Down & Up

The Almighty King's Watch



*Start of Yunhee’s POV*

“I’m sorry, Namguk oppa,”I apologized for the umpteenth time.

“It’s okay! It can’t be helped that you’re sick! Go see a doctor and take care of yourself, alright! Only come to work when you’re fully recovered!”he nagged.

“Yes, I will. Thank you so much!”I croaked with my sore throat before hanging up.

I sighed as I lay in bed, refusing to get up. I had caught a cold and was down with a slight fever. However, my throbbing headache got in the way and refused to let me report to work. Deciding it was best to sleep for awhile, I let myself go. I thought I wasn’t off in dreamland for long though when I finally woke up; it was over two hours since my phone call with Namguk oppa. My throat was dry from sleeping and I thought it best that I get some water from the kitchen. Forcing myself out of bed, I wrapped my jacket around myself tighter. Looking around the house, I tried to look for a trace of my mum but there was none.

“Oh well,”I muttered to myself as I quickly poured myself a glass of water.

As I was about to walk to the sofa, the doorbell rang. Thinking that it was my mum who forgotten her keys, I rushed over to open the door. Standing in the corridor, however, was not her.


“Hey Yunhee! I heard from Namguk hyung that you were sick,”Taeyang smiled a little.

“Ah, yeah. Would you like to come in?”I opened the door wider for him.

Taking off his shoes, he walked in while looking around the house.

“How did you know where I stayed?”I asked as I went to the kitchen to get a drink for him.

“I asked Namguk hyung. Seeing as how your nose is a little red, it seems your cold is rather bad, huh,”he said as he followed me around.

I only managed an abashed smile as I tried to hide my nose.

“Was it hard for you to recognize me? You must have gotten a shock at seeing me without my make up…,”I mumbled.

“No. You actually look more like your age without that eyeliner!”Taeyang complimented.

“Really?”I asked as I passed him the glass of water.

“Really!”he nodded his head.

At that moment, I sneezed about four times continuously.

“Are you alright?”Taeyang asked as he grabbed a tissue from the box on the table.

“Yeah, thanks!”I gave him an appreciative smile.

“Have you seen a doctor?”he asked.

“Not really. I couldn’t bring myself to drive there. So I thought I’ll just wait till my mum gets home,”I said as I took another tissue.

“That won’t do, Yunhee. I’ll bring you there now. Let’s go,”he gestured towards the door.

“No, I don’t want to bother you. It’s nice of you to visit me already but you should probably get back to YG,”I shook my head, rejecting his offer.

“Nah, we only have practices today. That can wait but your cold can’t. Let’s go. Where’s your coat?”he asked as he turned around.

“In my room. That one over there,”I pointed at my bedroom door.

“Give me a minute,”Taeyang rushed off to get my coat.

“Can you find it?”I asked, straining to shout.

“Yes,”he came back with a coat in his hand.

He help me wear the coat before leading me out of the house. Taeyang opened the door to the passenger seat to let me in. Starting the engine, he drove out of the apartment complex. All along, I gave him directions to my family doctor which was just two streets down. As I sat down in the waiting area, I was relieved that he was here to help me with the administrative stuff. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with such things now. Wondering if he would have any problems dealing with registration since he was an idol, I moved my head a little to peek. It seemed he wasn't too bothered with it except that the nurse was ovviously star struck seeing as how her eyes were so huge even though Taeyang had a pair of shades on.

“She says it’ll take about 15 minutes,”he said as he sat down next to me.

“Thanks, Taeyang. I don’t even know where’s my mum…,”I closed my eyes, resting my head on the wall.

“It’s okay. I’m here,”he said in a soothing voice.

I was about to fall asleep when I felt his hand shifting my head, letting it rest on his shoulders.

“Thanks,”I mumbled in my sleepiness.

“Mmm,”was his reply.

Just like that, I rested for about 15 minutes before he woke me up to let me know it was my turn to consult the doctor. After getting my prescribed medicine, Taeyang had brought me to a nearby shop to grab some lunch though I had no appetite. He drove me home and made me lie in bed as he got some water from the kitchen for me to take my medicine.

“I think you should leave now. The members need you and I’ve wasted enough of your time,”I said after putting the glass down on my bedside table.

“You aren’t wasting my time, Yunhee,”he chuckled.

“But still, you should go back. Thank you so much for taking care of me,”I smiled.

“Rest well alright! I’ll come and visit you tomorrow,”his eyes turned into two perfect crescents.

“I should be well enough to report to work tomorrow thanks to your care and concern,”I smiled at him.

Instead of laughing like what I was expecting him to, he lost the two crescents on his face. Taeyang coughed a little before excusing himself.

“I better get going! Your mum should be back soon. Take care, Yunhee! Call me if you need anything,”he reached out to ruffle my hair.

“Thank you, Taeyang oppa!”I nodded my head.

“”he stammered.

“Erm…sorry. I shouldn’t have…we’re of the same age…,”my mind began racing for an explanation of why I blurt out that word.

“It’s okay. I like it,”Taeyang chuckled before waving goodbye.

I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face as I lay in bed. My phone on my bedside table lit up, indicating a message.

[Taeyang oppa is off to work now. Remember to take your medication, alright, my little dongsaeng!]

[Kekeke, yes, Taeyang oppa~~]

*End of Yunhee's POV*

End of Chapter



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Meowmu #1
Great story! I am so happy that Shinae ended up with Jiyong. I was worried Younhee was goin to steal him away, but putting her with Tae was a great idea! Loved the creativity and I liked the whole watch idea. I was hooked from the intro. Thanks for the great story! Seriously, GD x OC fics need so much more love and support! Awesome job author xoxo =^__^=
GDraseob #2
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for this beautiful fanfic!! It was one of my favorite and I like it a lot... I enjoy it and you've got talent for writing... :)
Chapter 29: OMG you made my day today. I can't believe it's over now, i'm gonna miss this fic so badly!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for writing this, i really have a great time reading!
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 29: Awwww~ sooo sweet of them~ nice story!!
Ssjoker0 #5
Chapter 29: Wow , now it ends =) thank you authornim for such a great story ^^ i love every piece of it =) cant wait for your upcoming stories. Fighting!!
michily #6
Chapter 29: woah, all well ends welll.....
JiYong_JaGi #7
Chapter 28: This story is nice~ don't worry author I love your story~ it's ok with this story~ not a short fanfic for me I think~ but I can't wait to read your next story of jiyong again~ ^^
Chapter 28: I just...can't... wait... omg i need to know what did they talked about back in the kitchen!... i need to know what's gonna happen with Yunhee
michily #9
Chapter 28: oh Youngbae thought Yunhee doesnt love him so much. no worry Youngbae she loves you so much arasso
JiYong_JaGi #10
Chapter 27: So sweet and lovely~ cute and lovely couple~ ^^