Chapter 31

I'm Sorry, I Love You

Author’s POV

Exo K sat around in the living, waiting for Kai to come back from dance practice.

They weren’t exactly sure if they should tell him what they saw. It’s not even like they knew there’s something going on between you and Kris for definite. I mean, it’s not like you were touchy with him even, Sehun is touchier with you than that guy. But then again, for such a good looking guy like Kris, what girl wouldn’t like him?


Everyone sat up at the sound of the door. Kai had finally got back from dance practice.

He walked in and stopped, sensing something strange. His eyes innocently scanned the members. Every one of them had their eyes on him.

“Is something going on?”

Baekhyun opened his mouth but was interrupted by Suho.

 “No, nothing”

He smiled at Kai and shot Baekhyun a quick warning glance which Kai caught.

Kai slowly nodded at him, his eyes curiously scanning the members again.

“Well I’m…going to shower then”


Everyone’s eyes followed his body as he walked down the hallway. When the figures left their sight, no words were spoken instead they all glanced around at each other, like they were taking part in a mass telepathic conversation.

Not long after, Kai had come back out and joined everyone in the living room watching TV.

Unsettling glances were continuously being thrown at him and he could feel every single one of them.

Each glance irked him more, like prickly thorns stabbing into his nerves

Having putting up with them for long enough, Kai sat up in frustration but before he could even open his mouth, someone beat him to it.


The second oldest shot up from his slouching position, his tongue was itching to speak and every passing second of silence felt just as unnerving to him as it was to Kai.

The problem is that he opened his mouth before his brain was able to formulate the right words to say. And so his sudden shouting had everyone jumping in shock.

As the other members’ brain processed the name that had just been said, their eyes widened in sync

On the hand, Kai stared at his hyung like he was an alien.

“…does she, have many guy friends?”

Kai furrowed his brow questioningly “Not that I know of…why?”

Before anyone could signal Baekhyun to shut up, his troublemaking partner swiftly swept in.

“What about close male relatives?”

The others wanted to mentally facepalm themselves, but they too gave in to their inner selves and turned to Kai with a curious gaze.

Kai cautiously looked at everyone staring at him and slowly shook his head. He was getting more and more confused about the situation, not to mention annoyed.  Just when another question was about to get thrown at him, he quickly cut them off.

“Right. Just cut to the chase already”

Silence fell upon the room with the other members exchanging prodding glances at each other.

“…noona, Hyeyi noona…we, saw her at the mall…with a guy”

Chanyeol nodded at the maknae’s words “they looked really close”

Kai looked around at the questioning glances, mixed with worry.

He could only recall that one other guy he has ever seen you with.

“…is he blonde, really tall?”

Chanyeol enthusiastically nodded again “yeh, really good looking too!”

His eyes were really big and his deep voice made him sound even more serious but his unneeded comment earned him a smack in the head by Baekhyun.

Sehun expressed his concern “So, they’re not together…right?”

“She did say they were friends”

*Friends* that word drew out a loud unified sigh from everyone.

A sigh that had Kai chuckling to himself

These guys were really worried about him.

…but deep down, he too felt uneasy about you and Kris.


Kai’s POV

…another long day of school has finally ended and here I am acting like some sort of stalker.

Seriously, what has this girl made me become?

Ever since I was informed of Hyeyi’s meet up with this Kris guy, I had been overcome with a tense feeling.

She said that they were friends that other time, but somehow it seems as though this friendship between them has grown real quick.

Before, I just happened to overhear Hyeyi and the Miss A girls talk – a complete coincidence. And apparently, she’s meeting up with this Kris guy, again.

Which makes me wonder just how close are they to meet up so often?

I really don’t mean to pry into her privacy but I guess you could say that curiosity kills the cat. Although curiosity alone wouldn’t have brought this pair of feet here

It’s already been a while now, having trailed her all the way from school. Of course, keeping at least 4m away from her and having to hide behind the advertisement board at the bus shelter. Luckily, the bus is full since everyone’s out of school now.

The two of us were stood with about three people between us, allowing me to continue going unnoticed.

…seems like it’s her stop now

I watched as Hyeyi happily hopped off. She really is so oblivious that someone has been following her this whole time.

Lucky for her, it’s just me.

What would she have done if it was a kidnapper or paedo?

Aish, this girl really needs more self-awareness.

And besides, is she really that happy to see this Kris guy?

Following her towards the park, I noticed this place matches perfectly with Chanyeol hyung’s overly enthusiastic-detailed description.

So, this is where the guys spotted them? By the-

 “Oppa!”  …fountains…

Wait, what?!! O-oppa?! I never recalled her addressing him like that!

The guy looked up in our direction, causing me to instinctively ninja my way behind one of the nearby pillars. My head popped around it to take a little peep at them.

A little peep that had my mouth hanging open disapprovingly

Must she really greet everyone with a hug? Girls…fair enough, but even the guys?

Thank god, that hug was short lasted.

They broke away and the guy ruffled her hair

Tch…what is she, 5?

Hyeyi tried to duck out of his reach but his arms were just too freakishly long.


Author’s POV

“Why do you always have to do this?”

You lightly stomped your feet a few times, sulking at this giant who drew back his hand with a large grin.

“’cause it’s funny seeing you have a tantrum”

“That’s mean!”

“Mean? I am lovely~”

You attempted to give him a judging look which he returned with his serious face. The stare off didn’t even last a second before both your faces gradually escalated into laughter

Kris continued chuckling as his laugh toned down. He shook his head at how childish and simple the two of you looked.

Whilst shaking his head, his eyes suddenly locked onto a suspicious figure…someone was clearly doing a poor job of hiding behind that pillar.

His eyes lingered on the outline of the mysterious figure and the corner of his lips tugged up into an amused smirk as he turned back to you.

“Come on. Let’s go for some ice cream”

You deeply inhaled in delight and your eyes twinkled at the very sound of the suggestion.

“Ice cream?!”

Kris smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, leading you away. Just before he fully turned around, he glanced back at the mysterious figure, slyly flashing another smirk.

Kai suddenly became alerted when he saw the two of you leave…Kris’ arm around you.

He was about to rush after yous but paused, noticing people pointing at him as they passed by.

Deciding to ditch operation covert, he casually followed you and Kris into the ice cream shop. Whilst you were in the queue, Kai stood a few people behind. The dark unpleased look on his face contrasted deeply with the cute, jolly atmosphere.

Having ordered himself a cone, he sat at the other side of the shop, behind the half wall room divider and bitterly ate his ice cream whist intently observing you.

You and Kris sat by the windows.

Kris pretended to casually look out when in fact the pristine glass provided him with a perfect view of the shop’s interior.

As he expected, the mysterious figure had followed you into the shop.

Plus, he has confirmed his suspicions.

The sour look on Kai’s face had him covering his mouth with his ice cream, trying to hide that overly amused smile.

You on the other hand had been up into your own little world with your ice cream, not even noticing that tiny bit of ice cream that has smudged onto your face.

A thumb gently brushed against your cheek, snapping you back to Earth. You innocently blinked at the contact and looked at Kris.

“You’re so messy”

Realising that he had just cleaned some ice cream off you, your eyes curved up into pretty little crescents as you brightly smiled at him like a child and happily went back to eating.

Little did you know that that little interaction had Kai angrily biting into his cone and tearing the waffle away, suppressing his jealousy with every crunch.

Kris had just finished his ice cream. He took another glance at Kai’s reflection. Kai’s aura has darkened even more.

On the inside, Kris was almost in hysterics but he maintained his cool.

*I should probably stop this now.*

Kai watched as Kris excused himself, he scoffed at the leaving figure and didn’t bother looking where he went. Now his attention was solely on you.

*At least he’s out of the picture, for now*

… “Until how long are you planning to just watch her?”

That very voice had him mentally scowling at the older one but he remained calm and turned around, unfazed by the fact that he got caught.

Kris looked down at him with a serious face, although the glint in his eyes showed otherwise. He kept the cold look in his face as he scrutinised the boy.

“…you~~re Kai, right?”

Kris briefly looked over at you, as if he was deliberately informing Kai that he knows what he had been up to.

“Do you think we can…have a talk?”

Kai wore an emotionless expression on his face. He spoke with a tone of complete disinterest.

“What makes you think I’d wanna talk to you?”

“Because it concerns her

Kai answered with silence. And Kris took his silence as his preferred answer to the previous question.

“Meet me at the café”

He didn’t give Kai a chance to answer and quickly made his way back to you.

The latter was left to watch the two of you exchange a few words before you got escorted out.


At the café, Kai sat waiting. He was clearly annoyed and had no idea why he was even here. *Why did I even listen to him?*

“So you came”

The comment was responded with a question, urging him to get straight to the point.

“What did you want to talk about?”

Kris smiled “you’re not very patient one are you?” he pulled out a chair and took a seat opposite the boy who stared at him expressionlessly.

“Kris, just call me Kris…although it should be hyung for you”

Kai did not say anything and simply blinked, hoping he would get on with it.

“… and I just wanted to say, before you start assuming things…that girl you can’t take your eyes off, is just a sister to me”


The older one nodded “just loosen up a bit, ok? I assure you that there’s nothing going on between us”

Opposed to what he had hoped, Kai did not loosen up the slightest bit and instead stared at him long and hard with distrust.

“She’s more than just a sister

Kris raised his brows at the blunt statement. He was quite surprised that Kai had caught on. To be honest, it didn’t bother him that he did. I mean, there’s nothing he should be guilty of anyway.

“You like her.”

And contrary to what Kai had expected, Kris smiled, it was little, but a smile nonetheless, and he nodded nonchalantly.

“I do.”

His cool, straightforward reply left Kai taken aback.

“…but to her, I can only ever be a brother, which I have no complaints about….me and her…it’s impossible for us to be together in that way.”

“Why’s that?”

Kris noticed how the younger boy’s shoulders had relaxed. The hostile, unfriendly vibe had left his presence.

He once again smiled and shrugged off the question.

 “Just ‘cause……no matter what, for me, her happiness comes first and you…” he eyed Kai in approval before continuing “…seem like a nice guy…you have my support”

Kai’s eyes widened.

He still felt a little suspicious towards this stranger. But although he didn’t wish to show it, those words gave him quite a good feeling.

 “…and if you really want to get her back, isn’t it time to get a move on?”

There was a certain way in which older male spoke that had a brotherly touch to it….friendly and warm.

“…what are you suggesting?”

The two boys had just had just finished their little talk.

Kai sat back, taking a sip of his cold drink from the straw. He stared ahead at Kris in thought.

“…can I ask you something?”


“Why are you helping me?”

Kris smirked at the younger boy and honestly spoke.

“…‘cause you two are too frustrating to watch”

A small smile spreads on Kai’s face at his words.

He may not want to admit it but within this short amount of time, it’s safe to say that he has developed a newfound respect for this older boy.

Now, he understood why you could trust this guy enough to call him a brother.


The following day, Kai had not turned up to walk you to school. You were, of course left feeling confused as to what’s going on.

His absence bothered you more than it should have.

You were supposed to feel relieved without him there to annoy you but instead the space around you felt so empty and the walk to school felt extra quiet, extra lonely.

Throughout the whole day, Kai had yet to show up.

To be honest, you were starting to get worried but seeing how carefree the other Exo K members were, you knew there was no reason to be. You even considered asking Sehun but were too stubborn to express the slightest hint of interest.

At the end of the day, there was still no sign of Kai.

Though you wore that bright smile on your face, something still felt missing. And on the inside you felt strangely down.

Maybe you had gotten too used to his presence.

If so, then it felt really unfair that he just comes and goes as he please, leaving your thoughts all messed up.

Groggily walking to your locker, you opened it and were immediately snapped awake. Greeting you in your locker is a rose lollipop that was placed on top of a message.

Nobody's right till somebody’s wrong.
Nobody's weak till somebody’s strong.
Nobody's lucky till love comes along.
Nobody's lonely till somebody’s gone.


Having read through the message, you had no idea how you were supposed to react.

You just stood there blinking at the peculiar message.

*…what…the hell?* … *K? … Isn’t that-?*

You looked around trying to catch hold of anyone suspicious lurking around.

No one

Or more specifically…no Kai

You grabbed the rose and read through the message again.

*Nobody’s lonely till somebody’s gone…has he seriously disappeared all day just to leave me this? Has he really got nothing better to do?* … *tch, who says I’m lonely? Idiot.*

You childishly stuck your tongue out at the message and put it away, not forgetting the lollipop.

The next day, Kai still didn’t turn up and you had once again received another rose lollipop with yet another message. *So he’s carrying on with this?*


What is the opposite of two? 

…A lonely me and a lonely you


After reading through the message, you fought the urge to laugh out loud and managed to stifle your laughter into a quiet nose laugh. *Oh God, this is cheesy*

Day 3: Still no Kai.

But he had made sure to leave you another lollipop and message in your locker again, which you sighed at upon seeing.


Missing you is not the hard part

…knowing that I once had you is what breaks my heart


This time, his message had you biting your bottom lip as you read it. You could feel your heart tense up, leaving an indescribable…bittersweet (?) feeling

Missing you is not the hard part

…knowing that I once had you is what breaks my heart…

…knowing that I once had you is what breaks my heart…breaks my heart…


*Idiot, what exactly are you trying to get at with all this?*

Day 4: You sat at your desk at home, staring down at today’s message.

The greatest thing I have ever done in my life is loving you

…the worst thing is letting you go. I love you.


School’s finally finished, marking the start of the school break and Kai hadn’t shown up in front of you all week. Even Sehun had no clue where he was but he was clearly still attending school seeing how he found time to place these things in your locker every day.

All the other messages were scattered around the latest one and the uneaten lollipops were left at the side.

You read through the message again with the last three words repeating itself like a broken record in your head.

*What’s gotten into him all of a sudden? Why is he doing all this? And why now?*

Propping both your elbows onto the desk, you buried your head into your hands and messed up your hair in frustration.

Just then your phone started ringing.

An incoming call from Kris – your saviour


“Woah, hi to you too”



What’s up…?! Your mouth went running wild, explaining what was up. From Kai’s absence to those lollipops and messages you had been receiving.

What you didn’t know was down the line, Kris was calmly listening with a knowing smirk.

“…how does he still manage to drive me crazy when he’s not even here?!”

Kris chuckled “I’m more surprised you managed to resist those sweets”

Just as you were gonna scold him, he continued speaking

“…after all that effort he went through, are your feelings still not clear?”


Kris sighed down the line “I don’t even know why I still bother asking…anyway, are you busy tomorrow?”

“No, why?”

“Great! Don’t ask, just make sure to dress up prettily!”



A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter seems to be all over the place haha and yeh i know those messages from Kai are soooo cringey lmao i just found some quotes online 'cause im just so unoriginal with these stuff

Also, I know its really late but i got a new poster and background image hehe

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final update before christmas ^_^


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It's has been a while since you last log in.. I miss yoj author nim... I hope you are well... I really love your stories.. I hope you will not delete them in the future.. I always come back here to read it again n again
Chapter 41: funny-cute storrrrrrrrrrry <3 i love it ^^
Finally this story has ended :( Will really miss reading this fanfic! Heh this is probably my first time commenting here. But thank you author - nim for such a beautiful story hehe, this story made me smile like an idiot at times <3 i really like hyeyi's friendship with sehun and miss a here aww <3 and not forgetting her and kai's relationship and how kai changed so drastically because of her. Hahaha :p Hope you keep writing great stories and once again, thank you so much for this wonderful story ♡ Hwaiting!
leehyunae_pearl #4
Chapter 41: this story is so cute~~ i cant stop smiling. kai is too sweet.. sehun and kris are really funny
4D_World #5
Chapter 41: Im so sorry for the sudden little comment spamming but ive been missing out on so much and i swear this will probs be the last one so bear with me ;D

This is story is so friggin perfect. I love hyeyi's friendship with maknaes...sehunnnieee >.<
eunhye and the miss a girls are such great friends as well, i love how they all contributed to the wedding in their own little ways. and kris! damn that lovable-big-brother-giant-guy. so glad that he has eunhye now, no sad ending for him :D
and you know what exo's angel really is such a perfect piece of music. if i were ever to get married, i have gotta have that playing at my wedding! its such a beautiful piece of music but LOL chanyeol that clumsy chanyeol, loved his little moment there hahaha
and and and, hyeyi and kai with their little jongkyu eeeeeeiiiii that little cutie!!!

I am soooooo gonna miss this story, kai and hyeyi are just so cute together. and i have just loved reading this so much. ill definitely be reading more of stories author-nim fighting!
4D_World #6
Chapter 39: Omg this is so frggin cute, cant stop grinning like an idiot at the computer screen hehehe
kai and hyeyi are just too perfect for each other
4D_World #7
Chapter 38: THIS! This is perfection! Finally, finally!! They're back together!!! :D
Chapter 41: I love this story XD
I miss this story~~ please write a new story starring Exo.. I love your writing!!
Chapter 41: The ending is so cute omfg can I die already