Find truth about him

Undercover Love

Shifting one side to another, you slowly open your eyes. 
"4 AM? Really?" You whined to yourself when you stare at your clock. You couldn't sleep because right now you feel burden and stress. You sat up and ruffle your hair.
"Aish!" You said to yourself and went to the bathroom. You decide to get ready early and take your time walking to school. You brush your teeth, wash your face and tied your hair up into a bun and put a bandanna around it. You put on your uniform but instead wearing a skirt, you wore your baggy sweatpants. Afterward, you put on your shoes and wear your backpack and exit the door. You have about an hour to spare, so you decide to wander around the busy street. Looking around and smelling the fresh morning, you start to think about life. You chuckled to yourself.
"What life? Psh" You said to yourself.
"Why am I even bother to go to school, there's no future for me anyways" You complain about yourself.
Shaking your head you look down on the street and continue your footstep with your hand in your pocket. You then felt something behind, you look with the corner of your eyes. Someone was walking behind you. You spun around and your eyes widen.
"Yah! What are you doing behind me" You said.
"Aish! Same school, same direction" The deep voice said.
"Its mad early though" You said to him.
"Said the one who is up this early too. Hypocrite" He said.
"Bwoh!?, Yah! Jihoon!" You said to him.
"Aish, its P.O! Call me P.O" P.O said. You glare at him and continue walking. 
"But what are you doing up so early?" P.O try to make conversation while catching up and walk side by side with you.
"I couldn't sleep" You said.
"Oh, same" P.O said. You look at him and he stare at you back with his kind eyes. You stare at him for few seconds and went back to reality and look away.
"Ooh, why?" You asked.
"Life" He begin. You were getting interest.
"How?" You asked.
"My life, what is my life?" He said and you pause and pay attention to him.
"My family, wait..what family" He laugh to himself. "My parents, which I feel like I don't have one, will always be busy and barely have time for their own son. My mother work 24/7 and I am grateful for that but it just, I want her to have a day off and have a talk to her me and get update from me. I want her to hug me and comfort me when I'm stress but I can't have that. And I want to eat her home cook food instead of ramen all the time. When she's home, I would be in my room doing my hw or sleeping already, then there's my dad, he would get home from work early but he will always go out with his friends and get drunk and don't care about family, he will gamble and wasted family saving money and he doesn't even know his own son birthday, like I have a family but don't feel the family love at all" P.O blurt everything out and you can't help but to pat his back for comfort.
"Its okay, one day, they will come together and you will experiment the family love" You said to him.
"My life is just hard, I will always hold the pain in and this cause me having anger issue and hold grudges and hate ppl. This is why I hang out with my gang a lot, like block b, they are like my real brother, they will always there for me and relieve my stress" He said looking down, you pout and understand him more. You never knew P.O have this side of him and you can't help it but to feel bad for him. You guys continue walking. "Its still early, you want to grab breakfast?" He suggest.
" would be better" You said. He smile and took your hand and walk you to a nearby cafe. You were shock at his soft hand holding onto yours. You follow his footstep and went into a cafe and bought morning coffee. You guys begin to walk to school again and sip on your own drink in between. 
"So, why can't you sleep" P.O was curious.
"You know, burden on my shoulder" You said.
"Like..." He said. You pause and wonder if you should tell him about your condition or not. Right now, the P.O you once knew have a really soft side in him and you really like that.
"Ummm...I don't really know how to explain it but let just" You said, you really want to tell him but what can he do when you tell him? He nodded his head and both arrived to school and part away because you guys have different class. Walking inside the class, the teacher look at your outfit.
"Sorry, my skirt is in the laundry" You lied, you weren't the type of girl to wear skirt so you make up excuse for it. You went to your desk and look out the window and think about how P.O and you had a talk earlier. He was actually a gentleman because while at the cafe, he would open the door for you and insist on paying. You chuckled to yourself and feel a little better and continue your day in school. 
The day past and school end.
"Yah! Minny!" You heard a voice and turn around from your locker.
"Himchan..what are you doing here?" You said shockingly.
"To pick you up, durh"
"Aigoo, you should appreciate and say thank you not asking why" He said crossing his arms. You glare at him. 
"How's your studying? good?" He ask.
"Why" You said again.
"Aish" He then put one arm around your neck. "Let's go on a date today, I was thinking about this weekend but I can't wait that long" He then give you a smirk. You push him lightly.
"Ew" You close your locker and swing your backpack over your shoulder. Exiting the school with your hands in your pocket, Himchan catch up.
"You didn't say no, so its a yes" He said grinning. You shake your head and decide you should spend time with him before its too late.
"Okay babo, what time?" You ask.
"Bwoh? Ummm....idk, just get ready by 5 and I will pick you up" He said.
"That's mad late, I have school tmrw" You said judging.
"Nope. Not at all, araso let me walk you home" He said. You both walk to your house.
"You can go now" You said before stepping in your house.
"Aish okay okay" He said and wave goodbye. You roll your eyes at how childish he is and chuckle to yourself. You went inside the house and wash up. You still have some time till 5, so you decide to do some studying but fell asleep.
"Knock knock" Himchan said at the door, it was around 5 now.
"Hello? Baby Min! Where are you?" He said at the door half jokingly and serious, he was wearing a black V-neck with a blazer and nice skinny jeans. You woke up by the noise. You rub your eyes and went to the front door and open it.
"Sup" You said yawning with eyes half open.
"AIGOO! DISASTER!" He whined to himself when he saw you.
"Bwoh? What do you want?" You said, forgetting about the date.
"Umm..hello? Our date?" He reminded you.
"Ooh yeah, hold on, let me getdress" You said shutting the door leaving him still outside. He knock the door again and you realize what you have done so you open the door for him to come in.
"Haha, my bee" You said to him. You went to your room to change while he's waiting on the couch.
"Hurry up woman!" He yell from the living room
"Hold on!" You said while putting on your cardigan. You are wearing your plain white fitted tank top with an oversize cardigan and blue skinny jeans. You exit your room.
"Let's go" You said to Himchan.

"What are you wearing?" He said looking at your outfit.
"Comfy clothes" You said.
"Nonono" He said then went to your room and check out your closet, after searching from hanger to hanger he found what he want.
"Here, this. Wear this. I pick it out for a reason you know?" He said giving you the outfit he picked out last time when you went shopping with B.A.P. It was the mini fitted dress with the demin vest. You glare at him if he was kidding. He keep pushing the outfit toward you. "Hurry up, wear it!" He  said jumping up and down. You chuckled and push him out your room and put it on. After putting it on "So...." You said as you step out the room. He turn around from the couch and look at you but quickly turn around covering his face.  "Well then.." He said removing his hand from his face and pull you to the front door and exit. You don't get his reaction but you let it slide as you guys begin to make memories. 


A/N: Helooooo~ Readers! School is being a jerk. Omgosh, my sleeping schedule is so F up. Smh. But you guys like Chapter 16? This chapter reveal who P.O actually is :3 And one of my readers want a moment btwn Himchan and Minny? So wait for the next chapter to see how their date goes. :D ANTICIPATE GUYS ANTINCIPATE BECAUSE IM GOING TO ADD GIF WITH THE TEXT SO I THINK IT WOULD BE DAEBAK LIKE YOU GUYS CAN ACTUALLY SEE WHATS GOING ON! OH, and their showcase!! Well dang! And here's a gift for the long waiting guys.  




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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 32: dawwwwwwww so cutteeee baby zelooo :D its really good authornimm it aint crappy not one bit :D
Chapter 32: and btw that "noona naekkeoya" is what most of Zelo's fans want to hear :P

i Liked this story because it was Himchan with Min , then I liked Zelo for her so many feelings easdkhfa :p
Chapter 32: not crappy at all thats exactly what i had in mind ^^ but the fact that u felt like you didnt want to continue it made me feel sad . you know sometimes hearing your readers while writing is good but when you write something you really like prefer writing exactly the way u want it to be so you wont feel like quiting the story . just some sort of advice might come handy , THANKS FOR THE GOOD TIME I HAD READING THIS YOU DA BEST :* ;)
Chapter 32: Waaaa!! First: OH MY HOLY SKY THEY WERE USING GUNS!!!! \O.O/ Second: Jongup why are you so cute???? ç.ç I really wanted that him and Minny ended up together, but now that she is with Zelo, I kinda of feel happy! n.n They are cute together too and makes sense that they ended up together. *w* I LOVED THE STORY!!! (besides this, I'm happy because is really difficult that the guy that end up the main character is Zelo and in this story he won the girl's hearth! *w* Noona is so proud of you Zelo! XD)
bmb022611 #5
Chapter 32: I'm so happy that she ended up with Jello :)
tafa_marie #6
ngawww what a cute and slightly dramatic story :)
im happy on who she ended up with !!!!!!
Chapter 31: Woah! This was a double(triple?) update!!! \*w*/ UHAY!! They come back to Korea!!! Mission??? Why did I smell some gangster issue there? XD huahahahah Weeeeeeeee!!! The story will continue!!!! \*w*/ -Just to not lose the habit: Please continue! *w*-
Chapter 30: I really really love the story, so I will be sad if you delete it. But it's up to you to decide since you are the author. :3
Chapter 29: Waaaaa!! AN ENTIRE YEAR ALREADY PASSED??? O.O For some odd reason I felt...old. XD huahahah I loved the new looks! \o/ XD -Please continue! *w*-