Chapter 6

Undercover Love

You ran to the bus stop to wait for the bus, but to your luck, the bus already left when you arrived.
"Aish! Bad start on Monday already?" You sigh to yourself and sat on the bench waiting for the next bus. You fix your school uniform pants and look at the time on your phone. The bus isn't coming any time soon, you quickly tighten your backpack's strap and start running. Finally arrived at school gate, you quickly went to your locker and ran to class. You were sweating and don't care, you arrived just in time when the bell rang. Sigh of relieve, 3 hours of school pass. Finally lunch period. You walk out of class and to your locker. 
"Hey." A deep voice said next to you. You close your locker door to see a guy leaning against the locker area looking at you. 
"Ummm...hi?" You don't know who he is and was confused.
"You don't recognize me huh? Remember that night when your friend was battling with me? Dance battle? The way he make me look? Huh?" He start telling you with an angry tone. You finally remembered, he loses to Jongup during that dance battle that night when you and Jongup were hanging out. 
"Ooh, well it was just a battle right? No need to feel ashamed.." You said softly.
"What? You don't know how embarrass I was do you??" He give you the tone again. 
"Dude, back off, I don't know, it was just a fun battle, no need to hold grudge" you told him cos you were getting annoy.
"You know who I am? P.O! You heard that? From Block B. You heard of them? Well now you do." P.O said to you with his deep voice and showing his name tag, he then look at your name tag.
"Cool. Are you done, I will go to lunch now" you ignore him and went to the cafeteria. P.O stood there and glare at you as you walk away.
"You'll see.." He said.
"Psh, what a kiddo." You said to yourself as you stand in line to get lunch. You pick up the foods and went to a table and eat alone. You don't care about being a loner at school. You continue eating while some school girls checking you out and day went on. Its dismissal time. You went home and didn't tell Yongguk what had happened today at school. You got undress, eat, and do your homework. Same routine went on for the next 3 days, going to school, going home. P.O would catch you in the hallway at school and would give you the look but you don't care. As days pass like that, now its Friday. The most depressing day of the entire wake up to the gloomy Friday and look out the window. You sigh to yourself and look up.
"Hi mom, dad. How are you doing up there? You guys are healthy right?" You give a weak smile and get ready for school. Depressing day at school went on. You will look down all day. Yongguk ask to get out of work early today and he picked you up afterschool. Both of you guys went to buy flowers and soju etc. for a visit at your parent's grave. You saw the gang in front of the hill when you both arrived at your destination. You look down as trying to hold back your tears. Himchan and Jongup would squeeze your shoulder and comfort you, Zelo became a little shy when he saw you. All seven of you walk up the hill to your parent's grave then you and Yongguk approach the grave and spread the soju around it then place food and flower on top. You and others all kneel and said your greeting. 
"Mom, dad, I really miss you both. I hope you can see how grown up your child is right now" you said as tears flowing out. 
"Mom, dad, I been taking care of Min well. Don't worry. We're doing find, living life is hard without you guys but we're surviving" Yongguk said. He can't hold it anymore, he bow with respect and stood up and went not too far away. You who is still kneeling, look  down to your knees with tears flowing out of your eyes. You keep whispering "Mom, Dad" and continue. Himchan couldn't stand it and hug you. You don't care what is going on now, you bury your face in his shoulder and hold him tight and cry out. Zelo, Jongup would kneel down next to you and pat your back while Daehyun and Youngjae went and comfort Yongguk. While hugging Himchan, Himchan felt something when you were against him. The hand that was patting your back is approaching on your waist line. When his hand was on it. His eyes bug out and discover you. He kept quiet about it and break the hug and look at your sobbing face and wipe away your tears. He examine your feature and gave you a warm smile then hug you again. He now know that you're a girl. He close his eyes as he continue patting you. Zelo kept staring at your back and frown, he calmly it. Finally all the crying and sobbing between you and Yongguk end. You all decide to go to Banpo Bridge at night and sit there at the staircase. You all look up at the sky. 
"AHH!!!!!!!!!" You scream out your burden. Yongguk and other laugh and did the same.
"AHHHHH!!" Youngjae and Daehyun follow.
"Himchan please" Youngjae said at Himchan weird scream. You all chuckled at it.
"Hahahaha! Ahhh!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS, B.A.P!!!!!" Jongup yell.
"I FEEL THE SAME WAY!" Zelo yell.
All you guys start cheering up and laugh. Zelo stare at you and smile. 
"Hyung...I need to confess something...." You look at Zelo weirdly. "Hmm?" You said.
"I discover something..." Both you and Yongguk was holding your breath while Himchan was anticipating at what Zelo was about to say.
"I think...I am g-gay hyung." Both you and Yongguk choke on your spit while others pat his back and laugh.
"Okay Zelo. Stop." Daehyun and Youngjae said while laughing.
"What??" Zelo said offended. "I'm really serious right now hyung!" Zelo continue.
"Min, I think you're really pretty when I caught you at the bakery shop when you got tripped, I realize my orientation that night.." Zelo continue. Yongguk can't help it and headlock Zelo.
"Ow, hyung!" Zelo yell from Yongguk's headlock. "You little" Yongguk joked.
"Zelo, I understand that we love each other like close friend and all but...don't...think more..please" you said creeping out.
"Zelo. I think you're over thinking" Jongup said.
"You guys are not supportive at all!" Zelo frown.
"Zelo, please. You're still young.." Himchan said, even though he knows Zelo is not gay since you're a girl but he played along.
"Zelo, you giant baby" you ruffle his hair and all you guys calm down and stare at the water flowing out of the bridge. You were all amaze by the scene. Slowly then you felt a hand get lock into yours. Zelo give you the smile and you chuckle shaking your head.
"I see you and your friend are all here?" A voice behind said interrupting the mood.


A/N: So...I added Block B into the story cos that's the most suitable group with B.A.P. You guys think so too right? Hehe, BWAHAHAHHA! This is fun. This chapter could upload earlier but this website got crash....:( aww..and you guys thought Zelo was the first one who disccover her huh? BWAHAHA. But it was Himchan how can other discover Minny huh?? Well we have to wait and see..:3 

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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 32: dawwwwwwww so cutteeee baby zelooo :D its really good authornimm it aint crappy not one bit :D
Chapter 32: and btw that "noona naekkeoya" is what most of Zelo's fans want to hear :P

i Liked this story because it was Himchan with Min , then I liked Zelo for her so many feelings easdkhfa :p
Chapter 32: not crappy at all thats exactly what i had in mind ^^ but the fact that u felt like you didnt want to continue it made me feel sad . you know sometimes hearing your readers while writing is good but when you write something you really like prefer writing exactly the way u want it to be so you wont feel like quiting the story . just some sort of advice might come handy , THANKS FOR THE GOOD TIME I HAD READING THIS YOU DA BEST :* ;)
Chapter 32: Waaaa!! First: OH MY HOLY SKY THEY WERE USING GUNS!!!! \O.O/ Second: Jongup why are you so cute???? ç.ç I really wanted that him and Minny ended up together, but now that she is with Zelo, I kinda of feel happy! n.n They are cute together too and makes sense that they ended up together. *w* I LOVED THE STORY!!! (besides this, I'm happy because is really difficult that the guy that end up the main character is Zelo and in this story he won the girl's hearth! *w* Noona is so proud of you Zelo! XD)
bmb022611 #5
Chapter 32: I'm so happy that she ended up with Jello :)
tafa_marie #6
ngawww what a cute and slightly dramatic story :)
im happy on who she ended up with !!!!!!
Chapter 31: Woah! This was a double(triple?) update!!! \*w*/ UHAY!! They come back to Korea!!! Mission??? Why did I smell some gangster issue there? XD huahahahah Weeeeeeeee!!! The story will continue!!!! \*w*/ -Just to not lose the habit: Please continue! *w*-
Chapter 30: I really really love the story, so I will be sad if you delete it. But it's up to you to decide since you are the author. :3
Chapter 29: Waaaaa!! AN ENTIRE YEAR ALREADY PASSED??? O.O For some odd reason I felt...old. XD huahahah I loved the new looks! \o/ XD -Please continue! *w*-