Chapter 14

Undercover Love

"Ooh! You guys know each other?" Zico asked curiously when he came closer. *What, Zico knows P.O?* You thought to yourself.
"Hyung, he or she or whatever is the one I told you about last time!" P.O said. 
"You mean the dancing competition thingy?" Zico asked to make sure, P.O nodded. You stare at them confused. Himchan finally realize Zico were the guy he saw last time at the cafe and pull you away from them.
"Hey!" You said as he drag you.
"What? I'm trying to get you out of the situation, you're welcome" He said. You rolled your eyes and went to look for Yongguk. You all later meet up with Daehyun and Youngjae to eat and go home.
"You guys bought anything?" You said to Youngjae and Daehyun. They show you an item and you make a 'wow impressive' face expression. You all finish and went home. Monday morning came, your alarm clock went off and you moan through your bed sheet.
"Uhhhhh..." You said as you drop yourself of your bed. You crawl to the bathroom and begin to get ready for the day. You brush your teeth, wash your face and put your hair in a high bun. You took out your new uniform you bought yesterday and put them on. The feeling of wearing a shirt was awkward but you forget it. You went to the kitchen to grab a fiber bar and eat it quick and drink a glass of milk. You put on your earphone and begin to walk to the bus stop for school. At home Yongguk's own alarm clock will wake him up for his work. While walking on the street you stop your step as your stomach begin to give you pain. You hold onto your stomach and sweat begin to form. You bend down a little bit as the pain increase. You close your eyes slowly and open them. You took a deep breathe and arrived at your bus stop. You sat down on the bench and the bus arrived. Struggling to get on the bus you succeed, you grab an empty seat by the window and rest your head. You continue to listen to music and calm yourself down. The pain begin to fade and you arrived at school. You went to your locker and went to class with teacher and student looking at you differently. You ignore them and the teacher didn't even bother to ask. The day went on and the only think you have to do is study for finals. School is almost over. You went home took a shower and took a nap. Yongguk got home to hear you crying. He got concern and went to your room to see you rolling around on the floor hugging your stomach. You were sweating and this doesn't look normal. He rush to the cabinet to get the medicine for you. Your pain got worst and nothing can solve it. Yongguk handed you the medication but you push his hands away. He lift you up in his arm and carry you to his car, he lock the house and drive you as fast as he can to the hospital. He carried you in the hospital and scream out loud. "IS THERE ANYBODY!? CAN'T YOU SEE MY SISTER IS IN PAIN!?!?". He startled the ppl and the nurse begin to rush and put you in an emergency room. Yongguk wasn't patience as he waited outside for you. Hours and hours of waiting he couldn't take it anymore. He was about to burst in but the doctor came out. 
"What's happening? What's going on?" Yongguk asked the Doctor.
"Please calm down. Are you her guardian?" Doctor asked.
"Yes, I'm her brother" Yongguk said. The doctor sigh and look down. 
"I'm sorry-" 
"WHAT YOU MEAN!?!?" Yongguk cut him off.
"Sir, please be calm for now" He said.
"What??" Yongguk said.
"Your sister...she is diagnose" The doctor begin.
"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!?!?" Yongguk begin to yell. 
"Please be quiet...but she have abdominal cancer..." The doctor said slowly...the word cancer. THE WORD CANCER! Yongguk went to a wall and punch it leaving him a bleeding knuckles.
"HOW!?" Yongguk said to the doctor.
"She always have stomach pain right? That was her symptom.." Doctor said. Yongguk can't believe it. He start to ruffle his hair and wipe his face. 
"You can go in and see her" Doctor open the way for Yongguk to enter. Yongguk enter the room to see you looking down.
"Minny.." He said.
"Wow...abdominal cancer huh?" You said like its a joke.
"Min...its...okay..." Yongguk said slowly but he know his words are totally false.
"Oppa...I guess I can see our parents soon.." You said slowly as tears begin to form.
"No, no, no, no! Don't say that! DON'T SAY THAT!" Yongguk said. 
"Yeah right, I can't control it" You said. He took your head and press it against his chest and begin to hug you. He smell your sweet hair and cry to himself. 
"I'm such a bad oppa, I told mom and dad I will protect you, I didn't even realize your stomach pain was a type of symptom" He said.
"Its okay...not your fault" You said. The nurse came and give a weak smile and try to hold back her tears by the scene.
"Umm..hi" she said slowly. You both break from the hug and look at her.
"Visiting time is over...she have to stay over night ..she will get release tmrw" the nurse said. 
"Can't I just stay with her?" Yongguk said.
"I mean....I guess so" Nurse said.
"She will have to get a lot of check up afterward.." She said.
"We understand" You said and the nurse exit. Yongguk grab a chair near and sat next to you. You both begin to have a siblings talk.
"Guess we have to tell the gang soon?" You said slowly.
"Its better to tell them sooner.." Yongguk said.
"Ahhhh!!! Let enjoy life now" You said and begin to get comfy and fall asleep. Yongguk would brush your hair and stare at you and smile until he fall asleep. Yongguk make a phone call to both his job and your school to get an excuse for not showing up so you both don't have to worry. Morning came.
"Morning Dragon Soup" You joked as you stare at Yongguk who is slowly waking up. 
"Hey" He said in his deep low husky voice.
"I'm getting release soon.." You said to him. He nodded and went to the bathroom and to wash up. He then went to the cafe and get some breakfast for you and him. 
"Here you go Minny" He said giving you bread. You took it and much on it happily. You then got a text from Zelo.
"Hey! Noona! I'm coming to your school to pick you up! Wait for me!" You read the text. You chuckled yourself and text.
"Babo, I'm not at school today. Want to meet up at the Han river tonight? I have to tell you something" You reply.
"Call call call" You saw the text and smile. The nurse came and did some paper work with you and Yongguk and finally you got release and went home. 
"Yongguk, I think we need to start first with Zelo." You said. He nodded and you begin to get ready for tonight.


A/N: Hey readers! :3 WELL SCHOOL HAD F UP EVERYTHING...OMG...I hate it sooo much. :'( it's soo tiring and i will be soo busy so now i am rushing to finish this, sorry. And yes, from now on. Minny will have a moment with every single one. Anticipate~

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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 32: dawwwwwwww so cutteeee baby zelooo :D its really good authornimm it aint crappy not one bit :D
Chapter 32: and btw that "noona naekkeoya" is what most of Zelo's fans want to hear :P

i Liked this story because it was Himchan with Min , then I liked Zelo for her so many feelings easdkhfa :p
Chapter 32: not crappy at all thats exactly what i had in mind ^^ but the fact that u felt like you didnt want to continue it made me feel sad . you know sometimes hearing your readers while writing is good but when you write something you really like prefer writing exactly the way u want it to be so you wont feel like quiting the story . just some sort of advice might come handy , THANKS FOR THE GOOD TIME I HAD READING THIS YOU DA BEST :* ;)
Chapter 32: Waaaa!! First: OH MY HOLY SKY THEY WERE USING GUNS!!!! \O.O/ Second: Jongup why are you so cute???? ç.ç I really wanted that him and Minny ended up together, but now that she is with Zelo, I kinda of feel happy! n.n They are cute together too and makes sense that they ended up together. *w* I LOVED THE STORY!!! (besides this, I'm happy because is really difficult that the guy that end up the main character is Zelo and in this story he won the girl's hearth! *w* Noona is so proud of you Zelo! XD)
bmb022611 #5
Chapter 32: I'm so happy that she ended up with Jello :)
tafa_marie #6
ngawww what a cute and slightly dramatic story :)
im happy on who she ended up with !!!!!!
Chapter 31: Woah! This was a double(triple?) update!!! \*w*/ UHAY!! They come back to Korea!!! Mission??? Why did I smell some gangster issue there? XD huahahahah Weeeeeeeee!!! The story will continue!!!! \*w*/ -Just to not lose the habit: Please continue! *w*-
Chapter 30: I really really love the story, so I will be sad if you delete it. But it's up to you to decide since you are the author. :3
Chapter 29: Waaaaa!! AN ENTIRE YEAR ALREADY PASSED??? O.O For some odd reason I felt...old. XD huahahah I loved the new looks! \o/ XD -Please continue! *w*-