Excited or Exasperated?

First Loves Don't Always Last


It took Hana and Hyekyung more than two weeks to gather most of their classmates' phone numbers and email addresses. After that, they were to hold the party in a month. Hana made sure the date didn't clash any of Bigbang's schedule. It's a good thing she's a – ahem, silent, ahem – member of G-Dragon's fan cafe.


The plan was simple. Invite all their classmates to a small get together at the cafe and if Jiyong would come, then Hana would ask for his new Kakao ID and rekindle the close friendship they once had. The only problem was Jiyong and Youngbae's old numbers didn't work anymore. Hansuk and Danny didn't know their numbers either.


In the end, Hana had to contact Bigbang's manager in charge of fan-related activities. She made a formal invitation and even sent the manager an email regarding the party. She still seemed apprehensive though. She, after all, believed that they were already Jiyong and Youngbae's “old” friends. She was sure that Jiyong and even sweet Youngbae would not be able to attend the party. She grew even more apprehensive when they recieved no word from YGE after some weeks.


Kwon Jiyong, in fact, was not the first person to receive the invitation. It was Youngbae who the manager first saw and talked about it. They had just arrived from Peru and the invitation was already 2 weeks in the manager's hands.


“Youngbae, do you know a girl named Yoo Hana?” He had asked Youngbae as he was entering YG building.




“Yoo Hana,” the manager said again. “She said she was your high school classmate or something.” He started laughing suddenly. “Man, these girls, they'd say anything just to meet you guys.” He was still laughing when Youngbae suddenly stopped in his tracks, almost making the manager behind him stumble.


“Chakaman,” he said, turning around to face him. “Yoo Hana...” He bobbed his head to the side, a slow smile creeping on his lips. “Yoo Hana contacted you, hyung? Why?”


“Oh, so you do know her?” the manager shrugged. “She handed me an invitation for your high school reunion about 2 weeks ago, but you guys were still in the US.”


“Where is it?”


“On my desk,” he walked ahead of Youngbae towards the staff's office. “I'll just go get it. There's one for Jiyong, too.”


Youngbae nodded, his eyes completely disappearing as his smile grew even wider. “I'll just be at the studio, hyung. Jiyong's there, I think.” he called after him, still smirking. “Jiyong so needs to know about this.” With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he walked a bit faster towards the elevator.


A couple of floors later, Youngbae practically ran towards Bigbang's recording studio, laughing like a little kid. He could see Jiyong sitting on the couch through the glass and his smile grew to a grin. Oh, this would definitely surprise his best friend. He pushed open the door and bowed to Tablo and Teddy.


“Annyeong!” he chimed, his curly hair bobbing as he bowed.


“Youngbae-ah, you're early.” Teddy saluted to him. Tablo nodded to him before the two older men continued with their conversation about a song collaboration.


Youngbae plopped on the couch next to Jiyong. The other man put his right hand to his temple and groaned at the sudden movement. He glared at Youngbae before leaning his head on the couch's headrest.


“Are you still sick?” Youngbae asked him, looking over at his pale face. Jiyong had always been normally pale, with dark circles around his eyes as a result of his notoriety in writing songs well into the night. Youngbae was used to seeing him tired but today, he looked just a bit too gaunt and sickly.


Jiyong did not reply, and instead took the scarf that had been lying beside him on the couch. He wrapped it around his neck and pulled it over his mouth and nose. He sniffed before letting out a breath.


“You're still sick?” Youngbae asked again, facing his best friend now.


“Ani,” Jiyong muttered, “I'm just taking a nap while mucus leaks out of my nose.”


“Aiiish,” Youngbae leaned forward again, shaking his head. “You should be resting. You should have gone home so your mom can take care of you.” He started to tsk at Jiyong. “You don't even have a song to work on right now and you're here. No wonder you're so tired all the time.”


Teddy and Tablo laughed at Youngbae's litany. “Preach it, bro.” Teddy said, nodding while adjusting his hoodie.


“That kid doesn't have any sense of self preservation.” Tablo spoke up, too, shaking his head.


“Ah, hyung,” Jiyong muttered, finally looking up at them. “My parents are still in the states and my nuna's on vacation with her family. Even if I do go home, I won't have anyone to take care of me.”


“That's why I've been telling you to get yourself a girlfriend.” Teddy raised his eyebrows, smirking at the younger man. “So someone can take care of you when you're sick. Youngbae won't always be there to make sure you're okay, man.”


Jiyong rolled his eyes. “Araso. I'll order one from G-Market tomorrow.”


“Good boy. Make sure she's a size D.” Teddy said, causing all 4 boys to burst out laughing.


“Ah, hyung, shut up already.” Jiyong laughed, shaking his head at the elder's lack of maturity.


Just then, the manager from earlier came in holding 2 envelopes. He handed them over to Youngbae who grinned.


“Tell me if you and Jiyong are going, so I can send a reply.” the manager hyung told Youngbae.


“Ani, hyung,” Youngbae shook his head. “I think we'll reply personally.”


“Araso,” the manager nodded at him.


“Kamsamhida, hyung.” Youngbae smiled, making his eyes disappear as he grinned broadly. After a couple of bows to the others, the manager went out of the studio.


“What's that?” Jiyong asked, leaning forward. He tried to take the envelope from Youngbae's hands but the other man quickly pulled them out of his reach. “Ya, Dong Youngbae! What is that?”


Youngbae smiled again, that mischievous glint back in his eyes. He started laughing at his friend, clearly enjoying the annoyed look on Jiyong's face. He stood up and took a step away from Jiyong. He knew his friend's curiosity radar would be turned up high now.


“Yah! I'm the leader!” Jiyong started to shout now, leaning forward on the couch. If he hadn't been sick he would have lunged at the white envelopes in Youngbae's hands but he was far to weak to start a childish game of catch.


“Certainly not in this friendship.” Tablo chuckled, making Jiyong growl in annoyance.


Youngbae laughed. “Relax, man,” he said, opening up the envelope with his name on it. “You need to relax before you read this. You might just get too excited...” He trailed off as his eyes scanned over the invitation. His eyebrows rising, he looked at Jiyong and let out a small laugh. “...or stressed.”


Uh-oh, Jiyong thought, his heart racing from the spark in Youngbae's eyes that seriously spelled trouble. This does not look good. Whenever Youngbae smiled like that, he always had something weird and potentially disastrous on his mind. Youngbae handed him his invitation and crossed his arms over his chest. He leaned on the table directly in front of Jiyong and waited patiently for his friend's reaction.


Jiyong scanned the invitation and saw the note towards the end. His eyes grew wide as he felt his mouth drop at every letter. “What the...” he said softly, blinking rapidly.


I've forgotten about that day. I know you have as well. The scrimbled note on the yellow green post-it read. I hope you and Youngbae would come. The gang really misses you guys. It was signed “Your old friend, Yoo Hana.” Jiyong gripped the edge of the letter, not noticing that Youngbae had already stepped forward and read Hana's note with him. Jiyong looked up at his best friend, looking blank.


“So,” Youngbae asked, going back to his position on the table. “Are you excited or stressed?”


A minute went by as Jiyong stared at Youngbae with a blank face. Then a smile crept slyly on his lips. Soon he was leaning back on the couch, laughing. It wasn't long before the memories of their high school days came pouring out like an unexpected spring shower.



Double update! Hul! I'll finish editing 2 more chapters and add another 2 before uploading them. Hope you guys like this! :)

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working on the next chap.this is almost done tho so hang on guys, ok? :)


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 42: Awesome!
KilemJamir #2
Okay... This made me sacrifice my sleep on a weekday.. Jeez <3
Chapter 43: Amazing story....read it in one go....
off to read top man's downfall..
Chapter 43: How did I just find this fic?? Omo!
generalhwang11 #5
Chapter 43: omg this fic was great! :) i like it! Hyunwoo ah... your appa is HOT lol
Chapter 43: Awww so cute...made me teary eyes at times...but I still love it :)
Chapter 42: The best Kwon JiYong love story I've read up yo now
selliryn #8
Chapter 43: This is so sweet!!!!! I was going "Oooooooh" and "Awwwww" the entire time reading, which takes like 4 hours or so. Thank you so much for the story.
Chapter 31: Chapter 31 is probably my favourite chapter, it's so ridiculously cute and perfect and I just love it! <3
powerranger21 #10
Chapter 43: Thank you for this amazing story authornim!!! ^_^