Weekend with the Populars

Falling for the Wrong Guy

    Easter holiday has arrived, Teen Top told you that they will be going to a holiday camp with the Kingkas and Queenkas of the school, and they would like to invite you. "~~~~, Infinite just told us that it is a tradition that the Kingkas and Queenkas of the school go on a holiday trip together during Easter holiday, to enjoy the weather of the beach and play sports, we were wondering if you would want to come with us ^^, we are going tomorrow morning in a big bus" "Ahahah it's alright, I'm not one of the Queenkas and Im not close to them either, so you guys just go and have fun" "But...But..." You were sadened by this, you really wanted to go, but you knew it would be hard to spend time with your friends like before because the Queenkas of the school hate you. You walked slowly home, with teary eyes.

    The next morning, you sat on your bed after waking up, looking at the picture you took with the guys during last summer before you transfered to Teen Academy. You thought *I wish we could have fun like before, and be close even if the Queenkas hate me, now I don't really know where I belong* Suddenly your mom called you "Hurry Up ~~~, get changed now, your going on a trip" you were so shocked "What What do you mean??" "Just do as I say!" your mom replied. You got changed and hurried down to your mother to see what is going on. Teen Top stood in your living room. "We called your mother and told your maid to help you pack for the trip ^^ we just couldn't go on a trip without you, it won't be fun. Hehe come on, It'll be like last year" You smiled and hurried with Teen Top.

      You met with Infinite and T-ara infront of Teen Top's dorm, "OMG 4 Eyes is coming too!!!! Yay!!!" Shouted Monkey boy, he was so energetic he ran towards you and nearly jumped on you, luckily Yeollie held him by the hands and held him "Monkey's mine!" "What's she doing here... ughh....". You then proceeded to the bus and took an hour ride. "Soo, what are you doing here?" said Jiyeon trying to fake a smile. "Ahahah we actually went to her house and pulled her here, she had no idea she was coming." laughed C.A.P. "Woww, you guys must be very close to do such an action" Jong Suk suddenly said. Everyone looked at him "I didn't know you could talk" Yeollie said teasingly. Jong Suk rolled his eyes.

    You guys finally arrived at the Holiday Camp area, there are beaches, soccer area, basketball area, picnic area, camp fire place etc. Yeollie and Monkeyboy was very happy they were so excited and energetic they started hugging each other and jumping around.

   You followed Teen Top to an open area and started to set up your own tent, you were really good in setting camps cause you use to go camping a lot with Teen Top while your parents were on trips. You setted up your tent quickly and saw Jong Suk having trouble with his tent.  You walked over and chuckled, you helped him with his tent. "Waa your really good with tents" "hahhaa I just go camping a lot with Teen Top last year, so I had a few practices" Jong Suk smiled and kept looking at you while you were focusing on setting his tent. After setting the tents, everyone moved into their own tent. All members in Teen Top, Infinite and T-ara sleep in pairs or threes, only you and Jong Suk had an individual tent.

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Tiffasaur0319 #1
Chapter 22: Ooooooooo someone be jelly
Tiffasaur0319 #2
Chapter 20: Omo *fangirls ahahhaha
Chapter 49: Aish i wanted to read this story cause of Jongsuk but i ended up with Sungyeol i love infinite and all but...huh im dissapointed for some reason....=_=
jessi828 #4
finished another story....i like this story:)
i'm up for a change!!it's not often I see sungyeol as a rival with woohyun!!keke!but that's just ME~~!!!^_^
andrienna #6
Chapter 48: Aaww~ so cute story you write here author-ssi~

And me likey the fact that she end with sungyeollie~
RainaSeoyounKo #7
Chapter 48: YESH!!!!!!!!!
*happy dance*
kojafan #8
Chapter 47: I got to admit that while reading this story I was like she is better with Jong suk but then I change my mind and say but sungyeol is soooo cute...anyway this was a really sweet story keep up the good work^_^
ada5842 #9
Chapter 46: The couple is sooooo cute. can't wait for crossing the pillow