Chapter 5

Follow Your Heart


"She seems nice, but a bit quiet, doesn't she?" Bom said walking up behind Jiyong. Just then Dara let out a loud snore, causing the two of them to chuckle. "Well, maybe not too quiet."

"Let her sleep. She walked a long way and has to be cold and tired. I will wake her at supper time so she can eat and call her parents." Jiyong said.

"Aren't you afraid of ruining your reputation by having the so called Ice Queen in your house? What if people find out you are really a nice guy who takes in damsels in distress?" Bom .

"I will make her sign a non-disclosure contract before I let her leave. God forbid anyone finds out how nice I really am. I am such a kindhearted guy, just the most giving person in the world." Jiyong tried to affect a sweet expression.

"Hey Jiyongl, wake up, this is reality, not some dreamland." Bom said shaking him.

"Why I keep you and your husband on my payroll I will never know." Jiyong said.

"Because you know without us, you couldn't even go grocery shopping and would sit up here in your fortress and starve to death, or have photographers and fans screaming at your front door and at every window so you would have no peace at all. Plus, you know you love us, and would miss us horribly if we ever left." Bom told him as she walked him out the door of the room.



"You are right as always, Bom. How would like to share a sandwich with me while we wait for supper?" Jiyong walked beside his secretary to the kitchen.

"Dara, Dara, wake up dear, it is suppertime." Dara heard the voice, but didn't want to move from her comfortable position where she was so warm.

"Dad, can I sleep just a little longer? Mom won't mind if I eat late, will she?" Dara said without opening her eyes.

"I don't know about your mom, but I know when I cook a lady supper, I like for her to eat it with me." The voice said.

Dara popped her eyes opened as she realized it was not her father waking her up. She sat up suddenly, remembering where she was. She looked and saw Jiyong standing there with a tray of food. "I am sorry, I must have fallen asleep on you. You don't have to wait on me."

"No problem at all. You looked so peaceful sleeping there, I just had to let you sleep. You should really talk to a doctor about that snoring though. At times I thought the whole house was going to shake down." Jiyong said setting the tray on the cart that had held the coffee and rolling it over to the couch.

"I don't snore!" Dara said, horrified at the thought.



"I thought about recording it a couple of times and putting on my next album as some creepy background noise, but thought it might be to loud and would overpower my magnificent vocals." He told her laying out two plates.

"Oh,God, please tell me you are kidding." Dara said, blushing from the thought.

"Of course I am," he said spooning food out on the plates, Dara blew out a breath, "my vocals aren't that magnificent." He calmly handed the plate to Dara

"You big meanie. I know I don't snore. You are just being mean." Dara took her plate and tore into it. It was actually very good. He had given her a simple meal of baked chicken with rice and green beans. "I thought a jet setter star such as you would eat a little more fancy." Dara said, still a little upset with him over the snoring remarks.

"Actually, you should know not to trust everything you hear. I actually like to come out here and just relax. I really am not into the parties and all the crap that I am supposed to be doing all the time. I enjoy being out here so I have my privacy, unfortunately, some people have to have car problems and come knocking on my door and interrupt my me time." Jiyong said smiling at Dara.






Check this out my new storie HE's MY TANK



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xe2d2205 #1
Chapter 28: iI wanna say thank you for this sweet story!
I like it...It was a very fast ending!
but “a happy ending! I'm fine with this...
phEnxx #2
Chapter 28: love it:-)
Chapter 3: Ohh, I can tell I'm going to like this story a lot. Perfect reading for a cozy afternoon off with nothing to do but laundry and a daragon fanfic to keep me company, hehe!
heiress #4
Chapter 28: Sequeeeeeeeel please author-nim! :D
allfordara #5
Chapter 28: I wish to have a sequel...
Almost complete...^^
Chapter 28: Yehey... its complete... thank you so much... looking forward on your other stories...^^
daramaegon #8
Chapter 28: finally it's completed already,,thanks authornim for a happy ending:)
Chapter 27: Authornim why did you state that it is completed when you said that there is another chap to go... please update soon....j hope you would really complete it...
heiress #10
Chapter 27: Can't wait for the next chapter. Wedding bells are ringing! :)