Party Time!!!


“All Dishes are ready!” Hyun Joong oppa yelled.

“Yeay!!! Pali pali! I’m really hungry!” Dongho oppa exclaimed in happiness.

“Yah Shin Dongho! if you want to eat soon then help us to bring all this food out.” Eli oppa answered.

“Just use your power hyung.” Dongho answered.

“Only doing simple things and you’re calling me to use my powers! It’s just carrying the dishes out! No need to eat then!” Eli oppa answered.

“Ahhh..  Hajima!~ Don’t do that! Okay okay! I’ll help you.” Dongho oppa immediately ran to the kitchen and helped Eli and Hyun Joong oppa to hand out the dishes out.

“Where’s Kevin oppa?” I asked.

“Washing the dishes.” Hyun Joong oppa answered.

“Ah, I’ll help him then.” I said and went to the kitchen.

“Oppa, need some help?” I asked.

“Anniyo, I’m doing well, just go and help the others to prepare the party.” Kevin oppa asnwered.

“They’re doing well anyway, I have nothing to do, so I’ll just help you, can’t I?” I asked.

“Oh, of course.” Kevin oppa smiled.

“Oppa, have U-KISS and SS501 know each other since a long time ago? You all seem so close.” I asked while washing the pans used for cooking.

“Of course we’re close, we are relatives.” Kevin oppa answered.


“Ne, SS501 are our hyungs.”

“Anyway what’s the reason that all of you suddenly come here?” I asked.

“That’s because we had already graduated from the training and we’re ready to be given missions by our Queen.”

“Training? What kind of training?”

“Training on how to use our powers properly.”

“Oh, but then why do the Queen send all of you in the human world? Do every vampires get to be trained?”

“Yes, all of the vampires got trained but only the Vampire Clan Empire Family members are send to the human world.”

“But isn’t it that you’re not on mission now, then why do you have to come here?”

“We are always in a mission. Our mission is to protect humans from the evil vampires. And now the Dark Forbidden Forest Vampires are actually planning to destroy our empire. The Dark Forbidden Forest Vampires had already captured two other U-KISS members. Alexander hyung and Kim Ki Bum hyung.” Kevin oppa explained.

“So U-KISS has other 2 members?”

“Yeap, they were captured when they are in their mission. A few days ahead we will be in another mission given by our queen. We will be divided into three groups and two groups will be going to the forest while the other group will be staying here to protect you, because the target that the Dark Forbidden Forest Empire is to make their empire larger and they are aiming to make humans into their member and they are aiming on you!” Kevin oppa explained.

 “Me? Why me?”

“It’s becuase you are very close to SS501 members which are the Princes of the Vampire Empire.” Kevin oppa said.

“Je Sup! Kevin! Let’s eat now! All the preparations are ready!” Hyung Jun oppa yelled.

“Ne! Hyung we’re coming out soon!”

When we both came out fromthe kitchen, what we saw was amazing! The room was well decorated and the food were so eye-catching, it makes your saliva drop you know! Ginseng-chicken soup, Pasta, Black Bean Noodles, Pizza,SpecialEgg Rolls, Large Chocolate Cake and many more!

“Let’s eat now!” Kiseop oppa excalimed in happiness.

We had so much fun together, eating the delicious feasts made by Hyun Joong, Eli and Kevin oppa. Playing the confettis and fireworks, throwing the chocolate cake to each other, putting creams in each other face, throwing each other water balloon~ It’s really fun! I really hope that times just stops and never pass away.

After eating and playing the only left is...


“Is this still the mansion that I visit everyday?” I said.

“Yes it is, but it doesn’t look like the one you usually visit anymore.” Young Saeng oppa answered.

“Such a great mess.” AJ oppa said.

“We had a really fun time in playing and eating that we didn’t remember that we are creating such a great mess in the mansion.” Hyun Joong oppa said.

“Isn’t it that we had fun when we are playing and eating, why don’t we make the cleaning time fun too?” Hyung Jun oppa suggested.

“Brilliant Idea hyung!” Dongho agreed to Hyung Jun oppa’s suggestion.

“How can we make it fun?” I asked.

“How about who collecting the trashes as many as you can, the three that has the least will get a flick in his/her forehead by each others member? Agree?” Hyung Jun oppa suggested.

“AGREE!” All of us excalimed in unity.

We then started the cleaning, collecting all the trashes around the mansion, confettis, coke cans, burst water balloons and all those other trashes on the floor. After a few minutes, the trashes were all gathered and the ones left are only the water and creams and some cake left overs that are hard to get by hand.

“We had gathered all of the trashes, so let’s see who got the least.” Hyun Joong oppa announced.

He then start counting and the result is... tereng tereeenggg~ (sound effects XD)

“Kevin, Kiseop and Hyung Jun.” (from the most to the least)

“Andwae!!!” Kevin oppa exclaimed.

“ANDWAEEE~~I’m doomed!!!” Kiseop oppa shouted stressfully.

“MWO?! ANNIYO!! It can’t be?! I’ve collected so many trashes how can I be one of the least.” Hyung Jun oppa complanied.

“If you don’t trust me then see the others plastic bags, their plastic bags are full while yours? It’s only half!” Hyun Joong oppa said. Hyung Jun oppa then walked to every other member to check their plastics.

“Aisssh! Why am I so unlucky!” He scratched his head.

“Flick on your head baby turtle!!!” Jung Min oppa exclaimed in happiness.

“Yah! You Mal! Don’t do anything to my precious head! If you flick it too hard! You’ll be doomed today! Arasso?!” Hyung Jun oppa warned Jung Min oppa.

“Jinjjayo? I think the one that will be doom today is YOU turtle!” Jung Min answered.

“Then let’s start the show!” Soohyun oppa said.

“First to be flicked, our Kevin!” Hyun Joong oppa said.

“For our Kevin, let’s just do it lightly since he collected the most from all of them and also he’ll cry if we flicked him too hard.”Hyun Joong oppa said.

*flick, flick, flick, flick, flick*

“Next to be flicked, Kiseop!” Hyun Joong oppa said.

“Hyung, be strong okay?” Dongho oppa said.


“Awww! It hurts!” Kiseop oppa rubbed his forehead.

“It’s my turn! I have some mercy so t won’t be very painful” Hoon oppa said.


“AH!” Kiseop oppa let out a single shout.

“Kiseop! Let’s see what will your forehead be after this!” Eli oppa said and flicked Kiseop oppa’s forehead.


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” Kiseop oppa fell down in pain.

“That must hurt a lot.”

“It’s my turn now! Kiseop ah, since we are both Seop brothers so I’ll be more kind to you.” AJ oppa said.


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Kiseop oppa fell down and was rolling around the floor with pain.

“So that’s what brother’s flick look like?!” I said.

“Thats not a brother’s flick, that’s a enemy flick! AJ hyung Daebak! Starting with sweet words ending it with pain!” Dongho oppa was laughing so hard.

“The last one! It’s my turn! Let’s go U-KISS’s Ulzzang!” Soohyun oppa said.

“Hyung! Jebal! I’m going to die if you flick me like what Eli and AJ did.”

“Shikkiro! If you keep talking I’m going to flick you harder! Last time you flick my forehead till it get bruises, don’t you remember it? Now... Buahahaha! IT’S MY REVENGE KISEOPIEE!!!” Soohyun oppa said with a evil smile.



Now Kiseop oppa didn’t just fell and rolled on the ground, he was like a dead body now, he was speechless and didn’t move at all and just kept holding his forehead. Soohyun oppa did really take his revenge, Kiseop oppa forehead had bruise now.

“Omo! That must be really painful, Soohyun oppa has no mercy towards Kiseop oppa.” I said while holding my head like I was the one who got the flick, cause by just hearing it, you’ll feel really painful.

“Last! Our Baby HYUNG JUN!!!” Hyun Joong exclaimed.

“I’m doomed!” Hyung Jun oppa said.

“Don’t cry okay?” Hyun Joong oppa said.

“Hyung! Don’t do it too hard.”

“Ara, ara...” Before he finished his sentence, Hyun Joong immediately flicked his finger to Hyung Jun oppa’s forehead.


“OH MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!! HYUN JOOONG HYUNG!!!!!” Hyung Jun oppa shouted in full of pain and kneed on the ground. His expression was really priceless,even if it’s really painful for him and I felt bad for Hyung Jun oppa but I can’t help to laugh! XD

“Next, baby, this hyung is a good hyung, so just calm down, ara?” Young Saeng oppa said.



“My turn!” Kyu Jong hyung said.


“MOOOOTHERRRR FAAAATHHEEEERRRR!!!!” Hyung Jun oppa yelled in pain rubbing his forehead.

“Yah! Who are you yelling too? Your mother and father aren’t here!” Kyu Jong oppa answered.

“Hyung! You’re so evil!” Hyung Jun oppa answered.

“IT’S MY TURN!!!” Jung Min oppa gave a evil smirk.

“Oh no!!! Not this person!!!”



“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Hyung Jun oppa shouted in a really great pain and fell in ground, he was really in pain, he was like a fish who was trapped in the land, he kept moving and flipping. Hyung Jun oppa had bruises just like what Kiseop oppa had, even bigger bruises! Wahh~ Soohyun oppa has more mercy, Jung Min oppa really really has no mercy! So scary! O.O

“OMG! That would really hurt so much!!! >o<” I said rubbing my forehead again.

“Flicking punishment over! The trashes are already collected so now let’s clean the tables and floor, sweep and mop it till it’s clean! Let’s start then!” Hyun Joong oppa announced.

“Do you think I still can do the cleaning?!” Hyung Jun oppa said.

“Ne! Hyung Jun hyung’s right! Look at our forehead!” Kiseop oppa agreed to Hyung Jun oppa’s complained.

“If you’re not helping to clean the mess then you’ll get flicked again!” Hyun Joong oppa warned.

“Andwae!!! I’ll clean! I’ll clean!!!” Kiseop oppa immediately said and runned to get a mop.

“Aisssh!” Hyung Jun oppa sighed and helped to clean too.

All of us cleaned the mansion together, after around 10 minutes, everything was done and cleaned! We all layed on the sofa. All of us were really tired of the party and the cleaning, but we enjoyed ourselves very much today!

Oh~ I’m so happy today! How lucky I am!I just really wanna thank God for giving me a chance to meet them. I’ll never regret in meeting them, I woudn’t isn’t it?


To be continued...


Author’s Note:

Anyeong! Anyeong! How are you readers! ^o^ ~ Have you heard about Jung Min’s news?  About his problem with his company, CNR?

Let’support him and cheer him up by joining the project conducted by No43Park and others, it’s very simple! all you have to do is just to write “I’m in (ur city), I support Jung Min”. Then take a picture of it then send it to[email protected]

The due date of the project is on 15/04/2012! That means it’s TOMORROW! So hurry and send your project to them to show your support and love to Jung Min! :D

And also U-KISS twitter accounts are all verified! ^O^ *throw confetti*

Anyway don’t forget to leave your comments! THANK YOU!!!

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I am so surprised that this fanfic is still alive, thank you so much for all your love! Let's wait for SS501 together and support them forever! Triple S Mansae


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kyurosy #1
Chapter 31: Ahhh I want a sequel now and who she ended with is it kyu or min sweet couple of ss501 but I like kyu most please a sequel please......
Chapter 31: this is sooo cute but, who did jae kyung ended up with?????
Chapter 31: who did jae kyung end up with??
Chapter 31: Great story! Oh, how I miss SS501 :')
aienHJ #5
Chapter 14: kyeoptaaaaaaaa lovin lovin ah miss ss boys having fun time. sobs
aienHJ #6
Chapter 1: you know, i was once accidentally reading this fanfics and then it was not complete and i got disappointed! ahahhaha suddenly i remember this fanfics and yeay! its already complete! xD thankyou author. xoxo xD
Vanessawiliam501 #7
Thank you so much to all of my subscribers and readers, hope you guys enjoyed reading this fanfic, enjoy your day, love you! *hugs*

- Vanessa Wiliam
shaini501 #8
Chapter 30: update sooon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 29: finally you updated!!
updated more :)