28. 4D is an Understatement

I Like You The Best


“I don’t see why we practically need to taste all these cakes. They all look good, can’t we just pick the one that looks best and buy that for Yunji?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Jaeni pouted at her brother. “I need to taste these cakes and decide which one Yunji unnie will like the most. I know her taste in food.”

Junhyung stared down at the plates on the table, each holding a slice of cake. “You’re just finding an excuse to eat a lot of cake, you pig.”

“I have no complains!” Hyungseung chirped, holding his fork up and smiling wide.

“You’re paying for this.” Junhyung said, stating that he refused to pay.

Hyunseung’s smile faded and he lowered his fork back on the table. “I have a complain!”

Jaeni rolled her eyes and shook her head, picking up her fork. “So Junhyung oppa doesn’t want any cake. More for me then!” She pulled a couple of plates towards her. “Which one should I taste first?”

“I did not say I didn’t want cake!” Junhyung retorted and took a dug his fork on a slice of chocolate cake. “But wait, if you know Yunji’s taste, then why do we still need to decide on which cake to get?” He pointed out.

“He has a point.” Hyunseung nodded in agreement.

“But it’s cake!” Jaeni whined. “It’s cake! Who can resist cake?”

“…She has a point!” Hyunseung nodded even more.

“Pig!” Junhyung repeated and ate half of the chocolate cake. “Oh yeah, Jaeni, for how long will you still be in town for?”

Jaeni frowned a bit in contemplation, trying to remember. “Um, I think just a couple more days.  A couple more months of school and I’ll be graduating.” She added in, poking a slice of cheesecake.

“Have you thought about where you’ll be taking up college? Konkuk, like Yunji and Dongwoon?” Junhyung asked. Jaeni shrugged and began eating again.

“University of the undecided.”

“Is that in Gangnam?” Hyunseung blinked innocently. The siblings both looked at him as he sat there, still blinking in thought.

“He’s kidding, right?” Jaeni slowly turned her head towards Junhyung.

Junhyung shrugged and sighed. “I ask myself the same thing every single day.” Heraised his eyebrow towards Hyunseung, who proceeded to quietly enjoy a slice of strawberry shortcake.

Hyunseung smiled contentedly. “I like this cake! You think Yunji will like it too?” He held his fork in front of Jaeni’s lips. “Try it.” He said casually.

“A-ah, um…” Jaeni instinctively moved her head back, her eyes glancing towards Junhyung.

Junhyung’s big-brother senses tingled and he grabbed Hyunseung’s wrist firmly, pulling his hand and the fork away from Jaeni. The rapper ate the cake from Hyunseung’s fork before letting go and sitting back on his seat.

“This is why fans ship you two together.” Jaeni giggled and smiled at Junhyung, who shot her a glare. “I’m torn between the cheesecake, or this mudpie.” She poked her fork on the slice of cake.

“Why is it called mudpie?” Hyunseung asked, stressing on the word mud. “It’s not made from mud. And I mean, cheesecake is made from cheese.”

“4D is an understatement.” Jaeni stated.

“Remind me again exactly why he’s your favorite member?” Junhyung shook his head and rubbed his temples.

Hyunseung looked and Junhyung, then at Jaeni. “Yeah, why?”

Jaeni’s round eyes widened at Hyunseung’s apparent interest in Junhyung’s sarcastic remark. “W-what?” She clenched her fist around her fork and kicked Junhyung’s leg under the table. “Uh, nope, can’t talk, mouth full!” She exclaimed and stuffed with half of a slice of the cake.

“Because Hyunseung oppa sings well, and he’s a good dancer, and he looks good with any hair color!” Junhyung mocked in his high-pitched attempt to copy Jaeni’s voice.

“Shut up!” Jaeni cried out and hit Junhyung’s arm. “I do not sound like that!”

Junhyung laughed out loud. Hyunseung slowly smiled. “You say that?”

“She even calls you pretty.” Junhyung said in between laughs. “He says you’re too pretty that it’s unfair.”

Hyunseung frowned a bit. “I don’t like being called pretty though.”

“Pretty… Pretty handsome!” Jaeni managed to choke out after swallowing her food.

“Why is it unfair? Jaeni’s pretty too.” Hyunseung remarked, smiling. Jaeni looked down at the table, feeling her face burn. Junhyung cleared his throat out loud. “And uh… Junhyung’s very manly. And charismatic. And handsome.”

Junhyung scoffed and took out his wallet, leaving some bills on the table. “Cheesecake, you say?”

Jaeni nodded, sneaking a glance at Hyunseung. “Ne, oppa.”

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Chapter 35: i miss you T____T
kaseumi-appa #3
Chapter 34: N'awww that was a sweet chapter! Still rooting for this couple so much, BUT OMG WHERE IS SEUNG HUHUHUHU lol =)) Update soon ummaaaa ^^
Chapter 34: i keep saying that i'm going to reread this
when i first joined this website this was one of the first stories that i read
take your time if you'd like for updating
i've been meaning to catch up on everything so i can refresh my memory anyway
just gonna roll around and die at precious Hyunseung. n b d.........
kaseumi-appa #6
“At first I thought she was a real Pikachu, and turns out she’s not. Then I thought she was going to stay forever, and turns out she’s not either!” ALKSHLAKHSLAS

ah shetttt the infamous card kidding game aklhlskhada why was there even a card they should've just kissed (so junnie will freak out and all PUHAHAHAHA JK)

I THOUGHT YOU SAID THERE'LL BE YUNWOON IN THIS CHAP WHY IS THERE NO YUNWOON WHERE IS THE YUNWOON /CRIES Update soooooon, I'm craving Yunwoon so badly and omg what will happen when Jaeni leavessss ;~~~;
b95081 #7
;___; THIS IS ONE AMAZING STORY!!! I could actually imagine and feel the emotions <3 and aww jaeni is leaving already :( why couldn't she stay longer HUHU I am hyunjae shipper /is that really their couple name LOL/ anywaaays, nice update!!!! ♥
kaseumi-appa #8
How can you make a chapter so short but so cute hahahahaha =)) OMG FINALLY AFTER 157834 YEARS YOU UPDATED YAY!! Card kissing game lol Seungie I love you. And awwwwww KiWoon bromance!! It's like all I see is JunSeung and KiWoon and not of the boyxgirl pairings at all hahahahaha NOTHING HURTS =))

Update soon, ummarrrr~! ♥
i don't know why but i think i'm gonna reread all the chapters
... ya i'm gonna try.