New Friends!


Kyu Jong POV

=In Je Sup’s house=

“Yah! Jung Min ah! What’s wrong with you?” Hyun Joong hyung asked.

“Me? There’s nothing wrong with me.”

“Why do you want to attack Je Sup?” I asked.

“I’m thirsty.”

“Isn’t it that you had promise us to not attack humans?”

“Did I?”

“YOU!” Hyun Joong hyung throwed Jung Min to the wall.

“Hyung, stop it! Don’t hurt him, let’s just bring him to the clan and ask Queen what made him go wild like this.” I said.

“Let’s go.” We teleported to the clan with Jung Min.

=In the clan=

“We’re here Queen.”

“We want to ask...”

“I know. You came here to ask what had happened to Jung Min right?”


“Guards please bring Prince Jung Min to his room, lock him inside.” The Queen commanded.

“Yah! Why should I be locked!” Jung Min struggled from the clan guards, but he failed to free himself, cause the guards are trained to handle people who rebells being carried by the guards. He was brought to his room and locked up.

“So what actually happened to him?” I asked.

“He got bitten by the vampires from the dark forbidden forest.”

“How can he?”

“The vampire that bit him was a woman, she bit Jung Min when they were together in the club. The bites from the vampires of the dark forbidden forest are not painful but there will be a red spot in the victims neck. The victims will go wild.” The Queen explained.

“Why do they have to do that?” Hyun Joong hyung asked.

“They want to increase the size of their population and destroy our clan. Kyu Jong you’ve met that woman when you were in the club, the one that came to you when you were drinking is the same woman as the woman that bit Jung Min.”


“So how about Jung Min? Can he be cured?” Hyun Joong hyung asked.

“I’ll take care of him. Know all you should do is to destroy the dark forbidden forest vampire clan.” The Queen commanded.

“Without Jung Min? So it will be only the four of us to attack and destroy the clan? It’s impossible! They are tons of them?!” Hyun Joong hyung said.

“You’re not going with only the four of you, you’ll go with the other nine.”

“NINE?” (Guess whose the 7 other vampires?... kekeke)

“The seven of you come out!”

“Hyung! At last we can meet again!” Dongho exclaimed in happiness

“UKISS?!” Hyun Joong hyung and I were surprised.

“Yeap! You’re going with them.” The Queen said.

“We had already graduated! So we can already go out from the clan and start to fight!” Kiseop answered.

“All of you will start the mission after Jung Min had already recover, but still he’ll not go to the fight, cause he is the most wanted by the vampires of the drak forbidden forest.He is the most wanted because he is the one who has the greatest desireof blood. Since there will be the 12 of you together, you will be separated into 3 groups. The first group will be the one who will enter the forest first and attack the clan. The first group will consist of Hyun Joong, Young Saeng, Soo Hyun and Eli. The second group will stay inside the mansion along with the third group, the second group will standby if the first group needshelp. The second group will consist of Kyu Jong, Hyung Jun, Hoon and Dongho. The third group will stay in the mansion to guard Je Sup. The third group will consist of Kiseop, AJ, Kevin and Jung Min.The third group will be in charge to protect Je Sup from the vampires, cause there is a great possibility that the vampires from the dark forbidden forest might come and attack them mansion, so for the mean time, Je Sup will be staying in the mansion.­ Eventhough Je Sup’s house is just besie the mansion but it is better to keep her inside the mansion.”The Queen said.

“Whose Je Sup?” Kiseop asked.

“You’ll meet her later.”

“Her? She’s a girl?!” Soo Hyun face brighten 100% from before.

“Of course she’s a girl!” Hyun Joong hyung answered.

“Well’ I’m quite confused cause her name is the same as AJ’s. What’s her full name?” Soo Hyun asked.

“Lee Je Sup”

“Oh, just the family name is different, Lee Jae Seop and Kim Jae Seop! DAEBAK!” Dongho exclaimed in excitement.

“Hyung is she pretty?” Dongho asked.

“Yes she is!” Hyun Joong hyung answered.

“Yah! Dongho ah! Stop being so hyperactive can’t you?” Eli knocked on Dongho’s head.

“Ara, ara.” Dongho nodded.

“I have something to ask,queen.” Kevin raised his hand.

“Yes Kevin?”

“Why should we guard Je Sup?”

“Because we had already promise to the human’s ancestors that we will not attack humans anymore and will protect humans from dangers of other evil vampires.”  The Queen answered.

“Oh, so can we go now?” Kevin asked.

“Ne. All of you can go now,  so UKISS from now on you’re going to live with your hyungs okay?”

“Ne!” UKISS said in unison.

“Okay then, all of you may leave the clan now.” The Queen commanded.

All of us teleported ourselves to the mansion.

Kyu Jong’s POV end

Je Sup’s POV

=In the mansion=

“Je Sup ah we are back.”

“Oppa!” I stood up and hugged him.

“I was so worried, where’s Jung Min oppa?”

“He’s in the clan, it’ll take a few days for him to recover, the queen will handle him.”

“Oh.” I nodded.

“Anyway we brought new friends for you.”

“Jinjjayo? Where are they? I didn’t see them?”I asked while looking  for the so called “new friends”.

“They are 7 of them, and they are all handsome guys.” Hyun Joong oppa whispered in my ears.

“Jinjja?!” I got overexcited.

“Yah, Je Sup ah, calm down, is it even the first time you heard the word handsome guys and the first time that you will see one? Isn’t it that the guys that are standing at you right now are also handsome guys?” Hyung Jun oppa complained.

“Yeah! I know I know, you are all handsome guys too.” I said.

“You guys can come out now.” Hyun Joong oppa called and 7 tall guys came out.

“They are... OMG! HANDSOME! GORGEOUS! COOL! HOT! Omo~ What to describe...I’m going to faint!” I said in my mind.

“Anyeong! UKISS imnida! Nice to meet you!” They greeted and bowed.

“Anyeong, Lee Je Sup imnida..” I greeted and bowed.

(* Je Sup thiking in her mind)

“Anyeong, Shin Soo Hyun imnida. Call me Soo Hyun.” He said and winked.

“Kyaaa! I’m going to die!” *

“Anyeong, Lee Ki Seop imnida. You can call me Ki Seop”

“Omo! He is so handsome!” *

“Anyeong, Kim Kyoung Jae imnida. But you can just call me Eli”

“Wow! He look so hot!” *

“Anyeong, Kim Jae Seop imnida, but just call me AJ to avoid you being confused cause we have the same name.” He said and smiled.

“Omo! His smile! So sweet! I’m gonna faint!” *

“Anyeong, Yeo Hoon Min imnida, You can call me Hoon.” And gave me a akward smile.

“Omo, he is so akwardly cute!” *

“Anyeong, Woo Sung Hyun imnida, Just call me Kevin.” He gave me a sweet smile.

“Aigoo! How can there be such a pretty and warm guy like he is!” *

“Anyeong, Shin Dongho imnida, just call me Dongho.” He smiled and gave me some aegyo face.

“Omona! I would really wanna pinch him! How could he be so cute!” *

“Nice to meet all of you.” I smiled.

“So what Hyun Joong hyung said was all true! You’re so beautiful! Especially when you smile.”  Soo Hyun said.


“Je Sup you seem to look really happy huh?” Hyung Jun oppa teased.

“Of course!” I grinned.

“Anyway, Je Sup ah, they will stay with us starting from now on.” Kyu Jong oppa said.


“Ne.” Kyu Jong oppa answered.

“And a few days later, we will be going tothe dark forbidden forest.” Hyun Joong oppa said.

“Dark forbidden forest? What kind of place is that?”

“It’s the place where the vampires who betrays the kingdom.” Hyun Joong oppa explained.

“So, all of you are going to that place?” I asked.

“Not all of us, there will be Kiseop, AJ, Kevin and Jung Min who will be staying with you in here. They will be protecting you from the evil vampires from the dark forbidden forest cause there will be a big possibility that they will come and attack the mansion. Anyway, the queen commanded us to call you to stay in here for the mean time for your safety.”

“Okay then.”


To be continue...

Author’s note: Anyeong my dear readers! How are you? Sorry I haven’t update tis fic for a very looooong time~ MIANHAE! *bows* I have too many school tasks to do so I didn’t have time to update~ Anyway don’t forget to comment! And check out my new fic “A SHARED LOVE” Starring Double Seop ^^



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I am so surprised that this fanfic is still alive, thank you so much for all your love! Let's wait for SS501 together and support them forever! Triple S Mansae


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kyurosy #1
Chapter 31: Ahhh I want a sequel now and who she ended with is it kyu or min sweet couple of ss501 but I like kyu most please a sequel please......
Chapter 31: this is sooo cute but, who did jae kyung ended up with?????
Chapter 31: who did jae kyung end up with??
Chapter 31: Great story! Oh, how I miss SS501 :')
aienHJ #5
Chapter 14: kyeoptaaaaaaaa lovin lovin ah miss ss boys having fun time. sobs
aienHJ #6
Chapter 1: you know, i was once accidentally reading this fanfics and then it was not complete and i got disappointed! ahahhaha suddenly i remember this fanfics and yeay! its already complete! xD thankyou author. xoxo xD
Vanessawiliam501 #7
Thank you so much to all of my subscribers and readers, hope you guys enjoyed reading this fanfic, enjoy your day, love you! *hugs*

- Vanessa Wiliam
shaini501 #8
Chapter 30: update sooon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 29: finally you updated!!
updated more :)