Not That Way

First Loves Don't Always Last



As I stuffed the clothes I had carefully picked out last night in my backpack, I heard the door creak open. Little Seunghyun's head popped in, a goofy grin plastered on his face. I just had to smile. This maknae is trying to act cute again.


“What time are you leaving, hyung?” he asked, walking in as casually as he could.


“In a bit.” I answer him, continuing to put my second jacket in the bag. “Wae?”


He grinned at me, plopping down on the bed and stretching his arms wide. I knew why he was asking. He's probably pretty excited to have this room all to himself over the weekend. I can just imagine what he would be up to. Oh, wait, I'd rather not... Aigoo, this kid.


“You don't have to look so happy about me leaving for the weekend.” I laugh at him, hitting his exposed belly with a shirt. He sits up, still grinning. “Besides, after the trip, I'm coming here right away.”


The 6 of us had been living together for almost a month now. This sly maknae happens to be my roommate. He excels at acting very cute and most of all, he's very easy to bully.


“You should work hard on your vocal training.” I tell Little Seunghyun, finishing up with my packing. “And also, maknae, help your hyungs around the house. Clean the dishes, mop the floor, whatever, just be good. Arraso?”


“Hyung, you'll only be gone for a weekend. And it's even just in Seoul.” he chuckled, lying down on the bed again. “I don't even get why Youngbae hyung called it a 'trip.'” I chuckled.


Honestly, I don't really understand why we were suddenly having this impromptu weekend “getaway” with the gang. Apparently, Hyekyung's parents and little brother are going to Busan to visit her mom's relatives this weekend and we have the whole house to ourselves. These guys can be so unpredictable sometimes.


Youngbae, surprisingly, is more enthusiastic about this than me. To think that he was the one who would berate me for skipping even an hour of training. It was a good thing Hyunsuk hyung allowed the both of us to go since it's just for one weekend. Besides, I think he felt bad for us since we missed out on most of school trips because of our training.


I so need this trip to relax, too. Next week, we were told that we were going to have a competition. Two of us will be taken out of the group after a series of tests. I've been stressing out about it for days now. I have grown to care for my dongsengs and loosing anyone of them is just... I honestly don't know what to do.


I heard my phone beep which was on the bed, right beside Maknae's head. I was about to dive in to reach it but he beat me to it. He started reading the text message, a teasing smile on his face.


“It's from Hana noona, hyung,” he said, gripping the phone tight as I tried to grab it from him. “She says she misses you and she loves you so much.”


I froze, suddenly feeling my hands go numb. Chongmal, this kid is asking for a real beating.


I was about to call him out for bluffing when he suddenly burst into fits of laughter. I swear if he wasn't a kid I would have hit his head until he passed out. I knew I shouldn't have introduced him to Hana that one time we met her at the grocery.


“Shut up, Maknae!” I snatched the phone from him and opened Hana's message. I didn't know why my heartbeat suddenly doubled from what Maknae said. I just suddenly felt so curious about the text.


McDonalds in 2 hours. Don't be late.


Huh. That's it? I could feel the warmth flow to my hands, but my insides were still shaking for a bit. Why am feeling like this? Calm down Jiyong. You're just worked up because Maknae was making fun of you.


I turned to the kid on the bed and hit him with a pillow but he just kept on laughing.


“You should control your facial expressions, hyung.” he said in between those annoying high pitched chuckles. Man, I wanted to strangle him so bad. “You can at least pretend you weren't disappointed.”


“Shut up, Maknae,” I picked up my bag and got ready to go but not before turning back to throw the git a warning. “If you keep annoying me, I'll make you train harder.”


“Ahhh, Hyuuung!”


With a satisfied grin at Maknae's horrified expression, I went out of the room. Youngbae had gone home the other day so I would be going to the meet up alone. It was still a bit early but I decided to go ahead and wait for them anyway. I put on my shoes and waved goodbye to Seunghyun hyung who was watching TV in the living room.


As I was nearing McDonald's, my stomach started to grumble. I groaned remembering the food I had brought to the dorm the other day. I should have eaten lunch at home before I left. I didn't want to eat junk food today. I glanced around the street and saw a fishcake stand just a couple of steps away from me. I still had a lot more time to grab a snack.


I was devouring my fourth stick when someone hit my shoulder. I turned around and saw Hansuk grinning broadly at me. His eyes always disappeared when he smiled, making himself look funny and adorable. I nodded, trying to swallow the food in my mouth.


“You're early!” he said, still grinning.


“Yeah, I had nothing to do at the dorm,” I answered him, getting another stick. “Why are you so early? You're usually the one we have to wait for.”


I thought he looked nervous for awhile. He scratched his head and smiled shyly. He even blushed a bit. I raised an eyebrow at him as I bit into the fishcake.


“Well... ahh...” he started, looking at the ground. “I thought that the girls might need help carrying stuff... and I... ah... wanted to help.” He shrugged, suddenly becoming interested in the fishcakes in front of us.


My eyebrows crunched together. Examining Hansuk, I realized he had dressed up quite nicely today. He had on a black winter coat and some faded black jeans. He even wore new sneakers. Whoa. I looked up at his face and saw that the usual bed hair was replaced by carefully styled spikes. I didn't know if I should point it out to him since it's in the bro code not to annoy and nag a friend. But then again, I guess the one month that I had spent acting as leader to the boys in the dorm just can't be ignored.


“What's up with the upgraded style?” I asked him.


Hansuk looked at me, surprised. He let out a nervous laugh before smiling at me. “I was going to ask you for advice, cause you know, you've got really good fashion sense, but...” he suddenly looked nervous, avoiding my eyes.


Hansuk not laughing and he's being jumpy? This really intrigued and worried me.


“Bro, what's wrong?” I told him. “You're not acting normal.”


Hansuk lost his smile now. It seemed as if he's debating in his head. I laughed, somewhat frustrated. Landing a playful punch on his arm, I urged him to just spill it.


“Well,” he still looked uncomfortable but he took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eyes. “I like Hana.”


My lips shook, the smile suddenly too heavy. I let out a shaky laugh, turning to the food cart, away from Hansuk's determined face.


“We all do, Hansuk. That's why we're all friends.” I said with an awkward laugh.


“No, Ji.” This time, his voice sounded strong and sure. “I think I'm falling for her.”


I felt dizzy. I didn't know why. It's probably because of all the fishcakes I stuffed myself with. Yeah, that must be it. But why do feel like grabbing Hansuk by the shoulder and shaking him until he realizes he's being stupid? I wanted to convince him, but of what, I didn't know. I just really wanted him to let this absurd idea go.




“I know you like her, too, Ji.” He interrupted me, and somehow, I became annoyed.


“What in the world gave you that idea?” I didn't notice that my voice was louder than the normal speaking decible.


“Then you don't?”


To infuriate me even more, Hansuk gave me a patronizing smile. I wanted to tell him that I actually do like Hana like he does just to wipe that annoying smile off his face. I opened my mouth to say so, but somehow, seeing Hansuk being nervous and determined at the same time just shut me up. He's sincere.


I sighed and looked away. I took out my wallet and paid for the fish sticks I just ate. I knew Hansuk was still waiting for my answer and somehow, I wanted him to wait forever, but... God, why was I raised properly??


I took another deep breath and finally looked straight into Hansuk's anxious eyes.


“I like her, too,” I told him, allowing a small smile. “But not in that way.”


My chest tightened as I saw relief wash over Hansuk's face.


Yey a rival! LOL

So what did you think? I think some more juicy details will come in the next chapters. I'm actually excited to work on them. Hehe

Oh and please check out my other story featuring TOP (being conceited and annoyingly adorable) here: The TOP Man's Downfall

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working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^