Sorry and Thank You

First Loves Don't Always Last




I swear that Kwon Jiyong is going to die by my hands one of these days. What would be the best way for him to die? “Accidentally” of course. Having murder on my record won't look good in my college application.


Hmmm... I can casually bump into him while he's on top of the stairs. He'd roll down, calling out his umma before he hits the bottom. Or I could casually offer him expired food. Or bring him to the rooftop and play a game that would dare him to jump off and—


“Ya, Yoo Hana!” I felt someone grab my arm and pull me to the side just as a baseball came zooming past me, just a few inches from my face. I stared at it dumbfounded before I realized that I had just been saved from a near death—fine, ok—a potentially embarrassing albeit painful situation. Someone from the baseball team shouted an apology before running off to get the ball.


“What's happening with you?” I heard my best friend Hyekyung's panicked voice to my right. I turned to hear, and I swear, she was going to skin the baseball kid, and possibly me, alive right there.


“Mianhe, Hyekyung-ah,” I mumbled, breaking out into a grin. I tried to use my aegyo on her but having known me for most of my life, an eye smile and two cute dimples didn't work on her. It did soften her expression to that of a clucking mother hen though.


“What did Jiyong do, this time?” She suddenly asked, making me groan. I let out a frustrated sigh as I planted my elbows on my knee and let my face fall on my open hands. I looked out at the baseball field and growled. It's lunch break and we're sitting on the outdoor bleachers, waiting for Lee Hansuk, Park Danny, Dong Youngbae, and that cursed Kwon Jiyong to arrive.


“That babo,” I hissed, “He asked me to wake him up from his nap and then when I so kindly did, he flicked my forehead cause I interrupted his freaking dream! I'm gonna kill him one of these days, I swear!” I heard Hyekyung chuckle, making me turn to her, annoyed. “Kang Hyekyung! You're supposed to be on my side!”


“I am! I am!” She held up both her hands to her chest, still giggling. “I'm just really amused at you right now.” Noticing my annoyed and confused expression, she laughed again, louder this time. “Haven't you been saying that, like, every day for almost three years now?”


I let out air from my nose and turned back to the field again. “I know,” I mumbled. “It's just that, he's so annoying and I really can't stand it anymore.” I closed my eyes and groaned. “Why did you and the others get transferred to another class, anyway? While I'm stuck in that class with G-Dragon?” I scowled again. “God, I hate that name.”


Hyekyung continued to laugh at me. “Don't think about it anymore. You'll make up by the end of the day anyway.” she said, before adding, “Then fight again tomorrow.” That did not make me feel any better.


I was kicking air out of frustration when I spotted a pair of cropped black hair running towards the bleachers. One of them carried a small plastic bag while the other had a square lunch case in his arms. After a minute or two, Danny and Hansuk came bounding up the bleachers, wearing huge grins on their faces. I smiled at them, hungrily staring at the packages in their hands.


“What took you guys so long?” I grumbled, opening up my hands for Danny to hand over the plastic bag. “I'm sooo hungry.”


“Mianhe, your highness,” Danny made a low bow, smirking at me. “We had to run to the middle school department to get the lunch box that this babo—” He hit Hansuk on the back of his head “—left with his younger brother.” Hansuk smiled sheepishly as he handed the lunchbox to Hyekyung.


I almost jumped on Danny to get the plastic bag from his hands and started to rummage around the bag. My whole world crashed when I couldn't find a single Pepero box inside of it. As if reading my expression, Danny sat down on the bench below me and tried to flash his pearly whites at me.


“Mianheyo, Hana-yah,” he said, putting his hands together as a sign of apology. “I forgot to buy them this morning. I'll give you a box tomorrow, I swear.” He laughed awkwardly but even his funny staccato chuckling can't pacify me.


I had been craving Pepero since, well, forever. Knowing that the gang was supposed to have lunch together today with the boys providing the food, I requested for it as appetizer but apparently, they forgot about it. I let out a loud sigh and buried my face in my hands.


“We can ask Youngbae to buy it for us.” Hansuk suggested, making me look up at him with hopeful eyes. “I think he and Jiyong went out to hand over a video for their weekly assessment at YGE.” He started to type a text message to Youngbae.


“Man, Youngbae was so tired earlier,” Danny laughed. The four of them were in the same class while I was stuck with the annoying dragon in another. “They trained until like 3 AM this morning just to record their assessment. Even Youngbae lost his voice.”


“I heard they were going to debut soon.” Hyekyung suddenly said, making three heads snap in her direction. She seemed flustered with the attention. “I mean, some of the girls in class were talking about it. Didn't you guys hear it?” She looked at the two boys expectantly in front of her who only stared at her with blank faces. She rolled her eyes at all of us. “Ahh, chongmal. You guys are hopeless.”


“Hey guys, what's for lunch?” Youngbae's call made us all look at him. He was walking up the bleachers, his hands inside his jacket pocket. His hair was in cornrows and there were dark circles under his chinky eyes. I got so worried with how haggard he looked that I almost didn't notice that he was alone.


“Where's Jiyong?” I asked immediately.


“Oh, I don't know,” he shrugged, reaching us and sitting beside Hyekyung. “We just went to YG and handed the tapes then he told me to come back here by myself. He said he needed to buy something first.”


“Ah, jinjja?” Hansuk sat down next to Danny, a bleacher below us. “Can we start eating now then? I'm seriously starving.”


“De,” Youngbae nodded, “Jiyong will be awhile. He's coming though.”


“ASSA!” Hansuk cheered, making all of us laugh. Me and Hyekyung opened the lunchboxes and were surprised with the rolls of kimbap and fried eggs. There was also a container for the kimchi and some anchovies for side dishes. We all grinned like the kids that we were as the food was placed between me and Hyekyung.


Five hands reached out to take their share when I suddenly remembered that there were supposed to be six of those hands. I hit their hands away before they could grab a roll of kimbap and looked at them will steel eyes.


“We have to save some for Jiyong.” I told them, covering the food with my outstretched hands.


“But my mom put a million of kimbap in that lunchbox!” Hansuk groaned. “Jiyong will have more than enough when he comes!”


“Still, we should save three or four rolls for him.” I took four rolls and put them on the container's cover, putting some kimchi beside it as well. As soon as I placed Jiyong's food beside the mountain of kimbap, they all started to dig in. I joined them after a while as well.


Although the food was delicious (thanks to Hansuk's mom), I still kept thinking about my Pepero craving. I so wanted to eat some that I almost saw the kimbap roll as a Pepero sticks. I groaned, biting my lower lip as I stared blankly at the food.


“She'll be like this until tomorrow.” I heard Hyekyung chuckle, taking a bite out of her kimbap. “You guys better buy her a lot of Peperos tomorrow.”


“There's chocolate for dessert, though.” Danny smiled sheepishly, as I glowered at him. I was about to hit him when Youngbae called out Jiyong's name. Sure enough, the dragon was running up to the bleachers, his hands deep inside his huge jacket. I consciously cleared my throat as I went back to eating my lunch.


“What took you so long, man?” Hansuk chided him as soon as he was near us.


“Did you leave any for me?” Jiyong bounded to sit beside me, making me scoot closer to Hyekyung.


I pointed to the four kimbap rolls I had saved for him. Jiyong flashed that stupid gummy smile at me but I shot it down with a glare.


“Are you still mad at me?” he asked.


“She was thinking of ways to kill you earlier,” Hyekyung suddenly said, making me choke on my food. She handed me her water bottle, her eyes laughing at me.


“I...never...” I stuttered, glaring at Hyekyung then at an amused Jiyong. I prepared myself for another flick on the forehead but his hands stayed inside his jacket pockets. The traitors I called my friends joined Hyekyung in laughing at me.


“Jinjja?” Jiyong asked, smirking. “But how can I give this to you if I'm dead?”


He had taken out his left hand, offering it to me. I looked at the red Pepero box on it then at his grinning face. Even without telling me, I knew what this was for. I knew why he had to forego eating lunch with us just to buy my favorite biscuits. And like a fool, I gave in. Blinking several times, my stomach clenched from all the butterflies in it going haywire. My heart beating twice than normal, I had a sudden urge to hit the stupidly handsome face in front of me. But instead, I took the Pepero box.


I hate Kwon Jiyong for making me feel like this.



I read the previous chap and I realized that it was a pair with this one, so, here ya go. More flashbacks in the next chapters. :))

Oh, and vote for BIGBANG in MAMA! :))

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working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^