Storm Clouds

First Loves Don't Always Last



Jiyong strode into Golden Coffee wrapped in a heavy winter jacket over a turtle neck pulled up to cover half his face. His fluffy hood was pulled over his eyes, concealing his black and hot pink hair. A tall man with a long, elongated face trailed behind him. He adjusted his round wire rimmed glasses before stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets.


Jiyong whispered to the man tilting his head to his usual spot in the corner. The man leveled a steady gaze at the cafe's counter where Hana waited, jaw clenched, before walking with his head down to the seat. Jiyong watched him walk for a moment before letting out a sigh. Catching Hana's gaze, he approached the counter with his hands buried in his jacket pockets.


Hana noticed the dark circles under his eyes, bringing her eyebrows together in concern. She longed to reach out and erase those creases on his forehead with her fingers but they were in a public place. With a good chance that people here would recognize the hip young rapper G-Dragon, Hana opted to flash a worried smile instead which Jiyong accepted and returned as he lowered the cloth covering his mouth. He, too, wanted her warm hands on his cold cheek but he can't touch her right now, not with all these people around them.


“What would you like to order, sir?” Hana asked with a smile.


Jiyong leaned forward and said in a low voice, “A kiss.”


Hana blushed, making Jiyong smirk before leaning away and in a normal decibel ordered a hot chocolate and a cappucino.


“You're with your manager today.”


“Mmm..” Jiyong planted his hands on the edge of the counter, rocking on the spot as he waited for Hana to finish punching in his order. “Hyunsuk hyung insisted on me being accompanied everywhere. Apparently, some people were spotted lurking near the company apartment.”


Stalkers, huh. Hana's eyes snapped up to Jiyong's, sudden alarm reflecting in them. She was about to open to bombard him with questions when Jiyong shook his head and smiled.


“I'm fine. Don't worry. YG's got it under control. I bet they're just reporters trying to get the dish on me.” He grinned, purposely excluding the fact that Yang Hyunsuk had demanded he take a body guard or two everywhere he goes.


Jiyong couldn't tell Hana that roughly a week after they arrived from Thailand, he had come home from the studio to a vandalized apartment building. The finger print scanner that was supposed to prevent any unwanted visitors from coming in was destroyed. When the culprit still couldn't get in the building, she had left “YOU ARE MINE KWON JIYONG” scribbled in red paint on the black door. Yang Hyunsuk had never been more thankful to the building's tight security. Despite the security cameras around the area though, they still haven't caught the sasaeng.


Though Hana felt a bit weird, she let it go. They talked about random things for a while, prolonging their short time to be with each other by adding more orders.


“By the way, I can't come visit the cafe this week. We're flying to Japan tomorrow and I have to help out with Youngbae's album.” Jiyong told her in a lowered volume. He leaned in closer, under the guise of checking his order on the other side of the cashier monitor. “But I'd really want to drop by your apartment tonight before I leave.”


“My apartment?” Hana raised an eyebrow. They usually went to his apartment since Jiyong couldn't really go around without being recognized by people.


“Yeah, I'll drop by around midnight?” Jiyong gave her a warm smile before walking off to sit with his manager.


Jiyong and his manager, Namgook, stayed an hour more before leaving for an activity. Because of the paranoia of having someone following him around, he couldn't go back to the counter to say goodbye to his girlfriend. He could only tilt his head to the side and mouth a “see you later” before exiting the cafe.


Although feeling disappointed at not being able to talk properly with Jiyong, Hana understood the situation. Dispatch or Sport Seoul might be lurking right around the corner with their cameras, waiting for Jiyong to make a mistake. She was even surprised that he came here knowing that he was being watched. Jiyong, in fact, had been forbidden to go out by Namgook, seeing as the situation was still quite dangerous. Though YG has managed to contain the situation, there was still a huge chance that the stalker might strike again.


Jiyong and his manager walked out of the cafe and met up with his two bodyguards near a black Mercedes. Hyunsuk had insisted he use one of the company cars in the meantime. Driving his Bentley around would only catch too much attention.


“Be careful, Ji. You know you're not the only one at risk right now.” Namgook said as they settle in the backseat. Everyone in YG knew Jiyong had a girlfriend and one that he genuinely loves, too. So the suspicion that the vandalism was an effect of that makes Jiyong and the whole YGE uneasy. Namgook had adamantly denied Jiyong's request to at least buy takeaway coffee but eventually relented after seeing his pained face.


“I know, hyung,” Jiyong sighed, tugging the hood over his eyes. “But I just can't go to Japan without seeing her.”


They settled into silence as the car started moving to go back to YGE. Sighing, Jiyong leaned his head on the window and closed his eyes. If he could, he would bring Hana with him to Japan just to make sure that she'd be safe from sasaengs. But then again, he'll only alarm her and might even put her in more danger if they people see her with him in Japan.


With an annoyed grumble, Jiyong crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes. Midnight was just too far away.


* * *


The next day, Namgook picked Jiyong up from Hana's apartment at 2PM for his 5PM flight to Japan. Although reluctant to leave, Jiyong had grabbed Hana into a passionate kiss before leaving her breathless and aching to run down and meet Namgook. Hana consoled herself that he'd be back in three days but then scowled again when she realized that he had to work for the rest of the week, as well. Sighing, she made herself busy by cleaning up the lunch they had eaten earlier and got ready to go the cafe.


For two days, Hana missed Jiyong so much even though they talked on Facetime almost every night. Jiyong, most especially, whined about not being able to be with her. It was weird feeling incomplete at this moment when they had already dealt with being away from each other before. Heck, they were apart for 7 years.


Even when Jiyong arrived back in Korea, he still whined about not being able to visit her even though she was only a drive away. For the first time in their friendship, Jiyong even resented Youngbae for taking his time away from Hana. The latter just brushed it off, laughing at Jiyong's childishness.


“May I remind you that you promised to help me with this album, oh great best friend.” Youngbae told Jiyong, poking his forehead. They were in the studio with Teddy and the leader was slouching on a swivel chair while Youngbae leaned on the table in front of him.


Jiyong glared at him and transferred to the couch to lie down and sulk, all the while clutching his phone. Hearing Hana's voice was the only comfort he had right now from the late night recordings and redos of Youngbae's songs.


Teddy shook his head at the depressed figure, laughing lightly. “If I had known you'd be this much of a sissy when you actually get a girlfriend, I would have told you to stay single forever.”


“Hyuuung...” Jiyong kicked the air. He was getting really really frustrated – and yes, deprived – from being away from Hana for almost a week. He wanted to see her now. “I just want to see her.”


“You just saw her on Facetime.” Youngbae laughed, making his best friend scowl at him. “Look man, you can go visit her in two days. Try to focus until then.”


Truth be told, Youngbae and Teddy had gotten a direct order from Yang Hyunsuk himself to keep Jiyong in the studio for the rest of the week not because Youngbae needed help with his new album but because they needed to keep Jiyong off the street and away from Hana for the meantime. They still hadn't found the culprit but the investigating team was doing their best to look for her. Hana was in as much danger as Jiyong was from that crazy sasaeng.


Kicking the air one more time, Jiyong let out a frustrated sigh before sitting up again. Clenching his hands into fists, he stood up and stomped towards the door.


“Ya! Where are you going, man?” Teddy shouted after him, afraid he'll suddenly sneak out to see Hana without a guard. Youngbae reacts as well, taking a furtive step towards Jiyong's slouched back.


“I need a cigarette, okay? You freaking workaholics!” He screamed, slamming the door as he went out.


“Should I go after him, hyung?” Youngbae asked Teddy, his hand already on the doorknob. The older man shook his head, letting out a sigh.


“Let him be. He can't go out without Hyunsuk hyung noticing anyway.”


Though still unconvinced, Youngbae let his friend go. Walking back to the Mac, he continued the song he had been working on before Jiyong started his tantrum. He really felt bad for his friend but if it's for his and Hana's safety, then he had to endure it.


Out in the fourth floor's fire exit, Jiyong let out the smoke he had just breathed in into the cold winter air. Closing his eyes, he pictured Hana's smile which usually turned into a giggle whenever he nuzzles her neck. His hands trembled when he remembered sounds she never failed to make in his arms. Growling, Jiyong closed his eyes and bit his lip, hoping that the tightness in his pants would go away naturally but it didn't. Even in the darkness behind his eyelids, he could still see Hana wrapped in nothing but a blanket on his bed. He groaned, lifting the cigarette to his lips again. Taking in a long drag, he clenched his hand around the railing.


I need to see her so bad.


He stubbed his cigarette on the railing and threw it in the trashcan. He was on his way to the third floor, fully intending to sneak out and meet up with Hana when his phone rang. Taking it out, he cringed. Yang Hyunsuk's name mocked him from the screen, like a cold bucket of ice cold water over his heated body. Ruffling his hair, he answered the call.


“Don't you dare leave the building, Jiyong.” No 'yoboseyo,' not even a grunt for introduction.


Images of Hana laughing and biting her lips flickered in his mind before the red letters outside his apartment replaced them in a flash. He sighed, long and hard. He didn't care if his boss heard his disappointment, Hyunsuk knew him too much for him to try and act otherwise.


“I'm not leaving, hyung.”


“Good. Now get back in the studio.”


The dial tone blared in his ear as Jiyong headed back to the 4th floor door. Looking up, he found the inconspicuous security camera focused on the spot he had last been. Jiyong shook his head and laughed bitterly. Of course YG would install additional security after the incident.


He made his way to the studio, taking a deep breath before opening the door and fully immersing himself in Youngbae's new album.


* * *


It was already way past midnight when Jiyong made his way home. Exhausted, deprived, and pissed, he didn't even notice the light in his bedroom when he came in. He took off his shoes, dragged himself to the couch, and jumped on it face down. He just wanted to get over these next few days already so he can bury himself in Hana's arms and be happy again.


Happy. He didn't even know the meaning of the word anymore.


Feeling suffocated, he pulled himself up to changed positions only to get knocked back down on the sofa by a pair of dainty but strong hands. His eyes flew open, immediately thinking of the sasaeng incident. Long black hair blurred his vision which only increased his fear. Heart beating wildly, he let the adrenaline take over and threw a punch at the person on top of him. His hand connected to skin – the jaw maybe – making her tumble down on the carpet. Jiyong quickly stood up, taking fast shallow breaths to calm himself.




Jiyong felt his whole body tense up at the angry voice. Blinking away the fear, he finally saw the familiar person sprawled on the floor.


Hana was wearing nothing but one of his white button down dress shirts.


And she was shooting flaming arrows from her eyes.


“Oh , HANA!” He immediately went to her, tilting her head up to see the damage he inflicted with his fist. Cursing himself in his head, he bit his lip as he saw her reddened jaw. “I'm so sorry, babe! I thought you were an intruder!”


Hana turned away from him, rubbing her sore jaw. She was seriously angry. Who wouldn't? After waiting for almost 5 hours just to surprise your boyfriend, he greets you with a nice red bruise on your jaw?


Jiyong went to get a towel and some ice to put on her bruise. He tried to clear away strands of hair from her face but she pushed his hands away, still quite annoyed at what he did. She held the icepack on her bruise though, which Jiyong took as a good sign.


“Babe, I'm really sorry. It's just that, with the vandalism and stuff, I thought they were finally able to get in. I didn't even expect you to—”


“Vandalism? What do you mean vandalism?” Jiyong facepalmed himself, realizing his mistake. Looking up at her eyes, he let out a string of curses at seeing the determination in them. He knew Hana too much to dismiss the I-will-not-let-you-off-the-hook spark in her eyes. “What are you hiding from me, Jiyong?”


No 'baby'. He really is screwed now.


With a sigh, he told her everything that happened. He even shared his own suspicions; that the sasaeng had somehow found out about their relationship thus the sudden possessiveness. Though he didn't want Hana to be involved in this, he felt the burden in his heart lighten with every word he told her.


After Jiyong's confession, his shoulders slumped down as he pulled his legs up to his chest. He avoided Hana's eyes, not really ready to see the fear in them yet. He ran his hands over his hair and let out a shaky sigh.


Hana didn't say anything while she listened to Jiyong's tired and shaky confession. She didn't ask any questions, those will come later. Right now, she knew he just needed to let the burden out of his chest. She did feel fear crawling up her heart but not because of the realization that her coming over tonight only put her right in the middle of the chaos. She wasn't scared of what those obsessed fans would do to her. She feared more for Jiyong's safety. Those fangirls can get really crazy sometimes.


“I wanted to keep you safe, that's why I've been avoiding meeting up with you.” Jiyong murmured, his eyes trained on his knees. “But I miss you so much, you don't even know it.”


Hana finally smiled. She reached out and placed her free hand on his cheek. Jiyong finally looked up and smiled in relief. He found no trace of condemnation or fear in her eyes, only concern and love. He gripped her hand and moved it to his mouth, planting a warm kiss on her cold palm.


They didn't even need words, the look they shared was enough to seal their loyalty for each other. Hana wasn't going anywhere and Jiyong wasn't going to leave her no matter what happens. The trust and faith they had for each other went beyond whatever crazy stunt a sasaeng could do.


* * *


Faint traces of sunlight was already peeking through the clouds when Hana stirred awake in Jiyong's arms. She slowly slid out and put on the dress shirt she had discarded early this morning after they talked some more about what happened. She went back to give Jiyong a soft kiss on the forehead. He stirred and sighed in contentment, before burying further into the pillow with a soft smile on his face.


A few minutes later, she was already brewing coffee and making omelets. Humming 'Lie,' she took out some plates for breakfast. The very first day Hana slept over, she had been flabbergasted at the severity of Jiyong's bachelor life. There was literally nothing in the fridge and cupboards but a pack of ramyun, kimchi from his mom, and some cartons of milk. Without a word, she left the apartment and came back with six full bags of real food and supplies. She had been restocking his kitchen ever since.


Hana opened the fridge and took out a pack of bacon and started to fry them, too. She was so engrossed in her task that she didn't notice the sleepy dragon drag himself to the kitchen.


Kwon Jiyong was not a morning person. He greets everyone who tries to wake him up with a nice smack on the face. Seungri had experienced that more times than he cared to remember. Wake him up prematurely and he'd be grumpy the entire day. Except maybe when Hana makes him breakfast.


Rubbing his hands over his still half-closed eyes, he silently made his way to his girlfriend who was concentrating on the bacon in front of her. Smiling mischievously, he s his arms around her waist, planting a morning kiss on her unsuspecting cheek in the process. Hana jumped but she was able to control herself from pummeling Jiyong with the spatula in her hands.


“Good morning, baby.” Jiyong whispered in his husky morning voice. Hana turned to him and received the kiss Jiyong planted on her lips. Her arms slithered up his neck and pulled him in to deepen the kiss. If it wasn't for the smell of almost burnt bacon, she wouldn't have pulled away.


“Go sit down before your breakfast gets burned.” Biting her lip, she slowly pushed Jiyong away. He smirked, landing another kiss on her moistened lips before settling himself on the table.


It was just like another morning. They ate their breakfast in laughter and playful banter. The both of them wanted to put what happened aside for now. They just wanted to enjoy the next hour or so without thinking about sasaengs and creepy messages.


It was during their dessert of peaches and cream when both their phones suddenly rang. Jiyong went over to the bedroom and retrieved both their phones. When he came out, his left hand held the phone to his ear while his Macbook was balanced on the other.


He absentmindedly handed Hana her phone which was still ringing with Hyekyung's name blinking on the screen.


“WHERE ARE YOU?!” Hana had to pull the phone out of her ear before Hyekyung could burst her eardrum.


“I'm with Jiyong. What's the prob—”




Hana's eyebrows creased even more, not comprehending her best friend's outburst so early in the morning. “What do you mean get out of here? And why are you shouting this early in the morning?”


Hyekyung let out a frustrated sigh on the other line. She sounded like she was trying to calm herself down. “Just... You can't be at his apartment right now, okay?” She said in a shaky voice. “Leave now and come to the cafe right away.”


“Why? What happened?” She didn't know why but her heart was beating so fast. She felt even more nervous when her gaze fell on Jiyong and his hardened jaw. His eyes focused on the screen of his laptop, a dark cloud covering his eyes.


“Look, Hana, just get your here right now.” Hyekyung muttered, considerably calmer than when she first answered the call. “And please make sure no one sees you leaving Jiyong's apartment, okay? I'll send you a photo.”


With a click, the dial tone sent a somewhat calming melody in Hana's troubled mind. She slowly put her phone down and faced Jiyong. He took a deep breath before pushing the Mac to her. Right on the screen was a photo of them on the beach. Someone had taken a photo of their secret vacation in Thailand.


“It had been floating in Instagram for weeks but it was only early this morning when the one who took the photo tweeted about it. They said they saw us cuddling on the beach.” The words floated in Hana's mind like a surreal dream. She was sure this wasn't really happening if not for Jiyong's clammy hands that gripped her shaking one.


“There's more.” Jiyong said in a low voice. He opened another tab on the browser and showed her photos of him going in and out of Golden Coffee for the past weeks. There was even one inside the cafe with him laughing with Hana at the counter.


A moment later, her phone beeped indicating Hyekyung's photo message. She didn't want to see it but like a magnet, her hand reached out to her phone and opened it.


It was a photo of the cafe's familiar exterior but with a bright red “” spray painted on the glass window. Hana heard Jiyong let out an angry growl as they both read “leave G-Dragon alone” just below the offending word.



Hello guys!

Sorry for the long wait, I haven't been in the writing mood lately. And as you can see, this chapter is not really up to standards. LOL I hope you still like it though.

We're nearing the end by the way, and I'm planning to focus on my TOP fic after this. I do have some ideas for either another extended fic or a one shot series. What do you think?

Thanks to all the subbers even when this fic was idle. :)) Comment, arraso? I love reading them. Hehehe

Just a personal opinion, it's okay to love Bigbang or any idol for that matter but obsessing and claiming them for your own self is NOT COOL. I don't even see sasaengs as fans tbh.

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^