At Hyekyung's Place

First Loves Don't Always Last




As soon as we stepped out of the car, all four boys gape at the huge mansion that greeted us. I smirked at their reactions, fully enjoying their amazement. I bowed to Hyekyung's personal driver and skipped to the gate. Looking back at the idiots, I found them still shocked at the three-storey western style house. I have to admit though, I did envy this house when I was younger but after visiting and sleeping over constantly, I was immune to it already.


“YA! Idiots!” I call to them, rousing them from their stupor. “Hurry up, I'm seriously hungry!” I press the doorbell, already impatient. I was already hungry and cold thinking about the warm and delicious food that I'm sure waited for us inside.


Hyekyung had told me to pick the boys up at McDonald's while she prepared our dinner that night. Apparently, she was personally cooking the food which I'm pretty sure would be amazing. I smiled at the memory of the boys' shocked faces when the Benz stopped in front of the fast food chain. I had gotten out and called out to them, making them even more speechless. I let out a tiny giggle.


The intercom and I heard Hyekyung's voice. I confirmed that it was us and the gate opened automatically. With stone feet, the boys trudged forward, still in shock.


“Ya, if you keep your mouths open you'll attract mosquitoes.” I told them, as we walked through the garden Hyekyung's mother maintained. They looked around whispering “daebak” every now and then. I laughed at them as I pushed open the door. A maid bowed to us as we walked inside, making all four them awkwardly bow back.


“Hyekyung agashi is in the kitchen right now,” she said, smiling politely. “Please relax in the playroom. Agashi will come out shortly. Please let me take your bags to your rooms.”


They looked like wide-eyed does as they handed their bags over. I took my shoes off and put them on the shoe rack beside me and they immediately followed. I nodded at the maid and she left to put their bags in the guest room.


“Is this whole place really theirs?” Danny asked, as I led them to the playroom. “I mean, I knew they were well-off but not like this.”


I laughed at Danny's incredulous face when they saw the playroom, which was a huge room with a circular red booth as a couch and a real roaring fireplace. Just behind the couch was a pool table which stunned the boys even more. Hansuk and Danny immediately ran to the pool table, eager to start playing. Youngbae's attention, however was captured by the huge stereo with stacks of CDs beside it. There was even a gramophone and real records.


This is dope!” Youngbae exclaimed in English, making me look at him then at Jiyong with a raised eyebrow.




“The 1Tym hyungs taught us that.” Jiyong shook his head, also laughing. “Youngbae was the most affected.”


Jiyong sat down on the couch, looking around the room, clearly impressed. I glanced at him and noticed that he looked cool with his plain clothes even though I didn't really like the hip hop look. I felt my ankles throbbing and realized that I had been standing there for awhile, practically drooling at Jiyong. Mentally hitting my head, I started to walk around the couch, not really sure where to place myself. I ended up leaning on the pool table, watching Danny and Hansuk play.


I was going to give up trying to act interested in the game and just barge into the kitchen when I caught Jiyong looking at me. He smiled when our eyes met. It took all I had not to melt right there.


Mwo? I mouthed to him, raising an eyebrow. His smile softened for a second then he glanced at Hansuk before shaking his head. My eyebrows crunched together this time. Gathering my courage, I walked towards the couch and sat down next to him. I think I might have sat a bit too close since I felt his arm brush against mine. Goosebumps rose up from the touch. He must have felt it, too, since he inched away from me.


I tried not to show the disappointment as I faced Jiyong.


“So,” I started, forcing a smile. “How's the new idol group? Training hard?”


He nodded, smirking. He glanced behind him once before looking at me. We sat in silence for a while, the awkward, I-don't-know-what-to-say-next kind and it bothered me. We had always been able to string conversations together and manage to insert insults and bickers in between. Jiyong seemed to be too preoccupied today.


Studying his face, I noticed the bags under his eyes. They seemed darker now than before. His cheeks looked sunken, too. He was troubled again. I sighed and touched his arm, making him jump back from the sudden skinship.


“Are you okay?” I asked him, not letting go of his arm. “You haven't called recently and I assumed it was because you were busy, but you look terrible.”


Jiyong looked at me with mixed emotions: exhaustion, worry, pain, annoyance, and something that I couldn't recognize. A split second later, he broke contact and showed me his trademark gummy smile.


“It's nothing important.” I didn't believe him one bit but I let it go, realizing that this was not the right place. I let go of his arm and smiled.


“Of course, nothing ever fazes the great G-Dragon.” I said, rolling my eyes. I heard him snort and soon enough, he was laughing.


“Of course. I can take on everything,” he said, puffing up his chest proudly. “A wimp like you can't take me down.”


He ran his hands over my face and I just had to retaliate. I hit his head and soon enough, he was chasing me around the room, screaming bloody murder. I was shrieking and laughing so hard at the same time that I got tired right away. Looking for a shield, I ran into Hansuk and hid behind him. He had always been a sturdy shield against Jiyong. He was the only who wouldn't let Jiyong come near me.


“Help me, Hansuk!” I screeched, holding on to his arms tightly. I waited for Jiyong to reach around and hit me but it never came. I heard Jiyong panting and I peered up from Hansuk's shoulder. Jiyong was looking at Hansuk, breathing hard. He glanced at me then at Hansuk, and finally offered a small smile.


“I'm beat.” Jiyong suddenly announced, walking away. “You win, cheater.” I stuck my tongue out at him then hugged Hansuk's back. I thought I felt him stiffen.


“Gomawo, Sukie!” I told him, as I let go. “You're a lifesaver!” I skipped over to Youngbae who was busy picking a CD. He finally settled with a Michael Jackson CD and pressed the number for Black and White.


He grinned broadly then started dancing. Man, this boy really knows how to move. I have to admit, I enjoy watching Youngbae dance. He just becomes one with the rhythm. He called Jiyong who sauntered over and started dancing with him.


They looked at each other and, without even saying anything, started to dance in sync. I felt my jaw literally touch the rug. They were so in sync and so precise in their movement that it was as if they had practiced this all their lives. They just looked at each other and smiled at certain highlights of the dance. Even Danny and Hansuk stopped playing and just watched them.


We couldn't help but clap when they finished. Youngbae and Jiyong high fived each other, looking genuinely happy.


“I can totally see you guys as idols now!” Danny cheered, “You might just beat out H.O.T.'s popularity!”

“There's your first fanboy.” I laughed.


Youngbae put on another dance song and soon, all of us joined in. I couldn't help but look at Jiyong all throughout. He looks so different when he dances. He was clearly G-Dragon, the artist, right now. That sweaty and glowing face made me see Jiyong passion for music and what he's doing right now. He certainly will have a bright future.


And I think I just fell for him all over again.


* * *


Hyekyung got grilled about how rich she was during dinner and just like the chaebol that she was, she brushed everything off. She pointed out that it was not her money but her parents'. So why act all high and mighty when she doesn't technically own anything she has right now? The boys were clearly impressed.


After dinner, we were having cakes and some hot chocolate in the playroom when Hyekyung got up from the couch and stood in front of us.


“Hey guys,” she said, planting her hands on her hips. “Did you bring your swimwear?”


I raised an eyebrow, sitting up straight. Swimwear? What swimwear?


Everyone murmured their ascent, making me panic a little. I didn't know anything about this. Youngbae glanced at me then at Hyekyung.


“But Hyekyung-ah,” Jiyong suddenly said, sounding worried. “It's winter and I'm pretty sure your pool's going to be freezing this time of the year.”


Hyekyung looked at him like he just flunked his college entrance exam. “I know that, Jiyong,” she said. “Why would we use the pool outside when we have a perfectly heated one inside the house?”


I had to laugh at the blank expressions on everyone's faces. I offered a sympathetic smile and patted Jiyong's shoulder, seeing the telltale signs of complete defeat and shock.


“Heated indoor pool, of course,” was all Danny could murmur.


As for me, the problem wasn't the pool but the clothes I would be wearing to swim. It was already late and Hyekyung's house was quite far from mine. I waved to her and gave her a questioning look. She smiled in return, giving me a slight nod. I didn't like that look. I'm pretty sure I'd seen that before and ended up in an embarrassing situation.


As the boys went up to change, I followed Hyekyung to her room. I quickly shut the door behind me and rounded on my supposed best friend with hands on my hips.


“What the heck am I supposed to wear?” I chided her, fuming. “You never told me we were going swimming!”


“Ya! If I told you, you would have brought short shorts and a tank top.” Hyekyung sneered at me, suddenly rummaging around her walk-in closet. I let out an annoyed sigh because, well, she was right.


“What's wrong with wearing comfortable clothing when you swim?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.


Hyekyung paused for a moment and rolled her eyes. She took out a paper bag and handed it to me.


“The precise reason why I went ahead and bought you these.”


“I have a bad feeling about this.” I mumbled as I took the paper bag from her.


I looked in the bag and groaned. Neatly folded and mocking me inside the bag was a two-piece red bikini. An absolutely y two-piece red bikini that will shatter my dignity and bury me in humiliation.


“Now go get changed and make Jiyong all worked up.” Hyekyung shot me a naughty smile.


A certain best friend is going to be hacked to pieces and thrown into the depths of her own heated pool tonight.


Aaaaand the game starts.... hoho Do you think this plan is going to be a success or a huge disaster? Hehe Let me know what you think! Comments are <3! :D


I'll finish a couple more chapters so you can enjoy a double update next. :))

Also, please show some love to my other ongoing fic: The TOP Man's Downfall

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working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^