Solutions, Resolutions

First Loves Don't Always Last


It was like a whirlwind came and swept Hana away to God knows where. Her hands trembled and lips shook as a cruel coldness crept through her body. She felt her heart climb up in excruciating slowness. She tried to swallow it back to it's cage but she couldn't. Painful pinpricks hurt the back of her eyes but she blinked them away. Taking a deep breath, she bit her lip. She can't break down now, they needed to get through this.


A warm hand grasped her clammy ones on the table bringing her instant comfort. She looked up at Jiyong's reassuring eyes and smiled. He was trying his hardest to keep the fear away from showing on his face but Hana had always been able see through the curtained emotions in his eyes. She flips her hand to let Jiyong slide his into her palms. Holding it tight was the only thing she could do right now to show Jiyong her trust in him.


The doorbell rang, bringing them hurtling back to reality. Jiyong tensed, slowly breaking his eye contact with Hana and transferring it to the mahogany door a couple of feet away from them. The bell rang again but Jiyong didn't stand up to open it. When it rang for the third time and Jiyong nor Hana still didn't move, a loud pounding started on the door.


“Jiyong if you're in there open up you babo!”


Jiyong let out the breath he had been holding in the entire time. Almost immediately, his phone rang making him glance at it. He sighed again, but a small, relieved smile graced his face now that he saw the familiar name on the screen. He glanced back at Hana who also looked relieved.


“Go and change, babe.” He told her, surprisingly calm. Hana nodded but reluctantly let his hand go as she walked back to the bedroom.


Jiyong watched her close the door before almost running towards the front door. He didn't even peek into the peephole before he swung the door wide open. The wind that the action created cooled down his heated face. He realized he was on the verge of crying himself.


“YA!” Seunghyun nearly shouted before pushing Jiyong to let himself in. “What took you so long?!” Jiyong's manager, Namgook, and Seunghyun's manager, Byeonghyung, followed him in. When Jiyong looked up at Namgook, he almost felt himself erupt into tears but the manager only sighed and smiled a bit before ruffling his hair. Even the usually loud and cheerful Byeonghyung let out a tired sigh.


“Hyung...” Jiyong managed to say before Namgook put his arm around.


“No crying. We have to solve this first.” The older man said in a no nonsense tone. He dragged Jiyong to the couch, his arms still around the younger man. “Is Hana here?”


Jiyong nodded as he sat down on the couch. Running both hands over his face, he let out a shaky sigh. He looked up at Seunghyun who was standing in front of him across the coffee table with his arms crossed over his arms.


“What are you doing here, hyung? Don't you have filming today?” Jiyong asked, cradling his head in his open palm.


“I just came straight from the set.” Seunghyun nodded, settling himself on the armchair beside the couch. “Byeonghyung hyung was driving me back home when I got a call from Youngbae.”


Although Seunghyun looked annoyed and tired with his scrunched up forehead and panda eyes, Jiyong could see the concern and worry etched on the older man's face. If there was anything he was extremely thankful for, it was 's genuine care for him. He flashed a tired but grateful smile at his hyung. Seunghyun answered with snort and a smirk.


Namgook and Byeonghyung were on the phone, standing by the divider to the kitchen, probably to YGE's publicists. The atmosphere was tensed but Jiyong couldn't help but admire their managers' cool and composed approach to this scandal. He closed his eyes and sighed, suddenly reminded about what happened last year. He had been scared, as well, but the strong support from the YG staff gave him the strength he needed to get through but this time around, he wasn't the only one involved. Knowing that Hana was right smack in the middle of what's happening, he couldn't help but feel the fear creep up to his heart.


“They vandalized the cafe, too.” He told Seunghyun, running his hands over his already ruffled hair. The older member's jaw clenched, clasping his hands tighter over his arm. Being a private man himself, he grew angry over how sasaengs were able to just get away with exposing Jiyong's personal affairs. He loved his fans but this was just way over the line.


“They called her a .” Jiyong's voice grew quiet as he himself felt a sudden surge of anger as he remembered the photo Hyekyung earlier. He could handle being bombarded with the negative press, harsh words, and judgmental eyes but if Hana were to be harmed in any way..... he shook his head.


Seunghyun didn't say anything. Just from looking at Jiyong he knew the leader was trying his hardest to control his anger. Somehow, he felt proud of his dongseng. When they had arrived, Jiyong looked like he was about to break down but now that he was reminded of Hana's involvement and possible danger, the strong, determined Jiyong came out right away. Seunghyun smirked. This issue was a messy one but not impossible to solve.


The bedroom door opened slowly, making all four eyes turn to it. Hana stepped out tentatively, already showered and dressed in comfy pants and a plain white shirt. Seeing the two managers near the kitchen, she tensed up. She knew Namgook and Byeonghyung but weren't really close with them. Biting back the urge to turn back into the bedroom, she bowed to the two men.


“I'm really sorry about this.” She murmured, stuffing the awkwardness, fear, and uncertainty straight down . To her surprise, Namgook offered a small smile and a soft look. Byeonghyung chuckled and shook his head.


“This was bound to happen sooner or later.” Seunghyun's manager laughed, before answering an incoming call. She let out a relieved breath as her eyes locked with Jiyong's across the room. He cocked his head to the side and patted the space next to him. Like a magnet, she moved to him right away. She offered a small smile to Seunghyun on the way.


Jiyong wrapped an arm around Hana's shoulder as she sat down. The heat from his arm instantly calmed Hana's wretched nerves. She scooted closer to him, willing the warmth to not only comfort her but Jiyong as well. Noticing her intent, Jiyong placed a kiss on her forehead.


“Okay,” Namgook sat on a black stool beside Seunghyun and faced the couple. “First off, police is currently handling the vandalism at the cafe.” Hana took in a sharp breath and nodded. At least that problem is being taken care of. She took a mental note to call Hyekyung later. “But, it seems a lot of reporters and papers have already published stories on it. We're trying our best to control that.”


Byeonghyung came in the room and stood beside the couch, hands buried deep in his pockets. “I just got off the phone with Seoul Police. They've caught the vandalizer. Apparently, she was the one who got in your old dorm a couple of years ago.”


Seunghyun and Jiyong glanced at each other and let out a string of colorful curses. Jiyong remembered her. They had just debuted then but apparently, that girl had been following him since he was a kid. She had trespassed into the dorm and slept on Jiyong's bed while they were away on a schedule. She had also gone through his clothes and even his computer. The matter was taken care of quietly though and since she was a minor then, they didn't press charges. Now Jiyong wished they had.


“You know this girl?” Hana asked Jiyong, confusion and dread swirling in her head.


Jiyong nodded, explaining to her their history with the said sasaeng. He rubbed his face multiple times, as if the action would wipe away the anger and desperation building up inside of him.


“She had been obsessed with Jiyong for a long time.” Seunghyun added after Jiyong finished.


“I'm just glad she was caught already.” Hana sighed, putting her hand on Jiyong's cheek. “Don't worry about the cafe, Hyekyung and I will handle that end. You focus on the press about you.”


“No,” Jiyong shook his head, holding on to her hand. “Reporters will bother you and—”


“I can handle that, Ji.” Despite the determination in her voice, Hana could feel the shake of uncertainty in the pits of her stomach. She was certainly worried that but she couldn't let Jiyong see that. She didn't want him making rash decisions that could potentially ruin his career.


He was about to open his mouth to protest when his phone started ringing. Namgook stood up to get it from the kitchen table. When he came back, he looked straight into Jiyong's eyes.


“It's sajangnim.”


It was like a huge iceberg was dropped on them. Everybody in a sharp breath. Only the phone's incessant ringing pierced the silence that reigned in the room. Jiyong's eyes fell on the phone in Namgook's hand while the others watched Jiyong's expression. An eternity seemed to stretch before he clenched his jaw and reached out for the phone. Hana intertwined her fingers on his free hand, putting all of her warmth and reassurance into their joined hands. Jiyong smiled appreciatively at her before answering the call.


“Come to my office.” Curt, short, but not angry. Jiyong let out a silent thank you. After more than decade of knowing his hyung, Jiyong could tell that Yang Hyun Suk was just tired and mostly concerned.


“Arasso, hyung.” he said almost in a whisper.


“And Jiyong-ah, make sure Hana leaves the building safely.”


* * *


Three knocks reverberated inside Yang Hyun Suk's office like a loud gong in the middle of a cemetery. The president looked up from his laptop. Sighing, his “come in” echoed louder than the knock.


A few seconds later, Jiyong's unruly hair popped in the door. YG nodded at the couch as he finished reading some of the news that had already come out about the company's most talented artist's latest scandal. If Jiyong wasn't like a son to him, he would have followed the three strike rule diligently and kicked him out already. But his affection for him far exceeds the normal procedure. And not to mention the kid is one heck of a musical genius.


Shifting his attention back to Jiyong, the older man raises an eyebrow at the extra person in the room. He knew Hana from the pictures he had seen of her. He didn't usually meddle in his artists' personal affairs but he had been quite curious about what made Jiyong so happy the past couple of weeks. His gaze slowly moves back to Jiyong who was holding onto the girl's hand like his whole being depended on it. These kids, seriously.


He saw Hana swallow visibly, biting her inner cheeks. She looked scared but was obviously trying to hide it. YG had to chuckle inwardly. He had to admit, he was as intimidating as a bulldog on a bad day. And, heck, this is a bad day. He really didn't want her to see him that way but decisions had to be made and they had to be made fast.


YG opened his mouth to speak but Jiyong beat him to whatever he wanted to say first.


“I won't deny her.”


Jiyong's jaw clenched. He had a hard time swallowing the lump in his throat but he managed to do it, channeling the energy he got from holding on to Hana's hand so hard. It was probably almost crushed by now but Hana didn't say anything, she didn't even flinch. She was too busy gaping at him and trying to wrap her head around Jiyong's outburst. Her eyebrow slowly lifted as she willed to close.


Despite his earlier bravado, Jiyong couldn't bring himself to look at the man he considered a second father. Though he knew YG would never be violent towards him, especially to Hana, he still couldn't bring himself to see the disappointment and hurt in his boss' eyes. He set his gaze on a little Dutch doll just above YG's head and took a deep breath.


“I know this is a huge problem but I don't want to release a statement that would dismiss this issue with Hana as another misunderstanding. I just can't.” He said, biting his lips. “I can't avoid her or pretend that I don't know her in public. I know my career is really important and I deeply respect you, the company, and Bigbang, too, but hyung, I've waited seven years to be with her. Seven long years and I just can't let some crazy fans ruin that. I'm happy with Hana and I swear, I won't let anyone get in the way of that.”


Jiyong took a deep breath as he ended his speech. To an outsider, he looked confident and headstrong, but YG and Hana were no strangers to Jiyong's emotional tendencies. They knew he was scared and shaken by the way he bit his shaking lower lip.


Hana smiled softly, her heart about to erupt in a flurry of butterflies. This was the first time Jiyong actually confessed his feelings for her in that way and in front of his boss, nonetheless. Actually, she was fine with keeping their relationship a secret from the public even though she knew they'll both have a hard time. She just didn't want Jiyong's career to be affected negatively in any way. She could handle angry fan girls or even bad press about her but Jiyong doesn't deserve any of those things. He had worked so hard for himself and for his fans to be receiving harsh judgment regarding his lovelife. He needed to do this. He needed to stand up for himself. Hana squeezed his hand to assure him of her unwavering support.


Jiyong slowly blew out the air he had in, warmth resonating all over his body from Hana's silent reply to his outburst. He was honestly half scared that she would stop him. That she would insist that he listen to YG and not act on impulse but he didn't want to. Loving Hana was the purest thing he had ever done in his life and he didn't want to deny or, God forbid, turn away from her. He was willing to fight for her even if it meant disobeying the man he deeply respected.


“Are you done, yet?”


YG's infamous poker face made Jiyong's heart race. He didn't know if the president was inspired, enraged, or even amused by what he said. Jiyong looked at his hyung's face for a second before shifting it to the floor. He nodded weakly, bracing himself for the scolding to come.


YG stood up and walked around the table, eventually leaning on the edge of his desk. Crossing his arms across his chest, he took a deep breath and looked at the young man before him. When did he grow up so suddenly?


“Before I make a decision, I want you to answer my question.” Jiyong didn't know if it was because of his nerves but YG's voice sounded softer than before. He looked up and forced himself to look straight into YG's eyes. The older man smiled at him, tilting his head to the side. “Do you love Hana?”


Jiyong's eyebrows furrowed. He certainly was not expecting that. He tried to search for any sign on YG's face about what he was thinking but could only find the soft smile on his lips.


Standing up straighter, he turned to Hana's expectant eyes and smiled. “Yes, I love her.”


Hana bit her lip for fear of suddenly jumping and planting a long, deserving kiss on her boyfriend's mouth.


“What about you Hana, do you love Jiyong.”


“Yes, so much.”


They stared at each other for a while, forgetting where they were and what they were supposed to do. They couldn't stop themselves from reveling in the enormity of their feelings for each other.


YG cleared his throat bringing them back to their senses and they had to duck their heads from embarrassment. YG shook his head at the grinning kids in front of him before letting out a deep long sigh.


“Aigoo. These kids.” He muttered. “All right, then. Now that it's all clear, I expect the both of you to love each other forever.” He shook his head again before erupting into a fit laughter.


Jiyong and Hana blinked at the chuckling president, unable to comprehend what he had just said. The older man merely continued to laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. “This is going to be a very long and gritty press conference.”




First off, I'm really sorry for not updating this fic sooner. I've been battling writer's block and trying to drag back inspiration to my tired brain. I somehow was able to do that so hooray!

Anyway, this chap might not seem much but Hana's feelings are my own, too. I really want Ji to have a steady and REAL relationship without some crazy fan/s trying to ruin it for him. He may be a musical prodigy but he's human, too, and he deserves to love.


Sorry, got carried away.

So anyway, I wrote another fic. This time it's about YOUNGBAE! YEY! It was supposed to be a one shot but I had a lot of ideas so I decided to extend it. It's something I'm actually looking forward to write for. :) 

You can check it out here: Summer

Comment, subscribe, have fun reading! <3 I'd really love to hear from you silent readers (if I have any, LOL)

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Thank you!
working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^