Memories Are Not Meant to be Forgotten

First Loves Don't Always Last



Hi! Sorry but just one chapter to update rn. I'll TRYYYY to follow up with the next one later today. I wanted to start off with a new chapter before I upload Chapter 4 to avoid slacking off. LOL

Anyway, flashbacks will be in 1st person POV. I'll color it gray and change the font, too, just in case. :)




Bigbang waved goodbye to their Japanese fans for the last time that night. They could hear the fans pleading for them to stay but all five of them were more than exhausted. After waving enthusiastically at the sea of yellow lights at the Kyocera Dome, they exited the stage.


“WHOOO!” Lee Seungri shouted, a huge grin on his face as he gave a high five toT.O.P., Daesung, Taeyang, and G-Dragon, as well as every dancer, staff, and manager. His hyungs were slightly calmer but also quite excited. They had just made 50,000 Japanese VIPs happy that night. They were tired but clearly in high spirits.


Later that night, a still fully dressed Jiyong leaned on the railing of his room's veranda, holding a lit cigarette between his forefinger and middle finger. He took a puff as he stared out at the city lights below him.


I've forgotten all about that day. I hope you have as well.”


Without realizing it, his lips broke into a bitter smile as he blew the smoke from his lungs into the cold night air. What made her think I ever would forget? What made her think I'd want to just because I said I would?


He started laughing, his free hand ruffling his already messy hair. He was never going to forget every single thing about that day. In fact, he wanted to remember every day they were together — all the laughter, bickering, and even the misunderstandings. But as the memories came rushing back, he grew quiet again. Taking a deep breath, he lifted his face up to the sky and closed his eyes.


He was going to see Hana again after all these years.





G-Dragon! G-Dragon! Sarangheyo, G-Dragon!”


The lights blind me but I can still see the faces of the screaming fans below me. I can't help but grin as I give them the lowest bow I have ever done in my life. Clutching the microphone tightly in my hands, I keep my head down as I hear them scream my name over and over again. I feel my eyes warm up as the tears threaten to fall. I'm emotional again, and I just promised myself I won't cry on my first stage.






I kicked something metallic in front of me as I suddenly sat up. Rubbing my eyes, I tried to make sense of the blur in front of me. Instead of the stage lights and screaming fans, my eyes settled on a pair of dark brown eyes peering up at me. What the heck...


Were you dreaming about your first concert again, G-Dragon-ssi? Did you cry again?”


I blinked several times until I finally registered Yoo Hana's face — fair, oval, dimpled, and mocking — resting on her folded arms just a foot away from mine. I scowled, letting out a guttural sound that people tend to use when woken up unceremoniously. Without a second thought, I flicked my finger on her forehead, making the girl scream out in pain.


“YA!!” she shouted, rubbing her already reddening forehead. “What did you do that for?”


I leaned back on my seat, scratching the back of my head as I glowered at the girl in front of me. Seriously, this girl has never been able to read sensitive situations and stayed out of it. She's just so dense sometimes.


“I was at the best part.” I grumbled, “You freaking ruined it.”


“Go back to sleep then!” Hana screamed, her eyes almost popping out from their sockets as she pushed my desk hard enough to hit my stomach. “You didn't have to hurt me for it!”


“I can't go back to sleep now, babo,” I glanced at the watch on my wrist and let out a frustrated sigh. I propped my elbows on the desk, leaning my chin on my open palm. “Break time's almost over.”


Hana shot daggers at me as she stood up from her squat on the floor in front of me and quickly went back to her seat beside mine. I could still feel her angry glare at me as she sat down. I heard her grumble as I try to close my eyes in hopes of some additional rest before the teacher arrived. I was slowly drifting off again, when my subconscious suddenly picked up some ramblings...


...and he even told me to wake him up just before break ends... inconsiderate...


...not even a thank you, ugh....


I felt my heart constrict out of guilt, suddenly remembering what I told her before taking a nap. “Wake me up, before sajangnim comes.” I didn't even say please and I repaid her by making her forehead red. I cursed in my head, shutting my eyes close. She knows I'm irritable when I don't get enough sleep. It's her fault for waking me up that way.


I heard our teacher walk in and I reluctantly open my eyes, stretching my arms above my head as I yawned. I was rubbing my eyes of any remaining sleep when our teacher suddenly announced a pop quiz. I blinked at him as a rumbling of disappointed groans filled the classroom. English, right. It's a good thing my dad forced me to review before I left for training yesterday. I picked up my bag to look for my mechanical pencil when I realized that I had left it on my desk at home. I groaned, trying to rummage around for an extra pencil or pen. No luck.


Ugh. This means I need to ask Hana for her extra.


And she's still mad at me.


Ugh. Damn it.


I was letting out a tired sigh when a hand shot out from my right, placing a blue pencil on my desk. I immediately turned to Hana. She was cutting her eraser into two, all the while wearing a scowl on her a face. A smile threatened to appear on my lips but I kept it to a smirk as she also handed me half of the eraser a while later.


I looked up front, grabbing the pencil she had given me. Firmly planting my elbow on the desk, my right hand covered my mouth, hiding the amused smile on my lips.


“Hul.... not even a thank you.” I heard Hana whisper, pure annoyance in her voice. Ahhh, kyeopta...She was making it hard for me to stop the laughter threatening to bubble out of my mouth.


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working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^