey... its complete... thank you so much... looking forward on your other stories...^^
daramaegon #8
Chapter 28: finally it's completed already,,thanks authornim for a happy ending:)
Chapter 27: Authornim why did you state that it is completed when you said that there is another chap to go... please update soon....j hope you would really complete it...
heiress #10
Chapter 27: Can't wait for the next chapter. Wedding bells are ringing! :)