Bonus Chapter

I'm Sorry, I Love You


With the swift movements of professional hands, a small blending brush lightly brushes over the eyelid, smoothing out the light, shimmery brown eye shadow. Eyeliner and mascara are expertly applied, followed by a quick brush up of blush along the cheekbones and finished with the simple applying of the lipstick.

Satisfied, the makeup artist happily claps her hands together “there! all done!”

The girl’s eyes slowly open as the makeup artist takes a step back, taking a good look at the girl’s face.

Eyes rounded in awe as the seated figure stared at her own reflection in the mirror.

With her hair and makeup in check, all that was left was to get out of those bathrobes and into her special attire for the day.


“Wah! Hyeyi-ah, you look amazing!”

The said girl giggled upon hearing her friend’s words and smiled up at her “thank you, Suji-ah”. Playfully narrowing her eyes “though I’m not sure if you’re actually complimenting me or whether you’re praising yourself.

“Nonsense! Of course I’m complimenting you!” the girl feigned a thoughtful expression, looking up with her arms crossed, hand lightly pinching her chin “…although my little touch of magic did help to do the trick”

The two girls met eyes and seconds later, bursted into giggles.

“But seriously, thank you. I’m glad I got you and Jia unnie to help me with my hair and makeup”

“Ae~ it’s fine! You have no idea how happy we are to do this for you on your big day. Besides, you can always rely on this big makeup artist here to do the job!” her thumb proudly pointing at her own chest as she flashed Hyeyi a big toothy smile.

Hyeyi shook her head at the makeup artist’s big ego but failed to hold back her own toothy smile.

Suji’s smile softened, her shoulders relaxed as she made her way behind the chair, placing her hands on Hyeyi’s shoulders.

The two of them looked into the mirror, taking a good look at the soon-to-be-wedded girl’s reflection. Her hair beautifully done up by Jia – all pulled back into a high princess bun. Her makeup looking flawless with shades of brown accentuating the eyes, light dusky pink perfectly highlighting her cheeks and plump lips rendered a light peachy pink.

“Kai’s gonna be totally knocked off his feet when he sees you”

The mentioning of her groom had Hyeyi’s cheeks heating up. Her chest started feeling heavy with the nerves slowly seeping in.

Catching her reaction through the mirror, Suji slightly smirked and gave her a pat on both arms. “Time to hand you over to the unnies now!”

The two left the two meter long dressing table that took up its own little room, separating the en suite from the main dressing area where a where a hug three-way mirror occupied the back corner.

The rest of the girls – Minyoung, Fei, Jia and Eunhye – were sat on the sofas at the side of the room, chatting animatedly. All of them dressed in their matching pastel pink bridesmaid dresses.



Minyoung was the first to look up, followed by the others.

“Wah~ Jia and Suji did a great job with the hair and makeup” Fei gave two thumbs.

Her comment seemed to have pleased Suji more so than the actual bride as the girl beamed in pride “I know right! Doesn’t she look amazing?!”

Unaware of the girl’s rising ego, Eunhye didn’t hesitate to nod in agreement. “Hyeyi-ah, you look so pretty!”

The young bride, blushed and awkwardly smiled “thank you”

“Hey, girls? The praising can wait for later, she’s yet to get into her dress”

“Oh right! Yeh! Dress!” Fei automatically sprung into action with Jia’s kind reminder, jumping up onto her feet “come, our lovely bride. Let’s get you ready”

Minyoung raised her brows at the older girl and dryly commented “unnie.  Stop. Please. You sound like a creepy ahjumma”

“Shut it, you. Come and help me, my little assistant. Let’s get the dress out”

Minyoung deeply sighed and just went along with her. "Right, right. Coming."


Both Fei and Minyoung self assigned themselves to help Hyeyi get into the dress whilst Eunhye was put in charge of preparing the accessories.

And the hair and makeup duo - Jia and Suji, simply sat aside, happy to be of help if any was needed.

After a good few minutes the dress was on. It was but a simple strapless design, but sometimes simplicity works best. In fact the minimal details in the design brought out a certain elegance that graced the bride’s every movement.

The fabric perfectly hugged her figure and the rest of the gown flawlessly flowed down, trailing along the floor. The dress itself showcased the persona of pure, delicate demure, which suited the bride well.

Such innocent beauty was further enhanced by the extra touches, courtesy of Eunhye, who had kept the accompanying accessories light and simple but just enough to add that sparkle.

The princess bun was topped off with a beautiful tiara, placed just above it whilst the veil had been seamlessly clipped under the bun.

And last but not least, the bride was handed a small bouquet of white and peach roses which she tightly held onto.


Into the main bridal lounge, beyond the luxurious valance curtains, was a splendid little space for the bride to wait in. And in the middle was a beige and gold Victorian sofa, situated in the middle where Hyeyi was seated. Behind her were the ivory diamond padded walls.

“Ok!” Minyoung suddenly clapped her hands together, “picture time!”

“Hey, I thought you were leaving the photography work to the other photographers today” Suji questioned.

“Well it wouldn’t hurt for me to take the pictures for the girls, right?” she set up a tripod, a few feet from the curtains and fiddled around with camera setting before setting the timer and hurriedly jogged into the frame.

And with a *snap, snap, snap* the camera started its photo taking spree on burst mode.




The double doors bursted open causing the girls to jolt up. And in came the dramatic maknaes – Sehun and Tao.

Despite the sudden interruption, the camera was still capturing pictures. *Snap. Snap. Snap…*

And within that split of a second, continuous shots of the girls’ shocked expressions were all caught.

“Stop following me! I wanted to see noona first!”

Followed by their lost faces *Snap. Snap. Snap…*

Sehun scowled in annoyance and Tao stuck his tongue out at him “mehrong~!” causing the younger maknae to jut out his bottom lip, his eyes narrowed down.

The girls looked around, catching each other’s eyes before erupting into light hearted giggles. *Snap. Snap. Snap…* and just like that, further shots, filled with happiness, were beautifully captured.

Sehun and Tao whipped their heads around to the sound of the giggling and froze in awe, their jaws dropping to the floor as they stared at the dazzling girl in white.

“Noona/mei mei, so pretty~”

Their voice came out like a whisper which Hyeyi could not hear over the ongoing laughter. But feeling their gaze on her, she stopped laughing and looked straight back at them.

With that one look, the childlike boys jumped back into reality, shooting each other a nasty glare “stop copying me!”

“First you followed me here and now you copy what I say. I should be the one to see noona first!”

“You’re one of the groomsmen! Go and stay with Kai, I’m on the bride’s side!”

“Well I knew noona before you!”

Hyeyi didn’t bother stopping their bickering as she was already used to it now.

Minyoung who had always chosen to ignore their little arguments, diverted everyone’s attention away from the boys. Making them all huddle together to check out the photos.

As she clicked onto the next photo, a sudden howling laughter could be heard. Followed by everyone’s else’s, having seen their shocked faces. 

“Oh my god! Haha! Jia unnie! Your eyes!”

Minyoung pointed at the image with Jia’s eyes appearing half closed whilst hung open.

“You can’t say anything, look at how at your eyes!” Jia countered as she spotted the abnormal amount of white around Minyoung's eyes in one of the photos.

Sehun and Tao momentarily stopped their bickering and innocently blinked at the girls and then each other before battling to get to the girls first. “I wanna see!”

“Haha, Suji-ah you look you’re 'scream' face”

“Oh my god, Eunhye unnie!” more flaws were pointed out but none insults were taken as they good naturedly laughed it off.

“Ooh! This one’s nice” Suji commented as she looked at some of the final laughing shots.

The girls smiled lightly whilst the two boys looked at the pictures enviously.

“Noona! I want to take pictures too!”

Tao nodded, agreeing with the Exo K maknae for once “mei mei, we should take some together”

And just like that, pictures after pictures were taken, compliments and envious remarks were made and constant tinkling laughter could be heard, echoing throughout the entire room.


*Knock. Knock*


Silence fell upon them as everyone waited for the visitor to emerge from the door.

Kris enters shocked to see everyone staring him like that. He did a double take at Sehun and Tao, not particularly pleased to see those two maknaes hanging around in here without informing the others.

His eyes instinctively found its way to Eunhye's, who sent him an understanding smile.

Straightening herself up, she turned to the others. “We should get ready for ceremony now”

The rest of the girls happily went along with it whilst the boys…

“Huh? What about dui-” Tao’s words were cut off by Jia who clamped her hand over his mouth and dragged him along. Minyoung, too, had Sehun taken care of before he could utter a single sound. Just like that, the two problematic boys were forcefully pulled along without having the chance to protest.

Eunhye was the last to leave as she walked towards her husband first. Kris greeted her by resting his hand on her waist "thanks". Eunhye smiled softly at him “I’ll leave you to your ‘big brother’ talk”.

The older girl gave her husband a quick peck on the cheek before making her way out, silently shutting the doors behind her. 



Hyeyi stood up from her seat and took a few steps forward, more than happy to see Kris before the wedding had started.

The older male, made his way over and protectively gathered her into his brotherly hug.

Kris pulled away and took a good look at his xiao mei, noting how her body was slightly trembling although it wasn’t very obvious.

“Hey hey, you were just laughing a second ago. Why are you being like this now?”

“I didn’t want to show it before but right now I’m as nervous as hell”

“Don’t be. You look wonderful. Don’t ruin it with your nerves”

“But you know how clumsy I am!”

Not even bothering to deny that fact, he nodded in complete understanding - something definitely Hyeyi took note of. She pouted at him but said nothing about it and continued voicing her worries.

“What if I trip and sprawl out in the middle of the aisle?!”

Kris chortled at her creativity, which he could picture all too well. But thanks to that oh-so-helpful response of his, Hyeyi felt even more insecure. To her, the possibility of that actually happening was increasing. And the chance of her facing such humiliation already seemed pretty high.

Kris was met with instant regret as he faced the girl, who struck his guilty heart with that innocent yet pitiful look. Her brows knitted together and the view of her bottom lip was made more prominent.

“H-hey!” he gently held onto her shoulders “you’ll be fine, trust me”

Looking up at him with her puppy eyes, “but what if-”

“If anyone even dares to laugh at my xiao mei, they’ll have me and the boys to face. Not to mention the Miss A girls. And you know they can be hella scary, phew~”

The girl giggled at his words unenergetically, the nerves still evidently weighing down on her.

“…but that won’t be happening, ‘cause you are gonna do just fine”

Hyeyi didn’t talk back, though she didn’t really agree to what he was saying.


Taking in her silence, Kris scanned her appearance and nonchalantly smiled down at the beautiful young bride.

“Look at you, my clumsy xiao mei is gonna be a big girl now”

Hyeyi raised her brows and chuckled “oppa, stop it. You’re worser than my appa”

“Hey!” her comment earned her a little knock on her forehead “and for your information ‘worser’ isn’t even a word, straight A student”

“Tch” she gave her forehead a little rub even though it didn’t even hurt her “and for your information, I’m no longer a student”

“That's not-...nevermind" Kris looked at her and sighed "how did I ever like a girl like you?” he casually said like it was nothing. Not to mention how he had to spurt it out at such random timing.

Hyeyi, on the other hand, looked like she received the shock of her lifetime. “Neh?!" Her face paled, hoping she heard wrong  "O-oppa…y-you like…me?”

Kris smirked at her reaction and answered “liked to be exact. It’s all in the past now”

“Liked?” she quietly repeated to herself, still shocked by this revelation. “You liked me? B-but…when?!”

Kris chuckled and nodded “yes. And like I said, it’s all in the past. Besides I have Eunhye now, and I’m happy with her”

Hyeyi stood still, the nerves were momentarily forgotten but the shock had taken over.

Kris pinched her cheeks “A..Ah~! Makeup!”

"Oh. Sorry" lightening his grip, making sure he wouldn't smudge any of the makeup, he continued. "Listen. No matter what, I’m still your oppa and always will be. And you will always be my xiao mei. Nothing more, nothing less. Got it?”

The girl didn't have much of a choice and obediently nodded her head "neh"

“Neh, what?”

“Neh, oppa”

“Good!” out of habit, his hand reached up to ruffle her hair but left it hovering two centimetres above, fearing it will ruin the bride’s appearance.


Knock. Knock.


His hand dropped down to his side as they both looked over at the door where the bride’s dad stood.

“Ready, sweetheart?”

Hyeyi threw a desperate glance at Kris who smiled encouragingly. He offered his arm which she tightly held onto and led her towards the door. Giving her hand a small squeeze before letting her father take over.

He himself had to hurry off outside, into the elegantly decorated wedding tent, slipping into his seat on the bride’s side.



/cue entrance music -

The awaited moment had finally arrived.

Everyone watched as the bride gracefully took her first step onto the white aisle. Petals were scattered down the path which was lined with white and light pink roses.

Trying to ignore their stares, Hyeyi tightly gripped onto her small bouquet for her dear life.

Her eyes set on her groom who stood waiting by the floral arch at the other end. Smartly dressed up in his dashing black tux, his hair nicely combed to the side.

His mesmerising smile sent a tingling spark running up her spine.

And with every small step she took, her heart beats faster. Every small step, bringing her closer to the love of her life – Kai, Kim Jongin – the very man she is to be bewedded to.

What she didn’t know was that Kai, himself, felt the exact same. He too was as nervous as hell, he too felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest watching her every small step. But that didn’t stop that elated smile from breaking out as he grasped onto the angelic sight before him.

His smile growing wider and wider, the closer she got and by the time she had finally reached him, it was already at its widest, its happiest.

“I’ll be handing her over to you now.”

Hyeyi’s appa took a good look at the young couple, tears filling his eyes as he held his daughter and his soon-to-be son in law’s hands together.

“I'll be trusting you to take care of her now, son”

Seeing his tears, Hyeyi felt the warm substance slowly emerge from her own eyes. Kai grinned and gave her hand an assuring squeeze, confidently answering “I will.”

Her appa warmly smiled, nodding approvingly. And with a pat on the young man’s arm, he made his way to his own seat at the front.

The bouquet was temporarily handed over to Fei, who made sure the bride’s makeup was in perfect shape, gently dabbing away any traces of tears. Hyeyi smiled gratefully, softly whispering a quick ‘thank you’.

The soon-to-be-wedded couple turned to face one another, both hands tightly held together.

With the officiant’s speech running in the background, the two of them brushed away their awareness of everyone else’s presence and stood in their own little world, staring lovingly into each other’s eyes.

‘You look beautiful’ Kai mouthed to her, making her bashfully look down at their hands,  hiding her smile that would have escalated into a burst out of giggles had she looked at him any longer.


“-…traditionally, the passage to the status of husband and wife is marked by the exchange of rings. These rings are a symbol of the unbroken circle of love. Love freely given has no beginning and no end, no giver and no receiver for each is the giver and each is the receiver. May these rings always remind you of the vows you will have taken… May I have the rings please?”


The owner of that deep, enthusiastic voice scrambled forward.

Having almost tripped over his own foot, he flashed the first person he met eyes with – which just happened to be the bride – an embarrassed smile and proceeded to deliver the rings.

Hyeyi silent wished the happy virus wouldn’t have caught her eyes as she struggled to hold back her laugh. It didn’t help that she could feel Kai watching her in amusement, knowing exactly what she was thinking. But thankfully she smoothly pulled through with a quiet chuckle.


The officiant's sophisticated tone had Hyeyi automatically straightening herself up.

 “…please place the ring on your beloved's finger and repeat after me”

“I Kim Jongin, take you Yoo Hyeyi, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish til death do us part. And hereto I promise my love to you forevermore and pledge you my faithfulness.”

“Hyeyi-sshi, please place the ring on your beloved's finger and repeat after me”

“I Yoo Hyeyi, take you Kim Jongin, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish til death do us part. And hereto I promise my love to you forevermore and pledge you my faithfulness.”

“Mr Kim Jongin and Miss Yoo Hyeyi, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, by the authority vested in me I hereby pronounce you Husband and Wife. Congratulations. Jongin-sshi,” the officiator gave Kai a serious look before a sincere smile spreads across his face “…you may kiss your bride.”

Kai, being Kai, smirked down at his newly wedded wife. Before she could even respond to that trademark sneaky smirk of his, she had found herself being pulled in by the waist in one swift movement. And within a split of second later, his lips crashed onto hers.

The guests went ecstatic as they stood up from their seats, erupting in howling cheers.

Thanks to them, Hyeyi who was initially stunned by the groom’s boldness quickly got over it with the help of the loud clapping and whooping from the overly supportive attendees.

Smiling into the kiss, she cupped his jaw and pulled him in, closing any gaps left between them.

“I guess you’re gonna be stuck with me for a lifetime now” he teasingly mumbled between the kiss, his comment met with a chuckle that tickled his lips “I guess I am”

And with another smirk, he dove in for another kiss.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Five Years Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hyeyi was having one of her occasional lazy morning where she had trouble waking up. And she definitely did not appreciate having her husband sat at the side of the bed pestering her at such unruly time.


The said girl turned to the other side, her back was facing him.


A hand gently shook her shoulder causing her brows to scrunch up in slight annoyance as she rolled onto her stomach, hugging the pillow under her.

“Don’t make me do this” he pointed at her like he was scolding a child. But of course she was too sleepy to listen to him. “I’ve warned you~”

When he still didn’t get any reaction from her, he evilly smirked at the seemingly lifeless figure.




The figure violently jerked as a light jab hit her side. Her eyes flew opened confused as to what happened and looked at her husband wide eyed “Wha-”

She had just caught a glimpse of the sinister smile on Kai’s handsome face when she suddenly felt a surge of uncontrollable laughter forcefully escaped .

Playful giggles echoed through the couple’s room as Hyeyi rolled around on the bed, squirming under Kai’s tickling hands.

“Ahh~ hahaha…s-stop…hahaha…Kai~...I-I can’t breathe”

Despite her desperate cries, her beloved husband still didn’t show any signs of stopping, causing her to exclaim “…right! …I-I’ll get up”

And that made him stop. But still, he closely eyed her suspiciously.

“I’ll get up” Hyeyi breathed out, confirming her words.

Still lying on the bed, she looked up at Kai and pouted upon seeing the proud look on his face. “Meanie”

She sat up from the bed and childishly glared at him. Kai automatically responded to her glare, lacing his hands around her waist.

“Sorry~” placing a small peck on her lips “forgive me?”

Hyeyi was close to smiling but bit it back and harrumphed at him, turning her head away.

But Kai had already caught that small smile and grinned victoriously. He sneakily manoeuvred his head around and pecked her lips again “forgive me?”

Hyeyi jerked back slightly and looked at him bewildered. Kai flashed her a cheeky boyish grin. And unlucky for her, she was still trapped in his arms to escape.

He pecked her lips for the third time and once again asked, “forgive me?” this time she blinked at him still bewildered.

And on the fourth time – kiss, “forgive me?” the smile had already broken out.

But he didn’t stop there.

Kiss, “forgive me?” …kiss, “forgive me?” …kiss, “forgive me?” …

By now Hyeyi couldn’t stop giggling at his childlike behaviour.

Kai was clearly enjoying this way too much and she was too busy giggling to try and stop him and his kisses.

…kiss, “forgive me?” 

As he leaned in again, she quickly held his face, squashing his cheeks together “I forgive you…happy?”

“Very” he nodded in satisfaction, the ends of his lips almost reaching his eyes.

Hyeyi stared into his eyes for a second, noticing how that childish glint was still there and chuckled. “Good. Now stop-”

Before she could say more, he had gently cradled her face. Huskily whispering “just one more”

Kai slowly closed in.

And unlike the other kisses, this was no simple peck.

The kiss started soft and slow but gradually intensified, when a loud gasp was heard.

The two broke apart, their eyes following the direction in which the gasp came from.

“Jongkyu-ah” Hyeyi looked at her three year old son who stood at the door, looking absolutely adorable in his Spiderman onesie.

“Omma, appa bobo!” Jongkyu covered his mouth with both his little hands and giggled.

“Jongkyu-ah, that’s not a bobo”

The little one removed his hands from his mouth and tilted his head in confusion as he stared at his daddy with big rounded eyes “not a bobo?”

Hyeyi stared at Kai who nodded and smiled “that my son, is what we call a ki-”

“Yah” Before he could finish his sentence, Hyeyi slapped his arm with the back of her hand. Shooting him a glare.

Turning back to her son, she sweetly smiled “Jongkyu-ah, don’t listen to appa. You were right, it’s a bobo”

Jongkyu nodded and brightly smiled at his mummy. “Omma! Jongkyu wants a bobo too!”

He ran up and climbed onto the bed, placing a little peck on her lips with a loud “muah!"

“Hey, hey! Cheeks only. The lips are for appa only”

Kai scolded the poor kid who turned to his mummy with those irresistable puppy eyes.

Hyeyi picked him up and got out from bed, pecking his lips, much to disapproval of her husband. “Ignore him. Appa has already used up all his bobo’s for the next two weeks”

She eyed Kai and imitated his signature smirk, directing it right back at him.

“Come on, let’s wash up. And then you can make breakfast with omma”

“Yay! Breakfast! Jongkyu wants pancake!”

“Really? Then pancake it is then!”

Both mother and son left the room, leaving the daddy gawking at them for blatantly leaving him out. Not to mention the sudden punishment he has received. *No kisses...for the next two weeks?!*

Shooting up from the bed, he quickly followed after his wife and son.




A/N: Finally done! Woo! And yeh I used Exo's Angel/ Into Your World as the wedding entrance music, it just seemed so perfect for it! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this bonus chapter, seeing how Kris and Eunhye couple seems to be very unloved with the previous chapter. But anyway this really really is the last of Kai and Hyeyi couple now T____T.
Thank you everyone for subscribing, commenting and just for reading this story ^_^
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final update before christmas ^_^


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It's has been a while since you last log in.. I miss yoj author nim... I hope you are well... I really love your stories.. I hope you will not delete them in the future.. I always come back here to read it again n again
Chapter 41: funny-cute storrrrrrrrrrry <3 i love it ^^
Finally this story has ended :( Will really miss reading this fanfic! Heh this is probably my first time commenting here. But thank you author - nim for such a beautiful story hehe, this story made me smile like an idiot at times <3 i really like hyeyi's friendship with sehun and miss a here aww <3 and not forgetting her and kai's relationship and how kai changed so drastically because of her. Hahaha :p Hope you keep writing great stories and once again, thank you so much for this wonderful story ♡ Hwaiting!
leehyunae_pearl #4
Chapter 41: this story is so cute~~ i cant stop smiling. kai is too sweet.. sehun and kris are really funny
4D_World #5
Chapter 41: Im so sorry for the sudden little comment spamming but ive been missing out on so much and i swear this will probs be the last one so bear with me ;D

This is story is so friggin perfect. I love hyeyi's friendship with maknaes...sehunnnieee >.<
eunhye and the miss a girls are such great friends as well, i love how they all contributed to the wedding in their own little ways. and kris! damn that lovable-big-brother-giant-guy. so glad that he has eunhye now, no sad ending for him :D
and you know what exo's angel really is such a perfect piece of music. if i were ever to get married, i have gotta have that playing at my wedding! its such a beautiful piece of music but LOL chanyeol that clumsy chanyeol, loved his little moment there hahaha
and and and, hyeyi and kai with their little jongkyu eeeeeeiiiii that little cutie!!!

I am soooooo gonna miss this story, kai and hyeyi are just so cute together. and i have just loved reading this so much. ill definitely be reading more of stories author-nim fighting!
4D_World #6
Chapter 39: Omg this is so frggin cute, cant stop grinning like an idiot at the computer screen hehehe
kai and hyeyi are just too perfect for each other
4D_World #7
Chapter 38: THIS! This is perfection! Finally, finally!! They're back together!!! :D
Chapter 41: I love this story XD
I miss this story~~ please write a new story starring Exo.. I love your writing!!
Chapter 41: The ending is so cute omfg can I die already