Chapter 41

Teach Me How To Love


“So who is coming over?“ Myungsoo asked as he was accessorizing the little fir tree.

It was Christmas in a few days and Jieun and Myungsoo were preparing.

“Infinite, Teen Top and Amber… Our parents aren’t coming.” Jieun said as she watched Myungsoo.

“Is… L.Joe coming?” Myungsoo looked up at her and she shook her head as she smiled slightly.

Just then the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” Jieun said and Myungsoo nodded as he continued his work.

Jieun opened the door and saw Dongwoo standing there with a huge teddy bear.

“Hello this is Ted. I heard that a princess was living here so I thought that I should visit her. Is it okay for you, princess?” Dongwoo changed his voice as he was holding the bear up in front of his face.

“Babo! Come in!” She let him in as she giggled.

“How are you?” Dongwoo hugged her after he took his shoes off.

“Fine, you?” Jieun asked him.

“The same.” Dongwoo said as he walked into the living room.

“I see, the man’s doing all the work.” He said loud as he laughed.

“Whaddup?” Myungsoo smiled at him.

“Psh and you ask that? How long are we friends now? 10 years? And you didn’t even call me all this time!” Dongwoo jumped on Myungsoo’s back.

“You could have called me as well.” Myungsoo said as they started a little fight.

“I get something to drink…” Jieun shook her head with a smile as she went to the kitchen.

As she was in the kitchen her phone rang and she got a message.

From: Sunggyu

I’m sorry but I can’t make it to the party…

Jieun looked at her phone disappointed. She took the tray with the glasses and walked to the living room. Myungsoo and Dongwoo were decorating the tree together now.

“Sunggyu’s not coming…” She said as she put the tray on the table.

“What?” Myungsoo and Dongwoo turned around at the same time.

“He just wrote me a message… He won’t come.” Jieun walked out of the living room into her bedroom.

She laid down on the bed and closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Meanwhile Myungsoo and Dongwoo were continuing to decorate the tree.

“Is it because….?” Dongwoo asked Myungsoo without looking at him.

“I thought he was over…” Myungsoo sighed.

“Don’t worry… It’ll be over soon…” Dongwoo patted his back.

Soon it was 7PM. Myungsoo woke Jieun up. They got dressed and walked downstairs. Everyone was there already.
Jieun looked around and saw that Sunggyu was really not there. Hoya approached her with a huge smile.

“You look great!” He said as he hugged her.

“Thanks…” Jieun smiled.

Myungsoo let them alone and went to greet Infinite. He tried to avoid Teen Top as good as possible.

“So how are you?” He asked her.

“Good… You?”

“Same… Gyu hyung didn’t come…” He then said without looking at her.

“I know. He wrote me.” She tried her best to not look sad.

She liked Sunggyu as a really good and she couldn’t understand why he was avoiding her.

“Can you tell him that I missed him and that he should visit me soon?” Jieun looked at Hoya.

“I-I’ll tell him…” Hoya scratched the back of his head. Than he waved towards Infinite and walked towards them.

After Hoya left Teen Top walked up to her and they greeted each other.

“Oh my god, how long has it been? Half a year?” Jieun smiled happily.

“Bad woman.” Cap said smiling.

“Sure…” Jieun giggled.

“How’s Jiyoung doing?” Jieun asked Cap.

“We broke up…” Cap looked down.

“Yeah, that hoe cheated on him…” Chunji rolled his eyes.

“Oh… I-I’m sorry…” Jieun felt guilty about asking.

“It’s okay… I wanted to break up anyways…” Cap smiled as he shrugged.

“Just a second, L.Joe hyung is calling…” Changjo said as he walked away with his phone.

Jieun coughed slightly and looked away.

“Is everything okay?” Chunji asked as he looked at Jieun.

She just nodded and smiled.

“What did he say?” Ricky asked when Changjo came back.

“He asked where we were and I told him that we were at Jieun noona’s party and I told him to come over.” Changjo said as he put his phone into his pocket.

“Is he coming?” Cap asked.

“Nope… He said maybe next time… Like seriously? The next Christmas party is in a year… Idiot.” Changjo shook his head.

“Maybe his girlfriend didn’t let him. You know she’s acting all up and stuff.” Cap said.

“Joe has a girlfriend?” Jieun asked surprised.

“Didn’t he tell you?” Ricky asked surprised as well.

“His girlfriend probably doesn’t let him see any other girl…” Chunji hit Ricky slightly.

“Uh yeah… I think that’s it.” Jieun smiled awkwardly.

It’s been a month now that they were back from the trip and since then Jieun and L.Joe didn’t see each other.


“Kids say goodbye to Jieun and Myungsoo!” The grandma said to the kids.

Then each of them hugged Jieun and Myungsoo and waved goodbye as they were walking away.

“It’s serious.” Myungsoo said to Jieun as he was waving.

“What?” Jieun looked at him confused.

“You and L.Joe. You guys didn’t even say goodbye to each other…” Myungsoo raised his eyebrows.

“Ah, just let him be. Let’s go home now, I’m hungry.” Jieun pouted as she locked her arms with Myungsoo.

End of flashback


Jieun was in the supermarket doing some grocery shopping while Myungsoo was at his father’s company.

“The only thing I need now is… Milk…” She said as she looked for the milk.

“Ah here we go.” She reached for the milk but at the same time someone else grabbed the milk.

Jieun looked up and her eyes widened.

“Sunggyu…?” She said surprised.

“Jieun… Uh, here.” He gave her the milk.

“T-Take it.” She said as she continued staring at him.

“Come on, take it!” He said as he put the milk into the cart.

Then they kept quiet for a while before Jieun spoke up.

“How are you?” She asked as they started to look around in the supermarket together.

“Fine… Hey, I’m really sorry about the party…” Sunggyu apologized.

“It’s okay…” Jieun said and looked away.

“I really wanted to come but something came in between…”

“It’s okay… Really… It’s just that…” Jieun sighed.

“What?” Sunggyu asked.

“It seems like you’re avoiding me…” Jieun looked down.

“I-I… No, Jieun… I mean… No.” Sunggyu stuttered.

“It’s okay. I just want you to tell me if something is wrong you know. Cause it’s driving me nuts when someone suddenly stops talking to me… You know?” She sighed.

“I’m sorry…” Sunggyu suddenly hugged her.

“It’s okay…” Jieun hugged him back.

“Did you come with Myungsoo?” Sunggyu asked as they let go and Jieun shook her head.

“Well… Let me drive you home then.” He smiled at her.

“Come in.” Jieun offered Sunggyu when they reached their home.

“I have to go… Maybe next time.”  He smiled and waved as he walked towards his car again.

“Hey Sunggyu!” Jieun suddenly called after him and he turned around.

“It was nice… Meeting you again.” She smiled and waved.

Sunggyu smiled as well and then he sat down in his car and drove away. Jieun was about to close the door when someone suddenly put his foot in between.

“Wha- Joe?” Jieun’s eyes widened.

L.Joe hugged her tightly as he walked in with her.

“I’ve missed you so much. You don’t even know!” He whispered as he hugged her.

“Joe… What are you doing… Stop!” She pushed him away.

Jieun then closed the external door and turned around again to face him.

“I know, we agreed on this. We agreed not to see each other but… It’s too hard for me. I can’t do it anymore.” He grabbed her hands.

“No, Joe. We tried it and it didn’t work out. Please leave now.” Jieun took her hands away.

“Jieun please. I promise that I won’t do it anymore. Let’s just be friends.” He continued begging her.

“ENOUGH!” Jieun suddenly screamed and L.Joe winced.


“Jieun, I’m sorry… I know I shouldn’t have kis-“

“Stop! Don’t say it anymore! I love Myungsoo and that’s it. I don’t want you in my life anymore.” Jieun said with teary eyes.

“You hate me so much?” L.Joe also had teary eyes.

“Yes… Now leave!” Jieun opened the door so he would leave.

“I will never come back anymore when I leave now.” He said as he looked at her.

Jieun didn’t reply and stared at him.

“Fine… I hope you’ll live well.” He said and walked away.

Jieun banged the door close and started to cry. She still wanted to be friends with him but she had to do this for his own good.


“Joe.” She whispered as she leaned her head on his back.

L.Joe didn’t move.

“Joe, I’m sorry… I didn’t want this all to happen. You are right if Myungsoo wouldn’t have walked into our lives than we would be still dating. I’m sorry for all this.” She whispered as she pulled on his shirt.

L.Joe slowly turned around and grabbed her arms. He looked deep into her eyes as he leaned in. Jieun leaned back and looked at him with teary eyes.

“Let’s promise each other. Let’s promise that we won’t see each other after this. You and me… Let’s make it like it never happened. But let me kiss you… For the very last time.” He said.

Jieun nodded slowly and L.Joe leaned in again. He placed his lips on her lips and started to kiss her softly. They kissed for a long while when Jieun let go.

“Nothing happened.” Jieun said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Nothing happened. You and I are strangers.” L.Joe nodded as a tear rolled down his cheek as well.

End of flashback


A/N: finaaaaaaaaaaaaallllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hehehe ok so the flashbacks are the things that happened between L.Joe and Jieun during the trip~ :)
the next chapter will also be the last chapter :(( but i have a new story called
Re-Love~ please check it out! :))

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Chapter 42: What happened to Mina?
elfcassopeia #2
Chapter 42: Chpt 42: wow! This story is really nice. I really liked it ♡
Danieea #3
Chapter 42: i really liked it authornim:) good good
Chapter 42: Awww the ending :')
agneth #5
Chapter 42: Actually I like u'r story.. but I'm a little annoyed with two people or maybe I say hate to charater of L.Joe and jieun.. How can she to tame timing.. Huhffthh.. Oh so unfair..
FrrrAnikaFrrr #6
Chapter 42: This story is soooo amazing! I like it like it like it! ^.^