15. Lee Kikwang… Girlfriend…?

I Like You The Best

[Author's Note: If I'm not mistaken, third update this week? :p My next update could be in a couple of days though, I still need to work on the future chapters. I'm currently doing chapter 18, and maybe I'll post chapter 16 after I get chapter 20 done. (Did any of that make sense to anyone? ^^~) Oh and I feel like posting tonight because I loved Beast's comeback stages on MCD so I'm feeling nice. Ehe.)




“Kikwang hyung!”

Kikwang looked up from the game he was playing on his phone to the voice of the youngest, calling him out from the living room. The sun was already setting, and Dongwoon had just arrived from school a few minutes prior. “What?”

“Your name is the top searched on search portals today!” Dongwoon called out.

Kikwang’s head turned to the direction of the bedroom door. Crawling out of his bunk, he made his way to the living room, where the maknae was seated in front of the computer, scrolling through a page. “Really?” He peered over Dongwoon’s shoulder. “Click it, let’s see what related topics there are today. Kikwang abs? Kikwang eyesmile?”

Dongwoon scoffed lightly at his hyung’s rare outburst of brief arrogance and clicked the Lee Kikwang that was on top of the Most Searched list.

Lee Kikwang girlfriend.

“Lee Kikwang… Girlfriend…?” Dongwoon read the text aloud, making sure he was seeing it correctly. Kikwang fell silent behind him. He clicked the link yet again.

Lee Kikwang Konkuk University.

He knew that his hyung had been in his university earlier that day to pass his wallet to him. It was actually Yunji who gave the wallet, saying Kikwang had handed it over and was preoccupied with swarms of fan girls.

“You have a girlfriend, hyung?” Dongwoon asked.

“What? You know I don’t have one!” Kikwang pried Dongwoon’s hand from the computer mouse and navigated the cursor to click on one of the articles.

Beast’s Kikwang spotted visiting his girlfriend at Konkuk University.

Kikwang’s small eyes widened as the image that began to load on the page. It was a photo of when he and Yunji were talking, and there was another photo of when he was holding onto her wrists when she almost fell over from being shoved by a fan. “W-what is…?”

Seeing the pictures, Dongwoon’s eyes widened just as much. “Yunji is your girlfriend?”

“Did you just hear what you said?” Kikwang quickly closed the browser and stood up straight. “Why would you even ask that?”

“So she’s not your girlfriend?”

“Of course not! Aigo, these crazy netizens and paparazzi!” Kikwang huffed and sank on the floor, his arms covering his face. “I really don’t want to be in a scandal right now.”

“But by the looks of it, I honestly think you kind of did look like a couple. And besides…” Dongwoon’s voice trailed off slightly. “You two act like one sometimes.”

“We’re comfortable with each other because we’ve know each other since we were little.” Kikwang looked up at Dongwoon, who was again scrolling through articles.

“Says here that you were seen trying to disguise yourself as you talked to your quote-unquote girlfriend outside Konkuk this morning. And that you gave her some sort of present.”

“Which was your wallet, actually.” Kikwang flopped on his belly. “Some people are just too crazy with their assumptions and…-“

“What I’m saying,” Junhyung’s voice interrupted Kikwang and Dongwoon’s conversation. The rapper made his way in the living room, followed by Hyunseung. “To put it simply, is, stay away from my sister.”

“But why? It’s not like I’m gonna do anything bad to her.” Hyunseung kicked off his shoes.

“I can’t risk it.” Junhyung replied nonchalantly, walking to the fridge and taking out a can of Coke. He opened it and took a swig. “Don’t act like it’s not normal for me to be protective about my sister.”

Hyunseung reached in the fridge from behind Junhyung and got a bottle of water, twisting the cap open, and walked back to the living room. “Don’t act like we haven’t know each other for years, Junhyungie. And I’m not even saying I’m gonna make a move on Jaeni. I mean.”

“I. Can’t. Risk. It.” Junhyung repeated his argument, emphasizing each word.

“Why do you think that I’m gonna…-“

“Look.” Junhyung placed the can of coke firmly on the table. “If you hurt Jaeni, in any way, I’m not going to be able to forgive you. To be honest, I’m going to find it hard to be around you. I haven’t been there for my sister for the past few years, so I have my time now. Do you get what I’m saying?” Hyunseung could only nod. “I’m not saying you’re going to hit on her, or hurt her, or whatever. I just don’t want to risk that possibility.” Junhyung took another big gulp of his drink before retreating to the bedroom.

Hyunseung stood motionless for a while. Thinking about it to himself, he was actually considering on getting closer to Jaeni. The younger girl had already been showing signs of interest to him, and everybody knew he was her favorite member. Junhyung’s warning made him rethink everything.

His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he pulled it out. An unfamiliar number flashed on the screen. He clicked the message open. Hyungseung oppa~ It’s Jaeni ^^ I got your number from Junhyungie oppa’s phone, I hope you don’t mind. ^^ ^^ ^^ The dancer glanced at the closed door leading to his bedroom and stuffed his phone back in his pocket.


Jaeni’s naturally wide eyes got even wider as she read the article on the screen on her laptop. The same article that Kikwang and Dongwoon were reading was apparently getting a lot of hype over the Internet. How could it not? It revealed of an idol’s relationship with a non-idol. Her concentration on the article was broken when she heard the front door click open. Yunji walked in, looking sleepy, and walked to the couch, practically dragging her feet.

“I hate gym class.” She groaned, dropping her bag on the couch.

“Kikwang oppa is your boyfriend?!” Jaeni immediately spat out, tearing her eyes from her laptop to shoot a big questioning gaze to her friend.

“Hm?” Yunji was still unaware of the entire buzz online. “What? No, why?”

“It says so on this article! Lee Kikwang and girlfriend, revealed to be student Park Yunji sharing a moment outside Konkuk University earlier this morning.” Jaeni read the article out loud, the news surprising even herself.

“What?!” Within seconds, Yunji had shoved Jaeni from in front of her laptop and read the article herself. “What is this?!”

“What was Kikwang oppa doing there this morning?”

“He had to give Dongwoon his wallet and I saw him and he asked me to give it and blah blah blah.” The older was waving her hand in front of Jaeni’s face, clicking through more articles. “This is outrageous!” She exclaimed. “We were just talking!”

“You know how crazy fans can get, especially over these kinds of things.” Jaeni went back beside Yunji.

“This is…” She whipped out her phone from her pocket and dialed for Kikwang’s number. The said boy picked up in a matter of seconds.


“Girlfriend?!” Yunji practically screamed from the receiver of her phone. “Girlfriend?!”

“I’m guessing you saw the article.” Kikwang replied. “I swear I didn’t say you were my girlfriend!”

“Well you didn’t say I wasn’t either!” Yunji balled her fist. “I don’t need this right now, Kikwang. Can’t you call the press, or something? Tell them it’s a misunderstanding?”

“You know they’re not going to believe it easily, right?”

“Just do something about it!” She said before calming down. “Your fans are going to kill me, do you know that? I don’t want to die.” Even though Yunji wasn’t a big fan of the idol industry, she knew the damage that crazed fan girls were capable of.  “Look, just… Fix it. Okay? I’m hanging up now.” She flipped her phone close and tossed it over to the couch.

“Unnie has a scandal!” Jaeni said teasingly, but her grin disappeared when she saw the glare that Yunji was shooting to her. “Okay, kidding, kidding. But you better be careful, fan girls are crazy, I tell you. You’re lucky you don’t have some blog or something where they can attack you. I honestly suggest you lie low until this whole scandal clears up.”

Yunji grumbled and sat down on the couch, slouching.

“Which reminds me! Unnie, Hyunseung oppa invited us to go backstage to one of their shows, he said he could get us is, so go with me okay?” Jaeni said, looking at Yunji.

“Do I have to?” Yunji’s reply was more of a whine.

“Yes you have to! I don’t want to go alone, and I really, really want to go, so you have to, have to, have to go with me!”

“I don’t think I have a choice, just tell me a day before, okay?” She hung her head down. “Ah, this . This whole scandal thing.”

“I think it’s pretty cool!” Jaeni tapped her chin. “Being involved with an idol. Aigo. If I were an idol’s girlfriend…” She glanced at her phone to see if anyone texted. The screen remained dark. “I think minus the fan girls going after you, it would be awesome. Imagine the perks!”

“I…” Yunji paused for a moment, and continued quietly. “I don’t think it would be good to involve yourself with an idol.”

“Why not? You get free backstage passes, free concert tickets, you get to meet other idols!” Jaeni was smiling. She looked at Yunji, who was starting at her hands. “Unnie, you okay?”

Yunji nodded. “It’s not nice to be involved with an idol.” She said bluntly.

“Like you would know.” Jaeni said, raising an eyebrow. “You’re not even a fan, you wouldn’t know how idols are like.” She added. Yunji remained silent, still fiddling with her fingers. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

Yunji shook her head. “Can I not come with you to that broadcast?” She finally said after another long moment of silence.

“You already agreed! What’s this about, unnie?” Jaeni was getting a little suspicious, and a little worried on her friend’s rather sudden change of mood. “The rumors aren’t true, right? You’re not really dating Kikwang oppa, are you?”

Yunji shook her head again, not saying a word, before walking to her room, leaving Jaeni a little confused.

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Chapter 35: i miss you T____T
kaseumi-appa #3
Chapter 34: N'awww that was a sweet chapter! Still rooting for this couple so much, BUT OMG WHERE IS SEUNG HUHUHUHU lol =)) Update soon ummaaaa ^^
Chapter 34: i keep saying that i'm going to reread this
when i first joined this website this was one of the first stories that i read
take your time if you'd like for updating
i've been meaning to catch up on everything so i can refresh my memory anyway
just gonna roll around and die at precious Hyunseung. n b d.........
kaseumi-appa #6
“At first I thought she was a real Pikachu, and turns out she’s not. Then I thought she was going to stay forever, and turns out she’s not either!” ALKSHLAKHSLAS

ah shetttt the infamous card kidding game aklhlskhada why was there even a card they should've just kissed (so junnie will freak out and all PUHAHAHAHA JK)

I THOUGHT YOU SAID THERE'LL BE YUNWOON IN THIS CHAP WHY IS THERE NO YUNWOON WHERE IS THE YUNWOON /CRIES Update soooooon, I'm craving Yunwoon so badly and omg what will happen when Jaeni leavessss ;~~~;
b95081 #7
;___; THIS IS ONE AMAZING STORY!!! I could actually imagine and feel the emotions <3 and aww jaeni is leaving already :( why couldn't she stay longer HUHU I am hyunjae shipper /is that really their couple name LOL/ anywaaays, nice update!!!! ♥
kaseumi-appa #8
How can you make a chapter so short but so cute hahahahaha =)) OMG FINALLY AFTER 157834 YEARS YOU UPDATED YAY!! Card kissing game lol Seungie I love you. And awwwwww KiWoon bromance!! It's like all I see is JunSeung and KiWoon and not of the boyxgirl pairings at all hahahahaha NOTHING HURTS =))

Update soon, ummarrrr~! ♥
i don't know why but i think i'm gonna reread all the chapters
... ya i'm gonna try.