Chapter 8

I'm Sorry, I Love You

Author’s POV

As usual chattering fills the whole canteen but strangely one special table is a lot quieter than usual. The majority of Exo K members seems to be busy with their own personal tasks and appears to be arriving late for lunch. This leaves Baekhyun and Kai to be the only ones sat at the table, at the moment.

Being the more talkative one of the two, Baekhyun is the only one conversing in order to prevent silence whilst Kai, who genuinely couldn’t care less, listens as his hyung yabbers on about the piling workload from his teachers with the exam season coming up. Seeing how it’s only the two of them there right now, Kai decides to nicely respect his hyung and listens, looking as bored as hell. He watches as Baekhyun blabbers on and on like his mouth is powered by some sort of motor.

An all too nostalgic giggle travels through all the chattering in the canteen and dances along into Kai’s ears. His ears twitch like a deer’s in the wild as his animal-like hearing sense picks up on the familiar sweet melody of your voice. Like a spell has been casted upon him, he uncontrollably turns his head towards the spotlighted table on the other side of the canteen, completely forgetting the speaking hyung sat opposite him.

 “…which reminds me, oh my god…I had friggin’ maths homework to do for last lesson, damn it!”

Baekhyun notices the lack of attention he was receiving and looks up at his ignorant dongsaeng. The bored, distant look in Kai’s eyes when listening to him is no longer there. Instead he looks a lot more focused and interested. Baekhyun was finding this slightly offensive and follows Kai’s eyes to find the target he has fixed his attention on. That target was none other than you, Yoo Hyeyi. Well...that explains a lot. He looks back and forth from the giggling you to….Kai.

Baekhyun’s eyes continue to look back and forth from the two of you. His face bit by bit scrunches up in annoyance. As the time slowly passes by, Baekhyun was having more and more trouble trying to ignore this sad love drama going on between you two. Even though the other members of Exo K would just pretend that they saw nothing and try their best to just move on, Baekhyun was finding it hard to withstand the sight. Compared to the other members, he’s a lot less tolerant and was growing impatient with the lack of progress in Kai’s ‘breakup recovery’.

He loudly sighs and glances up at the canteen’s entrance before he says anything. Though the relationship between you and Kai has been marked as one of his top priorities, avoiding the scolding of Suho appa and D.O umma topped the list of priorities. He actually feared the thought of facing his ‘parent’s’ wrath if they find out he said something to Kai.


After making sure that no other Exo K members were going to walk in on the conversation, Baekhyun loudly clears his throat in attempt to bring Kai’s attention back to him, which turned out to be very effective. However his eyes twitches in annoyance as he sees the bored look immediately return to Kai’s face. He shrugs it off and focuses on clearing out his mind on his issues in regard to the problem between you and Kai.

“I really don’t get you sometimes…why do you have to watch her from afar? You know, you look like some sort of paedo or stalker eyeing on his victim. If you like her that much, just friggin’ approach the girl. Gosh! Just watching you frustrate me so much. Look, if you like someone, it makes sense for you to go after her, approach her, ask her out…not try your friggin’ best to avoid her! For God's sake! I mean, you obviously love her, right? Yes and I do mean L-O-V-E…love.”

Kai blinks in confusion, bewildered at the sudden outburst from the childish hyung of his. Baekhyun stops talking, giving Kai a chance to answer his question as he catches his breath back. Two seconds later, as Kai opens his mouth to say something, Baekhyun interrupts him and Kai’s mouth closes without being able to say a single word.

“Even if you don’t say anything, everyone knows it. I know it, Exo K knows it. The whole god damn school knows it! And deep down in your heart, you must know it as well. You love her, Kai. You love Hyeyi-sshi. And I really do hope I don’t have to scream it in your face, to make you realise this. ‘Cause if that’s the case…I would have no problem in doing so…so please tell me that you’re not in the delusion that you’re over this girl and that you are aware of your feelings for her.”

He shuts up and gives Kai a short silence to answer him. Kai once again opens his mouth but loudly sighs when Baekhyun interrupts him, again.

“But then again, even if you aren’t aware of it, your behaviour says it all. You may not be able to admit it, but your actions speak for itself. We all witnessed your change over the pa--st….seven? Seven months. You changed so much from the playboy we once knew the you in front of me right now. And all this is from that one break up…you stopped clubbing, you stopped flirting and you drink less now. You even started dancing…like...proper dancing, if that makes sense. And what exactly is your reason for all this change?”

Baekhyun seems to have finished speaking now. He looks at Kai with eager eyes, urging him to answer him. Kai looks back at him, keeping silent for a bit in case this stupid hyung makes a fool out of him again. After a minute or so of silence, he opens his mouth to speak…but ends up closing it again as he rolls his eyes in frustration.

“Fine. Don’t admit it then, it’s not like I don’t know the answer anyway…everyday you go to that same dance studio and this has been going on for the past half a year already. Every single day we silently watched as you sweat it all out…every… Seven months is not a short amount of time, Kai. And although we may not act like it, to this day we all worry about you…a lot. Everyday we see you come back home completely worn out and depleted and all sweaty and…and…it’s just…just seeing you like that doesn’t really help lessen our concerns. Look, I, as well as the other guys, really wish that you could just talk to us about your problems, we just wanna help you. I mean, we’re like a big family…and you’re like a brother to us…I really hope to see that same cocky brat that we knew again….”

For the first time in his life, Kai actually whole heartedly respected Baekhyun. As he looks at the more mature, caring side of his hyung, he surprisingly softens up and he feels…touched? But the honours of witnessing Baekhyun’s maturity didn’t last very long as Baekhyun continues, placing his hand on his own chest. He dramatically speaks like he is shooting some sort of drama.

“So please, stop trying to hold back all those feelings. Express them. You may not necessarily be able to tell Hyeyi-sshi but you can tell us…we will always be there for you”

Kai watches him with a what-the-hell-are-you-doing look. *I take it back…to think that I actually had so much respect for this guy in that moment*

Kai sighs and finally voices out what he was unable to say this whole time.

“You done now? ‘Cause it’s about time you allow me speak…*sighs*…you make it sound like I’m in major denial or something and trust me…I’m not…I am aware of my feelings and yes I admit that I am in love with her. So pathetically in love with her, it hurts. But how could you tell me to just approach her again? After what I’ve done to her. I mean, what if…what if I hurt her again?”

Baekhyun’s serious face appears to go through weird changes as he couldn’t help but to unleash his immature self out again for a moment as he listens to the drama-like speech from Kai.

“Pfft…and they call me dramatic. Puh-lease~ stop being overdramatic. You don’t even know if she still likes you…. for all you could know, she might already have someo-…..

Kai glares at the hyung-who-has-supposedly-offered-him-help, who has once again interrupted him. The glare silences the immature side of Baekhyun who realises he’s in the middle of helping this dongsaeng and composes himself.

“…ok, ok…I was only joking. *sighs* bae~sically, what I was trying to say, is that…as you may have noticed, Hyeyi-sshi is a really nice girl. She’s special…well to you she is…and a girl like her is bound to have tons of admirers. I mean, look at her. She’s not called Miss A for nothing………look Kai, you changed a lot. I may not be the wisest hyung amongst us but I at least know this…whether you realised this is or not…all this change did not happen because of her, it happened for her. I mean, why else would you get rid of those drinking habits and flirting habits? If you really did think the two of you are completely over, why change yourself? You know better than anyone else that you want her back, you still wanna be with her…and besides, it’s not like you lost all possible connections with her, ahem~ our little maknae for example…trust me, if you don’t get your act together, someone else will come and take her away. And when that happens, that’s when it’ll be too late.”

The words from Suho’s advice echoes in Kai’s mind as Baekhyun finish his sentence. The words that continue to haunt him like the deceased who has wishes that they have yet to fulfil.

Treasure her before it’s too late.

Maybe Baekhyun is right. Maybe he did change because he wants to get you back. Maybe he changed so that he won’t make the same mistakes again if given another chance. And maybe…just maybe, those same few words would stop haunting him if he fulfils the wishes of his inner self. *Maknae...huh?*

Baekhyun looks up to see Suho and Chanyeol walking in. His rarely seen mature side naturally fades away, returning him to his usual childish self. A wave of panic washes over him as he sees the feared Suho-appa. His eyes are kept locked onto the entering members closing in as he desperately leans over to Kai, requesting him to keep the forbidden ‘relationship talk’ secret.

“Ermm…Kai? L-let’s just pretend this conversation never happened…I mean…no, it did happen…just not to the knowledge of the others…ok? Just remember, this whole time we were talking abo~ut…lessons, yes we were talking about our lessons”

Kai raises his eyebrows at the contrasting image of his hyung that he has just witnessed. *Makes me wonder…was I dreaming the whole thing?*

“Hey guys!”

Chanyeol excitedly makes his way over. Suho trudges along with quite a few books in hand, he places the pile of books onto the table when he gets there and drops onto a seat, massaging his own shoulders.

“So tiring, my arms hurt”

By now, Baekhyun’s mature side has completely disappeared as he and his troublemaking partner teases the eldest like usual.

“Aigoo, is our gramps tired now?”

“Oh come on gramps, it’s not good for your bones if you carry so many books around.”

“Shut up Yeolli. If it’s bad for my bones, I don’t see you offer any help”

The usual loudness of the table returns as everyone laughs at the bickering between the ‘gramps’ and his ‘children’. The other missing members soon one by one enters and joins in.

“Oh! Baek, did you do the maths homework?”

“Crap! I forgot! Yeolli-ah…let me quickly copy yours.....plea~se

Kai once again looks at Baekhyun, narrowing his eyes in suspicion *I must have been dreaming*


Right after lunch, it was your English class. You make your way into class, gracefully seating yourself down on your chair and neatly place your completed assignment on the desk. The teacher was checking off who completed the assignment as she did the register. One by one the students had to walk up to her and hand in their work when their name was called out.

“Yoo Hyeyi-sshi?”


You happily stood up with your little booklet of work and proudly made your way up to the front of the class.

“Thank you”

The teacher gave you a favourable smile as she collects your assignment, knowing that she could always trust you to hand in the work on time. You kindly smiled back at her and walked back to your desk with light steps.

It turns out that almost half the class was unable to complete the assignment and were put into detention after school for however long it takes them to finish the overdue work.

After hearing the consequences that could have happened if you didn’t hand in the assignment, you immediately remembered Mr Nice Guy who helped you yesterday, mentally thanking him and his useful tall height as you were beyond happy to have been able to avoid detention. Plus an added bonus was that you did not lose any sleep at all.

*Too bad we won’t be seeing each other again, they were quite an interesting bunch…kinda reminds me of a certain group in our school*


A/N: It's getting busier and busier for me with  CHIRSTMAS approaching haha...anyway hope you enjoyed the update ^_^


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final update before christmas ^_^


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It's has been a while since you last log in.. I miss yoj author nim... I hope you are well... I really love your stories.. I hope you will not delete them in the future.. I always come back here to read it again n again
Chapter 41: funny-cute storrrrrrrrrrry <3 i love it ^^
Finally this story has ended :( Will really miss reading this fanfic! Heh this is probably my first time commenting here. But thank you author - nim for such a beautiful story hehe, this story made me smile like an idiot at times <3 i really like hyeyi's friendship with sehun and miss a here aww <3 and not forgetting her and kai's relationship and how kai changed so drastically because of her. Hahaha :p Hope you keep writing great stories and once again, thank you so much for this wonderful story ♡ Hwaiting!
leehyunae_pearl #4
Chapter 41: this story is so cute~~ i cant stop smiling. kai is too sweet.. sehun and kris are really funny
4D_World #5
Chapter 41: Im so sorry for the sudden little comment spamming but ive been missing out on so much and i swear this will probs be the last one so bear with me ;D

This is story is so friggin perfect. I love hyeyi's friendship with maknaes...sehunnnieee >.<
eunhye and the miss a girls are such great friends as well, i love how they all contributed to the wedding in their own little ways. and kris! damn that lovable-big-brother-giant-guy. so glad that he has eunhye now, no sad ending for him :D
and you know what exo's angel really is such a perfect piece of music. if i were ever to get married, i have gotta have that playing at my wedding! its such a beautiful piece of music but LOL chanyeol that clumsy chanyeol, loved his little moment there hahaha
and and and, hyeyi and kai with their little jongkyu eeeeeeiiiii that little cutie!!!

I am soooooo gonna miss this story, kai and hyeyi are just so cute together. and i have just loved reading this so much. ill definitely be reading more of stories author-nim fighting!
4D_World #6
Chapter 39: Omg this is so frggin cute, cant stop grinning like an idiot at the computer screen hehehe
kai and hyeyi are just too perfect for each other
4D_World #7
Chapter 38: THIS! This is perfection! Finally, finally!! They're back together!!! :D
Chapter 41: I love this story XD
I miss this story~~ please write a new story starring Exo.. I love your writing!!
Chapter 41: The ending is so cute omfg can I die already