21. How Chivalrous

I Like You The Best


Yunji never bothered bringing an umbrella, she always thought bringing bags was a hassle, and she was lazy to hold an umbrella up to keep her dry. Frankly, she didn’t care about being soaked under the rain. Her earlier encounter with Jonghyun left her shaken. She hadn’t seen, or kept contact with him after they broke up nearly a year ago. Jonghyun eventually became busy after he debuted, having performance after performance. He had less and less time with Yunji, until the relationship eventually fell apart.

Eventually, he was forced to break up with her.

She refused to feel a thing. She knew if she started to think, she’d start to reminisce, and she knew that if she started remembering all the times she spent with her first love, she’d break down.

She felt so numb, in fact, that she barely even felt the hard slap that a fan had given her just a few minutes prior. The fan had walked up to her, calling out her name. Out of instinct, she looked at who was calling her, thus revealing her identity. The fan had rambled on about how Yunji was a , and was only using Kikwang to be under the spotlight. The fan raged on about how Yunji was ugly, and didn’t deserve to date an idol like Kikwang, and should just go and idea. Yunji gave no response. Outraged at the indifferent reaction given by Yunji, then fan slapped her on the cheek, hard, before storming off. The slap, however, left Yunji with a bright red mark on her face.

Brushing her bangs aside, she spotted Junhyung stepping out of a cab, opening an umbrella, right outside her apartment building. “Junhyung… oppa?”

“Oh hey.” Junhyung greeted the moment he turned around and saw Yunji, then frowned when he saw that she was drenched under the rain. “Where’s your umbrella?” He went to her and held his umbrella over her head.

“What’s the point? I’m wet anyway.” She stated matter-of-factly. “What brings you here, oppa? Coming to visit Jaeni, or something?” She lead the way in the building.

“You could say.” Junhyung closed the umbrella and shook the excess water off before following Yumji.

Yunji looked at him and read his expression. He was frowning slightly, and his jaw was tensed. “Hyunseung’s here too, isn’t he?” She was quite positive of her assumption, and the way he clenched his fist at the question made her absolutely sure. “Why don’t you want them to get close anyway? Hyunseung seems like a good guy.”

“He is.” Junhyung said. “It’s complicated.”

“You don’t want him to hurt her, am I right? Coz you’re in the same group and it would be hard if things get messed up between them.”

“Jaeni told me you were always so full of sense when it came to these matters.”

“It would be hard if they ended up together.” Yunji said. “You guys are too busy, he wont have enough time for her.”

Junhyung nodded. “You’re right.”

Yunji opened her front door. “Come in, make yourself at home.” She said, making her way inside. Junhyung quietly followed. He took his shoes off and put them neatly aside. His frowned deepened when he saw shoes that he knew were Hyunseungs.

Jaeni turned around from where she was seated on the couch, the TV blasting. “Unnie!” She jumped up when she saw Yunji. “You weren’t replying! You weren’t picking up either. I was so worried! Where did you go? And why are you all wet?”

Hyunseung also stood from his spot on the couch. “Hi, Yunji.” He greeted politely, giving a small bow. He looked at Junhyung and gulped. “Why are you here?”

Junhyung’s eyes were blazing. “I should ask you the same thing.” He asked through clenched teeth.

Jaeni was preoccupied pushing Yunji in the bedroom, telling her to change into a dry set of clothes. Hyunseung was trying to avoid Junhyung’s piercing eyes. “Yunji wasn’t home, I just thought it was the right thing to do to keep Jaeni company.”

“How chivalrous.” The sarcasm in his voice was obvious. “It was a simple request, Hyunseung. Stay away from Jaeni. It’s not that hard, just-”


Both eyes turned toward’s the direction of Yunji’s bedroom door, where Jaeni was standing there, face frozen.

“What did you say, oppa?” A frown started to form on her face. “You told Hyunseung to stay away from me? Why would you say that? You’re being controlling again!” Anger was filling her up.

“Jaeni, it’s not what you think.” Junhyung tried to reason out.

“It’s exactly what I think!” Jaeni retorted. “You know what? I actually like Hyunseung oppa.”

“We should leave.” Junhyung said, not wanting to argue. He knew Jaeni wouldn’t listen to him anyway, in case he wanted to explain his view on things. “Hyunseung.” He said, walking towards the door and slipping his feet in his shoes.

Hyunseung’s eyes went from Jaeni, to Junhyung, then back to Jaeni.

“Hyunseung.” Junhyung repeated, his voice stern. Hyunseung turned towards the door, then put on his shoes.

The two left the apartment.

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Chapter 35: i miss you T____T
kaseumi-appa #3
Chapter 34: N'awww that was a sweet chapter! Still rooting for this couple so much, BUT OMG WHERE IS SEUNG HUHUHUHU lol =)) Update soon ummaaaa ^^
Chapter 34: i keep saying that i'm going to reread this
when i first joined this website this was one of the first stories that i read
take your time if you'd like for updating
i've been meaning to catch up on everything so i can refresh my memory anyway
just gonna roll around and die at precious Hyunseung. n b d.........
kaseumi-appa #6
“At first I thought she was a real Pikachu, and turns out she’s not. Then I thought she was going to stay forever, and turns out she’s not either!” ALKSHLAKHSLAS

ah shetttt the infamous card kidding game aklhlskhada why was there even a card they should've just kissed (so junnie will freak out and all PUHAHAHAHA JK)

I THOUGHT YOU SAID THERE'LL BE YUNWOON IN THIS CHAP WHY IS THERE NO YUNWOON WHERE IS THE YUNWOON /CRIES Update soooooon, I'm craving Yunwoon so badly and omg what will happen when Jaeni leavessss ;~~~;
b95081 #7
;___; THIS IS ONE AMAZING STORY!!! I could actually imagine and feel the emotions <3 and aww jaeni is leaving already :( why couldn't she stay longer HUHU I am hyunjae shipper /is that really their couple name LOL/ anywaaays, nice update!!!! ♥
kaseumi-appa #8
How can you make a chapter so short but so cute hahahahaha =)) OMG FINALLY AFTER 157834 YEARS YOU UPDATED YAY!! Card kissing game lol Seungie I love you. And awwwwww KiWoon bromance!! It's like all I see is JunSeung and KiWoon and not of the boyxgirl pairings at all hahahahaha NOTHING HURTS =))

Update soon, ummarrrr~! ♥
i don't know why but i think i'm gonna reread all the chapters
... ya i'm gonna try.