Chapter 9

Teach Me How To Love


-The next day in school-

“Which classes are you in?” Woohyun compared his schedule with Jieun’s.

“Why?” She asked confused.

“I want to transfer into your classes…” Woohyun said without looking at her.

It was lunch break and Jieun wanted to sit in the garden. She wasn’t hungry nor did she want to see Myungsoo’s face.

“Jieun…” Woohyun suddenly said while looking up.

“Hm?” She looked at him.

“Is it true… You and L.Joe…” Woohyun said looking away.

Jieun sighed.

“We’re not dating… But… We like each other…” Jieun said.

“I wish I’d come earlier…” Woohyun said smiling but his smile didn’t reach his eyes.

“Why?” She asked confused.

“We would be the two new students and you’d fall for me instead of L.Joe… We would spend more time together and well… We could keep our promise…” Woohyun sighed.

“Hmm… Woohyun?” She said and he looked at her.

“Let’s do something tonight… You, Me and L.Joe…” She smiled.

“Why L.Joe?” Woohyun pouted.

“He’s my friend…” Jieun giggled.

“…and her undercover boyfriend…” L.Joe suddenly came out of nowhere and placed himself next to Jieun.

He placed a light kiss on her cheek and she smiled.

“Would you please…like… not do this when I’m around?” Woohyun sighed.

“Aww…” Jieun chuckled and hugged Woohyun’s arm.

“Do you love me?” Woohyun asked her. She nodded.

“Like you love L.Joe?” He smirked while taking a quick glance at L.Joe.

She nodded.

“You better be thankful that you’re her childhood friend!” L.Joe shook his head.

They were giggling when they saw Sungjong walking towards them.

“Hey noona!” He waved at her.

“Hey, Sungjong right?” Jieun smiled and he nodded.

“Did something happen?” She asked him.

“Well uhm… Do you have time tonight?” Sungjong scratched his neck.

“I’m sorry but I’m out with my friends tonight…” She said with an apologetic smile.

“Hyung- I mean Infinite wanted to take you out for dinner tonight… If you want to then your friends can join as well…” Sungjong said.

Jieun looked at L.Joe and Woohyun. Woohyun nodded.

“I’ll skip then…” L.Joe said.

“Okay then only you two?” Sungjong asked.

“Wait. Joe, why?” Jieun pouted.

“What would people think when they’d see L.Joe of Teen Top out with Infinite? No, thanks… I just skip…” He explained.

“Are you sure?” Jieun asked and he nodded.

“Okay then Sungjong… Woohyun and I will come over with Myungsoo…” Jieun said.

“Oh hyung won’t go home today after school…” Sungjong said.

“Where’s he going?” Jieun wondered.

“I don’t know… Something with his dad probably…” Sungjong looked away.

“You’re lying…” Jieun shook her head.


“It’s okay… Just tell us where you’ll meet up…” Jieun interrupted Sungjong.

“Sunggyu hyung will pick you up… I have to go now… See you tonight…” He turned around and started to run.

“Oh, noona, and they told me to tell you that you should dress pretty…” Sungjong waved and run back into the building.

“Dress pretty? Psht, no way…” L.Joe scoffed.

“I’m with her, you don’t have to worry…” Woohyun said smiling.

“That’s why I’m worried…” L.Joe shook his head and Jieun cuckled.


“You look handsome, Mr. Nam…” Jieun said as she came downstairs.

Woohyun was waiting at the stairs for Jieun to dress up and come down. After he heard her voice he looked up and saw Jieun wearing a midnight blue dress which was going down to her knees. Her slight, white arms were emphasized by the dark color of the dress.

“What?” She asked blushing.

Woohyun looked up at her without saying anything.

“Woohyun…” She was now next to him.

“You look beautiful…” He said with a slight smile.

“Um… Thanks…” Jieun blushed.

“Jieun, I-“ Woohyun started but was cut off by the doorbell ringing.

Jieun quickly walked up and opened the door to see Sunggyu in front of her.

“R-Ready?” He sounded surprised.

Jieun nodded and called for Woohyun.

“Hey, I’m Woohyun!” Woohyun stretched out his hand to shake Sunggyu’s hand.

“I’m Sunggyu…” Sunggyu took it and they shook it for quite a while.

“Let’s go…” Sunggyu said and started to walk towards a black car which was parked in front of the house.

Sunggyu placed himself at the front while Woohyun opened the door for Jieun to get in. After that he placed himself next to her and hugged her. Jieun caught Sunggyu looking at them from the driving mirror. When their eyes met, Sunggyu coughed and started the engine.
On the way no one talked. Then they arrived in front of a big yet country-styled restaurant. And again Woohyun held the door open for Jieun and helped her to get out. They hooked their arms and Sunggyu led both of them inside. The restaurant was empty and in the middle was a big round table. Infinite was already sitting there and you could hear their cheerful voices even from outside.

“They’re here, they’re here!” Dongwoo said excited and everyone became quite in an instant.

Myungsoo looked at Jieun and Jieun looked back at him. Their eyes were locked for a while before Jieun broke it.

“Noona, you sit next to L hyung and your friend can sit here…” Sungjong said and showed them their places.

Jieun and Woohyun had to sit separated. After a while the food came and everyone started to eat.

“Woohyun right?” Hoya talked to Woohyun and he nodded.

“How do you two know each other?” Hoya asked while pointing at Jieun and Woohyun.

“We’re childhood friends…” Woohyun said and looked at Jieun. She smiled slightly.

“And where is your school?” Seungyeol asked.

“It’s the same as Jieun’s, Woolim High…” Woohyun answered.

“Oh! It’s also our school… Don’t tell me- You’re the new student?” Sunggyu said.

“Hmm… Yeah I think so…” Woohyun nodded and slurped his soup.

Jieun was listening to them while talking. Woohyun became friends with Infinite immediately but Myungsoo wasn’t paying attention to any of this.

“Umm…” He coughed. Jieun didn’t look at him.

“Jieun, can you come out for a while?” Myungsoo asked. He got up and walked out.

She watched him leave and looked at Woohyun for a second. ‘I’ll be back!’ She formed with and left.
When she walked out she saw Myungsoo at a corner of the restaurant looking down at his feet while his hands were in his pockets.

“What is?” She asked him as she walked up to him.

“Oh you came…” He smiled slightly.

“What else should I do?” She asked confused.

“Umm… Jieun?” Myungsoo looked down again.

“Yes?” She asked while looking at him carefully.

“I’m sorry…” He whispered.

“For what?”

“For all the things I’ve done… For getting mad at you, for not being the man you wanted me to be…” He wasn’t looking up at her once.

“Hm… It’s okay…” She said and started to freeze.

“Can’t you- I mean, how about a new start? We didn’t meet in a very friendly way..?” He looked at her now. He was blushing.

“Sounds nice…” Jieun agreed.

“Could you leave…L.Joe?” Myungsoo looked down again.

“I’m not dating him…” She said while rubbing her arms from the cold.

She forgot her jacket at home. Myungsoo took his jacket off and placed it lightly on her. While doing that he came close to her and Jieun could smell his odor. He smelled really good and it made her want to hug him.

“But you still like him…” He whispered into her ear while his arms were still around her.

“I can’t let him go… He’s my best friend…” She whispered back.

Myungsoo moved back.

“Is he more important than me?!” He asked her. His face had changed.

“You both are important to me!” Jieun defended.

“You can’t leave him, so he’s more important than me, right? I knew it… I shouldn’t have done all this for today…” He said angry and walked pass her into the restaurant.

Jieun stood there for a moment before going back into the restaurant as well. She quietly placed herself next to Myungsoo and gave him his jacket. After that she didn’t talk at all nor did she look up. She was feeling guilty. Guilty without knowing why but feeling guilty towards Myungsoo and towards L.Joe.
After a while everyone got up.

“Dongwoo hyung, can you take Jieun home?” Myungsoo said while getting up.

“Huh?” Everyone looked surprised at him.

“I’ll be staying over at Seungyeol’s house tonight…” He said and walked towards the exit.

“O-Okay…” Dongwoo scratched his neck and walked out as well.

Woohyun and Jieun were following him.

“Dongwoo-ssi!” Jieun called out for him.

“Dongwoo-oppa, please…” He smiled at her.

“O-Okay… Um… It’s okay… Woohyun and I can go home by ourselves…” Jieun explained.

“No, no, L told me to take you home, so I will take you home sister-in-law… And a girl like you out at this hour… No, that’s not good… Even if Woohyun is with you…” Dongwoo smiled and opened the door for them to get in.

“Well then… Thank you…” Jieun smiled while getting in.

On their way back the car was quiet and you could only hear the music coming from the radio. Dongwoo sometimes took quick glances at Jieun from the driving mirror but Jieun was too busy looking out that she didn’t notice it.
After a while they arrived in front of Jieun’s house. Dongwoo turned around to face her before she got out.

“Umm… Jieun…?” He said and Jieun looked up.

“Don’t worry about him… He’s just someone… Well… He can’t express his feelings… Please be patient with him…” He explained and she nodded.

“I-I’ll wait outside…” Woohyun said and got out. He noticed that Dongwoo wanted to talk to Jieun alone.

“He never fell in love… He doesn’t know how it feels like… You have to teach him… It will be difficult but I’m sure you can do it.” Dongwoo smiled.

“I-I’ll try…” She whispered while looking down.

“I know you’re heartbroken but please try to understand him…” Dongwoo said again and Jieun nodded.

“Then… Good night!” Dongwoo waved while smiling and Jieun smiled back.

The air outside was cold. Woohyun was waiting in front of the house door for her.

“You’re alone tonight?” Woohyun asked while Jieun was unlocking the door.

“Well, you heard what Myungsoo said…” She shrugged.

“Mind if I stay over? I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep peacefully when I know you’re all by yourself in this house…” Woohyun said.

“Sure, why not!” Jieun smiled and walked upstairs.

“I just get dressed… Umm... Do you want me to take something for you from Myungsoo's?” She bit her lower lip.

“That’d be nice… I’ll be watching TV…” Woohyun said and walked towards the living room.

Jieun quickly dressed into her PJ’s and took a shirt and some pants from Myungsoo’s part of the wardrobe and run downstairs.

“Here…” She said as she walked into the living room.

Woohyun was watching a movie. He turned around and looked at her.

“Oh thanks!” He smiled as he got up.

Jieun reached him the clothes and sat down on the sofa. Woohyun suddenly started to his shirt next to her. Jieun looked at him with big eyes.

“What are you doing?” She asked surprised.

“Umm… Changing?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Here? Omg!” Jieun said and turned around, closing her eyes.

“Why? Did you never see a boy with their boxers?” He asked as he changed.

“Still!” She said.

“Why are you ashamed of your childhood friend?” Woohyun smirked and walked towards her.

“Y-Ya…” Jieun said as she heard his footsteps.

“Hmm?” He whispered next to her ear.

Jieun slowly turned around and looked at him. His face was only inches away.

“W-Woohyun…” She said but her voice cracked at the end.

“Jieun?” He whispered back.

He put his clothes next to her on the sofa and kneeled down in front of her. Than he put his head on her knees and hugged her legs.

“Jieun, I never forgot about you!” He said while his eyes were closed.

She smiled and his hair.

“Neither did I!” She answered back.

“I refused every girl only for you and then I came back to Korea to get you and you’re going to marry another guy while you’re in love with someone else…” His eyes were still closed.

“I didn’t choose the marriage…”

“But you choose L.Joe…” He got up.

“I don’t know how it happened with him… But be sure that you were the only boy up to now… You know what is funny? I always talked to this necklace you gave me… I thought that it’s a part of you and that you could actually answer me… But there was no answer… Never. At nights I would grab onto it tightly and fall asleep because I wanted to dream about you but you weren’t there… One time I lost the necklace… I cried so much that day but some teacher in my old school found it and returned it to me… Woohyun, 14 years I’ve been living with only your name… This necklace was my only friend… And then I transferred school and L.Joe became my friend… He was so nice to me that I ended up to fall for someone who was at least real…” Jieun explained while holding onto Woohyun’s necklace tightly.

“But you know that I didn’t choose to leave you…”

“I know… I don’t blame you… Don’t get me wrong… It’s just… After my mom’s death, so much happened… I was in deep depressions but somehow survived… My dad wasn’t there when I needed him the most… He was busy with his own pain… My friends turned their backs on me after they heard my dad going bankrupt… I had no one! Not even this necklace was enough anymore… But something always pushed me forward and now I know what it was… It was L.Joe…” She looked down.

“I-I’m sorry!” He said and hugged her.

“I didn’t know how much pain you had gone through… I was just acting selfish…” He her hair.

“But it’s okay now… Cause I have you… And I have L.Joe…” She hugged him tightly and smiled.


A/N: late again =.=" hope you'll like it :3 subscribe and comment.... i really think that the storyline gets boring if you don't comment D: 

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Chapter 42: What happened to Mina?
elfcassopeia #2
Chapter 42: Chpt 42: wow! This story is really nice. I really liked it ♡
Danieea #3
Chapter 42: i really liked it authornim:) good good
Chapter 42: Awww the ending :')
agneth #5
Chapter 42: Actually I like u'r story.. but I'm a little annoyed with two people or maybe I say hate to charater of L.Joe and jieun.. How can she to tame timing.. Huhffthh.. Oh so unfair..
FrrrAnikaFrrr #6
Chapter 42: This story is soooo amazing! I like it like it like it! ^.^