Little Black Dress

First Loves Don't Always Last


“YOO HANA! Show yourself already! PAAAAALI!”


Hyekyung's loud voice made Hana cringe. She pulled down the hem of her dress and looked at herself at the mirror one last time. The black dress hugged her figure perfectly and she wasn't happy about it. The neckline dipped too low, exposing a bit of cleavage, and the hem was too high up her thigh. The only thing she approved of was the way the black sequences made the dress sparkle under some light. Hyekyung really knows how to pick them. She took another frustrated breath before peeking out of the dressing room's curtains.


Hyekyung's grin made Hana want to hit her with a hanger. “What took you so long? Come out already!” she squealed, already pulling Hana out of the dressing room's comfort. “I want to see how it---oh.” Hyekyung's excited rambling stopped short as Hana stepped out uncomfortably.


“What?” Hana asked, feeling self conscious already. Hyekyung still could not say anything. Seeing her best friend blink several times, Hana stepped back and decided to change into the sundress she picked.


“NOOOO!” Hyekyung pulled her back, making her stand in front of her. A small, proud smile crept on Hyekyung's lips. She walked around Hana, hands on her hips. She hitched the skirt a few inches up and grinned. “This is perfect.”


“No, it's not.” Hana complained, pulling down the hem again. “It's uncomfortable and too revealing.”


Hyekyung looked up at her, her mother hen look on her face. “THIS is the perfect dress for the reunion!” she almost shouted, making Hana flinch. “You're legs are prettier than Park Bom's, girl! Flaunt it!”


Hana groaned, wishing the ground would just eat her up right then. She bowed slightly to apologize to the other customers in the store who were trying to hide their amusement. She turned back to her best friend and scowled.


“This dress is too much, Hyekyung!” she hissed.


“This dress is perfect, Hana.” Hyekyung was gritting her teeth at this point and Hana realized she was not going to win over her. “You are meeting the love of your life after 7 years. You're entitled to look perfect.”


“Fine.” Hana sighed, defeated. “But I'm wearing a jacket over it. I don't want to freeze to death!” She wrapped her arms around herself, her hands clutching her bare arms.


Hyekyung's triumphant grin made Hana scowl but somehow, she felt excited. She did kind of wonder what Jiyong would think about this outfit. The last time he saw her in a dress was graduation. And that was the time they'd promised to forget everything that happened between them. He probably didn't even notice.


“I bet he won't notice this though, too.” Hana realized too late that she had said that last thought out loud. She saw Hyekyung's little smile at what she said.


“Oh, I believe he would.” Leaning in close to Hana, Hyekyung flashed a naughty smile at her. “I bet he'd want to take it off of you the moment he sees you.”


“YA!” Hana hit Hyekyung's shoulder as the other girl let out a fit of laughter. She stormed off to get changed in the dressing room, blushing like a very ripe tomato. She closed the curtain and face the mirror. Her hands reached up to her heated cheeks as she took in her reflection. She had to admit, she did look kind of y and sophisticated at the same time. Remembering Hyekyung's words, she suddenly pictured Jiyong giving her an intense look.


“Oh my God!” She whispered, covering before she could embarrass herself by squealing like a high school girl.



*    *    *


“Ya! Jiyong!”


Jiyong looked up to see Choi Seunghyun sauntered his way in his hotel room. His face was set to a scowl but he still looked like a Greek god statue. He ed his Chanel coat as he walked, revealing the black dress shirt underneath it. All he needed was some music and he would look like a Calvin Klein model on a catwalk.


Jiyong nodded to him from the dresser. He was picking out some rings to use for the trip home later that day. It was their last day in Hong Kong and the guys were trying to convince him to go out for lunch. He didn't feel like it though. His head still throbbed from the effects of last night's after party.


“You're really not coming?” Seunghyun sounded like a hurt little boy, a tone Jiyong knew all too well. He chuckled.


“You guys go ahead. I'll follow if I feel a bit better later.” he smiled, already feeling Seunghyun's annoyance lift. “I just had a little too much last night.”


Seunghyun smirked, shaking his head. “Fine. But you better follow or else, I'm going to expose your drunken videos.”


“Arraso! Arraso!” Jiyong laughed, shooing his hyung away. Seunghyun was already on his way out when he suddenly came back with a teasing smile.


“By the way,” he said, his bass of a voice going up a few pitches. “I heard you're meeting your high school friends this weekend.”


Jiyong glanced up, startled by the statement. How did he....? Then realization came and he just shook his head.


“Youngbae?” he asked, turning around to lean on the dresser. Seunghyun shrugged.


“You'll be seeing Hana again then?” Seunghyun asked, walking to the bed. Sitting himself down on the edge, he crossed his left leg over his right thigh. “How long has it been? Six, seven years?”


Jiyong couldn't help but let out an amused laugh. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Is this why you're nagging me to join you guys for lunch?” Seunghyun shrugged again, but this time, he looked like he was holding back a smile.


“Youngbae says you're excited.” Jiyong shook his head before turning around again to face the accessories he was trying to pick through.


“I remember Hana being so funny and 4D.” Seunghyun continued, not letting the subject drop. “She was so weird and carefree. Well, that was before, you know...”


A clang echoed in the room as Jiyong dropped a ring on the table. He clenched his hands and bit his lips. He still didn't face his hyung.


After a few seconds of silence, Seunghyun got up. Buttoning his suit up, he walked to Jiyong and patted his tensed shoulder.


“Youngbae might think you're okay with everything but I know you're scared to see her, too.” Seunghyun said, before walking out of the room.


Jiyong closed his eyes and remembered Hana's laugh. The laugh that had always made all his stress go away. He missed it so much he dreamed about it sometimes. But that image of Hana laughing would always get replaced by her hurt face that night in the rain.


Sometimes he wished that he did just forget about everything, like what he promised Hana on graduation. Sometimes he just wanted to wipe off the memories of the hurt he caused her from his mind.


Jiyong let out the breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. He unclenched his hands and picked up the ring that fell. He slipped on a simple silver ring on his forefinger and a Chrome Hearts bracelet. Running a hand over his bright red orange hair, he decided to join the guys for lunch.


Seunghyun, despite being the eldest in the group, very rarely acts like it. When he does though, he's very reliable. Jiyong had to ask for his advice more times than he would care to admit.


Later, as Jiyong pushed open the restaurant's door, he locked eyes with Seunghyun. He gave his hyung a small smile, earning him a stoic nod. Jiyong was sure they'll be sitting next to each other in the plane later.



Thank you for the new subscribers and comments! :)) I hope you comment and show your love! Also, I was wondering if I should add a in later chapters? I have to warn you though, I have not tried writing one so I'm not very confident about it. :P

Also, please show some love to my other ongoing story about TOP (being awesomely annoying LOL). Chapter 2 is up! :) Check it out here: The TOP Man's Downfall


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working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^