09. Are You Okay?

I Like You The Best


After having finished up washing the dishes from that morning’s breakfast, Yoseob was quietly clicking through channels on the television. News. Drama. News. Drama. Drama. Variety show. Music video. Variety show. Drama. Gag show. News. Nothing seemed to be catching the vocalist’s interests. He flipped through more channels of reruns and programs before shutting the television off, finally giving up. “Ahhh, what to do, what to do?” He quietly muttered to himself. Doojoon was outside, playing soccer by himself. Hyunseung was in his room, sleeping. Yunji had come back from the groceries and was at the front porch with Kikwang, catching up. Dongwoon was in his own world, playing with his DS. Junhyung had not come back since he left earlier that day.

Yoseob sighed, completely bored. He got up and stretched, before walking to the hallway, towards his room.


He heard a small voice come from Yunji and Jaeni’s room. Curious, he peeked through the small opening of the door.

“He. Is. So. Annoying!” Jaeni huffed in between punching a big pillow. She then proceeded to bury her face in the pillow and let out a muffled scream. Had the door not creaked when it opened as Yoseob leaned in a bit closer, Jaeni would have never noticed Yoseob. “Yoseob oppa.” Jaeni sat upright, a little surprised.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop!” Yoseob said in slight panic, putting up his hands. “I just... I heard a little shouting.”

Jaeni sighed. “It’s okay, oppa.”

“Are you okay?” Yoseob poked the door to open it a little bit more. “You seem angry.”

“You think?” Jaeni sat at the edge of her bed.

“Is it because Junhyung hyung went through your laptop files?”

“Partially that. And partially because he’s just so controlling, in general.”

“It’s a brotherly thing, I think.” He leaned on the doorjamb. “Or, well, it’s an older sibling thing, I guess. I have a noona, too, and she can get overprotective at times. Just think of it in a positive way.”

“He went through my files. That’s invasion of privacy.”

Yoseob paused for a moment. “True. I’m sure he had good intentions.”

“It’s not like I had in there!” Jaeni whined.

“You, uh…” Yoseob was trying to find the right words. “You had a fan fiction…?”

“A-ah.” For a moment, Jaeni was stuttering. “Yeah, I did. I…” For the first time since she started writing them, Jaeni felt a bit ashamed of her fan fics. “I just wrote one. Or two. Or more. B-but it’s not like I post them…all. I don’t write anything graphic, don’t get me wrong!” She quickly added in. “I just write love stories.”

“Love stories with us being with each other.” Yoseob cleared his throat. “It’s just a little awkward to us when we see those kinds of things.”

“That’s why Junhyung oppa shouldn’t have looked through my files.” Jaeni insisted on her point. “He was never like this before. I think.” She sighed. “To be honest, I don’t remember much about how oppa was before. If I remember correctly, I was still a toddler when he left to become a trainee.”

Yoseob could only nod.

“The most interaction we got was talking over the phone. We do talk a lot, though, even after you guys debuted.” Jaeni continued. “I don’t know why he’s so awkward around me.”

“Junhyung hyung is just awkward a lot. Sometimes even around us. You’ll get used to it, don’t take it the wrong way.” Yoseob smiled encouragingly. “You two should make up, you’re not going to enjoy your time here if you two are fighting.”

Jaeni scoffed, losing the sentimental look on her face. “I doubt he’d even apologize on his own. I’m sure of that.”

Yoseob’s face lit up, an idea popping up in his head. “True, true.” He stood up straight. “Jaeni ah, I have to go do something. I’ll be right back.” There was a gleam in his eyes, but Jaeni did not seem to take notice of this. He turned around, headed out and looked for Doojoon.

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Chapter 35: i miss you T____T
kaseumi-appa #3
Chapter 34: N'awww that was a sweet chapter! Still rooting for this couple so much, BUT OMG WHERE IS SEUNG HUHUHUHU lol =)) Update soon ummaaaa ^^
Chapter 34: i keep saying that i'm going to reread this
when i first joined this website this was one of the first stories that i read
take your time if you'd like for updating
i've been meaning to catch up on everything so i can refresh my memory anyway
just gonna roll around and die at precious Hyunseung. n b d.........
kaseumi-appa #6
“At first I thought she was a real Pikachu, and turns out she’s not. Then I thought she was going to stay forever, and turns out she’s not either!” ALKSHLAKHSLAS

ah shetttt the infamous card kidding game aklhlskhada why was there even a card they should've just kissed (so junnie will freak out and all PUHAHAHAHA JK)

I THOUGHT YOU SAID THERE'LL BE YUNWOON IN THIS CHAP WHY IS THERE NO YUNWOON WHERE IS THE YUNWOON /CRIES Update soooooon, I'm craving Yunwoon so badly and omg what will happen when Jaeni leavessss ;~~~;
b95081 #7
;___; THIS IS ONE AMAZING STORY!!! I could actually imagine and feel the emotions <3 and aww jaeni is leaving already :( why couldn't she stay longer HUHU I am hyunjae shipper /is that really their couple name LOL/ anywaaays, nice update!!!! ♥
kaseumi-appa #8
How can you make a chapter so short but so cute hahahahaha =)) OMG FINALLY AFTER 157834 YEARS YOU UPDATED YAY!! Card kissing game lol Seungie I love you. And awwwwww KiWoon bromance!! It's like all I see is JunSeung and KiWoon and not of the boyxgirl pairings at all hahahahaha NOTHING HURTS =))

Update soon, ummarrrr~! ♥
i don't know why but i think i'm gonna reread all the chapters
... ya i'm gonna try.