Unsaid Things

First Loves Don't Always Last



After Jiyong's first visit in Golden Coffee, he would come every single day, order a hot chocolate some cookies (sometimes a slice of blueberry cheesecake), go to his designated corner, and just stay there about two hours. Sometimes, Hyekyung or Hana would go sit with him. It looked kind of silly though how he would keep wearing his scarf, beanies, or caps even inside the cafe. Nevertheless, nobody really paid much attention to the weirdo in the dark corner, except perhaps, Hana.


Her eyes would wander over to him every 5 minutes just to make sure that he's really there. She would hide a smile after wards, making sure that even Hyekyung didn't notice her. Jiyong however would catch her sometimes as he, himself also takes secret glances at her. He would smirk when he catches her, giddy over the fact that she was still act coy and shy at this age.


Those visits always helped brightened his mood despite his busy schedule. Seeing Hana at work, not even talking to her, just watching her happily greeting and serving people made him happy as well. Golden Coffee had just become his heaven.


Just a week into his visits, Jiyong came over to the counter just as he was about to leave. Hana was squatting down, resupplying the cake display on the lower part of the glass case, so Jiyong had to lean over the counter to see her.


“Hana-yah,” he called, leaning his upper body on the marble counter.


Surprised, Hana straightened up as she turned to Jiyong. Soon, the shock on her face changed to a deadly blush as she realized that she had unwittingly leaned close to Jiyong's face. Her eyes automatically landed on his lips which slowly pulled up to reveal his perfectly white teeth. She swallowed hard, dragging her eyes back to his eyes.


She leaned away and put her hands on the cabinet under the counter for balance. Her feet were shaking too much to support her right now. Feeling her heartbeat slowly relax, she glanced up at the smiling man-child above her. She shook her head, pulling herself up to a standing position.


“Don't-” she said in a strained voice. “Don't do that please.”


“Do what?” Jiyong smiled innocently, though he himself felt his pulse run like there's no tomorrow at the earlier incident.


“Scaring me to death.”


“You're still alive though.”


Hana shook her head, planting her palms on the counter. She turned to Jiyong who was still leaning on it, looking up at her with a huge grin on his face. He laughed at her and pushed himself up as well.


“Anyway, I'm sure you know already but we're going to London tomorrow for the world tour so I won't be able to come here.” He said, putting his hands in his coat pockets. “I might stay there for a week or something.”


“Mmmm,” Hana nodded, already feeling an ache in her chest at his absence. It's just going to be a week. No big deal.


Jiyong tilted his head and stared at her. She stared back, an eyebrow raised. Jiyong opened his mouth, as if to say something, then quickly closed it again, visibly shaking his head as he changed his mind. Instead, he smiled at her and shrugged.


“So, I'll see you next week?”


“Mmmm,” Hana nodded. “Have a safe flight.”


She wanted to say more, like how much she looked forward to those 2 hours he came over for a visit. Even when they don't talk much, just knowing that he was near made her internal organs twist and turn. She wanted to go with him to London just to stay by his side all the time. She wanted to walk comfortably in a place where there would be no paparazzis stalking them. She wanted to hold his hand again, like they did that night after the reunion.


She wanted to tell him that she still loves him. But she couldn't, of course. At least not yet.


There were a lot of things she couldn't do yet so she just took a deep breath and returned his smile while waving him off.


Jiyong's face fell, obviously hesitating to leave just yet. He bit his lower lip and rocked on the balls of his feet. He wanted to stay a couple more hours but he had to prepare for tomorrow. Looking at Hana wave at him, his smile turned to a disappointed frown. He finally turned around, his shoulders slumped as he walked to the door.




Jiyong's heart skipped a beat when he heard her calling him again. He turned abruptly, seeing Hana with a flushed face and a huge grin.


“Go conquer Europe!” she planted her hands on her waist and cocked her head to the side. “I'll wait for you.”


A slow, beautiful grin spread across his lips as Jiyong nodded to her. Those four words made his whole body fly. He felt the butterflies in his stomach turn into eagles. He could feel himself being lifted up.


“Save those cookies for me.”


With a light and excited heart, he turned to leave, basking in the afternoon sunlight. The cold winter air didn't even affect him as he walked with full confidence towards his car.




Still workin on next chapters :)

Hang on guys!

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working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing story....read it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^