Only You Could Make Me Smile

The Almighty King's Watch


Hello all, I'm so sorry for the late update! I've been really busy with my school work!!! Hope you all will enjoy this chapter!!! 

*Shinae’s POV*

I let out a sigh as I looked at my bedroom one last time. One year before I’m going to be back here again… I could hardly believe that I’ll be leaving Seoul, a place I called home for 24 years. Although it was only for a year, I couldn’t help but feel homesick already. During the two nights that I spent alone in this bedroom, I often wondered if I had been too rash. What if I was making the wrong decision?

My eyes soon landed on a photo of Jiyong and I in the photo frame that I kept on my bedside table. It’s been two days since we fought and we haven’t spoken to each other. He must be hurt that I didn’t even attempt to contact him. I must have been too harsh on him. He must be too hurt by my words to call me. Those two nights that I curled up in bed crying, I thought of the fight that we had. I regretted those words I said. Jiyong was never selfish when it comes to me. With his idol stuff going on, he never fails to reassure me of his love. Moreover, he always made sure to grab supper with me just so we could catch up although it meant making an extra trip to the gym to keep in shape. Despite his busiest schedule, he still makes it a point to call me despite the time difference. Not to mention, he would never forget to buy me a present when he goes overseas for concerts. What more can I ask for?

Maybe, I don’t deserve Jiyong, after all. There are hordes of girls are out there who would have sacrificed a chance to go to Paris for him yet here I am, only thinking of myself.

“Are you sure you don’t want us to go with you?”

My mum’s voice broke my train of thoughts. I looked around to meet her watery eyes.

“It’ll be harder to say goodbye at the airport. Let’s just do it here,”I insisted.

“Alright then. Please take care, my dear. Call us when you’re in Paris,”my dad came over to hug me.

“Don’t worry about Jiyong. I’ll make sure I cook his favourite food and deliver it to YG to make sure he eats well,”my mum mumbled into my ear as she hugged me.

“Thanks,”was all I could say as I forced a lump down my throat.

They followed me down out to the street and we waited in silence until a taxi pulled up. Hyunbin, who said that he will pick me up on the way to the airport, came out of the taxi, greeting my parents. He helped me load my luggage into the back and I forced myself not to cry as the taxi pulled off. In the taxi, there was silence between Hyunbin and I. I grabbed my phone tightly, willing for a call or even a message. At least say goodbye, please…

“Have you eaten breakfast?”Hyunbin broke the silence.

“No. I don’t feel like it,”I answered.

“You need to eat, Shinae. We’ll quickly grab some breakfast before checking in, alright? Did you pack enough clothes? It’s going to be cold there,”he asked with a concerned smile.

“Yeah, I did. Thanks,”I smiled back.

We reached Incheon Internation Airport in about two hours time and I got out to stretch a little. Hyunbin pushed a trolley with all our luggages into the terminal and we began looking around for a place to have breakfast. Just as when I was about to take a sip of my coffee, my phone lit up with a message. Immediately, I placed the cup down to look at it.

[Noona! I’ll miss you T.T Have fun in Paris! Buy back something for your cute dongsaeng here! Take care~~~ -Seungri]

Then, more came in as I was about to reply him.

[Shinae, take care in Paris! Be careful, alright! See you in a year! –Top]

[Shinae noona, thank you for being such a wonderful noona to me! I’ll miss your cooking and your smile! Take care in Paris and may your project be a success! FIGHTING! –Daesung]

[Shinae, remember to be careful in Paris. If you need someone to talk to, you can always call me despite the time difference. Remember to eat well and sleep well. Take care and don’t catch a cold! All the best for your project! –Youngbae]

I sighed. Just four messages…Then, a message came in. My heart sank for it wasn’t from the person I was waiting for.

[Hello Shinae, I just want to thank you for helping me the other day when I lost the watch. I wouldn’t know what I would have become without you…take care of yourself! Bon Voyage! –Yunhee]

“Are you alright? Shall we go now? It’s time to check in,”Hyunbin smiled.

I smiled back with a nod. Following after him, we walked to the check in counter and joined the queue of people. Seeing as how there was a long queue, I fiddled with my phone since I was in no mood to talk to Hyunbin. I was supposed to be excited about my new future in Paris yet I was feeling down. I know what was bugging me. The fact that I hadn’t received a single message from Jiyong. He must have been really hurt from what I said.

 Maybe I should have apologized to him the next day. Why was I so stubborn? Why did I wait till this moment when I’m about to check in to regret?! Deciding that it was the best method for now, I unlocked my phone and began typing in his number. My thumb was hovering over the call button. Should I message him instead? No, I need to hear his voice! I pressed call and waited for it to ring. When the call got through, it sent goosebumps down my spine for I heard a familiar ringtone. My head its own, searching for the owner.  My eyes landed on a man just a few feet away wearing a black shirt and pants with a leather jacket over it. His mohawk was covered under a black cap and he was wearing a pair of sunglasses.

“Looking for me, Shinae?”the corners of his lips lifted up.

Slowly, he walked over to me.

“Who are you?”Hyunbin asked as he frowned.

Jiyong smirked before he took out his sunglasses.

“G…G-Dr…G-Dragon? Why…How…Shinae…You know him?”Hyunbin stammered, obviously star-struck.

Well, I have never told any of my friends that I am best friends with the invincible G-Dragon.

“Shinae here is my best friend,”Jiyong answered him.

“What?”Hyunbin exclaimed.

Seeing as how we were attracting attention after Hyunbin’s exclamations and not to mention, Jiyong’s idol status, we decided to back out from the queue to a quiet corner.

“Er, mind if we have some privacy? I have some things to say to Shinae here,”Jiyong stopped walking to turn to Hyunbin.

“Ah, sure sure,”he nodded his head readily.

“Come with me,”Jiyong grabbed my hand.

“Why are you here?”I asked as I followed him.

“What do you mean why am I here? You’re about to fly off to Paris for a year and you expect me to stay home?”he asked.

“I mean…,”I opened my mouth.

“I know we left things off in a bad note. But I still need to try to patch things up and we haven’t got much time,”Jiyong opened a door to a quiet staircase.

As soon as he made sure the door was closed, he took off his sunglasses.

“Jiyong ah…,”I was about to speak when he shut me off.

“Wait. I need to apologise first. Sorry, Shinae. I should never have been so selfish. I only thought of myself. I should have known that you thought about this really hard before talking to me. I’m sorry for the words I said that night. I know I can’t take it back but please just know that I said it because I was anxious. I just…don’t want you to be away from me, that’s all,”Jiyong admitted.

“Let’s just forget about the whole night, alright. Whatever it is, I’m just glad that you’re here now,”I reached out to hug him.

“Shinae, I’m missing you already. I’m sorry for making this so hard for you but I can’t help it…,”he tightened his hold on me.

I bit my lower lips, willing myself not to cry. It’s going to be hard for both of us if I start crying now. I had to do this for him, at least.

“Thank you for not hating me…,”I whispered into his ear.

“I’ll never hate you, Shinae. I love you too much,”

End of Chapter


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Meowmu #1
Great story! I am so happy that Shinae ended up with Jiyong. I was worried Younhee was goin to steal him away, but putting her with Tae was a great idea! Loved the creativity and I liked the whole watch idea. I was hooked from the intro. Thanks for the great story! Seriously, GD x OC fics need so much more love and support! Awesome job author xoxo =^__^=
GDraseob #2
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for this beautiful fanfic!! It was one of my favorite and I like it a lot... I enjoy it and you've got talent for writing... :)
Chapter 29: OMG you made my day today. I can't believe it's over now, i'm gonna miss this fic so badly!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for writing this, i really have a great time reading!
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 29: Awwww~ sooo sweet of them~ nice story!!
Ssjoker0 #5
Chapter 29: Wow , now it ends =) thank you authornim for such a great story ^^ i love every piece of it =) cant wait for your upcoming stories. Fighting!!
michily #6
Chapter 29: woah, all well ends welll.....
JiYong_JaGi #7
Chapter 28: This story is nice~ don't worry author I love your story~ it's ok with this story~ not a short fanfic for me I think~ but I can't wait to read your next story of jiyong again~ ^^
Chapter 28: I just...can't... wait... omg i need to know what did they talked about back in the kitchen!... i need to know what's gonna happen with Yunhee
michily #9
Chapter 28: oh Youngbae thought Yunhee doesnt love him so much. no worry Youngbae she loves you so much arasso
JiYong_JaGi #10
Chapter 27: So sweet and lovely~ cute and lovely couple~ ^^