
The Almighty King's Watch


*Park Yunhee’s POV*

The next day when I woke up to my alarm, I felt much better than I did the day before. The headache vanished though my cold was still here to stay. However, I did not let that get in the way as I went off to wash up to report to work.

“Good morning!”I greeted my mum who was in the kitchen.

“Good morning…why are you heading to work?!”my mum exclaimed when she turned around to greet me back.

“I’m better already, mum,”I protested.

“I know better than to stop you. You’ve never liked skipping schools when you were younger either,”she merely shook her head as she lay breakfast on the table.

We were getting ready to eat when the doorbell rang again.

“I’ll get the door. You eat breakfast,”my mum smiled affectionately at me.

I continued eating breakfast as I heard the door opening. There were murmurs exchanged before my mum stuck her head into the dining area.

“Yunhee, your friend is here,”she gave me a wink.

“Who?”I asked.

“How dare you not tell me about your new boyfriend!”she reached out to smack my .

“Wha…?”I frowned.

Standing at the door was Taeyang who was leaning against the wall.

“Taeyang oppa?”I called out before I could stop myself.

“Good…wait a minute, you’re intending to report to work?”Taeyang surveyed my make up and clothes.

“I’m all better already,”I insisted.

Not believing me, he reached out to gently push my fringe away, landing his palm right on my forehead. He glanced at me before removing his hand.

“Your fever has subsided. I thought you’ll still be in bed and wanted to do a quick visit before heading to YG,”Taeyang explained.

“Thanks! But I’m really good to go,”I grinned.

“I can see that,”he chuckled.

“Oh, did you get to eat breakfast at the dorm? Do you want to have some? My mum always cooks too much,”I offered.

Taeyang opened his mouth to speak but my mum was much faster.

“Come on in! I’ve cooked plenty! Your name is Taeyang, right? I see you on television all the time!”my mum grabbed him.

“Mum, what are you doing?!”I shut the door immediately with my leg, running after her.

“Come, have some breakfast! How’s Yunhee doing at YG? Is she giving you a lot of trouble? Did she stare at G-Dragon every single time? Is she close to G-Dragon? Did G-Dra…,”

“MUM!”I shut her off with my hand.

Taeyang tried hard to stifle his laughter as he started eating while my mum pushed my hand away, glaring at me.

“Taeyang, pardon me for being honest. But every time I watch Big Bang on programmes with my daughter, I really prefer you over G-Dragon. I keep telling her to change her favourite member but she wouldn’t listen. You’re so kind and innocent! And your eye smile is really cute! I’m sure you’ll take good care of our Yunhee here,”my mum continued blabbering.

“MUM!”I wanted so much to dig a hole to hide myself.

“Don’t worry, I’ll watch Yunhee for you when she’s out,”Taeyang gave her his signature eye smile.

“Thank you, Taeyang! Aigoo, you’ll make a good son-in-law!”my mum patted his arm.

Breakfast went along like that with my mum embarrassing me at every given opportunity. After we were done, Taeyang and I left my house to go to YG.

“Erm, sorry, Taeyang oppa. Just ignore whatever my mum said,”I mumbled, trying to hide my blushing face.

“You must be a huge G-Dragon fan for your mum to know so much about all of us,”he chuckled.

Wanting to bury myself alive, I got into his car and couldn’t bring myself to answer his question. When we reported at the dance studio, there was a tense atmosphere around. I tried to sound out what happened from the managers but they were as clueless as I am. All of us went about our jobs without questioning the boys what happened. When it was dinner time, the boys began packing up and I was wondering where they were about to go since we usually had dinner together before they returned to practicing.

“Are you sure you’re not joining us? She’s leaving tomorrow,”Daesung asked G-Dragon.

He shook his head and grabbed his bag before leaving.

“Eh, wait up!”I called out.

“It’s okay, Yunhee! He needs some time alone,”Taeyang gave me a smile.

“Why is he so moody? And who’s leaving tomorrow?”I asked.

“Shinae’s moving to Paris tomorrow and we’re having a farewell party for her later,”Top answered.

“What? Why is she moving all of a sudden? And why isn’t he attending the party?”I asked.

“She’s been offered a huge project in Paris and he’s just sad that she’ll be gone. You don’t have to worry about him. Wanna join us? Shinae would love for you to be there,”Taeyang smiled.

“Yeah, join us! It’ll be your last chance eating with her until next year,”Daesung encouraged me.

“Okay then,”I nodded my head.

We all piled into the company van and headed to an apartment block. I followed behind Taeyang who was leading the way.

“Where’s this place?”I asked Seungri.

“This is noona’s house,”he answered as we all got into the elevator.

The elevator door opened and again, Taeyang led us all to the right side, stopping at a wooden door. He rang the doorbell and all of us waited for someone to answer it.

“Hello?”a man’s voice was heard.

“Hello, uncle! It’s Youngbae here with the rest of Big Bang,”Taeyang answered.

“Oh! Come on in!”

The door clicked open and all of us entered. Taking off our shoes, we bowed at two people whom I assume were Shinae’s parents. Shinae, upon hearing the commotion, came out from the kitchen to greet us.

“Dad, mum, this is Yunhee. She works at YG as well,”Shinae introduced.

 “Sorry that I’m imposing on you. I only heard that you were leaving just awhile ago,”I apologized.

“Well, I only came to this decision last night,”she shrugged.

“Why this sudden decision?”I asked.

“It’s a rare opportunity…,”she replied.

“Noona, It’s Yunhee’s first time at your apartment! Can I show her around?”Seungri asked excitedly.

“Go ahead,”Shinae smiled at him affectionately.

“Yunhee, come!”he grabbed me.

“Where are you bringing her?”Taeyang frowned as he followed behind.

Seungri led me to a red door and opened it, switching on the lights. The room was scarcely decorated with only a book shelf on the left. Beside it was an arm chair that I assumed Shinae uses to read. And right across the door was a long wooden table with a high chair. Urging me to get closer, we walked towards the table and saw papers scattered around and a pile of magazines. Picking the papers up, Seungri showed me the various sketches that Shinae has done recently.

“Wonder where’s her portfolio…,”Seungri mumbled.

“It should be around here somewhere,”Taeyang replied.

All of us began looking for it and Seungri managed to find it just beside a pencil case. He opened it dramatically and flipped through it one by one. Every page had a sketch as well as a photo of the actual product clipped onto it. It was a wonder that some of the watches I have seen were actually designed by Shinae herself. On the last page was the sketch of the legendary watch. The spikes watch that I accidentally misplaced a week ago. Instead of the usual photo of the actual product, a photo of G-Dragon wearing the watch was clipped onto it. The photo was taken from one of his performances.

“This is her graduation piece,”Taeyang told me.

“Isn’t it amazing?”Seungri shook the file in excitement.

With that, a lot of papers came fluttering from the portfolio.

“Look what you’ve done,”Taeyang chuckled as the three of us began picking up the papers.

As we were picking them up, we realised it were pictures of G-Dragon from various performances. He was wearing the watch in all of the photos.

“Wow, Jiyong hyung is so lucky…,”Seungri commented.

Keeping them back to its original place, we kept the portfolio and was about to leave when the door swung open.

 “Are you guys still not done with the tour? Because we’re about to start dinner,”Shinae’s voice made us turn around.

“We were caught up with your work,”Seungri chuckled.

“Don’t you ever get sick of looking through my portfolio?”Shinae laughed.

“You know how Seungri is,”Taeyang laughed along.

All of us walked out of her room and Seungri was adamant about finishing the tour.

“The room beside it is Shinae noona’s bedroom. The room right at the end is her parents’ bedroom and this room beside noona’s bedroom is the guest room also known as Jiyong hyung’s bedroom. He’s practically the only one who sleeps there,”Seungri told me.

“He’s a regular here?”I asked.

“The whole wardrobe is filled with his clothes. He even has accessories here,”Seungri answered.

“Oh? Jiyong isn’t here?”her father finally realised.

“He…has a schedule to go to,”Shinae lied.

“You two haven’t made up from the fight?”her mother asked, as if seeing through her lie.

They had a fight? I turned to Taeyang for some help in shining the light on this matter.

“I’ll tell you everything later. We’ll be going to a quiet bar that Shinae loves,”Taeyang whispered.

I nodded my head.

“If someone doesn’t want to come, what’s the point of forcing him, right?”Shinae replied.

“Ah…let’s not talk about this now. Shinae’s leaving tomorrow. Let’s have a happy dinner, shall we?”her father cut in.

“That’s right! Here, noona! Eat more! You’ll miss Korean food once you’re there!”Seungri tried to lighten up.

“Remember to miss us!”Daesung grinned.

“Of course I would,”Shinae smiled back.

*End of Yunhee's POV*

End of Chapter


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Meowmu #1
Great story! I am so happy that Shinae ended up with Jiyong. I was worried Younhee was goin to steal him away, but putting her with Tae was a great idea! Loved the creativity and I liked the whole watch idea. I was hooked from the intro. Thanks for the great story! Seriously, GD x OC fics need so much more love and support! Awesome job author xoxo =^__^=
GDraseob #2
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for this beautiful fanfic!! It was one of my favorite and I like it a lot... I enjoy it and you've got talent for writing... :)
Chapter 29: OMG you made my day today. I can't believe it's over now, i'm gonna miss this fic so badly!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for writing this, i really have a great time reading!
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 29: Awwww~ sooo sweet of them~ nice story!!
Ssjoker0 #5
Chapter 29: Wow , now it ends =) thank you authornim for such a great story ^^ i love every piece of it =) cant wait for your upcoming stories. Fighting!!
michily #6
Chapter 29: woah, all well ends welll.....
JiYong_JaGi #7
Chapter 28: This story is nice~ don't worry author I love your story~ it's ok with this story~ not a short fanfic for me I think~ but I can't wait to read your next story of jiyong again~ ^^
Chapter 28: I just...can't... wait... omg i need to know what did they talked about back in the kitchen!... i need to know what's gonna happen with Yunhee
michily #9
Chapter 28: oh Youngbae thought Yunhee doesnt love him so much. no worry Youngbae she loves you so much arasso
JiYong_JaGi #10
Chapter 27: So sweet and lovely~ cute and lovely couple~ ^^