GD Style

The Almighty King's Watch


*Start of GD’s POV*

We were finally done eating and it was already 3am in the morning. But we made no attempt to move. Our stomach was too full and all we wanted to do was sit there and stare at each other. It had been around five days since I last saw her and I had missed her so much though we do talk on the phone every night.

“You alright?”I asked.

“Yeah, just a little bloated,”Shinae rubbed her tummy.

This Korean Rice Cake House was one that we visited every time we meet without fail. This is where we catch up in the middle of the night to prevent scandals from happening. Although we were just friends, the reporters always had things to talk about and that was the last thing I want to happen. I wanted her away from the limelight. I cringe to even think about what might happen if this blows out of proportion and I fear for her safety. All I wanted to do was protect her from all those harsh comments from fans who might not understand how important she is to me.

“Shall we go?”she asked.

“Sure but can we cruise along the streets? I’m not ready to go back yet,”I began taking out my wallet.

“Sounds good to me,”she nodded as we stood up to pay up.

As usual, she let me pay and began fighting with me when we got into her car. I knew for a fact that she was looking after my pride when she let me pay in front of the strangers but I seldom accept her money. I just wanted to pay for her meal. I would even pay for all her expenses if she would let me.

“I’m not accepting it today. Keep it. You made a trip down to YG just because I asked you to, so take it as I’m repaying you for what you did,”I pushed her hand away.

“But you know I would come to YG even if you didn’t ask me to! Besides, what do you mean by repay, huh? Why would you need to repay me for visiting you?”she questioned.

I opened my mouth to speak but she beat me to it.

“Moreover, you’re the driver today so that counts as repaying, isn’t it?”she asked.

“You win, you win. Geez, Shinae, why can’t you let me pay?”I shook my head as I took the money from her.

“You know that I don’t like guys to pay for my things,”Shinae patted my back as I drove off.

“Guys? How many guys have you eaten with?”I asked, with rising jealousy.

“Well, just a few…but it’s not that I’m interested in them or anything,”she shrugged.

“Shinae ah…,just…remember that I’m your best friend, alright?”I held onto her hand.

“You don’t have to remind me,”she squeezed my hand.

That was how we cruised along the streets of Seoul, hand in hand in the car. I don’t know how it started but I fell in love with her a year or so after I debuted. I hadn’t even realize how strong my feelings for her was and I often chided myself for not realizing earlier. There had been signs that she liked me even before I did but I was too busy looking at other girls to notice. I thought we were just meant to be best friends. But how wrong I was. During my toughest moments where I was depressed because of various reasons like being afraid of not being able to debut and incidents that I got myself into, she would always be there reassuring me. That was when I realised how much she cares for me. It was then I know why she had remained single all this time and why every time I talk to her about my girlfriend, she would be so cold towards me. Although I had wanted to confess my feelings for her, I was unable to. It was as if, there’s this barrier preventing me from doing it.

I was afraid that she would be overwhelmed by my celebrity status and I didn’t want her to feel burdened by it. I couldn’t bring her out on a proper date and Shinae just didn’t deserve being treated like that. She deserves a man who can show her off to the world just because she is simply so wonderful.

When we were finally feeling tired, I drove off to her house and parked the car in the underground carpark. It was already 5 in the morning by the time I sent her to her front door.

“You sure you don’t want to take my car?”she asked again.

“I’ll just take a taxi,”I shook my head.

Shinae simply nodded and when she opened the door, two figures stood up from the dining table. They were her parents and they were just starting to eat breakfast.

“Oh, Jiyong ah! It’s been so long since I last saw you,”Shinae’s mum came over and I walked in to greet her parents.

“You all went out for supper?”her dad asked.

“Yeah,”she nodded.

“You look so tired. Why don’t you stay the night? What time do your schedules start later?”her mum asked.

“Just practice in the afternoon,”I smiled.

“Then, stay and sleep. How are you going to go back in this state? Shinae can drop you off at YG later,”her dad insisted.

I looked at Shinae for an answer.

“It’s not like you don’t have clothes here and the guest room is empty,”was all she said.

And it’s not like I want to leave you.

*End of GD’s POV*

*Start of Park Yunhee’s POV*

Days went by just like that and we were on the plane, going off to New York City to film Big Bang’s music video. I was seated beside G-Dragon and I could hardly get some rest. I was afraid that I would start drooling or something. But he didn’t care as he slept right away after the plane took off. I tried to sleep but couldn’t so I looked around before my eyes landed on his watch. His watch was a really unique one. Stainless steel band with spikes and his initials, GD engraved on the face of the watch. It was my first time seeing it and I wondered where he got it from. But I couldn’t see any brand names on it.

Soon, I grew bored of looking at his watch and took out a book to read. As I read, I felt sleepy and finally fell asleep.

“Yunhee…,”someone called out and I opened my eyes to find a cute guy in front of me.

“Oh, Jiyong,”I opened my eyes wide.

“Good morning, we’re about to land,”he chuckled.

I merely nodded in embarrassment before going off to wash up. On the first day that we reached New York City, I had gotten a tad busier for he had finally started delegating work to me. To the delight of Namguk oppa, I was starting to run errands for the almighty G-Dragon and no longer just a freeloader.

“Could you help me get some coffee from Starbucks?”Jiyong said distractedly as he looked at the monitor after filming a scene.

“What kind of coffee would you like?”I asked.

I watched as Jiyong frown before looking at me intently. Then, realizing that I was new and that it was my first time buying coffee for him, he stopped frowning and gave me a smile.

“Java Chips Frappe,”he said simply.

“Okay,”I nodded my head eagerly before crossing the road to get it for him.

When I came back to pass him the coffee, he just took it without even looking at me. My heart sank at his response and I felt a pat on my back.

“Jiyong is just like that when it comes to work. Sorry about that,”Taeyang smiled.

“Oh, it’s okay,”I shook my head with a forced smile.

That night, after I came out of the shower, the doorbell rang and I went to open the door. Standing in front of my room door was G-Dragon who smiled sheepishly.

“Hey, er, Taeyang told me how I was a little rude earlier. Sorry about that. I hope you forgive me,”he bowed.

“Oh, it’s alright. Don’t worry about it,”I waved my hands in front of me.

“So, you’ll forgive me?”he asked cheekily.

“Of course!”I grinned.

“Awesome. Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow. Rest well,”he gave me a charming smile before leaving.

*End of Park Yunhee’s POV*

For those wondering what the watch looks like....

End of Chapter


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Meowmu #1
Great story! I am so happy that Shinae ended up with Jiyong. I was worried Younhee was goin to steal him away, but putting her with Tae was a great idea! Loved the creativity and I liked the whole watch idea. I was hooked from the intro. Thanks for the great story! Seriously, GD x OC fics need so much more love and support! Awesome job author xoxo =^__^=
GDraseob #2
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for this beautiful fanfic!! It was one of my favorite and I like it a lot... I enjoy it and you've got talent for writing... :)
Chapter 29: OMG you made my day today. I can't believe it's over now, i'm gonna miss this fic so badly!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for writing this, i really have a great time reading!
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 29: Awwww~ sooo sweet of them~ nice story!!
Ssjoker0 #5
Chapter 29: Wow , now it ends =) thank you authornim for such a great story ^^ i love every piece of it =) cant wait for your upcoming stories. Fighting!!
michily #6
Chapter 29: woah, all well ends welll.....
JiYong_JaGi #7
Chapter 28: This story is nice~ don't worry author I love your story~ it's ok with this story~ not a short fanfic for me I think~ but I can't wait to read your next story of jiyong again~ ^^
Chapter 28: I just...can't... wait... omg i need to know what did they talked about back in the kitchen!... i need to know what's gonna happen with Yunhee
michily #9
Chapter 28: oh Youngbae thought Yunhee doesnt love him so much. no worry Youngbae she loves you so much arasso
JiYong_JaGi #10
Chapter 27: So sweet and lovely~ cute and lovely couple~ ^^