The Confession

First Loves Don't Always Last


Finally the Reply 1997 OST (HEEEE): The Confession - Delispice 


The cold winter wind hit Hana square in the face as she opened the cafe's door. She didn't mind though. She couldn't feel the chill. She only had one thing in mind right now: look for Jiyong and slap him silly for being so corny.


Scanning the street, she saw his white Bentley parked just a few meters away from the cafe. She ran to it, not minding the cold wind hugging her jacketless body. As soon as she reached the car, she cursed the heavily-tinted windows for blocking her view of it's interior. She tried to knock on the window, hoping Jiyong would open it or come out of the car. But instead of rolling down the window, someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and found the man she had been waiting so long to see covered in designer clothes, a scarf, shades, and a beanie.


“What the hell are you doing out here in that thin sweater?” Jiyong growled mostly in frustration at her red cheeks, ears, and nose. He immediately took off his scarf and wrapped it around her neck. He did the same with his jacket and buried her whole body in it.


“What are you doing? You hate the cold!” Hana protested, shrugging out of the jacket.


“Don't argue.” He hissed, wrapping the jacket around her again. Letting out a deep sigh, he held the jacket closed in front of her. “You always make me worry about you.”


“Stop acting like a hero. You're getting cold, Ji,” Hana insisted, holding on to Jiyong's wrists as she tried to pry it off the jacket.


Jiyong huffed, holding on to the jacket with all his strength. They stared at each other, silently challenging the other to relent but even after a minute, no one was giving way. Jiyong finally sighed and let go. He reached behind Hana and opened the passenger door, practically shoving her inside the car.


“Where are we going?” Hana asked, as soon as he got in the other side.


Jiyong didn't answer and just started the car. They drove in silence for a while. Hana sat back and buried half of her face in the scarf breathing in the faint smell of his perfume. Jiyong's smell was intoxicating.


She glanced back at the man beside him and noticed his set jaw and his knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel too tight.


“Where are we going, Ji?” She asked again, tentatively this time. Jiyong let out a long breath, like he had been keeping it in the whole time he was driving.


“Somewhere warm.”


Hana nodded, biting her lip. Jiyong looked so tense, she was afraid he'd explode if she asked anymore questions. They stayed in peaceful silence for a while but deep inside Hana's heart she was shaking. She wanted to know what Jiyong was going to do, what he planned to say. That promise he gave her 7 years ago was playing vividly in her mind.


After a few more minutes, Jiyong turned into a residential building. Hana didn't recognize it but she had a pretty good idea of where they were. Her heart did a triple flip again. Her breath caught in .


Jiyong parked his car in the parking lot and they both got off. As they walked to the elevator, Hana noticed Jiyong rubbing his arms. He was indeed cold. Smiling softly, she held his hand to transfer her warmth to his. Jiyong looked at her and finally cracked a smile. He gripped her hand and they walked like that to the elevator.


As soon as they entered the elevator, Hana felt uncomfortable. She wanted to ask him about all the things that happened earlier but she didn't know what to say. She cleared .


“Ah, Jiyong, about the—”


“I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier,” he suddenly cut in, not looking at her as he stared at his reflection on the elevator door. “It's just that, it was really cold.”


“The cold won't affect me. I'm a tough girl remember?” Hana chuckled.


Jiyong sighed, finally turning to look at her. “It's just that you weren't supposed to come out.” He whined, his hand running over and taking off the beanie on his head, revealing his fading red hair. “I was supposed to come in after Youngbae and well...” He faded off, a blush creeping up his cheeks.


Hana grinned just as the elevator door opened. Still holding hands, Jiyong led her to the room at the far end. He stopped right in front of the door, biting his lip. He closed his eyes and turned to Hana. She couldn't help but giggle at his nervousness.


Unsure of what to do, Jiyong turned to the door again and punched in his security code to let them in. Hana looked around and took in the chic simplicity of his apartment. It was clean and spacious, filled with art pieces and quirky furniture. He lead her to the living room where he made her sit on the white couch.


Jiyong went to the kitchen and heated 2 glasses of milk in the microwave. Placing his hands flat on the marble counter, he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. He should have known Hana would do something to ruin everything he meticulously planned. He was supposed to come in after Youngbae, coolly order hot chocolate and write “I still love you” for her, and then bring her here. She just had to come look for him instead. Jiyong could feel his hands shaking from anticipation and nervousness. He groaned.


“Are you okay, Ji?”


Jiyong turned abruptly, finding Hana standing too close for his nervous heart. He stepped back and hit his lower back on the counter. He moaned, biting his lip to keep himself from shouting out. Hana automatically went to him and put a hand on his back which only worsened things because his pulse went on overdrive again. He stiffened, momentarily forgetting the pain on his back.


“Where does it hurt?” Hana asked frantically, but Jiyong only shook his head. He held her shoulder and put her at arms' length in front of him.


“Hana, please, just stay still for a minute.” Taking a deep breath, he swallowed. Hana could feel his nervousness coursing through his hands on her shoulder. She smirked, feeling sorry and strangely excited at seeing an opportunity to .


“What did you want to tell me at the cafe earlier, Ji?” She asked him, enjoying his nervous fidgeting. He sighed and looked away. She pulled his hands away from her shoulder and put hers on his cheeks so he had no choice but to look at her. “What was your message supposed to be?”


Jiyong closed his eyes for a second. Of course, Hana would annoy him to no end. Whatever made him think that this confession was going to be easy and romantic? Seven years didn't change her naughty self one bit. Taking in a deep breath, he opened them again and looked Hana right in the eyes. Two can play at that game.


“I was going to say 'Save my cookies'.”


It was hard to pull off an poker face in a situation like this but he managed it.


Hana blinked, suddenly feeling her whole face heat up from embarrassment. She let go of his face and crossed her arms across her chest. The text she sent him earlier mocked her in her mind.


“Well, that was... I didn't really...” She stuttered, not really sure of what to say. She looked at the ground, missing the amused smile on Jiyong's face.


Finally unable to hold it back, Jiyong threw his head back and roared in laughter. Hana looked up at him, her brows knitted together in utter annoyance. Her cheeks were still a deep red from embarrassment. Finally, Jiyong calmed down enough to stuck his tongue out at her.


If he hadn't looked adorable grinning while biting his lower lip, Hana would have really slapped him silly. She rolled her eyes instead as she hid the smile creeping up her lips.


“You're pathetic,” She mumbled, lightly hitting his chest. Jiyong caught her hand and held it to his chest. Hana looked up at his eyes and saw the softness in them, the same soft expression that he had shown her that night after the reunion.


“You're beautiful,” he whispered, the corner of his lip tugging upwards to reveal a soft smile. Hana's whole body nearly collapsed if it wasn't for his hand that gripped her own firmly over his heart. She could feel it beating rapidly, matching her own.


“Young-Youngbae's message...” She choked out, feeling close up. “What-what was that about?”


Jiyong stepped forward, his free hand wrapping around her waist. Hana gasped but didn't step back. She liked the feeling of Jiyong's warmth enveloping her.


“Do you remember my promise?” His breath caressed her cheeks. His left hand still held her hand firmly on his chest while his right pulled her closer to him. Hana wanted to stay in this proximity forever.


“Can you please remind me?” She whispered, her warm breath sending shivers all over Jiyong's body. Jiyong chuckled. Hana wasn't going to make this easy.


He came closer to her face, making Hana in a breath. His lips brushed her temple and came to her ear.


“One day, when I'm successful and accomplished, I'll come back into your life and if you still feel the same way about me as you did before, I'll pursue you relentlessly.”


Hana's whole body tingled. Her breath hitched as Jiyong pulled away to look at her face. He stepped back, leaving their hands interlocked in front of them. He was smirking, that y smirk he always saw on videos. With much difficulty, she looked up into his eyes and raised an eyebrow.


“I clearly remember you saying more than that,” she said softly, making Jiyong chuckle again.


“Do you really want me to make my big confession in the kitchen?”


“You did the first one in a park. What's the difference?”


Jiyong laughed again, shaking his head. He always finds himself smiling or laughing around Hana. He bit his lip again, bringing her attention back to those red pieces of heaven. Taking a deep breath, her eagerness in her eyes gave him the courage to finally speak.


“Yoo Hana, I loved you in high school.” he said, making Hana raise an eyebrow. She was about to in but the look in Jiyong's eyes made her shut instead. “Even when we were apart I still loved you. I thought that if I just have you as you are right now then I'd be satisfied but being with you makes my heart flutter more and my hands shake harder. My whole body craves to hold you even more than before.” His right hand reached up to cup her face, gently rubbing her jaw's outline with his thumb.


“Hana, I still love you so damn much.”


The words Hana had waited seven long years for finally reached her ears. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. Jiyong beat her to it though. A single tear fell on his cheek as he waited patiently for Hana's reply. She bit her lip so hard that they became swollen. She wiped the tear from his cheek just as hers fell silently.


“You better start pursuing me then.”


Jiyong's lips slowly broke into a huge grin as he bridged the gap between them with his lips. He kissed her gently at first, arms wrapping protectively around her. Gently prodding to open, she conceded and he smiled into the kiss as he deepened it. Hana's hands slid up his slim back, pulling him closer. She couldn't get enough of Jiyong's warmth.


Jiyong backed into the counter, pulling Hana with her. He pulled the band keeping her hair in a ponytail and ran his hands through her freed hair as his tongue caressed hers. She was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted and the more he tasted her, the more he craved.


Panting but tangled together, they finally pulled away for air. Jiyong planted butterfly kisses on her lips, still not satisfied. She welcomed them, holding on to him like her whole life depended on it.


A thousand kisses later, Jiyong let her breathe properly. Their foreheads touched as they took deep breaths to steady their heartbeats.


Hana pulled back and looked into Jiyong's eyes. She ran a finger over his lips and smiled softly.


“Saranghae, Kwon Jiyong.”


Jiyong returned her smile and captured her lips again.



So there's the big C. HEEEE 

Did you guys like it? I was actually smiling while writing this scene. LOL I hope you did while reading i. :D

I really recommend for you to listen to the song while reading this coz it's an amazing song and it really set the mood while I wrote so, yeah. 

Thank you for subscribing and commenting! <3

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working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^