
First Loves Don't Always Last


The rest of the week went by fast for most people but for Hana, it was excruciatingly slow. She drove Hyekyung mad asking for details and updates about the Alive Tour in London. The whole week they had lurked on international Bigbang fansites just to see photos of the London concerts. Hana's heart swelled every time she saw Jiyong being the swagger G-Dragon on stage. She still can't quite recognize him when performing, especially now that they've seen each other again and he still acts like the immature brat that he was in high school.


The days went by like usual sans Jiyong's nagging in the cafe. He called her sometimes and texted her constantly. Hana understood it, they aren't really an actual couple anyway.


After making sure that Jiyong and the rest of Bigbang were back in Korea, Hana's mood instantly lifted. He would certainly visit the cafe again really soon. And by soon, Hana half expected it to be the day he arrives. However, after two days of waiting, no Jiyong could be found in Golden Coffee. Not even a text came. Hana was starting to feel depressed.


Then she got angry.


In the heat of her anger, she took out her phone and typed a text for Jiyong.


Babo! I'm throwing away ALL your cookies.


Without thinking twice, she hit send, letting out heated breaths. She closed her eyes for a second, leaning on the kitchen door. For that second, relief flooded her entire body but a moment later, she was frantically trying to cancel the message. It was too late though.


“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” She repeated, banging her head lightly on the door. Just as she was about to bang her head for real, it opened and revealed Hyekyung, who looked at her like she was crazy.


“Hyekyung-ah!” Hana whined, jumping on a shocked Hyekyung. “I'm so stupid!”


Hyekyung pried her best friend's arms off of her shoulder. Holding her off at an arms' length, she took in deep breaths to recover the air Hana had slammed out of her in that sudden embrace.


“Hyekyung-ah! Ottoke?!” Hana was using her phone to hit her head now, tears emerging from the edges of her eyes. Hyekyung took the phone from her hands, more out of irritation than concern.


“What happened?”


“I think I did something stupid.”


Hyekyung raised an eyebrow at Hana. Hana doesn't always admit when she does something stupid. This prideful girl would adamantly defend her actions no matter how crazy they were.


“Stupid how?”


And so Hana spilled what Jiyong had told her a week before and the silent promise she thought Jiyong gave her to come visit right when he got back. She then showed Hyekyung her text to Jiyong. Hyekyung read the short text in silence.


“Mmmmm.” Hyekyung sighed, handing the phone back to Hana.


“What do you think? Did I sound demanding? Do you think he's annoyed now?”


Hyekyung's silence only made Hana agitated. She shook her best friend's shoulder and asked all her questions again. Hyekyung's lips pulled at the sides as she put her hands on Hana's shoulders.


“You sounded like an immature girlfriend acting up because her boyfriend didn't give her the gift she wanted.” Hyekyung said with a straight face. “Which is ironic cause you're technically not.” Hana scowled and panicked again


After a while, Hyekyung burst out laughing. She just couldn't let her best friend suffer mentally and emotionally like that.


“ Don't worry. You annoy him all the time, anyway.” She said, patting her on the shoulder. “Now go and man the cash register.” She gently pushed Hana out of the door to the counter.


“But, Hyekyung-ah...” Hana was still fretting but Hyekyung gave her a warning glare.


“Jiyong's a busy man. You can't expect him to come here all the time to see you.” She growled, already on the brink of losing her patience. “Now, stop whining and do your job.”


Hana sighed, but she put her phone back in her pocket and faced the empty counter with a pout. A moment later, the door opened and a young couple walked in hand-in-hand. Hana thought they looked familiar and really good-looking, too.


The cute couple saw Hana and grinned. Hana smiled back tentatively, wishing her professionalism to kick in already. The guy ordered an iced Americano and the girl had iced mocha. Hana noted the orders just as the guy handed out a credit card to pay for the drinks. She handed over the electronic signing pad for the card. She could see the guy's signature flash on the screen just as she finalized the transaction. She was just about to print the receipt when the signature changed and what she read on the screen made her raise both eyebrows in surprise.


Jiyong says hi.


She looked up at the couple who were whispering to each other and giggling as they glanced at her. Hana shook her head and looked at the screen again. It was still there all right. Turning back to the couple she finally remembered who they were. Kim Jihye and Kwon Cheonjul. YG dancers.


Hana felt her knees buckle as the text she had sent to Jiyong earlier replayed in her mind. What the heck?


“We heard the service here was the best.” Cheonjul grinned, flashing her a thumbs-up sign before going to sit near the window.


Hana was still blinking away the shock when another customer came in and this time, Hana recognized Kwon Youngdon's goofy smile. He also ordered an Americano and handed over his card. She knew he would write something, too but she was still surprised to read “Jiyong hyung was right. You are pretty.” on the screen.


For the next hour members of Hi-Tech and Crazy came in the cafe. Some ordered to go while the others lingered a bit as they saw their colleagues in there. They all wrote stuff down every time she handed the sign pad. Hana head was swimming from the sudden attack.


They wrote things like “Nuna, you look cool!” “So pretty!” “Lucky Jiyong!” “Daebak!” and a lot more embarrassing things. Hana was getting redder and redder by the minute.


By the time Daesung came in with a hooddie covering his indigo hair, Hana was no longer surprised.


“A green tea latte, please, nuna,” he said, smiling. Hana immediately punched in his order.


“Let me guess, you'll use a card, too?” Hana asked, shaking her head. Daesung's eyes widened in mock surprise, his mouth forming a perfect “O.”


“Waah! How did you know?” He asked in exaggerated shock. “Are you psychic or something, nuna?”


Hana couldn't help but laugh. It was her first time actually meeting Daesung but she already felt so at ease with him. Daesung laughed with her and started writing on the sign pad she had handed over.


Jiyong-hyung is acting crazy right now.


Hana had to smile at that. She puffed her cheeks with air and rolled her eyes at the younger boy. Daesung saluted to her before sitting down on a nearby table, trying to hide his face.


A couple of minutes later, a tall man in black jeans and an oversized hoodie came in. He took off his shades as he got to the counter, almost knocking the air out of Hana when his deep eyes met hers. They smiled at each other at almost exactly the same time.


“Oppa!” Hana squealed, glad to see Seunghyun again after a really long time.


“Long time no see, Hana-yah,” he said in his deep voice. Hana laughed out loud, amused at how Seunghyun still winked after greeting someone.


“Jinjja... What's your message now?” She asked him after taking note of his iced Americano with two extra espresso shots order. “Can't you just say it to me instead of doing this?” She handed him the sign pad which made Seunghyun grin slyly.


“It's more romantic this way.” He let his tongue dangle at the side of his mouth as he wrote Jiyong's message for her.


Save Jiyong please.


Hana smiled, feeling her heart turn ten times in her chest. This babo dragon is really having fun with this.


It was Seungri's turn next, strutting in with a Balmain jacket, shades, and a huge grin. Hana couldn't help but laugh at his overconfidence. This maknae sure has changed from the immature little boy she had met years ago to a confident man who could take over the world.


“NUNA!” He squealed, raising his arms up in hurray. “I haven't seen you for so long!” He let out his trademark Seungri laugh as Hana tried to hide her face from embarrassment.


He, too, had message for Hana from Jiyong: Jiyong hyung really misses you.


This time, even before the maknae left the counter, Youngbae had come behind him in a Chrome Hearts jacket and a Stampd snapback. The large shades and grin on his face made him look like a little boy in a man's body. Just like the rest, Hana took Youngbae's order and let him sign as well.


“You look excited,” Youngbae . Hana rolled her eyes and cocked her head to the sign pad. Youngbae crossed his arms across his chest, sticking his tongue out as he smiled trying to by prolonging the wait.


“Oh please Youngbae, just get this over with so that babo can come in and I can hit him.”Hana said, planting her palms on her waist, making Youngbae chuckle.


“Arata, arata,” he conceded, finally holding the pen that Hana had shoved in his face earlier.


Hana shook her head at the crouched figure in front of her, amused at all the things that were happening. She had to admit, she was impressed by what Jiyong planned. This was just so like him, annoying her then giving her a erpunch surprise in the end.


She was trying to figure out what Jiyong was going to do when her eyes fell on the scribbled message flashing on the screen. Her hand flew to her chest as she felt her heartbeat stop then double in a split second. She could hear blood pumping in her ear. Slowly, she looked at Youngbae whose smile had softened seeing the wetness in her eyes. She tried to speak but had gone completely dry.


“Where is he?” She managed to ask after clearing several times.


Youngbae cocked his head to the door in answer, flashing her the biggest smile of his life. Hana stared at the empty door then turned around to find Hyekyung standing behind her, grinning from ear to ear.


“Go.” Hyekyung said, nodding to her. “I got it here.”


She didn't even have to say anything, she just smiled at her best friend before running to the door. She vaguely registered the other three Bigbang members crowded in one on of the couches, watching her with huge grins.


Hyekyung watched her run out of the door as well and chuckled. Her smile grew even wider as she came closer to the counter to read the message that was still flashed on the cash register's monitor.


Do you still remember Jiyong's promise?



Double-ish update haha

Cheers to Jiyong's promise! HUL

I hope you liked it. :P

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working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^