My Heart's Home Is You

First Loves Don't Always Last


Jiyong blinked at the light invading his eyelids. Scowling at the beeping alarm from his phone, he reached out and dismissed it before buriying his face back on the pillow. He tried to move away from the sliver of early morning light but the weight on his chest made him stop. Looking down, he grinned at Hana's ruffled hair. He forgot that they had fallen asleep in each other's arms last night... or this morning if he was going to be technical about it. He remembered the protests that had come out of her lips about sleeping way too late and being too tired to wake up early the next day but her hands and body had told him a totally different story. Jiyong grinned, planting a kiss on the sleeping Hana's head.


Woken up by the action, Hana starting to wiggle away from Jiyong's chest. He didn't her warmth to go though as his arms circled around her bare arms, pulling her back to his chest.


Though a bit disoriented, Hana managed to look up at Jiyong's face and scowled. “Omo! What time is it? We have to prepare now!” She started to panic but still allowed Jiyong to lock her into his embrace.


“I have no desire to know or care.” He answered, pulling her up close to his face so he can shower her forehead, cheeks, and nose with kisses. “But if it were you, then...” Hana giggled as she pushed Jiyong away.


“YA! You already had your fun last night.” She laughed, sitting up. “We need to get to the beach early. Our friends won't be too happy with us if we're late.”


“I say we don't show.” Jiyong drawled, stretching his arms above his head while still lying down on the bed. “I'm sure they won't mind. It's just a wedding after all. People would understand if we'd prefer to stay in this hotel room all day and do all those naughty things you said you wanted to do last night.” He grinned at Hana like a little kid but eventually had to wipe it off as he saw Hana's steady glare. “I'm kidding, babe. Of course we have to be there, this is a once in a lifetime moment. Things like these won't happen twice.” He let out an awkward laugh as he watched Hana stalk off to the bathroom.


“Babe, are you going to take a shower?” Jiyong called as he pulled himself up the bed to lean back on the headboard.


“Yeah, why?”


He opened his phone and saw that it was barely 7AM. They were supposed to be in hair and makeup by 8. If he was fast enough, they'd still have enough time. A sly smile crept up his lips.


“Can I join you?”


A moment passed before Hana screamed out “Don't you dare!” making Jiyong laugh out loud. He stood up to go to the bathroom anyway. Fully intending to barge into the shower, Jiyong didn't even put on a stitch of clothing. They had been so tired earlier that they fell asleep .


“Come on, babe, let me in.” He called through the door after finding it locked. “I promise we won't be late.” He could hear her muttering her protests through the sound of the shower. Laughing, he rapped on the door in a steady, nameless rhythm. He stood there for a while, creating beats with this knuckles. But she didn't budge.


Finally giving up, Jiyong let out a heavy sigh. “Fine then, I'll just wait for you out here!”


Scowling, Jiyong turned around to walk back to the bed but totally froze up on his first step. Breath hitching, he slowly scanned the room for anything to cover himself up, but not a single thing was in grabbing distance. He opted to cross his legs and smile widely instead.


“Why are you , appa?” Wide, curious brown eyes bore holes into Jiyong's whole body. He mentally cursed himself for not locking the door, knowing full well that his son was an early riser and that his own room was right beside theirs in the hotel's family suite.


“Ahhh....” He bit his inner cheeks, trying to think up a plausible but safe explanation for a five-year-old child. “Well... the room was really hot last night. So, uh... Appa had to take all his clothes off.”


“But it was cold in mine.” The little boy's eyebrows crunched up at his father's explanation. Jiyong bit his lip as he took a step closer to his son. He lifted him up and brought him to the bed. He pulled out the comforter and draped it over his lap as he sat the boy down beside him.


“Hyunwoo-yah,” he began, looking straight at the boy's eyes. Hyunwoo's chubby milky cheeks got in as he bit his inner cheeks, imitating his dad's earlier action. Thick lashes moved up and down as he waited for his father to continue talking. “Well, sometimes, appa and omma take off their clothes when it's really hot. So we... you... ahh...”


Hyunwoo climbed further up into the bed and sat with his legs crossed in front of him, waiting patiently for his father to go on talking. He hugged his favorite stuffed tiger and blinked up at a flustered Jiyong.


Aish! This is going to be a very awkward morning. Jiyong muttered in his head, followed by a mental string of profanities as he felt his whole reputation crumble before his five-year-old son's innocent gaze.



* * *


“Chongmal? Hyunwoo? Hyunwoo?!” Seungri asked, the crows feet spreading at the edges of his eyes as he almost literally laughed his head off. Almost because he managed to dodge his hyung's homicidal glare. He hid behind Seunghyun's back, still wiping away the tears of mirth. “Ahhh... 'It was hot'... chincha!”



Seunghyun pried Jiyong's clenched fist away from Seungri as he, too, tried hard not to laugh out loud. He couldn't hide his dimples though as he grinned at his donseng's misfortune. Jiyong saw this and glared at his hyung as well.




“I'm sorry, Ji. But you have to admit, that was funny.” Seunghyun managed to say before he, too, burst out into fits of laughter.


“Don't dwell on it too much, hyung.” Daesung patted Jiyong's back, nodding slightly. “It could have been worse. He could have seen you in the middle of the night.” At this, Seungri and Seunghyun laughed even harder, making Jiyong scream bloody murder.


As their laughter died down, the wedding planner came in the waiting room and gestured to them to come out. The four men stood up, with Seungri still laughing and muttering 'it was hot' as he straightened his white camisole. Seunghyun slipped on his Channel glasses while Jiyong tried to suppress his annoyance by adjusting his wide brimmed hat. With Suengri's constant chuckling though, he couldn't.


“Shut up, maknae. Or I swear you won't be able to have children to walk in on you !” Jiyong hissed, grabbing the chuckling maknae by the nape. He would have carried on with his threat if it weren't for Youngbae who came out of the dressing room grinning and looking extremely nervous at the same time.


The four of them returned Youngbae's grin as they crowded in on him. It was Jiyong who got to him first, engulfing him in a tight bear hug while fake sobbing. The rest of them buried him in a group hug as well, laughing and crying out his name. Seunghyun even wiped away some fake tears.


“Okay, okay! Break it up you fools!” Jieun, Bigbang's stylist since their debut, pried them away from Youngbae. “You're going to ruin his suit!”


Jiyong stuck his tongue out earning him a scowl from Jieun. They let go of Youngbae eventually, giving him an occasional pat on the back.


“Guys, I really want to thank you for coming here today.” Youngbae said, looking at each of his brothers with genuine gratitude.


“Of course I had to come, seeing as you were my best man at my wedding.” Jiyong said, rolling his eyes.


“What's a day off of shooting for my drama when I can witness real life drama right here.” Seunghyun smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.


“Besides, this is like the most unexpected wedding...” Daesung shrugged.


“...that we didn't really expected to happen considering how long it took you to confess.” Seungri managed to say before Youngbae grabbed his hand in an arm lock.


They all grinned at each other, the years not deterring the close friendship they had built. For each of them, still being together as a group after all the scandals and drama throughout the years is a great blessing that they will always be thankful for.


“Yah! You guys, we need to get out right now... The wedding planner's about to explode!” Five heads turned to the door at the sound of Dong Hyunbae's voice. He was dressed in his all white best man's clothes.


“Looking good, hyung!” Seungri called out, holding out a thumbs-up to Youngbae's older brother. Hyunbae shook off the compliment with a grin. “I know, I know. But we have to get this groom out there now.


Youngbae let out a shaky breath but he managed to walk towards his hyung. Hyunbae adjusted his dongseng's coat, all the while trying to stop the tears forming at the corner of his eyes. Youngbae had to hit his brother's shoulder playfully, not at all steady enough to resist his surging emotions.


“I can't believe you're getting married ahead of me.” Hyunbae shook his head, placing both his hands on his brother's shoulder. “And you're the idol in this family!”


Youngbae lowered down his head, grinning like a little kid. Being around his brother always made him feel like a dongseng again. Hyunbae patted his head softly before engulfing him in a tight hug. They hugged for a while until they heard Jieun calling them out to the ceremony hall.


“Kaja!” Hyunbae said, lightly pushing Youngbae to the door.


“Youngbae hyung fighting!” Seungri cheered, pushing a fist up in the air.


“Go make Kang Eunji happy, Bae.” Jiyong grinned, slipping his arm over his best friend.


* * *


NP: Fish - Clara C 

A/N Same song as the lyrics in italized grey.


“I'm tired.”


“I'm surprised you lasted this long.” Jiyong automatically cradled his wife in his arms as she sat down next to him. Running his hands up and down her arms, he planted a kiss on her temple. Hana let out a satisfied sigh as she leaned her head on Jiyong's shoulder. She had spent at least an hour dancing around with Hyunwoo, Dara, Chaerin, Bom, and Minji.


“Oh, the girls wouldn't take no for an answer.” Hana muttered, closing her eyes as the DJ switched to a slow song. “Especially Dara unnie. I swear that woman has the energy of a five-year-old.”


Jiyong nodded in agreement as he spotted his son with the 2NE1 ladies on the dance floor. They were taking turns in slow dancing with the little boy. Chuckling, he leaned his cheek on Hana's head. They sat in silence for a while, Hana rested her tired eyes while Jiyong watched Hyunwoo laugh at his crazy noonas (which they insisted on being called as). This was the peace he had always dreamed of during his younger days – the warmth of his wife's love and the perfect sound of his child's laughter.



So this is it

My search is over

You've filled a void I wasn't aware of

Every wrong door and its wrong exit

I'll finally accept it

'Cause it led me to you



“Baby, are you up for another dance?” Jiyong whispered, leaning back to look at Hana's face.


“With who?” Eyes still closed, Hana smiled mischievously. Her husband laughed out loud, hugging her closer to him.


“Why with your handsome husband of course.”


Hana pulled away from the hug to look at Jiyong. She raised an eyebrow, looking the man in front of her up and down.


“Hmmm...” she murmured, “Well...Why not...” She shrugged, as Jiyong scoffed while shaking his head. Hana stood up and held her hand out to Jiyong. When Jiyong only stared at her with an amused smile plastered on his face, Hana held her hand out closer to him. “What are you waiting for? Let's go, handsome husband!”


With a hearty chuckle, Jiyong took his wife's hand and let her lead him to the dance floor. She ce before pulling him to her. She wrapped her arms around Jiyong's neck while his hands circled her waist. Hana leaned on Jiyong's chest while he leaned his chin on the top of her head. Closing their eyes, they swayed softly to the music.



So this is love

I must not have known it

I don't know what right I've done to deserve this



“Babe,” Jiyong murmurred through Hana's hair.




“Let's make Hyunwoo an oppa.” Jiyong was grinning now.


“We don't have to.” With a confused look, Jiyong leaned back to peer at his wife's face. Her eyes were still closed but she opened them slightly to peer into Jiyong's excitedly confused eyes.


“What do you mean?” He asked, his heart palpitating like crazy. Slowly, the edges of her lips lifted as she bit her lower lip.


“Well, I'm not really sure if it's a girl yet. It's only been three weeks so we'd have to wait for the ultrasound but—umf” She wasn't able to finish as Jiyong had already engulfed her in a tight hug. She only managed to get out a surprised laugh before Jiyong took her lips in a searing kiss.


Gone were the people at the reception. He didn't even care if the press were still there taking pictures. All Jiyong could think about was how lucky he was, how much he's going to shower his children with affection, and how badly he wanted to be alone with his wife right now. He might just take Minji and Chaerin's offer to babysit Hyunwoo tonight.


Pulling away for some breath, Jiyong let out a shaky laugh. He put his forehead on Hana's, cupping her face in his hands.


“I love you so freaking much, you know that, right?” Jiyong breathed out, biting his lip to stop himself from devouring his wife's mouth again.


“Yep, I do.” Hana nodded slowly. “And I love you, too.” They smiled at each other, their hearts beating twice as much as normal, utterly excited about the good news.


“Appa! Omma!” Hyunwoo skipped over to his parents, a huge grin on his face. He ran straight to Jiyong and jumped on him as the latter caught his son effortlessly. Hooking his son on his hip, Jiyong kissed Hyunwoo's cheek as his free hand went around Hana's back.



My heart's home is you

The fiction I've dreamt of is finally reality with you

And you make me so happy that I'm scared to move

Honey I love, love you.

Honey I love, love you.



His eyes wandered around the hall. Youngbae had his arms around Eunji, rubbing his new wife's arms affectionately while the couple talked to Daesung and his girlfriend. Seunghyun was drinking with some of YG's producers plus Yang Hyunsuk, Seven, and Gummy. Seungri was grooving with 2ne1 and some dancers. Jiyong had to smile, remembering how long they've all been together as friends and as family. Nothing could ever beat being around people he cared for and loved so much.


He planted a kiss on Hana's lips again, the sweet but strong willed girl in high school flashing before his eyes. Even after all those years, the hint of mischief still glinted in her eyes. Jiyong desperately hoped their daughter would have the same fire in her eyes as her mom.

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working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^