


I sat at the island counter in our kitchen and worked on some ‘business’. Just when I was about to crack the code Seungri sat down on the other side and let a huge sigh out. I ignored him and continued work.

“aaaaaaaaaa” He sighed again.  

I adjusted my bangs and kept working not giving into whatever he wants. He crept closer by lean on the table.

“aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” He sighed louder now.

“Fine I give in what’s up with you?” I growled.

“Nothing” He smirked.

“YAH! Give me something more than ‘nothing’…” I shook my head.

“Aww what’s wrong honey?” ____ walked in and patted him on the back. “You look sad”

“Well I ran into this girl I’m basically in love with” He opened up to ____ but not me. Some friends we are…

He went on and on about this girl. How he knew from the first time he met her he was madly in love with her… And ___ listened to every word and his back as he talked. I secretly took notes on ‘how to open up’ and ‘how to be less insensitive’. 

“Poor Seungri… Do you want some tea?” ___ offered and he nodded.

Then Daesung walked in with something in his hand it looked like a live animal. “…___?”

“Yes?” She turned and with the kettle in her hand.

“Can we keep her?” Daesung held a fluffy orange cat in front of her and Seungri froze up. Ever since his accidental cat killing incident; he’s always been awkward around animals. He thinks all animals are plotting to kill himself…well I kind of taunted him.

“Awww she’s so pretty” ___ cooed at the cat. “Yobo can we keep it?” She looked at me with those eyes…

“No it’s a distraction-“ I tried but she gave me the look. The puppy look. She’s perfected it. “Fine! But you two are taking care of it!”

“YAYYY!!” They jumped up and down.


“No activity huh?” I leaned on my desk and glanced at my computer. “I wonder what they’re planning…”

“Sir I’ve been spying on them for awhile and they’ve just been lying about. I feel like this would be a great time to attack”

“I guess your right…” I ran my fingers through my hair. “But I just want to know something…you’ve been friends with ___ for years yet you’ll still back stab her like this?”

“Yes, I’m very loyal to my boss”

“Bom you are one of a kind.” I smiled.

She had dyed her hair a bright red and started wearing darker makeup which made her look dangerous. She wore a black skinny jeans and a tight band t-shirt.

“Am I?” She asked annoyed.

“Is there something bothering you?”

“Just boy problems” She tilted her head with a smile and then stood up. “I should get going…”

“YAH! If I guy hurting you I’ll make sure he doesn’t see the light of day”

She chuckled loudly as she walked away. “Bye oppa”


The cat stocked me.

 I’m not crazy the cat followed my every move. Taunting me.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!!” I shouted at it.

“What are you doing?” Bom appeared in the doorway.

“Nothing…where have you been?” I raised my eyebrows at what she was wearing, I’ve never seen her so daring.

“Just out. What are you my mother?” She laughed and started walking.

“No I’m not your mother but I am second in command. You’ve been sneaking out lately-“

“I was getting groceries”

“Where are they?”

“AH it’s none of your business!” She marched up the stairs.

“Somethings up- AH” The cat jumped in front of me. “You god damn cat leave me alone!” 



I'm sorry this is so short it's just I have the worse case of writters block. It's just UGGHH I can't come up with anything. Btw shameless advertisement it would mean a lot if you checked out a new story I started starring GD of BB and Zico of Block B!! I'm really proud of it. Please check it out!! XD 


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marimpar2 #1
Chapter 28: next chapter!!!
minioninrush #2
great story! :)
I haven't been on AFF in a while and for some reason this is the first thing I read...all the way through and I was really happy with my choice. This is really awesome thank you...
Chapter 28: buahahaha!!! seungri is funny!!! NO! HILARIOUS!!! X'D
Nikkilovesshinee #5
Team...GD lol im jjong bias but i like gd:) anyway.. ANDWAE!! boms a in here!! But i willthink shes innocent outside of the story<3 y? Because 2ne1 is my favorite girl group and the only girl group that i love as much as boy groups(minus the fantasizing about themLOL)
plzz update hurry palli
team gd team gd team gd!!!! lol he's my ultimate bias~~~ please update ^ ^ oh... and why did Bom help them knock top out? I mean, isn't she in love with him?
Team gd and update please
BleachMyStrawberry #9
wonderful story so far ^^
joycecute25 #10
why did bom and the others agree to her to be there master ????????<br />