Chapter 7

Undercover Love

"Its them, hyung" A deep voice said. You turn around to see P.O is with 5 other guys standing behind you and B.A.P.
"Only if our big Hyung were here" P.O sigh. 
"Yah! What do you want?" Yongguk stand up and approach them. Jongup suddenly recognize P.O's face and was shock, he stand up follow by you and other B.A.P. 
"You know what your friend did to our maknae? Huh?" A guy said.
"Kyung, they KNOW" P.O remind.
"And what is that?" Youngjae asked then P.O explain the situation.
"But it was just a fun battle right?" Daehyun explain.
"No, I was having fun, but then BAM, you have to come out of nowhere!" P.O was furious and was yelling in front of Jongup's face. Jongup push him away then P.O swing his arm and punch Jongup's face. He fell down and you standing there shock. You weren't scared but shock. But when you return to reality, Jongup stand up and faught back, there was a fight happening at the moment. Kyung was about to attack you from the side but Himchan block it on time. You then saw a guy behind Himchan with red hair who was about to throw a punch at him, but luckily you grab the guy arm, twist it and kick him in the gut, yes, you do know some fighting move, Himchan look at you and smile, you dust your hand and smirk.
"U-Kwon!" A guy yell. The fighting continue, then the police siren went off. You all stopped and look at each other for a moment. Before you know it both gang got separate to avoid the police. B.A.P decide to go over your house to keep their bruises face from their parents.
"Sooo...." Yongguk looked at you while sitting on the couch.
"Hyung, its not like that" Jongup explain. Yongguk sigh and stand up and head to the restroom to wash his face. You on the other hand was tired and hot while sitting on the floor. You fan yourself cos you are still in your school uniform and you decide to excuse yourself and went to your room and change.
"Well, make yourself at home guys" you said and head to your room. You took off your school uniform along with your wig, you ruffle out your long hair and put on a baggy hoodie which is long almost to your knee. That's the only thing you have on right now and undergarment of course. You then look aroud. "Ooh, right, I put my backpack in the car". You decide to get it tomorrow morning. You went to your beatbox and turn on M.I.B Falling Flower, you nodded to the beat and blast it. B.A.P outside can hear the music too and enjoy it. You got some wet wipe from your table and went to the mirror at the wall and began to wipe away some bruises that was not that bad. You stare at yourself for few seconds. You grab a scrunchie and pull your hair up to tied it and this cause your hoodie to lift up a bit. You want to tie your hair up and wear a hat because you are tired of wearing the wig all day.

"Hyung, where is th-" Zelo jaws drop.




And WOAH!! YOU HEARD THE NEWS ABOUT B.A.P RELEASING THEIR REPACKAGE ALBUM ON THE 29TH???...I thought it will be on the 30th...I'm not ready for all of these feels tbh...



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LOL! No vote for Himchan!?


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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 32: dawwwwwwww so cutteeee baby zelooo :D its really good authornimm it aint crappy not one bit :D
Chapter 32: and btw that "noona naekkeoya" is what most of Zelo's fans want to hear :P

i Liked this story because it was Himchan with Min , then I liked Zelo for her so many feelings easdkhfa :p
Chapter 32: not crappy at all thats exactly what i had in mind ^^ but the fact that u felt like you didnt want to continue it made me feel sad . you know sometimes hearing your readers while writing is good but when you write something you really like prefer writing exactly the way u want it to be so you wont feel like quiting the story . just some sort of advice might come handy , THANKS FOR THE GOOD TIME I HAD READING THIS YOU DA BEST :* ;)
Chapter 32: Waaaa!! First: OH MY HOLY SKY THEY WERE USING GUNS!!!! \O.O/ Second: Jongup why are you so cute???? ç.ç I really wanted that him and Minny ended up together, but now that she is with Zelo, I kinda of feel happy! n.n They are cute together too and makes sense that they ended up together. *w* I LOVED THE STORY!!! (besides this, I'm happy because is really difficult that the guy that end up the main character is Zelo and in this story he won the girl's hearth! *w* Noona is so proud of you Zelo! XD)
bmb022611 #5
Chapter 32: I'm so happy that she ended up with Jello :)
tafa_marie #6
ngawww what a cute and slightly dramatic story :)
im happy on who she ended up with !!!!!!
Chapter 31: Woah! This was a double(triple?) update!!! \*w*/ UHAY!! They come back to Korea!!! Mission??? Why did I smell some gangster issue there? XD huahahahah Weeeeeeeee!!! The story will continue!!!! \*w*/ -Just to not lose the habit: Please continue! *w*-
Chapter 30: I really really love the story, so I will be sad if you delete it. But it's up to you to decide since you are the author. :3
Chapter 29: Waaaaa!! AN ENTIRE YEAR ALREADY PASSED??? O.O For some odd reason I felt...old. XD huahahah I loved the new looks! \o/ XD -Please continue! *w*-